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When dealing with human-powered vehicles, it is important to quantify the capability of converting metabolic energy in useful mechanical work by measuring mechanical efficiency. In this study, net mechanical efficiency (η) of riding a recumbent bicycle on flat terrain and at constant speeds (v, 5.1–10.0 m/s) was calculated dividing mechanical work (w, J/m) by the corresponding energy cost (Cc, J/m). w and Cc increased linearly with the speed squared: w = 9.41 + 0.156 · v2; Cc = 39.40 + 0.563 · v2. η was equal to 0.257 ± 0.0245, i.e. identical to that of concentric muscular contraction. Hence, i) η seems unaffected by the biomechanical arrangement of the human–vehicle system; ii) the efficiency of transmission seems to be close to 100%, suggesting that the particular biomechanical arrangement does not impair the transformation of metabolic energy in mechanical work. When dealing with human-powered vehicles, it is important to quantify mechanical efficiency (η) of locomotion. η of riding a recumbent bicycle was calculated dividing the mechanical work to the corresponding energy cost of locomotion; it was practically identical to that of concentric muscular contraction (0.257 ± 0.0245), suggesting that the power transmission from muscles to pedals is unaffected by the biomechanical arrangement of the vehicle.  相似文献   

The physiological, subjective and biomechanical effects of altering flywheel weight and pedalling rate on a Quinton Model 870 bicycle ergometer were studied. Steel plates were added to the flywheel to increase its weight to 35·9 kg with a moment of inertia of 1·65 kg m2. A 1·5 kg spoked wheel with a moment of inertia of 0·1 kg m2 was used as the light flywheel. Eight subjects pedalled on two separate occasions for 6 min at 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 r.p.m. with workload levels representing 30 and 60% of their [Vdot]O2max with each flywheel. Force plate pedals were used to measure the total resultant force on the pedals (FR ) and the component perpendicular to the crank arm (FT). A force effectiveness index (FEI) was denned as the average of FT/FR over a crank cycle. The result showed no statistically significant change (p<0·05) in [Vdot]O2, heart rate and rating of perceived exertion of the FEI as a function of flywheel weight except for the [Vdot]O2 at 50 r.p.m. for the light workload. As the r.p.m. increased from 40 to 90 r.p.m., the FEI decreased from 0·5 to 0·35 with the heavy load and from 0·36 to 0·22 with the light load. Measured physiological, subjective and biomechanical indices did not change significantly with flywheel weight. Increasing the pedalling rate caused a significantly less effective application of forces to the crank arm with only a small change in [Vdot]O2.  相似文献   

Firefighters’ self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) protects the respiratory system during firefighting but increases the physiological burden. Extended duration SCBA (>30 min) have increased air supply, potentially increasing the duration of firefighting work cycles. To examine the effects of SCBA configuration and work cycle (length and rest), 30 firefighters completed seven trials using different SCBA and one or two bouts of simulated firefighting following work cycles common in the United States. Heart rate, core temperature, oxygen consumption, work output and self-reported perceptions were recorded during all activities. Varying SCBA resulted in few differences in these parameters. However, during a second bout, work output significantly declined while heart rates and core temperatures were elevated relative to a single bout. Thirty seven per cent of the subjects were unable to complete the second bout in at least one of the two-bout conditions. These firefighters had lower fitness and higher body mass than those who completed all assigned tasks.

Practitioner Summary: The effects of extended duration SCBA and work/rest cycles on physiological parameters and work output have not been examined. Cylinder size had minimal effects, but extended work cycles with no rest resulted in increased physiological strain and decreased work output. This effect was more pronounced in firefighters with lower fitness.  相似文献   


A standard exercise protocol that allows comparisons across various ergonomic studies would be of great value for researchers investigating the physical and physiological strains of firefighting and possible interventions for reducing the demands. We compared the pattern of cardiorespiratory changes from 21 firefighters during simulated firefighting activities using a newly developed firefighting activity station (FAS) and treadmill walking both performed within an identical laboratory setting. Data on cardiorespiratory parameters and core temperature were collected continuously using a portable metabolic unit and a wireless ingestible temperature probe. Repeated measures ANOVA indicated distinct patterns of change in cardiorespiratory parameters and heart rate between conditions. The pattern consisted of alternating periods of peaks and nadirs in the FAS that were qualitatively and quantitatively similar to live fire activities, whereas the same parameters increased logarithmically in the treadmill condition. Core temperature increased in a similarly for both conditions, although more rapidly in the FAS.

Practitioner Summary: The firefighting activity station (FAS) yields a pattern of cardiorespiratory responses qualitatively and quantitatively similar to live fire activities, significantly different than treadmill walking. The FAS can be performed in a laboratory/clinic, providing a potentially standardised protocol for testing interventions to improve health and safety and conducting return to duty decisions.  相似文献   

The effect of caffeine on circulation and metabolism was studied during a discontinuous maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) test on a bicycle ergometer. Eight male subjects were chosen for their minimal use of caffeine of which six normally did not ingest caffeinated beverages. Two caffeinated and two decaffeinated (control) trials were administered to each subject following double-blind and counterbalanced testing procedures. One hour before exercise, subjects ingested decaffeinated coffee with or without 350 mg of caffeine anhydrous added. Cardiac output (Q) was measured by a C02 rebreathing technique. Compared to control trials, caffeine increased the VO2 max by an average of 140ml min?1 (p <0-0·5)l. In addition, during caffeine trials, the average maximal heart rate (HR max) was elevated by 5 beats min?1 (p<0·01). There were no other statistically significant changes in metabolic (VO2 and R) and cardiovascular (Q, HR, SV and (a-v) 02 diff) variables during either submaximal or maximal exercise. Performance, as measured by total exercise time on the VO2 max test, was not significantly different (p>0·05). It was concluded that caffeine has a small physiological but a statistically significant effect on VQ2 max and HR max. During submaximal exercise, caffeine did not significantly effect the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

There is incomplete information about how physically demanding rescue work may be. The aim therefore of this paper was to examine the physiological responses of firefighters during a simulated rescue of hospital patients and to relate the firefighters' performance to their endurance, strength and working technique. Fourteen part-time male firefighters with a maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) of 4.4 ± 0.3 l/min (mean ± SD) served as subjects in this study. First, each firefighter ascended six floors (a 20.5 m vertical ascent) carrying tools, wearing protective clothing and a breathing apparatus, an extra mass of 37 kg. He thereafter ‘rescued’ six persons by dragging each person on a fire-sheet on a flat floor. The technique used was recorded and the O2 uptake and the heart rate were measured continuously during the whole operation. The blood lactate concentration and the subjective rating of perceived exertion were measured during and just after the rescue. The VO2max and the muscle strength were measured in the laboratory. The whole operation was carried out in the course of 5–9 min. The operation was a virtual all-out effort and the peak blood lactate concentration was 13 ± 3 mmol/l. The peak oxygen uptake was 3.7 ± 0.5 l/min (84% of the VO2max) during the operation. Large and heavy firefighters carried out the task faster than smaller ones. The VO2max in absolute terms and the dragging technique used were both related to the rescue performance. Rescuing patients at a hospital was physically very demanding and the time needed to complete the task depended on the VO2max in absolute values and the working technique used. A minimum VO2max of 4 l/min for firefighters was recommended.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that the two-handled (levered) shovel is advantageous over the conventional spade from a biomechanical point of view. The aim of this experiment was to determine whether less energy was consumed while shovelling a load of sand with this shovel compared to a conventional tool. Accordingly, an experiment was designed in which subjects (n = 10) shovelled 1815 kg sand under laboratory conditions using either a conventional or a levered shovel. Heart rate and oxygen consumption were measured continuously during the trial and subjective data on perceived exertion, general fatigue and body discomfort were recorded after the trial. Although total energy expenditure was similar under both conditions (120±20 and 125±25 kcal; conventional versus two-handled spade), average heart rate was 4% higher when the two-handled &lt;. shovel was used (p<0 05). In addition, the mass of sand per scoop was 4% less &lt;. with the two-handled shovel (p<0 05). In conclusion, subjects used similar energy expenditure to shovel 1815 kg sand with the conventional shovel and the twohandled tool despite lower mass of sand per scoop with the latter. This can be explained by the fact that the increased mass of the additional handle compensated for the lower mass of sand per scoop. The higher average heart rate while shovelling with the two-handled shovel can be explained by the more erect posture.  相似文献   

Physiological measures provide a continuous and relatively non-invasive method of characterising workload. The extent to which such measures provide sensitivity beyond that provided by driving performance metrics is more open to question. Heart rate and skin conductance were monitored during actual highway driving in response to systematically increased levels of cognitive demand using an auditory delayed digit recall task. The protocol was consistent with an earlier simulator study, providing an opportunity to assess the validity of physiological measures recorded during driving simulation. The pattern of change in heart rate with increased cognitive demand was highly consistent between field and simulator. The findings meet statistical criteria for both relative and absolute validity, although there was a trend for absolute levels to be higher under actual driving conditions. For skin conductance level, the pattern in both environments was also quite similar and a reasonable case for overall relative validity can be made.

Statement of Relevance: Growing complexity and multiple demands on modern drivers’ attention highlight the significance of determining whether physiological measures provide increased sensitivity in workload detection. Better understanding, including whether simulator assessments provide valid measures of real-world response patterns, has implications in evaluating and refining interface designs and for developing advanced workload managers.  相似文献   

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