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Gross CO2 and CH4 emissions (degassing and diffusion from the reservoir) and the carbon balance were assessed in 2009-2010 in two Southeast Asian sub-tropical reservoirs: the Nam Ngum and Nam Leuk Reservoirs (Lao PDR). These two reservoirs are within the same climatic area but differ mainly in age, size, residence time and initial biomass stock. The Nam Leuk Reservoir was impounded in 1999 after partial vegetation clearance and burning. However, GHG emissions are still significant 10 years after impoundment. CH4 diffusive flux ranged from 0.8 (January 2010) to 11.9 mmol m− 2 d− 1 (April 2009) and CO2 diffusive flux ranged from - 10.6 (October 2009) to 38.2 mmol m− 2 d− 1 (April 2009). These values are comparable to other tropical reservoirs. Moreover, degassing fluxes at the outlet of the powerhouse downstream of the turbines were very low. The tentative annual carbon balance calculation indicates that this reservoir was a carbon source with an annual carbon export (atmosphere + downstream river) of about 2.2 ± 1.0 GgC yr− 1.The Nam Ngum Reservoir was impounded in 1971 without any significant biomass removal. Diffusive and degassing CO2 and CH4 fluxes were lower than for other tropical reservoirs. Particularly, CO2 diffusive fluxes were always negative with values ranging from - 21.2 (April 2009) to - 2.7 mmol m−2 d−1 (January 2010). CH4 diffusive flux ranged from 0.1 (October 2009) to 0.6 mmol m−2 d−1 (April 2009) and no degassing downstream of the turbines was measured. As a consequence of these low values, the reservoir was a carbon sink with an estimated annual uptake of - 53 ± 35 GgC yr−1.  相似文献   

The atmospheric fluxes of N2O, CH4 and CO2 from the soil in four mangrove swamps in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, South China were investigated in the summer of 2008. The fluxes ranged from 0.14 to 23.83 μmol m2 h1, 11.9 to 5168.6 μmol m2 h1 and 0.69 to 20.56 mmol m2 h1 for N2O, CH4 and CO2, respectively. Futian mangrove swamp in Shenzhen had the highest greenhouse gas fluxes, followed by Mai Po mangrove in Hong Kong. Sha Kong Tsuen and Yung Shue O mangroves in Hong Kong had similar, low fluxes. The differences in both N2O and CH4 fluxes among different tidal positions, the landward, seaward and bare mudflat, in each swamp were insignificant. The N2O and CO2 fluxes were positively correlated with the soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphate, total iron and NH4+-N contents, as well as the soil porosity. However, only soil NH4+-N concentration had significant effects on CH4 fluxes.  相似文献   

Although conventional CO2-based demand-controlled ventilation strategies, such as proportional and exponential controls, can ensure buildings/spaces meeting the minimum requirements of outdoor air by industry standards, they are operated under the assumption of equilibrium condition which can hardly be reached in practice and therefore there is still much space to improve on conventional strategies in terms of energy saving. In this paper, a novel and dynamic control strategy was developed for hourly scheduled buildings. The strategy utilized schedules by setting a base ventilation rate for unoccupied periods and calculating ventilation rate dynamically at each occupied period by solving the CO2 mass balance equation to keep indoor CO2 near the set point during the occupied period. Experimental simulations were made over a sports training center using both simulated and experimental CO2 generation rates. Results show that the new strategy can save +34% of energy related to ventilation air compared to proportional control. The new strategy was also extended to common buildings which are occupied for almost all opening hours. In the case of common buildings, the new strategy can save about +26% of energy related to ventilation air compared to proportional control. The new strategy is simple, dynamic, flexible and efficient.  相似文献   

It is necessary to know CO2 source generation rates and system flow parameters, such as supply flow rate and overall room ventilation effectiveness, in order to evaluate cost savings for demand-controlled ventilation applied to commercial buildings. This paper presents a methodology for estimating schedules for generation rates and flow parameters using short-term testing. These parameters are used within a model that predicts return air CO2 concentrations as part of an overall energy analysis model. As a first step in developing the methodology, two different parameter estimation techniques were evaluated using simulated data. Each method gave models that provide good predictions of return air CO2 concentrations, but differed in terms of the identified parameters. The preferred parameter estimation method provides estimates of both average hourly source generation rates and day-to-day variations. This technique was applied to three different types of commercial buildings using field monitored data. The sites are small commercial buildings with packaged HVAC equipment and included modular schoolrooms, children's play areas in fast food restaurants and a pharmacy retail store. The impact of the length of model training data period on estimated CO2 generation rates was investigated. Eight weeks of data is sufficient for training. Expressed in terms of the coefficient of variation, the errors in predicted CO2 concentrations ranged from 4% to 15% depending on the sites. The predicted frequency of time that CO2 concentrations were within a given range agreed well with the field measured data.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) levels in terrestrial soils are linked to the presence of organic carbon (C). Carbon pools are highly dynamic and subject to mineralization processes, but little is known about the fate of Hg during decomposition. This study evaluated relationships between gaseous Hg emissions from soils and carbon dioxide (CO2) respiration under controlled laboratory conditions to assess potential losses of Hg to the atmosphere during C mineralization. Results showed a linear correlation (r2 = 0.49) between Hg and CO2 emissions in 41 soil samples, an effect unlikely to be caused by temperature, radiation, different Hg contents, or soil moisture. Stoichiometric comparisons of Hg/C ratios of emissions and underlying soil substrates suggest that 3% of soil Hg was subject to evasion. Even minute emissions of Hg upon mineralization, however, may be important on a global scale given the large Hg pools sequestered in terrestrial soils and C stocks.We induced changes in CO2 respiration rates and observed Hg flux responses, including inducement of anaerobic conditions by changing chamber air supply from N2/O2 (80% and 20%, respectively) to pure N2. Unexpectedly, Hg emissions almost quadrupled after O2 deprivation while oxidative mineralization (i.e., CO2 emissions) was greatly reduced. This Hg flux response to anaerobic conditions was lacking when repeated with sterilized soils, possibly due to involvement of microbial reduction of Hg2+ by anaerobes or indirect abiotic effects such as alterations in soil redox conditions. This study provides experimental evidence that Hg volatilization, and possibly Hg2+ reduction, is related to O2 availability in soils from two Sierra Nevada forests. If this result is confirmed in soils from other areas, the implication is that Hg volatilization from terrestrial soils is partially controlled by soil aeration and that low soil O2 levels and possibly low soil redox potentials lead to increased Hg volatilization from soils.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to obtain the environmentally optimal design of a building with the following starting conditions: constant constructed surface, constant volume, square floor layout, and a variable number of floors. For this purpose, the study evaluated the impact of CO2 emissions stemming from the energy needed to maintain the building at a constant temperature of 19 °C in winter and 25 °C in the summer. Furthermore, one of the results was the CO2 emissions curve from the manufacturing of the materials used in the construction of the building and the building envelope.  相似文献   

Addition of different forms of nitrogen fertilizer to cultivated soil is known to affect carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. In this study, the effect of urea, wastewater sludge and vermicompost on emissions of CO2 and N2O in soil cultivated with bean was investigated. Beans were cultivated in the greenhouse in three consecutive experiments, fertilized with or without wastewater sludge at two application rates (33 and 55 Mg fresh wastewater sludge ha− 1, i.e. 48 and 80 kg N ha− 1 considering a N mineralization rate of 40%), vermicompost derived from the wastewater sludge (212 Mg ha− 1, i.e. 80 kg N ha− 1) or urea (170 kg ha− 1, i.e. 80 kg N ha− 1), while pH, electrolytic conductivity (EC), inorganic nitrogen and CO2 and N2O emissions were monitored. Vermicompost added to soil increased EC at onset of the experiment, but thereafter values were similar to the other treatments. Most of the NO3 was taken up by the plants, although some was leached from the upper to the lower soil layer. CO2 emission was 375 C kg ha− 1 y− 1 in the unamended soil, 340 kg C ha− 1 y− 1 in the urea-amended soil and 839 kg ha− 1 y− 1 in the vermicompost-amended soil. N2O emission was 2.92 kg N ha− 1 y− 1 in soil amended with 55 Mg wastewater sludge ha− 1, but only 0.03 kg N ha− 1 y− 1 in the unamended soil. The emission of CO2 was affected by the phenological stage of the plant while organic fertilizer increased the CO2 and N2O emission, and the yield per plant. Environmental and economic implications must to be considered to decide how many, how often and what kind of organic fertilizer could be used to increase yields, while limiting soil deterioration and greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

Tourism is the most developed economic sector in the Balearic Islands. The great rise in construction activities within the last 50 years, the increase in energy use, in CO2 emissions and in waste production due to tourism, as well as an electrical energy production system mainly based on coal and fossil fuels is not an environmentally sustainable scenario. The aim of this study is to identify the processes that have had the greatest impact on the life cycle of a tourist building. In order to do this, the energy uses, CO2 emissions and waste materials generated have been estimated, assuming a life cycle of 50 years, within a sample of hotels from the Balearic Islands. The results show that the operating phase, which represents between 70% and 80% of the total energy use, is the one with the greatest impact; that the energy use due to the manufacture of materials represents a fifth of the total and that electric consumption is the main cause of CO2 emissions because of the regional energy system.  相似文献   

Energy usage and energy efficiency are of increasing concern in Mexico, electricity generation principally depends upon fossil fuels. On one hand, the stocks of these fuels have been confirmed to be critically limited. On the other hand, in process of electricity generation by means of these fuels, a number of poisonous by-products adversely affect the conservation of natural eco-system.This paper focuses on estimation of energy consumption, energy savings, reduction of emissions of CO2 for use of urban and rural household appliances in Mexico between 1996 and 2021.The analysis concentrates on six major energy end uses in the residential sector: refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, TV set, iron and heater.It is estimated that by 2021 there will be a cumulative saving of 22,605 GWh, as a result of the implementation of government programs on energy efficiency that represents a cumulative reduction of CO2 emissions of 15,087 Tg CO2.It means that Mexico can reduce in 5650 MW the generation capacity of national electricity system, which is to avoid burning 40.35 MM barrels of oil.The findings can be useful to policy makers as well as household appliances users.  相似文献   

Passive ambient air sampling for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was conducted at 25 school and two compliance sites in Detroit and Dearborn, Michigan, USA during the summer of 2005. Geographic Information System (GIS) data were calculated at each of 116 schools. The 25 selected schools were monitored to assess and model intra-urban gradients of air pollutants to evaluate impact of traffic and urban emissions on pollutant levels. Schools were chosen to be statistically representative of urban land use variables such as distance to major roadways, traffic intensity around the schools, distance to nearest point sources, population density, and distance to nearest border crossing. Two approaches were used to investigate spatial variability. First, Kruskal-Wallis analyses and pairwise comparisons on data from the schools examined coarse spatial differences based on city section and distance from heavily trafficked roads. Secondly, spatial variation on a finer scale and as a response to multiple factors was evaluated through land use regression (LUR) models via multiple linear regression. For weeklong exposures, VOCs did not exhibit spatial variability by city section or distance from major roads; NO2 was significantly elevated in a section dominated by traffic and industrial influence versus a residential section. Somewhat in contrast to coarse spatial analyses, LUR results revealed spatial gradients in NO2 and selected VOCs across the area. The process used to select spatially representative sites for air sampling and the results of coarse and fine spatial variability of air pollutants provide insights that may guide future air quality studies in assessing intra-urban gradients.  相似文献   

Bioaccessibility, the fraction of an element solubilized during gastrointestinal digestion and available for absorption, is a factor that should be considered when evaluating the health risk of contaminants from food. Static and dynamic models that mimic human physiological conditions have been used to evaluate bioaccessibility. This preliminary study compares the bioaccessibility of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) in two food certified reference materials (CRMs) (seaweed: Fucus sp., IAEA-140/TM; Lobster hepatopancreas: TORT-2), using two in vitro gastrointestinal digestion methods: a static method (SM) and a dynamic multicompartment method (TIM-1). There are significant differences (p < 0.05) between the bioaccessible values of As, Cd, Pb and Hg obtained by SM and TIM-1 in the two CRMs. The specific form in which the elements studied are present in the CRM may help to explain the bioaccessibility values obtained.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of temperature inversions on the levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the atmosphere over the Hamilton Census Metropolitan Area and environs in Ontario, Canada, for the period 2003 to 2007. Vertical temperature profiles extracted from data acquired by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) were used to determine the occurrences of daytime and nighttime temperature inversions over the region. NO2 and PM2.5 data were obtained from three in situ air quality monitoring stations located in the study area. The results indicate increases of 49% and 54% in NO2 and PM2.5 respectively, during nighttime inversion episodes. Daytime inversions resulted in an 11% increase in NO2 but a 14% decrease in PM2.5. Decreases occurred predominantly in the summer. We discuss these results and possible explanations for the reduced PM2.5 concentrations on inversion days. Weekday and seasonal analysis, with associated meteorological parameters are also discussed.  相似文献   

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