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分析了锌精矿含铜高对铅锌冶炼各工序能耗的影响,论述了处理高铜锌精矿在经济上的可行性,强调应采取相应的节能措施.  相似文献   

过滤在选矿工艺中起着至关重要的作用,有效降低精矿含水量已成为选矿领域一项重要研究课题。系统介绍了过滤设备在精矿脱水中的应用,详细阐述了真空过滤设备和压滤机的结构特点、发展及研究现状,重点指出了影响精矿过滤的主要因素,并针对增强精矿过滤的性能提出了相应措施。  相似文献   

介绍了江西铜业集团公司永平铜矿硫酸渣制备铁精矿工艺途径的改进实践过程.通过分析硫精矿和硫酸渣的铁物相、化学多元素、粒度和品位情况,在工业试验的基础上,获得原矿硫品位41.28%、硫精矿品位50.02%、硫回收率93.29%、铁精矿品位63.19%的指标,确定选高硫精矿直产铁精矿为优选方案.  相似文献   

The combined processing variant of the Udokan sulfide copper concentrate involving low-temperature roasting with potassium chloride and the subsequent two-stage leaching of the obtained sinter consisting of copper chloride and potassium salts is described. At the first stage, water-soluble salts are leached (potassium sulfate and chloride) with water and, at the second stage, copper chloride is leached with sulfuric acid. The final products are copper vitriol and potassium fertilizer. The parameters of the main stages of the suggested technology are optimized.  相似文献   

The possibility of direct reduction of nickel from its sulfides (heazlewoodite, pentlandite, and disulfide) by intrinsic sulfide sulfur in a sodium hydroxide melt is confirmed experimentally. This process can be performed in a temperature range of 550–700°C reaching a 95–98% degree of metallization. The chemistry of utilization reactions of sulfur varies as a function of the duration of the phase contact (8–12 minutes). At the initial stage, sodium polysulfides are accumulated in alkali fusion cake and are decomposed in time, participating in the disproportionation reaction with the formation of monosulfide sulfur. The process of reduction of nickel from sulfides is limited by the intradiffusion kinetics.  相似文献   

Smelting of a flotation gold-containing concentrate with the use of a copper collector and slag of the four-component system SiO2-FeO-Na2O-CaO is studied. Optimum parameters are determined for the preliminary roasting of the concentrate (t = 750–800°C, τ = 45–60 min) and its smelting (t = 1200–1250°C, τ = 50–60 min, time of metal-slag stratification is 45 min, concentrate-to-carbon ratio is 10: 1). It is shown that as the last parameter decreases (below 10: 1), reduction of hematite and magnetite to metal iron starts with the subsequent transfer of iron into copper. For a fourfold recycling of the copper collector, the extraction of gold was 99.5% and that of silver was 77.7%.  相似文献   

脱硫技术在铅锌冶炼烟气治理中的应用探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叙述了氧化锌湿法吸收、离子液循环吸收、石灰-石膏湿法吸收三种脱硫技术的特点,通过比较三种技术的主要工艺设备投资和运行经济指标,指出氧化锌湿法吸收脱硫技术最适合铅锌冶炼厂低浓度二氧化硫烟气的治理.  相似文献   

铜、钼浮选分离探索试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谷志君  苏凯  郝福来 《黄金》2009,30(10):42-45
对某大型铜钼矿的铜钼混合精矿进行了铜、钼分离浮选试验研究。试验结果表明:硫化钠加高锰酸钾能够有效地抑制铜矿物,钼精矿中的铜的含量有较大幅度的下降,并且能够在不添加巯基乙酸钠的条件下使铜、钼得到很好的分离,并取得了铜、钼品位分别为27.06%、45.28%和作业回收率分别为99.90%和95.23%的较好指标。  相似文献   

印尼某铅锌矿石属于含碳多金属硫化矿石。根据其矿石性质,采用预先除碳—浮铅—再选锌的优先浮选工艺流程进行铅、锌分离试验研究。其结果表明:在最佳条件下,浮选闭路试验获得了铅品位51.16%、锌品位4.37%、铅回收率87.15%的铅精矿,锌品位57.42%、铅品位0.73%、锌回收率81.80%的锌精矿,指标较好。  相似文献   

The bioleaching of a concentrate produced from a black shale ore in an industrial operation in Poland was assessed. Following preliminary batch culture tests, processing in continuous conditions was tested to determine the main specifications for the application of the stirred-tank technology to this organic-rich polymetallic concentrate.The experimental work was carried out in a laboratory-scale unit consisting of three stirred tanks (50 L or 20 L) using an acidophilic and moderate thermophilic (42 °C) bacterial population. Different configurations of the unit and key operating parameters were tested (nutrient medium composition, solids concentration, agitation and aeration rates). The analysis of both bacterial community structure and mineralogical characteristics of the concentrate and the bioleach residues were implemented in order to better understand the chemical and biochemical reactions occurring in the system. Using the data produced during the continuous operation, downstream processing assessment for both copper and silver recovery was also carried out.The best copper recovery obtained in the continuous operation was 92% and hot brine leaching of the bioleaching residue (PLINT Process) permitted the recovery of 92% of the silver. Copper and silver recoveries seemed to be limited by incomplete chalcopyrite dissolution. A preliminary techno-economical evaluation of the concentrate bioleach processing, including bioleaching and copper and silver recoveries, demonstrated the potential economical feasibility. Silver recovery plays an important role in the process's finances. This study presents promising results that encourage further investigation of bioleach processing.  相似文献   

金精矿无氰提金新工艺的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
薛光  李先恩 《黄金》1994,15(8):32-35
本文针对浮选金精矿提出了一个无氰提金新方法。该法将金精矿进行焙烧回收硫,然后采用氯化钠+溴水浸取金,浸取的贵液控制盐酸酸度为10%,利用泡沫料吸附金,金的回收率在99%以上。新工艺方法具有操作简单,成本低,周期短,回收率高,不污染环境,对于乡镇企业开发黄金生产具有很好的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

The fine ore sintering has problems such as deteriorated permeability of the sinter layer, poor oxidizing atmosphere, high sinter return rate, poor productivity and quality indexes, and increased fuel consumption. In order to increase the quality index of the sintered ore fines of the fine ore fines, and to meet the production needs of the ultra- large blast furnaces, experimental studies were carried out to enhance the sintering with external fluxes and fuels. Proper individual addition proportions of lime, limestone and coke were obtained by test trials. The feasible grain size of individual added limestone was optimized. The industrial production test achieved the similar result comparing to the outcome of the pilot trial. Both the sinter productivity and quality were improved, fuel consumption decreased, energy and emission reduced.  相似文献   

针对云南某复杂硫化铜铅锌矿石铜铅混合浮选获得的混合精矿性质,进行了铜铅浮选分离试验研究,考察了脱药预处理及浮选分离的主要影响因素。结果表明:在最佳条件下,采用绿色环保、高效的铜矿物抑制剂BK520和铅矿物捕收剂BK902作为组合选矿药剂,获得了铅回收率93. 87%、铜回收率92. 33%的良好选矿指标。  相似文献   

以某重选金铅精矿为研究对象,研究了提高金银回收率的工艺.研究发现:“摇床富集-精矿火法熔炼-尾矿氰化”工艺能有效回收金银.金精矿摇床试验金和银的回收率分别为89.43%和74.07%.金精矿摇床试验得到的精矿经过火法熔炼,金和银的回收率分别达到99.98%和99.95%;摇床尾矿不经磨矿直接氰化,pH值10~11,NaCN浓度1‰,矿浆浓度50%,浸出24 h,渣中金和银的品位分别降低到6.33 g/t,金和银的浸出率分别达到98.97%和55.94%,NaCN耗量为6.03 kg/t.  相似文献   

某难浸金精矿细菌预氧化工艺研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郑存江  柏全金  熊英  林滨兰  胡建平 《黄金》2002,23(11):31-35
通过对陕西省某金矿难浸金精矿工艺矿物特性和细菌预氧化工艺的研究,说明了该金精矿为低砷低硫微细粒包裹型难浸金精矿,金精矿中金的直接氰化浸出率为35.3%,经过5d细菌预氧化后,金的氧化浸出率可达到92.5%。  相似文献   

对含铜硫精矿进行铜、硫分离浮选试验。试验结果表明:硫精矿不磨和再磨后,采用一次粗选、一次精选、一次扫选浮选工艺流程,均能获得铜品位7%~8%的铜精矿。该精矿经湿法冶金工艺处理后,可综合回收铜、锌、金、银等,以此可提高企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

共沉淀分离-原子荧光光谱法测定铜矿和铅锌矿中锡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
铜矿、铅锌矿石样品经过盐酸、硝酸溶解,采用氢氧化铁共沉淀锡使其与铜、铅、锌分离,含锡沉淀经过氧化钠熔融,在硫酸介质中,加入硫脲-抗坏血酸-酒石酸掩蔽滞留在溶液中的干扰元素,然后用氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法(HG-AFS)测定锡量。确定了锡与铜、铅、锌的分离条件:用氨水调节样品溶液pH 4.5;三价铁离子加入量为20 mg。方法测定范围为0.001%~1%,检出限为3 μg/g。对样品中共存离子进行了干扰试验,结果表明,经过共沉淀处理后,主量元素铜、铅和锌大部分已与锡分离,不干扰锡的测定;砷、锑的干扰可通过稀释或减小取样量去除;其他元素均不干扰锡的测定。采用实验方法对实际样品进行测定,并进行加标回收试验,回收率为95%~102%。经全国不同地区8家实验室采用铜矿石、铅锌矿石样品验证,方法精密度好。  相似文献   

The comprehensive utilization of abundant high-boron iron concentrate is of particular significance to China,and the high-boron iron concentrate has not yet been utilized as a source for boron at an industrial scale due to its complex mineralogy and fine mineral dissemination.An innovative method was proposed for recovery of boron and iron from high-boron iron concentrate by reduction roasting and magnetic separation.The effects of reduction temperature and roasting time were investigated and their optimum conditions were determined.The mineralogical changes during roasting were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD)and scanning electron microscopy(SEM).The results showed that the pyrrhotite(FeS)contained in the high-boron iron concentrate and the new-formed FeS-Fe solid solution softened or melted at high temperatures owing to their low melting points,and then decreased the metallic iron ratio and accelerated the growth of metallic iron particles.Meanwhile,the magnetite and szaibelyite were converted into metallic iron and suanite,respectively.Consequently,boron was readily enriched into the non-magnetic product and the metallic iron was aggregated to the magnetic concentrate by magnetic separation.Boron recovery of 88.6% with corresponding B_2O_3 content of 14.5% and iron recovery of 95.1% with an iron grade of92.7% were achieved when high-boron iron concentrate was reduced at 1 125°C for 150 min.Besides,the boron reactivity of the boron-rich non-magnetic product was up to 80.8%.  相似文献   

研究了732型阳离子交换树脂柱分离富集银的条件,建立了光度法测定铜精矿、金精矿及其尾矿中银的方法。实验表明,在pH 2~4的条件下,样品溶液中的银与硫脲络合以[Ag(SCN2H4 )3+形式被树脂吸附后,采用10 mL 0.5 mol/L的硫代硫酸钠溶液可定量洗脱,从而消除了绝大部分共存离子的干扰;树脂柱分离-富集后,硫代米蚩酮光度法测定银的检出限为5.0 μg/L。将本方法用于实际样品分析,测得结果与火焰原子吸收光谱法测定值一致,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=5)小于或等于14%,加标回收率为96%~102%。  相似文献   

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