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余永富 《武汉理工大学学报(材料科学英文版)》2011,26(2):176-181
Magnetizing roasting of oolitic hematite ore from western Hubei Province was investigated.The mechanism for reduction roasting of oolitic hematite ore was discussed and analyzed.It is found that flash magnetizing roasting-magnetic separation process is a promising approach for the processing of oolitic hematite ore from western Hubei Province. 相似文献
A novel method was developed for extracting alumina (Al2O3) from fly ash using an ammonium hydrogen sulfate (NH4HSO4) roasting process, and the thermodynamics and kinetics of this method were investigated. The thermodynamic results were verified experi-mentally. Thermodynamic calculations show that mullite present in the fly ash can react with NH4HSO4 in the 298-723 K range. Process op-timization reveals that the extraction rate can reach up to 90.95% when the fly ash reacts with NH4HSO4 at a 1:8 mole ratio of Al2O3/NH4HSO4 at 673 K for 60 min. Kinetic analysis indicates that the NH4HSO4 roasting process follows the shrinking unreacted core model, and inner diffusion through the product layer is the rate-controlling step. The activation energy is calculated to be 16.627 kJ/mol;and the kinetic equation can be expressed as 1-(2/3)α-(1-α)2/3=0.0374t exp[-16627/(RT)], whereαis the extraction rate and t is the roasting temperature. 相似文献
以红土镍矿为原料,用热重分析(TG)和X射线衍射分析(XRD)等方法,对红土铁矿干燥焙烧条件进行研究.结果表明,在矿石粒度为0~3 mm且小于180目颗粒占25%,配焦粉量8%,焙烧温度850℃,焙烧时间90 min,干燥焙烧效果最佳. 相似文献
Leaching kinetics of acid-soluble Cr(VI) from chromite ore processing residue with hydrofluoric acid 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Leaching kinetics of acid-soluble Cr(VI) in chromite ore processing residue (COPR) using hydrofluoric (HF) acid solution as
a leaching agent was investigated for potential remediation of COPR with industrial waste water containing HF. The results
show that HF can effectively destabilize the Cr(VI)-bearing minerals, resulting in the mobilization of Cr(VI) from COPR into
the leachate. Particle size significantly influences the leaching of acid-soluble Cr(VI) from COPR, followed by leaching time,
whereas the effects of HF concentration and leaching temperature are slight and the influence of stirring rate is negligible.
The leaching process of acid-soluble Cr(VI) from COPR is controlled by the diffusion through the product layer. The apparent
activation energy is 8.696 kJ/mol and the reaction orders with respect to HF concentration and particle size is 0.493 8 and
−2.013 3, respectively. 相似文献
The kinetics of leaching arsenic from Ni-Mo ore roasting dust was investigated. The effects including leaching temperature, particle size of the smelter dust, stirring speed, the coefficient β(the molar ratio of sodium chlorate to arsenic in the smelter dust) and the initial H+ concentration on leaching arsenic were studied. The results indicate that the leaching of arsenic increases sharply with the decrease of particle size. The orders of reaction with respect to H+ concentration and particle size are determinted to be 1.136 and 1.806, respectively. The leaching of arsenic reaches 99% under experimental conditions, the apparent activation energy is determined to be 11.157 kJ/mol, which is consistent with the values of activation energy for diffusion model The kinetics equation of leaching arsenic from the roasting dust could be expressed by a semi-empirical equation as 1-2/3η (1 -η)^2/3 = k0(c[H+])^1.136ro^-1.806 exp[(-11157 /RT)t]. 相似文献
Qing Zhao Cheng-jun Liu Pei-yang Shi Bo Zhang Mao-fa Jiang Qing-song Zhang Ron Zevenhoven Henrik Saxn 《北京科技大学学报(英文版)》2015,(3)
The sulfuric acid leaching kinetics of South African chromite was investigated. The negative influence of a solid product layer constituted of a silicon-rich phase and chromium-rich sulfate was elimina... 相似文献
The Cr:Fe ratio (chromium-to-iron mass ratio) of chromite affects the production of chrome-based ferroalloys. Although the lit-erature contains numerous reports related to the magnetic separation of di... 相似文献
Metal leaching from a low-grade nickel ore was investigated using an ammonium sulfate roasting-water leaching process.The nickel ore was mixed with ammonium sulfate,followed by roasting and finally leaching with water.During the process the effects of the amount of ammonium sulfate,roasting temperature,and roasting time on the leaching recovery of metal elements were analyzed.The optimum technological parameters were determined as follows:ammonium sulfate/ore ratio,0.8 g/g;roasting temperature,400°C;and roasting time,2 h.Under the optimum condition the leaching recoveries of Ni,Cu,Fe,and Mg were 83.48%,76.24%,56.43%,and 62.15%,respectively.Furthermore,the dissolution kinetics of Ni and Mg from the nickel ore was studied.The apparent activation energies for the leaching reaction of Ni and Mg were 18.782 and 10.038 kJ·mol-1,which were consistent with the values of diffusion control reactions.Therefore,the results demonstrated that the leaching recoveries of Ni and Mg were controlled by diffusion. 相似文献
铬铁矿是生产铁铬合金和不锈钢的重要原料,掌握其还原行为对于优化生产工艺和高效利用资源非常重要.本文综述了近40年来对铬矿还原动力学的研究进展,比较了文献中对不同铬铁矿的还原动力学研究,分析了温度、原料条件、还原剂条件和添加剂成分对还原过程的影响,并结合动力学模型对其还原机理进行了探讨,给出了提高还原率的思路方法. 相似文献
为了更有效地的回收矿石中的有价成分,采用光谱分析、多元素化学分析、岩矿鉴定及物相分析等方法对栗木钽铌钨锡矿矿石的工艺矿物学特征进行了系统研究.结果表明:矿石的矿物主要由石英、钾长石、钠长石及云母组成,四者的含量合计约占矿石的95%;矿石的有价金属元素有钽、铌、钨、锡、铷,分别存在于钽铌(铁)锰矿、黑钨矿、白钨矿、锡石、黝锡矿、云母与钾长石中.根据工艺矿物学研究结果,矿石中可以综合回收的金属矿物包括钽、铌、钨、锡矿物,非金属矿物包括石英、云母以及长石;影响目的矿物回收的工艺矿物学因素主要包括矿石的结构、后期蚀变、矿物自身的脆性以及表面特性的相似性等. 相似文献
Xidong Wang Jinlan Cui Xinlei Ge Shili Zheng Mei Zhang and Yi Zhang Metallurgical Ecological Engineering School University of Science Technology Beijing Beijing China Institute of Process Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China 《北京科技大学学报(英文版)》2004,11(6)
Phase diagrams of complex multi-component aqueous chromium salt system are the important theoretical bases for increasing the recovery ratio of chromium and reducing the poisonous waste in the chromate production process. Phase equilibrium of multi-component system has been calculated from the limited known data with thermodynamic models. The phase equilibriums of KOH-K2CrO4-H2O, KOH-KAlO2-H2O, NaOH-Na2CrO4-H2O and NaOH-NaAlO2-H2O systems were calculated with thermodynamic models. The solubilities of Cr and Al was measured in the systems at different temperatures. The results were compared with experimental data and they are consistent with each other. It shows that the lower concentration of KOH (or NaOH) is favorable for the crystallization of KAlO2 (or NaAlO2) and higher concentration of KOH (or NaOH) is favorable for the crystallization of K2CrO4 (Na2CrO4). Therefore, K2CrO4 (or Na2CrO4) can be separated from KAlO2 (or NaAlO2) with controlling the KOH concentration in solutions of KOH-K2CrO4-KAlO2-H2 相似文献
试验研究了全精矿球团烧结中焦粉内配比例、焦粉粒度、烧结矿碱度的选取,另外,还进行了配加生矿粉试验.对比试验结果表明,雅满苏铁精矿全精矿球团烧结工艺明显优于普通烧结工艺. 相似文献
Traditional treatments of zinc dross have many disadvantages,such as complicated recovering process and serious environmental pollution.In this work,a new process of chlorine removal from zinc dross by microwave was proposed for solving problem of recycling the zinc dross.With better ability of absorbing the microwave than zinc oxide,the main material in zinc dross,chlorides,can be heated and evaporated rapidly during microwave roasting.Various parameters including roasting temperature,duration time and stirring speed were optimized.The microstructure of roasted materials was characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscope(SEM).The content of the chloride was analyzed by the method of chlorine ion selective electrode.The experiments indicate that the best duration time is 60 min with a stirring speed of 15 r/min during the microwave roasting process.The dechlorination rate reaches peak value of 88% at 700 ℃.The chlorine is removed as HCl gas when water vapor is used as activating agent,which means that it can be recovered into hydrochloride acid. 相似文献
细菌浸出是镁质低品位铁镍硫化矿的潜在处理方案之一。针对该矿石浸出活性较低的问题,研究了硫酸预浸出和硫酸铵焙烧预浸出2种活化方案,并与细菌直接浸出(空白试验)做了比较。结果表明,2种活化方案都有利于金属回收,但硫酸铵焙烧预浸出方案的活化效果更优:浸出时间为8 d时,Ni、Cu和Mg的浸出率分别为90.2%、89.56%和61.19%,分别高于硫酸预浸出方案2.08%、12.2%和8.95%。矿石中的Mg主要在硫酸铵焙烧预浸出阶段进入溶液,细菌对Mg浸出的影响不大。XRD和能谱分析表明:浸出渣中Ni和Cu的残留量很低,Mg主要存在于难浸出的蛇纹石之中。 相似文献
Extraction of valuable metals from low-grade nickeliferous laterite ore by reduction roasting-ammonia leaching method 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Nickel and cobalt were extracted from low-grade nickeliferous laterite ore using a reduction roasting-ammonia leaching method.
The reduction roasting-ammonia leaching experimental tests were chiefly introduced, by which fine coal was used as a reductant.
The results show that the optimum process conditions are confirmed as follows: in reduction roasting process, the mass fraction
of reductant in the ore is 10%, roasting time is 120 min, roasting temperature is 1 023–1 073 K; in ammonia leaching process,
the liquid-to-solid ratio is 4:1(mL/g), leaching temperature is 313 K, leaching time is 120 min, and concentration ratio of
NH3 to CO2 is 90 g/L:60 g/L. Under the optimum conditions, leaching efficiencies of nickel and cobalt are 86.25% and 60.84%, respectively.
Therefore, nickel and cobalt can be effectively reclaimed, and the leaching agent can be also recycled at room temperature
and normal pressure. 相似文献
通过高温焙烧法对辽宁黑山膨润土改性,分析了改性膨润土对苯酚溶液的处理效果。实验使用不同焙烧温度的改性膨润土,探讨了固液比、吸附时间、吸附温度、苯酚浓度等条件对苯酚溶液的吸附效果。结果表明:600℃改性膨润土的吸附效果最佳,苯酚去除率为68.3%;最佳吸附条件为,苯酚浓度为20mg/L、固液比为6g/L、常温吸附时间1.5~2h。 相似文献
Xiao-hui Tang ;Run-zao Liu ;Li Yao ;Zhi-jun ji ;Yan-ting Zhang ;Shi-qi Li 《北京科技大学学报(英文版)》2014,(10):955-961
Ferronickel enrichment and extraction from nickel laterite ore were studied through reduction and magnetic separation. Reduction experiments were performed using hydrogen and carbon monoxide as reductants at different temperatures (700-1000℃). Magnetic separa- tion of the reduced products was conducted using a SLon-100 cycle pulsating magnetic separator (1.2 T). Composition analysis indicates that the nickel laterite ore contains a total iron content of 22.50wt% and a total nickel content of 1.91wt%. Its mineral composition mainly con- sists of serpentine, hortonolite, and goethite. During the reduction process, the grade of nickel and iron in the products increases with in- creasing reduction temperature. Although a higher temperature is more favorable for reduction, the temperature exceeding 1000℃ results in sintering of the products, preventing magnetic separation. After magnetic separation, the maximum total nickel and iron concentrations are 5.43wt% and 56.86wt%, and the corresponding recovery rates are 84.38% and 53.76%, respectively. 相似文献
以高纯镁砂、西藏铬矿细粉为原料,分别添加0%,2%,4%,6%(质量分数)的金属Cr粉末,在200MPa下制成中50mm×20mm的试样,然后在1600℃,空气气氛下保温8h烧成.对烧成后的试样进行性能检测以及XRD分析.结果表明,添加金属Cr粉末有利于MgCr20。尖晶石相的生成.试样的显气孔率、体积变化随着金属Cr添加量的增加而增大,常温耐压强度随着添加量的增加出现明显下降. 相似文献
Jun-xiao Feng Kai-li Liang Zhi-bin Sun Jing-hai Xu Yong-ming Zhang Jin-bao Yang 《北京科技大学学报(英文版)》2011,18(3):285-291
A 3-D mathematical model was presented for the cooling process of iron ore pellets based on the laws of mass, momentum, and heat transfer. The flow, pressure, and temperature fields were obtained by numerical simulation with the commercial software FLUENT. In order to verify the model, a mass and energy balance field test was systematically carried out on an annular cooler in Shougang Mining Company. The maximum relative errors of temperature, pressure, and velocity between computational and testing results... 相似文献
冷却方式对焙烧鲕状赤铁矿磨矿性能影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
鲕状赤铁矿有用矿物嵌布粒度细,磨矿成本高,属于典型难选铁矿石。磁化焙烧-磁选工艺是分选此类难选铁矿石的有效方法,研究了不同冷却方式对磁化焙烧矿的磨矿性能产生的影响.鲕状赤铁矿进行磁化焙烧后分别隔绝空气密闭冷却、水淬及空气中自然冷却,进行粒度筛析和磨矿试验.发现焙烧后矿石粒径变粗,从原矿的平均粒径为0.069 9mm至密闭冷却、水冷和自然冷却焙烧矿的0.088 2mm、0.084 3mm、0.087 0mm.相同磨矿条件下,原矿、密闭冷却焙烧矿、水冷焙烧矿和自然冷却焙烧矿-0.045mm含量分别为84.89%、83.89%、76.51%、77.14%.表明磁化焙烧使鲕状赤铁矿变得更为难磨,密闭冷却时磨矿效果最佳,自然冷却次之,水冷最差. 相似文献