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Clearance of Candida albicans from the oral cavity is thought to be mediated via specific receptor-ligand interactions between salivary constituents and the fungus. Since surfaces in the oral cavity are normally coated with a saliva-derived pellicle, specific interactions between salivary constituents and C. albicans may also contribute to adhesion of C. albicans to the oral mucosa and dental prostheses. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify salivary constituents to which C. albicans is capable of binding. A solid-phase overlay assay was used in which electrophoretically separated rat and human salivary constituents bound to membrane filters were incubated with radiolabelled C. albicans cells. C. albicans adhered to a single salivary component from each host. Correlation of cell-binding activity with specific monoclonal antibody (MAb)-binding activity indicated that the constituent bound by C. albicans in human saliva was low-molecular-weight mucin (MG2) and that in rat saliva was rat submandibular gland (RSMG) mucin. Further studies showed an identical cell hybridization signal and MAb colocalization by using RSMG ductal saliva and an aqueous RSMG extract in the solid-phase overlay assay. Analysis of cell binding to the aqueous extract of RSMG fractionated by anion-exchange chromatography demonstrated that C. albicans binding was restricted to an acidic subfraction of the RSMG extract, which also bound the RSMG mucin-specific MAb. The Candida-binding fraction contained predominantly RSMG mucin glycoprotein and also a noncovalently associated, chloroform-extractable material. Furthermore, we identified two strains of C. albicans which differed severalfold in the ability to bind RSMG mucin in the overlay assay. These results suggest that C. albicans binds to only a specific subfraction of RSMG mucin and that the two C. albicans strains tested differ in the ability to bind RSMG mucin subfractions.  相似文献   

Salivary secretory IgA (sIgA) has been shown to react with a group of heat shock mannoproteins preferentially expressed on yeast cells grown at 37 degrees C. Since at this temperature C. albicans can induce germ tubes, we explored the role of germ tube induction on human salivary sIgA reactivity in both germinative and agerminative C. albicans strains, in an attempt to investigate whether the germ tube expressed the heat shock mannoproteins reactive with sIgA. The reactivity with sIgA of the agerminative strain, grown at 25 and 37 degrees C for different times, was measured spectrofluorometrically and was fairly constant with time. Yeast cells grown at 37 degrees C tended to be more reactive than those grown at 25 degrees C. In contrast, when compared with the yeast cells of the germinative strain grown at 25 degrees C, there was a statistically significant decrease in reactivity with sIgA during germ tube formation. Serum IgA and IgG did not show statistically significant changes in reactivity with C. albicans during germination, suggesting differences in reactivity with C. albicans cell wall antigens between mucosal and systemic humoral responses. Cell wall mannoproteins of molecular masses > 60 kDa were characterized by Western blotting as responsible for the decrease in sIgA reactivity observed in the germ tube, and the fall in sIgA reactivity was related to the release of cell wall mannoproteins into the culture medium. The release of these mannoproteins may be a mechanism whereby C. albicans avoids the action of sIgA, and it may play an important role in the post-parasite relationship in oral candidiasis.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural examinations of sites where Candida albicans invaded the bowel wall after oral intragastric inoculation of infant mice suggested that blastoconidia are capable of progressive extracellular digestion of the intestinal mucus barrier. Microplate assay methods, based on biotin or digoxigenin-labelling systems, were therefore devised for quantitation of protease and glycosidase activities against the glycoprotein mucin. Labelled mucin was adsorbed on microplate wells, incubated with sample to be assayed for enzyme activity, and the remaining labelled mucin was quantitated by spectrophotometry. Proteolytic activity against mucin was demonstrated using concentrated culture filtrate of C. albicans strain LAM-1, grown in yeast nitrogen base medium containing mucin as sole nitrogen source. The activity was inhibited by boiling for 10 min or by incubation with the aspartyl proteinase inhibitor pepstatin A.  相似文献   

Growth-subinhibitory nonlytic doses of cilofungin (lipopeptide antibiotic affecting (1,3)-beta-D-glucan synthesis) inhibited the incorporation of 46- to 48-kDa glucan-associated (46K) protein into the growing cell wall of Candida albicans. The purified 46K protein constituent strongly reacted with a monoclonal antibody against enolase, a major cytoplasmic enzyme of the fungus. In addition, two internal fragments of 12- and 15-amino acid residues from a tryptic digest of 46K protein showed 100% identity with amino acids in positions 34-45 and 66-80 of enolase. By immunoelectron microscopy with polyclonal and monoclonal anti-enolase antibodies, the 46K protein was clearly detected in the inner layers of the fungal cell wall. Thus, consistent with the proposed immunogenic and diagnostic roles of enolase in candidiasis, biochemical, immunochemical, and ultrastructural evidence strongly suggest that the cilofungin-susceptible 46K protein is a cell wall-associated form of this enzyme.  相似文献   

This study comprised 100 healthy dentate adults and 53 patients with either chronic erythematous oral candidosis or oral leukoplakic lesions. The presence of yeasts was determined by microscopical examination of PAS-stained smears and by culture. Biopsy material was obtained from all lesions. The isolated yeasts were identified to species level. Strain phenotypes of 147 Candida albicans isolates were determined on the basis of the ODDS & ABBOTT procedure (25, 26). Yeasts were found in the mouth of healthy dentate individuals both by culture and by smears. The identification of hyphae in healthy mucosa indicates that the presence of these structures is not an unequivocal sign of candidal infection. The results support the view that tobacco smoking may be a predisposing factor for candidal infection. Also, the results have shown an association between the occurrence of yeasts and the type of leukoplakic lesions. Finally, the strain differentiation has indicated an oral mycoflora in patients with candidal lesions disappearing after antimycotic treatment which was more homogeneous in composition than in patients with irreversible lesions; furthermore, certain strains may possess properties which may be important in the development of pathological conditions and premalignant changes.  相似文献   

Tyrothricin, a polypeptide antibiotic, is active against yeast cells. Tyrothricin was rapidly fungicidal towards Candida albicans. Concentration of four times the minimum inhibitory (25 mg l-1) reduced the yeast numbers by more than 3 log10 within 1 h. Similar results were obtained in a flow cytometric antifungal activity assay using the new two-colour probe for yeast viability, FUN-1, which measures impairment of metabolic activity. The respiratory activity of Candida albicans, measured in a XTT kinetic assay, was significantly reduced in comparison with controls by 3.12 mg l-1 of the substance. Because fungicidal concentrations of tyrothricin are locally achievable in patients, an evaluation of the local effect of tyrothricin in patients suffering from mucosal infections with Candida species should be considered.  相似文献   

We have cloned and analysed the sequence of a putative histidine kinase, two-component gene (CaHK1) from Candida albicans. This gene encodes a 2471 amino acid protein (Cahk1p) with an estimated molecular mass of 281.8 kDa. A homology search of Cahk1p with other proteins in the databases showed that Cahk1p exhibits the greatest homology at its C-terminus with both the sensor and regulator components of prokaryotic and eukaryotic two-component histidine kinases. A further analysis of this homology showed that the Cahk1p possessed both sensor and regulator domains in the same polypeptide. Also, Cahk1p is likely to be a soluble protein. The sensor kinase domain of Cahk1p contains conserved motifs that are characteristic of all histidine kinase proteins, including the putative histidine which is believed to be autophosphorylated during activation, ATP binding motifs and others (F- and N-motifs), with unknown function. The Cahk1p regulator domain also contains conserved aspartate and lysine residues and the putative aspartate, which is secondarily phosphorylated by the autophosphorylated histidine. Finally, according to the codon usage frequency of the CaHK1 gene in comparison with other genes from C. albicans, there would appear to be a low level of expression of the gene.  相似文献   

A cDNA that codes for an Hsp70-interacting protein (HspBP1) was isolated from a human heart cDNA library using the yeast two-hybrid system. The derived amino acid sequence is unique and therefore represents a new regulator of Hsp70. Northern blots of RNA from human tissues indicate that HspBP1 mRNA has a size of approximately 1.7 kilobase pairs and is present in all tissues analyzed but is most abundant in heart and skeletal muscle. Western blot analysis revealed a protein of approximately 40 kilodaltons detected in cell extracts. The ATPase domain of Hsp70 demonstrated binding to HspBP1. Further experiments showed binding of HspBP1 to Hsp70 and Hsc70 in a total heart extract. HspBP1 (8 microM) inhibited approximately 90% of the Hsp40-activated Hsp70 ATPase activity. HspBP1 prevented ATP binding to Hsp70, and therefore this is the likely mechanism of inhibition. Hsp40-activated ATPase activity is essential for the renaturation activity of Hsp70; therefore, the effects of HspBP1 on renaturation of luciferase in a reticulocyte lysate and a defined system were examined. HspBP1 inhibited renaturation with half-maximal inhibition at 2 microM. These data indicate that we have identified a novel Hsp70-interacting protein that inhibits Hsp70 chaperone activity.  相似文献   

A clinical study was carried out in an attempt to assess the efficacy of a newly designed electric toothbrush compared to a conventional manual toothbrush using the American Dental Association's protocol for evaluating toothbrushes. An Oral-B 35 manual toothbrush, which served as the control, was compared to the Plaq & White125 electric toothbrush. Examinations were performed by two calibrated examiners at baseline, day 15 and day 30. Examinations included the gingival index, plaque index and bleeding index. Mean indices were calculated and compared between the two brushes using the repeated measures multiple analysis of variance. No statistically significant differences between the mean indices on the three examination days were observed following the use of the manual or the electric toothbrushes. The results of this study demonstrate that the electric toothbrush was numerically more effective than the manual toothbrush in reducing supragingival plaque levels, either before or after brushing, at each examination date compared to baseline plaque values. However, this difference was not statistically significant. This and other findings concluded that the Plaq & White toothbrush is comparable to the control ADA-accepted toothbrush.  相似文献   

The effects of salivary or serum pellicle on Candida albicans growth, biofilm formation and cavitation on the soft lining materials were examined. Both saliva and serum pellicles reduced the antifungal effects of soft liners. The fungal biofilm formation on these materials varied depending upon both the materials tested and protein-coats, and the pellicles which significantly enhanced the biofilm formation. Similarly, the pellicles enhanced the firm colonization and hyphal invasion of the yeasts on the specimens, although the cavitation appeared to be regulated by the plasticizer used. These results suggest that the interactions between proteinaceous pellicle, tissue conditioners and fungi are complex. They also suggest that denture pellicles facilitate fungal plaque formation onto soft lining materials through several mechanisms such as reduction of the antifungal effects of soft liners, facilitation of biofilm formation, firm colonization and hyphal invasion. In addition, the composition of the materials is also involved in the susceptibility to the fungi.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Carcinomas of unknown primary site are frequent neoplasms which raise diagnostic and therapeutic problems in clinical practice. METHODS: Clinical records of 100 patients with carcinoma of unknown primary site whose clinical management took place at the Centre Regional de Lutte Contre le Cancer de Montpellier were retrospectively reviewed. Initial clinical and biological characteristics, pre-treatment evaluation, therapies and outcome were recorded. RESULTS: Three main histological types were observed: adenocarcinoma (66 patients), poorly differentiated carcinoma (19 patients), epidermoid carcinoma (11 patients). Bone, lung, lymph nodes and liver were the most frequently involved metastatic sites. Analysis of the investigations aimed at identifying the primary site (none of which being positive) showed 68 different combinations in 100 patients. Anemia (< 100 g/L) was observed in 10 patients, while serum alkaline phosphatase was increased in 42 patients. Seven patients died before any therapy. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy was advocated in 70 and 59 patients, respectively. Thirty-six patients had concomitant chemoradiotherapy. Chemotherapy included a platinum derivative in 53 patients. The median number of cycles was four. Nine objective responses were observed, six of which occurred in patients who were receiving platinum-based chemotherapy. Ninety-six deaths were encountered, 95 due to the disease progress and one due to an intercurrent cause. The median survival was 9 months. Univariate analysis identified two prognostic factors: the number of metastatic sites and the serum alkaline phosphatase. CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective study confirms the difficulties in the management of patients with carcinomas of unknown primary site. A literature review suggests limited diagnostic investigations in clinical practice with the aim of identifying tumors of potential prognostic (breast and ovary) or therapeutic (prostate) value. Apart from specific subgroups of patients for whom specific therapy is recommended, there is no current standard chemotherapy.  相似文献   

The in vitro antifungal activity of D0870 against eight isolates of fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans was compared with that of itraconazole, ketoconazole and miconazole. The colorimetric MTT [3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H tetrazolium bromide] assay was used to assess the antifungal activities. The 50% minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC50) of D0870 was below 0.031 microgram ml-1 for seven isolates and 0.25 microgram ml-1 for one isolate. The activity of D0870 was superior to that of the other azoles. Ketoconazole was the most effective azole next to D0870. Therefore, the new bis-triazole, D0870, is expected to be promising for the therapy of fluconazole-resistant candidosis. The present data also confirmed that the MTT assay may be useful for evaluation of resistance and detection of resistant C. albicans.  相似文献   

Lactoferrin and lysozyme (muramidase) are non-immune defence factors present in various exocrine secretions, including saliva. Previous studies have shown that both proteins, either singly or in combination, are bactericidal in nature and their combined activity is synergistic. As little is known of their interactions with Candida species, 20 oral isolates of C. krusei and 5 isolates of C. albicans were studied for their susceptibility to human apo-lactoferrin and lysozyme, either singly or in combination, using an in vitro assay system. The two species exhibited significant interspecies differences in susceptibility to lactoferrin (p < 0.05), but not for lysozyme; C. krusei being more sensitive to lactoferrin (c 1.4 times) than C. albicans. Both species revealed significant intraspecies differences in their susceptibility to lysozyme (p < 0.05), but not for lactoferrin. No synergistic antifungal activity of the two proteins on either Candida species was noted. The results imply that the variable expression of the fungicidal activity of lactoferrin and lysozyme on Candida species may modulate the oral carriage of yeasts in a complex manner.  相似文献   

Deletion of the Candida albicans mitogen-activated protein kinase MKC1 gene gave rise to viable cells whose cell integrity was affected (F. Navarro-García, M. Sánchez, J. Pla, and C. Nombela, Mol. Cell. Biol. 15:2197-2206, 1995). In an experimental infection system using a murine model, the C. albicans mkc1 delta/mkc1 delta strain was found to be less pathogenic than the parental strain, as show the different time of survival, percentage of mortality, fungal load in the most representative organs, and histological analysis. This is the first study that shows the involvement of the cell integrity pathway in the pathogenicity of a dimorphic fungus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An acral lentiginous melanoma in situ on the sole is often difficult to differentiate with the naked eye from an acquired plantar melanocytic nevus. Recent technical advances in epiluminescence microscopy have contributed to the differentiation of these two pigmented skin lesions. OBJECTIVE: In this study, the correlation between dermatoscopic and histopathologic findings of acral lentiginous melanoma in situ on the sole are compared to those of acquired plantar melanocytic nevi. METHODS: Three acral lentiginous melanomas in situ on the sole, and two cases of acral lentiginous melanoma were compared with 50 acquired plantar melanocytic nevi by means of dermatoscopy and histopathology. Results: The dermatoscopic surface profiles of acquired melanocytic nevi were composed of linear pigmentation accentuated mainly on the sulcus superficialis. Histologically, some areas of the sulcus superficialis corresponded to rete ridges of the epidermis, and nests of nevus cells were also often located there. In contrast, the acral lentiginous melanomas in situ showed diffuse, irregularly shaped pigmentation distributed in a disorderly fashion over the entire surface. Histologically, isolated areas of proliferation and small nest formations of atypical melanocytes were irregularly distributed in the epidermis. CONCLUSION: A distinctive dermatoscopic feature of acral lentiginous melanoma in situ is diffuse and irregular pigmentation over the entire surface of the lesion. This feature is helpful for differentiating acral lentiginous melanoma in situ from acquired plantar melanocytic nevi.  相似文献   

[目的]研究新的脂肪酶及优化脂肪酶发酵培养条件.[方法]在毕赤酵母X33系统中重组表达白假丝酵母脂肪酶CaLIP5.利用响应面分析法,构建了CaLIP5的酶活回归方程.[结果]由响应面分析可知,在温度25.71℃,pH8.33,酵母提取物浓度1.28%和葡萄糖浓度4.06%时,预测最大酶活为8.33U/ml.试验验证酶活为9.24U/ml.实际试验值与模型预测值基本一致.优化后的酶活提高了22.22%.[结论]在优化的培养条件下,可以获得毕赤酵母X33重组表达CaLIP5的最大酶活.  相似文献   

Protein mannosylation by Pmt proteins initiates O-glycosylation in fungi. We have identified the PMT1 gene and analyzed the function of Pmt1p in the fungal human pathogen Candida albicans. Mutants defective in PMT1 alleles lacked Pmt in vitro enzymatic activity, showed reduced growth rates, and tended to form cellular aggregates. In addition, multiple specific deficiencies not known in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (including defective hyphal morphogenesis; supersensitivity to the antifungal agents hygromycin B, G418, clotrimazole, and calcofluor white; and reduced adherence to Caco-2 epithelial cells) were observed in pmt1 mutants. PMT1 deficiency also led to faster electrophoretic mobility of the Als1p cell wall protein and to elevated extracellular activities of chitinase. Homozygous pmt1 mutants were avirulent in a mouse model of systemic infection, while heterozygous PMT1/pmt1 strains showed reduced virulence. The results indicate that protein O-mannosylation by Pmt proteins occurs in different fungal species, where PMT1 deficiency can lead to defects in multiple cellular functions.  相似文献   

Overexpression of EGFR and c-erbB2 frequently occurs in human breast cancers, correlating with poor prognosis. Here we show that overexpression of EGFR and c-erbB2 in cell lines increases cell migration, an important step in metastasis formation. The effect of EGFR on migration is dependent on the addition of EGF to the cells. In contrast, c-erbB2 seems to act independently of its ligand in these assays. Overexpression of this receptor is sufficient to induce cell migration. In addition, we investigated the involvement of a number of signal transduction pathways known to be activated by the EGFR. We found that inactivation of MAPKK results in a decreased migration, while inactivation of PI3K increases migration.  相似文献   

MyristoylCoA: protein N-myristoyltransferase (NMT) catalyzes the cotranslational covalent attachment of a rare cellular fatty acid, myristate, to the N-terminal Gly residue of a variety of eukaryotic proteins. The myristoyl moiety is often essential for expression of the biological functions for these proteins. Attachment of C14:0 alone provides barely enough hydrophobicity to allow stable association with membranes. The partitioning of N-myrisotylproteins is therefore often modulated by "switches" that function through additional covalent or noncovalent modifications. Candida albicans, the principal cause of systemic fungal infection in immunocompromised humans, contains a single NMT gene that is essential for its viability. The functional properties of the acylCoA binding site of human and C. albicans NMT are very similar. However, there are distinct differences in their peptide binding sites. An ADP ribosylation factor (Arf) is included among the few cellular protein substrates of the fungal enzyme. Alanine scanning mutagenesis of an octapeptide derived from an N-terminal Arf sequence (GLYASKLS-NH2) disclosed that Gly1, Ser5, and Lys6 play predominant roles in binding. ALYASKLS-NH2 is an inhibitor competitive for peptide [Ki(app) = 15.3 +/- 6.4 microM] and noncompetitive for myristoylCoA. Remarkably, replacement of the N-terminal tetrapeptide with an 11-aminoundecanoyl group results in a competitive inhibitor (11-aminoundecanoyl-SKLS-NH2) that is approximately 40-fold more potent [Ki(app) = 0.40 +/- 0.03 microM] than the starting octapeptide. Removal of Leu-Ser from the C-terminus generates a competitive dipeptide inhibitor (11-aminoundecanoyl-SK-NH2) with a Ki(app) of 11.7 +/- 0.4 microM, equivalent to that of the starting octapeptide. A derivative dipeptide inhibitor containing a C-terminal N-cyclohexylethyl lysinamide moiety has the advantage of being more potent (IC50 = 0.11 +/- 0.03 microM) and resistant to digestion by cellular carboxypeptidases. Rigidifying the flexible aminoundecanoyl chain results in very potent general NMT inhibitors (IC50 = 40-50 nM). Substituting a 2-methylimidazole for the N-terminal amine and adding a benzylic alpha-methyl group with R stereochemistry to the rigidifying element produces even more potent inhibitors (IC50 = 20-50 nM) that are up to 500-fold selective for the fungal compared to human enzyme. A related less potent member of this series of compounds is fungistatic. Its growth inhibitory effects are associated with a reduction in cellular protein N-myristoylation, judged using cellular Arf as a reporter. These studies establish that NMT is a new antifungal target.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of tetracycline hydrochloride (TCN) and chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) on the growth and viability of Candida albicans. Subcultures of Candida albicans on Sabouraud's agar, were divided into 5 treatment groups: group 1, untreated control; group 2, 0.12% CHX; group 3, 3.0 mg/ml TCN adjusted to pH 4.5; groups 4 and 5, sodium azide free Tris buffer adjusted to pH 4.5 and pH 7.4, respectively. All groups were incubated for 10 days, and sampled and subcultured daily to determine the viability of each group. Additional samples from group 2 (day 4), group 4 (day 7) and all groups at day 10 were selected for SEM and TEM examination. Visual, SEM and TEM results showed that for groups 1, 3, 4, and 5 there was a heavy and constant uniform growth of Candida albicans throughout the period of the study. However, group 2 (CHX), showed decreasing viability and attachment from day 3 to day 10, with SEM and TEM revealing decreased blastospores and profound changes in the ultrastructural morphology, indicating inhibition of normal cell growth and replication. These results show that TCN even when used at high concentrations, in vitro, will allow uninhibited growth of Candida albicans whereas CHX inhibits cell growth and replication.  相似文献   

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