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以10万t合成氨变换气碳丙脱碳净化装置为应用对象,设计了新型透平增压式能量回收系统,在国内率先将透平增压泵应用于合成氨脱碳能量回收工艺。与现有余压能量回收装置相比,透平增压泵结构独特,调节工艺简单,可很好地适应流体特性波动,因而系统运行平稳,故障率低,寿命长,综合效益明显。  相似文献   

以合成氨脱碳工艺系统参数为设计条件,设计了高效能量回收透平增压泵的透平侧和泵侧模型。基于两侧水力模型相关流量、转速、轴功率等参数给出变工况下两侧模型高效匹配规则。通过匹配规则设计的透平增压泵回收效率可达到60. 6%,高效率区间为0. 84QBEP~1. 23QBEP。  相似文献   

从液力透平泵的工作原理出发,简述了液力透平泵在净化脱碳系统的能量回收工艺过程,并分析对比了不同型号的液力透平泵在该系统应用后的节电效果,得出结论:液力透平泵的正确选型及运行工况的合理调节是煤化工厂脱碳系统能量回收的关键。  相似文献   

以现有2 kt/d垃圾渗透液处理系统为基础,采用透平增压泵取代现有工艺的循环泵,设计了新型带能量回收装置的垃圾渗透液处理工艺系统。实际运行结果表明,透平增压泵能量回收效率32.6%,降低整个系统能耗5%;同时减少系统故障率提高系统运行稳定性,降低了系统维护成本。可为垃圾渗透液处理工艺系统改造提供良好的依据。  相似文献   

以余压透平发电技术在合成氨脱碳工艺中的应用为基础,将脱碳工艺中产生的高压液体能量回收。通过透平做功驱动发电机发电,实现能量的转化。对能量回收过程中流量、压力控制进行了优化调节,使系统能稳定、高效地回收液体压力能量。提出了应用静叶调节来控制透平的转速,实现透平转速的自动控制。采用异步发电机可控晶闸管软并网方式,并以PLC、触摸屏和现场传感器等设备,对发电并网过程中的参数进行监控和调节。  相似文献   

介绍了能量回收透平、涡轮增压器、功交换器等余压能量回收装置的基本流程;简述了余压能量回收装置在我国湿法脱碳工艺中的应用情况;对比分析了上述3种余压能量回收装置的优缺点。结果表明,涡轮增压器具有占地面积小、易于安装、运行周期长、能量回收效率高(达80%以上)等优势,若将其应用于现有脱碳系统的改造及低温甲醇洗工艺,将会产生良好的节能效果和经济效益。  相似文献   

简要介绍液力透平泵的基本原理及用液力透平泵回收NHD脱碳系统富液的能量这一项目的工艺方案、工艺流程和取得的效果,达到了回收余能、降低电耗的目的。  相似文献   

谢亚 《贵州化工》2010,35(4):56-58
水力透平是液力能量回收装置,由于原设备在设计上有缺陷,设备故障率较高,能量回收效率较低,通过改进后,提升了设备效率,平衡了脱碳半贫液循环系统的载荷,有效的降低了设备故障率。  相似文献   

齐鲁石化公司第一化肥厂合成车间的脱碳系统原采用环丁砜乙醇胺脱碳。脱碳液出吸收塔时的压力为1.5MPa,流量为300m3/h,需降压至0.5MPa进再生塔。为回收这部分压差能量,在1988年改用改良苯菲尔脱碳的同时,安装了2台液力透平,通过离合器与贫液...  相似文献   

在低温甲醇洗脱硫脱碳工艺中,吸收了H_2S和CO_2的富甲醇液通过减压闪蒸实现脱硫脱碳液的初步净化,在此过程中存在压力能的损失。采用液力透平泵一体化设备回收此部分能量并用于驱动机泵取代H_2S浓缩塔富甲醇液泵,经实际运行,节能效果明显,年可节省电费超过56万元。  相似文献   

介绍两段法变压吸附脱除变换气中CO2的情况及流程,提出装置在运行中需注意的问题.与常规变压吸附技术和湿法脱碳技术相比,在相同操作条件下,采用两段法变压吸附全回收专利技术吨氨运行费用最少,仅64.6元.  相似文献   

叙述了多胺法(改良MDEA)脱除CO_2的基本原理——MDEA与CO_2的反应机理和MDEA对CO_2具有物理吸收及化学吸收的双重性,以及本工艺的双活化剂的独特性。介绍了在合成氨及甲醇生产中,采用本工艺脱CO_2具有的净化度高、能同时脱除硫化物、吸收能力高、热能耗低、溶液损失少、可利用闪蒸提高再生气CO_2纯度等特点,以及现有多胺法装置扩大生产能力的途径。还介绍了本工艺近几年来的技术新进展、新装置的投运情况。最后分析了部分工厂生产中存在的设备腐蚀、溶剂起泡、热能耗高、净化度差等问题,并提出解决办法。  相似文献   

针对高炉煤气中氮气与CO、CO_2分离困难,开发出回收其中CO和CO_2的变压吸附新技术.CO和CO_2与变压吸附从焦炉煤气中提取的H_2配合,可获得满足要求的甲醇合成气,并同时保证钢铁生产的物质平衡和能量平衡.新工艺为物理分离、混合过程,不包含转化等反应步骤,过程简单,是一种高炉煤气碳减排利用的有效方法.  相似文献   

If substantial amounts of CO2, which according to actual scenarios may in the future be captured from industrial processes and power generation, shall be utilized effectively, scalable energy efficient technologies will be required. Thus, a survey was performed to assess a large variety of applications utilizing CO2 chemically (e.g., production of synthesis-gas, methanol synthesis), biologically (e.g., CO2 as fertilizer in green houses, production of algae), or physically (enhancement of fossil fuel recovery, use as refrigerant). For each of the processes, material and energy balances were set up. Starting with pure CO2 at standard conditions, expenditure for transport and further process specific treatment were included. Based on these calculations, the avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions by applying the discussed technologies was evaluated. Based on the currently available technologies, applications for enhanced fossil fuel recovery turn out to be most attractive regarding the potential of utilizing large quantities of CO2 (total capacity > 1000 Gt CO2) and producing significant amounts of marketable products on one hand and having good energy and material balances on the other hand $ \left( {{{t_{CO_2 - emitted} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{t_{CO_2 - emitted} } {t_{CO_2 - utilized} < 0.2 - 0.4}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {t_{CO_2 - utilized} < 0.2 - 0.4}}} \right) $ \left( {{{t_{CO_2 - emitted} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{t_{CO_2 - emitted} } {t_{CO_2 - utilized} < 0.2 - 0.4}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {t_{CO_2 - utilized} < 0.2 - 0.4}}} \right) . Nevertheless, large scale chemical fixation of CO2 providing valuable products like fuels is worth considering, if carbon-free energy sources are used to provide the process energy and H2 being essential as a reactant in a lot of chemical processes (e.g., production of DME: $ {{t_{CO_2 - emitted} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{t_{CO_2 - emitted} } {t_{CO_2 - utilized} > 0.34}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {t_{CO_2 - utilized} > 0.34}} $ {{t_{CO_2 - emitted} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{t_{CO_2 - emitted} } {t_{CO_2 - utilized} > 0.34}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {t_{CO_2 - utilized} > 0.34}} ). Biological processes such as CO2 fixation using micro-algae look attractive as long as energy and CO2 balance are considered. However, the development of effective photo-bioreactors for growing algae with low requirements for footprint area is a challenge.  相似文献   

变压吸附法回收高炉气中CO的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘晓勤  马正飞  姚虎卿 《化学工程》2003,31(6):54-57,73
采用载铜吸附剂进行了变压吸附回收高炉气中CO的工业侧线试验 ,考察了载铜吸附剂与 5A分子筛分别用于回收高炉气中CO时的产品纯度和CO的回收率 ,试验结果表明 ,载铜吸附剂对高浓度N2 中的CO有很好的选择性 ,其性能优于 5A分子筛。从技术经济角度分析了两步变压吸附法应用于高炉气中CO回收的可行性、环境效应和经济效益。  相似文献   

介绍了用于合成气、城市煤气及CO_2等净化过程的脱硫剂及脱硫技术。目前迫切需要开发低、常温下简易,低能耗的微量硫脱除方法。  相似文献   

If substantial amounts of CO2, which according to actual scenarios may in the future be captured from industrial processes and power generation, shall be utilized effectively, scalable energy efficient technologies will be required. Thus, a survey was performed to assess a large variety of applications utilizing CO2 chemically (e.g., production of synthesis-gas, methanol synthesis), biologically (e.g., CO2 as fertilizer in green houses, production of algae), or physically (enhancement of fossil fuel recovery, use as refrigerant). For each of the processes, material and energy balances were set up. Starting with pure CO2 at standard conditions, expenditure for transport and further process specific treatment were included. Based on these calculations, the avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions by applying the discussed technologies was evaluated. Based on the currently available technologies, applications for enhanced fossil fuel recovery turn out to be most attractive regarding the potential of utilizing large quantities of CO2 (total capacity > 1000 Gt CO2) and producing significant amounts of marketable products on one hand and having good energy and material balances on the other hand \(\left( {{{t_{CO_2 - emitted} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{t_{CO_2 - emitted} } {t_{CO_2 - utilized} < 0.2 - 0.4}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {t_{CO_2 - utilized} < 0.2 - 0.4}}} \right)\). Nevertheless, large scale chemical fixation of CO2 providing valuable products like fuels is worth considering, if carbon-free energy sources are used to provide the process energy and H2 being essential as a reactant in a lot of chemical processes (e.g., production of DME: \({{t_{CO_2 - emitted} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{t_{CO_2 - emitted} } {t_{CO_2 - utilized} > 0.34}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {t_{CO_2 - utilized} > 0.34}}\)). Biological processes such as CO2 fixation using micro-algae look attractive as long as energy and CO2 balance are considered. However, the development of effective photo-bioreactors for growing algae with low requirements for footprint area is a challenge.  相似文献   

烟道气中二氧化碳回收技术的研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
肖九高 《现代化工》2004,24(5):47-49
介绍了一乙醇胺(MEA)法回收烟道气中二氧化碳的基本原理和工艺流程,指出MEA法具有蒸汽消耗量高、溶液腐蚀性强、MEA易与氧气发生降解反应等缺点。开发了一种从烟道气中回收二氧化碳的新技术,采用的吸收剂是在MEA水溶液中添加了活性胺、抗氧剂和防腐剂的复合溶液。将新技术应用于赤天化集团有限公司烟道气中二氧化碳的回收装置上,试验结果表明,二氧化碳年平均产量提高了25.8%,1m3二氧化碳的蒸汽消耗量可减少3.23kg,并可解决MEA对设备的腐蚀问题。  相似文献   

杨德福  曹树枫 《化肥工业》2006,33(5):36-38,42
由于工艺设计和设备制造等方面存在不足,化肥装置运行不稳定,产量、消耗及三废排放等各项指标均达不到设计要求。通过增设预转化炉,并对氨回收系统、尿素合成塔、锅炉给水系统、脱碳余热回收等进行技术改造,装置运行稳定,负荷提高至110%,取得了可观的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

DEA溶液吸收/再生CO2的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化学溶液法脱除CO2是工业中一项传统的净化气体的方法。DEA是目前回收烟道气中低浓度CO2所使用的最主要试剂,本实验进行DEA吸收CO2的实验,掌握了溶液pH值与CO2浓度变化的情况,并用这一方法进行测定CO2浓度的研究。通过考察溶液的再生情况,了解再生温度对溶液再生效果的影响。  相似文献   

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