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研究一类可以用(max,min,+)等代数运算描述的具有约束的赋时Petri网的性能鲁棒性.首先给出了此类Petri网的统一的代数描述,并将性能鲁棒性问题形式化.接着给出了参数区间摄动情形下性能保持鲁棒性的一个充分条件.对于仅包含(min,+)和(min,max)运算的特殊情形,得到了参数区间摄动情形下性能保持鲁棒性的充分必要条件.  相似文献   

基于以太网响应时间的恰当的分析模型具有并发、动态、冲突、实时性等特点。传统的建模方法在解决这类问题时存在着复杂、僵化、柔韧性差、没有时间概念等缺点。赋时分层着色Petri网(HTCPN)通过增加请求、服务、协调、多实例化等新的建模元素,能够仿真和模拟基于实时性的客户枷服务器交互关系的问题,同时分层技术的引入也更 利于模拟任意结构的以太网模型。本文基于HTCPN建立了共享式和交换式以太网模型,通过对以太网模型响应时间的分析证明了HTCPN适合仿真和模拟这类问题。  相似文献   

讨论受控Petri网的一类禁止状态避免问题,该类禁止状态用广义互 约束的形式给出。  相似文献   

受控Petri网是离散事件动态系统(DEDS)的一种控制理论模型.通过模型来研究实现禁止状态避免的最大允许反馈控制是DEDS控制理论中的一个重要课题.文中对受控Petri网的一个子类(非受控变迁子集的外延子网为TC网)讨论控制综合问题,给出求这类受控网中实现禁止状态避免的最大允许反馈控制的一个算法.  相似文献   

生产调度是多产品间歇生产过程中的一类重要问题。赋时Perti网技术是求解此类问题的一种有效方法。本文给出了复杂中间存储策略下间歇化工过程生产调度的描述方法,包括:无限存储策略UIS、有限存储策略FIS、无中间存储策略NIS和混合存储策略MIS。同时给出了调度求解的修正分支定界和赋时Petri网执行(MBBTE)算法,并通过实例说明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

李歧强  丁然 《计算机仿真》2001,18(5):62-66,28
分拣系统中,由于操作人员的参与,可能导致能导被分拣货物和装箱清单一致,这主要是由于包控制和货包信息的同步跟踪不可控所造成。为解决这个问题,该文提出受控时扩展Petri网,在此基础上对自动分拣系统进行了建模,并分析了操作人员的控制作用,实际应用表明,受控计时扩展Petri网为具有人参与的物流提供了一种良好的建模方法。  相似文献   

为了消除制造系统调度层与控制层之间的隔阂, 实现对生产事件快速灵活响应, 本文提出了一种调度与控制一体化的方法. 首先, 定义了一种新型Petri网模型, 即平行Petri网, 从而集成地描述了传感器、执行器、任务和资源信息, 构建制造系统的信息物理系统模型; 其次, 提出了一种从平行Petri网到赋时Petri网的抽象简化方法, 大规模压缩优化调度所需搜索的状态空间; 再次, 定义了策略Petri网以描述最优调度策略. 最后, 给出了平行Petri网与策略Petri网同步执行算法, 使得平行Petri网与物理系统同步执行.  相似文献   

随着旅游规模的不断扩大,旅游高峰期庞大的客流量给景区热门景点的管理工作带来了巨大的压力和挑战。针对景区高峰期游客在热门景点超载和游客分布不平衡的问题,以游客在景区中的动态游览为基础,提出了赋时Petri网的游客分流模型和四种分流策略。在以游客满意度以及景区负载率方差为评价标准下,通过仿真实验来分析不同策略的优点和不足,并对不同评价标准提出合适的策略,对于景区的游客分流管理具有实际的参考价值。  相似文献   

基于着色赋时Petri网的堆垛机建模与调度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了直观、简洁地研究AS/RS中的堆垛机运送系统,应用着色赋时Petri网(CTPN)建立了其动态模型。同时针对原有系统的不足,提出了基于双队列缓冲的堆垛机控制策略及双循环作业方式的路径优化策略,从而缓解了该系统中可能产生的阻塞现象,提高了堆垛机运送系统和出入库站台的效率,这对保证出入库的高效、正常、有序的进行有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

一类受控Petri网的状态反馈逻辑的综合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将Holloway和Krogh关于受控标记图的禁态控制方面的结果扩展到更广泛的一类受控Petri网──不可控子网为前后向无冲突的受控Petri网,并去掉了关于初始标记和禁态规范的限制.  相似文献   

基于时间Petri网的实时系统低能耗高层综合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以时间Petri网为模型,验证系统功能性和实时性,在此基础上,提出了一种由子任务的能耗变化率驱动的启发式能耗优化算法,并针对一类特殊形式的网模型——可组合时间Petri网,设计了相应的简化算法.实验说明,上述算法时间复杂度低,且优化效果接近最优值,能够为实时系统低能耗高层综合提供有力支持.  相似文献   

Control Synthesis of Petri Nets Based on S-Decreases   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A method for constructing a controller for a discrete event system modeled by a Petri net is presented in this paper. The control specification of the system is given by a set of linear inequality constraints defined on the marking of the net. The controller that forces the net to obey the constraints is an extended Petri net, which is synthesized based on minimal support S-decreases. The method can deal with general Petri nets with uncontrollable transitions, and then provides a systematic way for synthesizing net-based controllers for discrete event systems.  相似文献   

针对汽车检测线运行效率评估及确保给定数量车辆检测时间最短的问题,通过分析检测过程中的驱动事件和状态演变,给出了车辆调度的约束条件,在此基础上把模型中的时间约束与受控Petri网相结合,提出了受控时间Petri网(Controlled Time Petri Nets)模型,采用该模型对检测线调度过程中的节拍控制与车辆调度进行可视化的建模与分析。实践表明对于多批次车辆检测任务采用该过程模型可明显缩短检测时间。  相似文献   

文中借助时间Petri网出色的图形表达能力和对动态行为的描述,在Tina工具辅助下完成了对舰空导弹发射控制软件建模和安全性分析,分析了高风险状态的可达性,考虑到软件时效对安全性的影响,提出了一些改进建议以避免高危状态的出现。  相似文献   

提出一种基于全局时间的时间Petri网状态类构造方法——扩展时间戳状态类方法。该方法通过添加变迁的同步使能信息到时间戳状态类,并修改可实施条件和实施规则,解决了时间戳状态类方法中同步使能变迁的可实施性问题。  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the issue of the formal verification of real-time systems in the context of a preemptive scheduling policy. We propose an algorithm which computes the state-space of the system, modeled as a time Petri net with stopwatches, exactly and efficiently, by the use of Difference Bounds Matrices (DBM) whenever possible and automatically switching to more time and memory consuming general (convex) polyhedra only when required. We propose a necessary and sufficient condition for the need of general polyhedra. We give experimental results comparing our implementation of the method to a full DBM over-approximation and to an exact computation with only general polyhedra.  相似文献   

孙智坚  姜浩 《微机发展》2006,16(9):50-52
工作流系统中的时间管理是工作流建模和分析的重要组成部分。支持动态修改是人们在实际应用中对工作流系统提出的新要求。文中在基于时间约束的Petri网模型基础上,根据时间约束推理规则,提出一种动态修改时间约束时检验工作流一致性的方法,从而丰富了工作流的时间管理功能。  相似文献   

This paper deals with a state observation approach for Discrete Event Systems with a known behavior. The system behavior is modeled using a Time Petri Net model. The proposed approach exploits temporal constraints to assess the system state and therefore detect and determine faults given partial observability of events. The goal here is to track the system state and to identify the event scenarios which occur on the system. Our approach uses the class graph of the Time Petri Net which models the complete system behavior to develop a state observer which is a base to perform online fault detection and diagnosing.
Pascal YimEmail:

Mohamed Ghazel   is a researcher in ESTAS (Evaluation and Safety of Automated Transport Systems) research team of the INRETS (The French national institute for transport and safety research) institute. Born in Mednine (Tunisia) in 1978, he obtained in 2005 his PhD in Automatic control and industrial computer sciences at the LAGIS – Ecole Centrale de Lille/University of Lille. (France), in 2002 the Master’s degree in automatic control and industrial computer sciences from the same establishment, and in 2001 the engineer diploma in productics–logistics from the ENSAIT de Roubaix (France). Dr. Ghazel works on safety and security and develops methods of behavioural modelling, state estimation, fault detection and diagnostic from a discrete point of view while using formal (Petri Nets, State finite Automata, etc.) and semi-formal (UML, etc.) models. The main applications of his research are in manufacturing and transportation systems, with a special interest in railways (ERTMS, SELCAT, etc.). He has several publications in international journals and conferences. Armand Toguyéni   is a Professor of Computer Sciences and Discrete Events Systems (D.E.S.) at the Ecole Centrale de Lille (France). He has in charge the Department of Computer Sciences of the “Institut de Génie Informatique et Industriel de Lens”. Born in Dakar (Senegal) in 1964, he obtained in 1988 the Engineer Diploma of the “Institut Industriel du Nord” (French “Grande Ecole”) and the same year his Master Degree in Computer Sciences. He obtained a Ph.D. in Automatic control for Manufacturing and Discrete Events systems in 1992 and his “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” in 2001. Pr. Toguyeni’s research area is the Quality of Service (QoS) of D.E.S. More particularly one of its topic research is the design and the implementation of dependable controls for Automated Production Systems. He works more particularly on Fault Detection and Isolation techniques for Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS). He has developed different approaches for the diagnostic of faults based on plant items reports or the analysis of the production flows in an FMS. Pascal Yim   is Professor at the Ecole Centrale de Lille. His research are based both on concepts from discrete automatics and software engineering with a special interest on Petri Nets, constraint programming and information systems. The principal applications of his work come from design and optimisation of transport systems, in particular railways. He published several papers in international journals and conferences and was in charge of numerous industrial projects (SNCF, port fluvial de Lille, 3 Suisses France...). Pascal Yim was coordinator of francophone team on Petri Nets and responsible of the regional pole of transport security (ST2). He is also correspondent of the European excellence research network on railways (EURNEX).   相似文献   

时间Petri网存在强语义和弱语义两种模型,弱语义模型更适合建模和分析外部环境触发的冲突选择问题,但其形式语义和可达性分析方面的研究,却很少有人问津。利用带标号的变迁系统定义时间Petri网弱语义模型的形式语义,采用时间戳状态类方法分析它的可达性,并证明了可达性问题的可判性和状态类时间戳的全局时间性质。  相似文献   

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