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On-line optimization is a very powerful tool that saves costs and improves the operational productivity of a chemical plant. However, the process of on-line optimization takes too much time and cost because it needs the significant contribution of process optimization specialists. To solve this problem, a web-based support system for online optimization is designed. The design specifications of the target product are identified using product design tools such as house of quality and roof correlation matrix. The design specifications are implemented into three product modules: communication module, project management module, and information interaction module. The final prototype system is evaluated based on a real application to the on-line optimization of a PTA process. The system shows both the time and the cost could be reduced by 43.5% and 43.3%.  相似文献   

通过典型事故案例的分析,阐述了液氯在运输中存在的事故风险,提出了风险防范的方向和应急预案的编制原则.  相似文献   

如何加强清洗施工管理,确保清洗施工质量、环境、安全是企业发展的关键.按照标准规范做好清洗施工现场管理是当前重要课题之一.讨论了清洗施工现场管理中应急准备和响应的控制.  相似文献   

阳泉矿区属于山西沁水煤田,属煤层气易抽采煤层,是国内瓦斯涌出量最大、煤层气最富集的地区之一,已被国家列为重点煤层气开发利用突破区。为了快速、有序、健康地开发利用好阳泉矿区的煤层气资源,有必要做好规划工作。从煤层气开发利用的现状,加快开发利用的必要性、基础条件和优势等方面,论述了促进煤层气产业快速健康发展的思路和目标。规划将阳泉煤业(集团)有限公司煤层气开发利用产业打造成山西省标杆产业及全国的示范产业,井下抽采煤层气综合利用率达到98.5%;煤层气综合利用率达到80.2%。  相似文献   

耿庆鲁  李刚 《氯碱工业》2008,44(3):26-27
经过大量实验,通过改进温差法控制算法,化繁为简,采用间断式连续出料,对质量分数为30%的碱的控制可精确到(30±0.3)%,保证了产品质量的稳定,并降低了工人的劳动强度.  相似文献   

我国无机高分子絮凝剂产业发展现状与规划   总被引:67,自引:3,他引:64  
论述了我国无机高分子絮凝剂产业发展历程,国内外产业发展现状与特点,分析了制约我国絮凝剂产业发展的外部、内部因素,产业发展的机遇与形势,以及我国无机高分子絮凝剂“十五”发展规划概要,对我国絮凝剂行业发展具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

多效干燥过程的排产调度优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对干燥过程是一个高能耗的间歇单元操作,对多效干燥过程进行了排产调度研究。根据干燥速率曲线,将各效干燥过程设计为等操作时间,建立了多效干燥过程排产调度的优化模型。以效数和干燥器干燥时间为决策变量,以年费用最小为目标表达为一个混合整数非线性规划(MINLP)的数学模型,利用GAMS进行求解。以淤泥1~5效干燥为算例进行了优化调度分析,结果表明:在4效时年费用最小;与1效干燥相比,在最优条件下年生产费用可节约26%。同时获得了最优排产调度的Gantt图,从而可以得出干燥设备的最小操作周期,据此对多效干燥过程进行排产,使间歇多效干燥过程可以实现连续化生产,对多效干燥的工业化具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

介绍了江苏索普化工股份有限公司7万t/a烧碱整流机组改造方案的提出、确定及新整流机组参数的计算方法。  相似文献   

刘旭  武跃英 《聚酯工业》2004,17(5):53-54
在热媒温度控制系统中以熔体温度作为主参数,组成串极调节系统。投入运行后,熔体温度稳定,调节阀动作平稳,效果良好。  相似文献   

介绍了对5万t/a隔膜法烧碱生产装置原整流系统的改造,并总结了PLC控制在整流系统中的应用.  相似文献   

张卫星 《陶瓷》2001,(2):10-11
我国是驰名世界的陶瓷王国,由于旧中国的落后,建国初期建筑卫生陶瓷工业基础相当薄弱。解放后的十几年内,我国建筑卫生陶瓷工业不断发展,形成了一定的生产规模。特别自1978年改革开放,建筑卫生陶瓷工为随着国民经济的增长得到迅速的发展,通过引进、消化和吸收国外先进的生产技术和装备,使建筑卫生陶瓷工业的生产技术水平迈上了新的台阶,不仅产量大幅度增长,新产品开发能力大大加强,而且产品质量、花色品种、规格档次均发生了质的飞跃,技术装备设计、制造水平和配套能力得以长足发展。  相似文献   

为保障安全生产 ,对化工装置的紧急排放系统进行了分析。分析内容包括设备安全泄放量、排放管网及泄放装置排放能力。提出了系统分析的基本步骤 ,即 :核实各设备 (元件 )技术参数 ,核实管网结构与管道 (管件 )直径 ,确定单个设备的紧急泄放条件 ,确定多个设备的同时泄放条件 ,确定设备最大安全泄放量 ,对排放管网输送能力进行核算  相似文献   

循环冷却水零排污运行方案的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对循环冷却水系统零排污的技术可行性、经济性等进行了讨论,并针对大庆炼化公司循环冷却水系统零排污方案的实施加以详细描述,对实施过程中存在的问题予以了详细说明。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the applicability of microreactors for use in catalytic reactions at elevated temperatures. Microchannels were fabricated on both sides of a silicon wafer by wet chemical etching after pattern transfer using a negative photoresist. The walls of the reactor channel were coated with a platinum layer, for use as a sample catalyst, by sputtering. A heating element was installed in the channel on the opposite surface of the reactor channel. The reactor channel was sealed gas-tight with a glass plate by using an anodic bonding technique. A small-scale palladium membrane was also prepared on the surface of a 50-Μm thick copper film. In the membrane preparation, a negative photoresist was spin-coated and solidified to serve as a protective film. A palladium layer was then electrodeposited on the other uncovered surface. After the protective film was removed, the resist was again spin-coated on the copper surface, and a pattern of microslits was transferred by photolithography. After development, the microslits were electrolitically etched away, resulting in the formation of a palladium membrane as an assemblage of thin layers formed in the microslits. The integration of the microreactor and the membrane is currently under way.  相似文献   

In this investigation an all-olefin thermoplastic laminate was developed and characterized. Commingled glass-fiber polypropylene (PP) composite was used as skin and HDPE (PE) foam with closed cells as core. Infra-red heating was used for melting the surfaces of the substrates for surface fusion bonding with a cold press. Two tie-layer films, viz., ethylene-propylene copolymer (EPC) and HDPE/elastomer blend were used as hot-melt adhesives for bonding the substrates. Singlelap shear joints were prepared from PP composite and PE foam adherends with a bonding area of 25.4 mm × 25.4 mm to determine the bond strength. EPC tie-layer adhesive provided higher bond strength (2.68 × 106 N/m2) to the all-olefin laminate than that based on HDPE/elastomer blend (1.93 × 106 N/m2). For EPC tie-layer-based laminates, a mixed mode of failure was observed in the failed lap shear samples: about 40% was cohesive failure through the tie-layer, and the rest of failure was interfacial, either at PP composite or PE foam surfaces. Environmental scanning electron micrographs (ESEM) revealed that in the process of surface fusion bonding, PE foam cells in the vicinity of interphase (800-μm-thick) were coalesced with high temperature and pressure. No macro-level penetration of the tie-layer melt front into the foam cells was observed. As the surface morphology of foam was altered due to IR surface heating and the PP composite bonding side had a resin-rich layer, the bonding situation was closer to that between two polymer film surfaces.  相似文献   

十多年来,化工污染防治工作取得很大的进展,但还未从根本上解决全行业的污染问题。本文介绍了2020年之前的环保规划设想。  相似文献   

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