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文章在简析数字移动通信网增值业务和市场需求的基础上,详细介绍了短消息系统和语音信箱系统的原理及山西省G网中短消息和语音信箱的组网方案,并针对当前如何开展增值业务提出了建议。  相似文献   

日前,黑龙江移动GSM短消息系统一期工程扩容项目竞标结束,中兴ZXG10-SC短消息/语音信箱系统凭借可靠的性能、合理的系统结构、强大的处理能力与丰富的业务功能一举中标。 此次扩容涵盖除哈尔滨外的黑龙江全省所有短消息/语音信箱系统,包括齐齐哈尔、牡丹江、佳木斯、大庆、黑河、绥化6个短消息/语音信箱系统,以及全省所有13个地市的排队机人工台系统,总用户数包括短消息223万、语音信箱22万。  相似文献   

日前 ,黑龙江移动GSM短消息系统一期工程扩容项目竞标结束 ,中兴ZXG10 -SC短消息/语音信箱系统凭借可靠的性能、合理的系统结构、强大的处理能力与丰富的业务功能一举中标。此次扩容涵盖除哈尔滨外的黑龙江全省所有短消息/语音信箱系统 ,包括齐齐哈尔、牡丹江、佳木斯、大庆、黑河、绥化6个短消息/语音信箱系统 ,以及全省所有13个地市的排队机人工台系统 ,总用户数包括短消息223万、语音信箱22万。GSM的短消息设备是GSM系统的重要组成部分 ,也是GSM系统提供增值业务的主要设备之一。短消息业务由移动用户接收…  相似文献   

139“全球通”数字移动电话联网漫游139国家公用数字移动电话“全球通”GSM网(称称G网),目前已在全国23个省区联网漫游.该网除具有市话、长活所有功能外,还具有国内、国际漫游功能,并且可以向用户提供其他一些新业务,如短消息、语音信箱、呼叫转移、呼...  相似文献   

中兴通讯“短消息中心’和‘语音信箱”双双通过中国移动公司选型中兴通讯自行研制的“ZXG10-SC短消息中心”和“ZXVMS语音信箱”两大产品以其先进技术、高可靠性、灵活的组网能力、优异的性价比脱颖而出,在中国移动通信集团公司(筹)的选型中双双入选。据悉,本次选型,短消息中心入选10家,语音信箱入选6家,2个产品同时入选的仅有5家。中兴通讯经营机制受到广泛关注10月31日,“中兴通讯一国有控股企业可持续发展问题研讨会”在京召开,来自国家经贸委、中共中央政策研究室、国务院体改办、中央党校、人民大学、清华大学等单位的…  相似文献   

本文介绍了语音信箱和短消息业务的种类、作用及其在GSM系统中的应用特点 ,并将其与公网语音信箱、寻呼业务进行了对比 ,分析了其在移动网上应用的优势。  相似文献   

日前 ,中兴通讯与中国联通签定合同 ,承建中国联通新疆分公司短消息中心项目 ,业务覆盖新疆联通所有GSM用户。自 2 0 0 0年 4月 ,中国联通新疆分公司就开始进行短消息系统设备的招标 ,经过激烈的竞争 ,中兴通讯自主开发的ZXG10-SC短消息中心 /语音信箱系统最终以其优良的设计、卓越的性能、合理的架构、丰富的业务一举中标。此次中国联通新疆分公司建设的短消息 /语音信箱系统总规模可满足新疆联通所有GSM用户的需求。系统设置人工台、自动台、语音信箱 ,提供短消息基本业务和各种扩展业务 ,包括股票业务、催缴费业务、新闻 /天…  相似文献   

语音信箱是一个计算机系统,是数字移动电话网的一项网络服务功能,它使得数字移动电话用户在无法与他人直接通话时,仍能够保持联系。凡是数字移动电话网上的用户,在申请了该项业务后,无论处在何种通信状态,移动电话网络都会把无法直接通话的电话转接到语音信箱,请打电话者留言。计算机系统控制语音信箱内容的存贮。当用户开启手机时,屏幕上如显示留言提示信号(短消息),则说明信箱中有留言,等待用户随时随地听取。使用语音信箱应注意事项:呈.开启语音信箱后,建议在语音信箱内录制对外友好口信(恭候语、欢迎语);为了安全,请…  相似文献   

在刚刚结束的安徽省移动通信公司举行的安徽省短消息中心建设项目招标会上,中兴通讯报消息中心ZXG10-SC一举中标,它将为安徽省移动通信网增添全方位、多功能的短消息增值服务。本次安徽省短消息项目建设规模为30万短讯用户和5万语音信箱用户.建成后将向全省移动用户提供各种丰富的短消息服务,包括中英文短消息、人工台、自动台、语音信箱、虚拟短消息、多功能信息增值业务等,从而获取新的业务增,长点.中兴ZXG10-SC短消息中心装备移动通信网@中兴  相似文献   

1引言 短消息和语音信箱业务是GSM系统所能提供的一项重要电信增值业务。随着计算机技术和GSM移动通信系统功能的不断完善,单纯的话音业务已经无法满足广大移动用户对通信质量和服务水平的需求,GSM移动通信系统不但可以开放话音业务,还可以开放数据、传真、短消息和语音信箱业务。短消息和语音信箱业务作为一种辅助通信和增值业务的手段,越来越受到广大移动电话运营者的高度重视。移动用户可以接收中文或英文短消息,其信息来源可以是移动用户发出(或者用户从特定的信息源获得的),也可以是由主呼人通知话务台,由系统操作…  相似文献   

Security tools are rapidly developed as network security threat is becoming more and more serious. To overcome the fundamental limitation of traditional host based anti malware system which is likely to be deceived and attacked by malicious codes, VMM based anti malware systems have recently become a hot research field. In this article, the existing malware hiding technique is analyzed, and a detecting model for hidden process based on “In VM” idea is also proposed. Based on this detecting model, a hidden process detection technology which is based on HOOK SwapContext on the VMM platform is also implemented successfully. This technology can guarantee the detecting method not to be attacked by malwares and also resist all the current process hiding technologies. In order to detect the malwares which use remote injection method to hide themselves, a method by hijacking sysenter instruction is also proposed. Experiments show that the proposed methods guarantee the isolation of virtual machines, can detect all malware samples, and just bring little performance loss.  相似文献   

从中国移动对短消息业务中心(SMSC)的组网要求、信令交互过程和MO短消息寻址流程出发,结合移动某省短消息系统的实例,探讨了移动短消息系统的容灾解决方案,最大程度地保障短消息系统的安全可靠性,为用户提供优质服务。  相似文献   

A novel sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) algorithm is provided for the multiple maneuvering Ad-hoc network terminals direction of arrival (DOA) tracking. A nonlinear mobility and observation model is adopted, which can describe the motion features of the Ad-hoc network terminal more practically. The algorithm does not need any additional measurement equipment. Simulation result shows its significant tracking accuracy.  相似文献   

A low-complexity algorithm for the design of efficiently-encodable rate-compatible (RC) low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes by deterministically extending an irregular repeat-accumulate (IRA) is introduced. The extending structure is based on circulants shifted according a truncated Vandermonde matrix (VM) and therefore termed as “extended VM” (eVM). The novel extending algorithm is significantly less computationally complex than other known similar methods since it does not require any optimization of the extending profile or any post-construction girth conditioning. To improve the codes’ properties and correcting capabilities in low code rate applications, the optimal proportions of degree-1 and degree-2 parity bits for the extended nodes are investigated and, in contrast to existing deterministic extending approaches for RC-IRA codes, an extending increment step equal to half the information block length is chosen. Various bit error rate (BER) and frame error rate (FER) have been obtained for different code rates, R, and information block length k 0 = 512 and 1024 bits considering an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. The results have demonstrated that the proposed eVM RC-LDPC codes, despite their very simple structure and very low computational complexity, exhibit excellent performance only slightly inferior to both dedicated IRA and previously known RC-IRA codes for different data block sizes.  相似文献   

Secure multiparty computation (SMC) is a research focusing in the international cryptographic com-munity. The protocols used to address the millionaires' problem are the basic building blocks of most SMC proto-cols and their efficiency dominates that of many other SMC protocols. To the best of our knowledge, almost all proto-cols used to address the millionaires' problem are based on integers, which means that their applications are lim-ited. In this study, we propose precise and efficient proto-cols for rational numbers based on additively homomorphic encryptions. One of our protocols is inspired by computa-tional geometry and it reduces the millionaires' problem to computing the area of a triangle formed by three private points. This approach can determine whether the relation-ship between two private inputs is greater than, equal to or less than, and it has a much lower computational complex-ity compared with existing methods. We proved that these protocols are secure using simulation paradigm. Our ap-proaches can be used in many SMC protocols that involve rational numbers and integers, and they can also be used directly to solve some secure multiparty computational ge-ometry problem in rational number field.  相似文献   

李建青 《信息技术》2011,(12):66-70
从滑模变结构的控制领域着手,分析了不同控制对象的状态方程,通过数字仿真对比了滑模变结构和PID对不同阶数、不同时间常数对象在快速性、参数整定及搞干扰上不同的特性表现.在此基础上,总结了滑模变结构控制不同对象的优劣.由此,提出了滑模变结构控制的最佳适用性.  相似文献   

安全多方计算(Secure Multi—party Computation,SMC)是解决一组互不信任的参与方之间保护隐私的协同计算问题,SMC需要确保输入的独立性、计算正确性,同时各输入值也不泄露给参与方。SMC计算首先由百万富翁问题提出,随着互联网、电子商务、电子政务的普及,可以广泛应用在网络投票、网络拍卖等应用场合。文中分析了SMC计算的关键技术,如协议安全、零知识证明、比特承诺、不经意传输等,并对此展开了应用研究,介绍SMC计算的应用,具有一定的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

谭世颖 《电子测试》2016,(10):20-21
驾驶室顶护盖轻量化的必要性。SMC因其良好的各项性能成为取代部分金属材料的首选。本文介绍了SMC顶护盖的设计要求、SMC成型模具的设计及工艺,以及制造过程出现的缺陷和解决办法。  相似文献   

Smooth muscle cell (SMC) migration from the media to the intima of blood vessels contributes to neointimal formation and atherogenesis. Here, we demonstrate how blood shear stress regulates vascular SMC migration in the encapsulating tissue of a micro-cylinder implanted in the center of the rat vena cava with the micro-cylinder perpendicular to blood flow. In this model, the micro-cylinder was exposed to a laminar flow with a known shear stress field in the leading region and a vortex flow in the trailing region. After surgery, the micro-cylinder was encapsulated by a thrombus-like tissue within one day, followed by SMC migration from the vena cava to the encapsulating tissue from day 3 to 20. SMC migration was time-dependent with a peak migration speed at day 5. At each given time (excluding day 1), blood shear stress exerts an inhibitory effect on SMC migration with significantly suppressed SMC migration in the laminar flow region than in the stagnation, separation, and vortex flow regions. SMCs were relatively parallel to the shear stress direction in high shear stress regions, whereas perpendicular to the shear stress direction in low shear stress regions. These results suggest that blood shear stress plays a role in regulating SMC migration and orientation in this model.  相似文献   

Sliding-mode control (SMC) has been studied extensively for over 50 years and widely used in practical applications due to its simplicity and robustness against parameter variations and disturbances. Despite the extensive research activities carried out, the key technical problems associated with SMC remain as challenging research questions due to demands for new industrial applications and technological advances. In this respect, soft computing (SC) is a rather recent development in intelligent systems which has provided alternative means for adaptive learning and control to overcome the key SMC technical problems. Substantial efforts in integration of SMC with SC have been placed in recent years with various successes. In this paper, we provide the state of the art of recent developments in SMC systems with SC, examining key technical research issues and future perspectives.   相似文献   

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