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纵向通风隧道内火灾烟气流动的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了纵向通风隧道火灾和相关烟气形成现象。利用计算机流体动力模型模拟烟气流动,获得可以与试验数据进行比较的预测结果。在Richardson数字基础上,采用了不同参考稳定值,结果发现,直接利用火灾热释放速率所获得的温度值会产生最有用的结果。试验结果与数值预测结果的比较发现,两者吻合较好。笔者验证了利用容积测定火源模拟火灾的情况。结果的准确性很大程度上取决于对墙和屋顶的热传递。  相似文献   

基于数值模拟的方法,采用PyroSim 软件搭建半径分别为250、300、400、500、600 m 的曲线隧道模型及长度为130.8 m 的直线模型,模拟隧道火灾发生后无纵向通风时的烟气运动,对比分析两种模型中心线上不同高度的烟气温度。模拟分析得到:火灾前期,直线模型中烟气蔓延时基本关于隧道中心线对称,而曲线模型中烟气运动时在上游偏向凹壁下游偏向凸壁;达到稳定状态时,直线模型中火源正上方温度高于曲线模型,无论近火源区还是远火源区,直线模型温度纵向分布关于火源位置均具有很好的对称性,而曲线模型中表现为近火源区波动较大,远火源区温度衰减梯度大于直线模型,1.6 m 高度上游温度衰减梯度大于下游;提出曲线模型中顶棚温度纵向衰减指数模型。  相似文献   

中梁山隧道火灾通风排烟的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据中梁山地铁区间隧道的实际情况确定最不利的通风排烟模式,利用FDS对火灾时的通风排烟进行模拟,分析隧道内不同时刻、不同截面位置的烟流特性参数。模拟结果显示,射流风机作用下火区上游通风风速为2.5 m/s,没有产生回流,起火列车人员能够安全疏散。烟流前锋面到达非起火列车的时间超过850 s,大于非起火列车人员疏散完成时间。  相似文献   

通过隧道火灾模型试验,研究纵向通风对竖井排烟效果及隧道内纵向烟气温度分布的影响。试验考虑不同火源热释放速率和纵向风速。结果表明:纵向风速对正庚烷池火热释放速率存在影响,对于较小正庚烷池火(≤11 cm),火源热释放速率基本不随纵向风速而改变;对于较大正庚烷池火(≥14 cm),火源热释放率随风速的增加先降低后基本保持恒定。此外,当隧道内风速较小时,竖井内烟气附壁排出,竖井后方烟气温度较低,控烟效果较好;当隧道内风速较大时,竖井内烟气出现边界分离,竖井后方温度升高,烟气蔓延距离增加,竖井排烟效果较差。因此,建议当竖井型隧道内发生火灾时,应尽量采用自然通风或较低的内部通风,避免较高风速。  相似文献   

隧道火灾中热烟气的产生及其危害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在这份报告中,描述了在隧道中,不同交通工具火灾时,对温度、光衰减以及一氧化碳的测量,在实验和理论研究的基础上与限值相比较。在大多数情况下,测量值超出限值。  相似文献   

隧道火灾研究现状综述   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
简述了隧道火灾的特点、危害性及其烟气控制方法,回顾了国内外对隧道火灾的研究现状,着重介绍了隧道火灾热释放速率、纵向通风的临界风速方面的试验研究成果,并介绍了火灾时隧道内烟气流场、温度场的数值模拟,以及应用于地铁的环境模拟计算程序SES。最后,提出了在隧道火灾及其烟气控制方面今后需要研究的几个问题。  相似文献   

通过数值计算方法,研究了顶部开口自然通风隧道竖井的排烟效率。考虑了火源热释放速率、竖井高度、长度和宽度及竖井位置的影响,并与竖井排烟效率计算模型进行对比。研究结果发现:竖井的排烟效率随竖井高度的增加而略微增大;竖井的排烟效率基本不随火源热释放速率的变化而变化;随着竖井长度和宽度地增加,排烟效率大幅增加;此外,当竖井位于顶棚中央时,排烟效率较位于顶棚一侧的排烟效率高,且烟气控制效果好。此外,竖井排烟效率模型可以较好地预测不同竖井尺寸和位置的排烟效率。  相似文献   

为研究隧道内火灾烟气控制方案,本文以长沙市某隧道工程为研究对象,利用火灾动力学模拟软件FDS5.3.0对两种设定火灾场景下的烟气蔓延进行数值模拟,得到了设定火灾场景下隧道内的温度和能见度分布情况,并通过对比烟气100℃前锋和10m能见度前锋在2m高度处的蔓延曲线得到起火区域上、下游各个位置的可用安全疏散时间,模拟结果为该隧道内消防设施的安全性、合理性和可靠性评估以及整体工程设计提供依据。  相似文献   

介绍了隧道内火灾的特点和武汉长江隧道工程的通风设计。通过建模计算关键段的参数来检验通风设计的合理性。  相似文献   

火灾工况下公路隧道竖井通风模式试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了建立火灾工况下有效的竖井通风模式,通过大比例火灾模型试验,对不同通风模式下,主隧道、风道及竖井内温度场的传播分布、烟流蔓延扩散规律进行了研究。试验模型隧道长100 m,内径1.8 m,设有直径1 m的送风竖井、排风竖井各一座。火源采用燃烧床盛放油料模拟,试验中设定了A、B、C三个火灾规模用以模拟实际隧道火灾场景,考虑了三个火灾位置:火灾位置I、II和III。试验结果表明随着通风风速、火灾规模、火灾位置的不同,隧道、通风道及竖井内温度场分布及烟流流动差异很大,而且随着时间的推移,其分布发生显著变化。这表明当隧道中发生火灾时,应根据火灾点与竖井的相对位置分阶段,实施不同的通风模式。基于试验结果,建议了秦岭隧道火灾时的有效通风模式。  相似文献   

纵向通风目前是我国长隧道使用最多的通风排烟方式。通过1∶ 10隧道模型火灾排烟试验,利用激光片光观测火灾烟气分层结构,分析了纵向通风对火灾烟气分层结构的影响;通过数值模拟,研究了隧道采用纵向通风排烟的效果。结果表明:在无风情况下,火灾初期烟气能够较好地维持在隧道顶部,与空气分层界限明显;开启纵向排烟后,能够有效抑制火灾烟气向火源上游蔓延,但烟气分层结构遭到破坏并随着风速增加逐渐消失,火源下游区域能见度下降;纵向排烟风速维持在临界风速及以下,可降低纵向风对烟气分层的影响。  相似文献   

对比GB50016-2006《建筑设计防火规范》、GB 50045-95《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》、《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施-暖通空调.动力》(2009版)和《汽车库、修车库、停车场设计防火规范》中关于地下车库的通风排烟系统设计方面的内容,探讨了车库的送风量、平时排风量与消防排烟量计算方法和排烟排风合用的设计要点,阐述了地下汽车库的排烟系统与通风系统兼用的实用性[1-4]。  相似文献   

The vast majority of U.S. homes have at least one smoke alarm. For smoke alarms to be effective, they must have a functional power source, be close enough to the smoke to activate, they must be heard, and occupants must take appropriate action. In homes with smoke alarms and fires considered large enough, the alarms operated 83% of the time. Analyses of data from the U.S. Fire Administration’s National Fire Incident Reporting System and the National Fire Protection Association’s fire department survey showed that in 2003 to 2006, no smoke alarms were present in 31% of reported home fires and 40% of home fire deaths. Smoke alarms were present but failed to operate in 9% of the reported fires and 23% of the deaths. Thirty-seven percent of the deaths resulted from the 47% of fires with operating smoke alarms. Circumstances of the fire, the detection equipment, and occupant characteristics must be considered when evaluating smoke alarm performance. Hardwired smoke alarms operated more often than alarms powered by batteries alone. Victims of fatal fires with working smoke alarms were more likely than victims of fires without working smoke alarms to have been in the area of origin when the fire began; fighting the fire; unable to act; or at least 65 years old; and less likely to have been sleeping. Findings from the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s 2004 to 2005 Residential Fire Survey provide background about smoke alarms in the general population and in unreported fires.  相似文献   

Fire Technology - The paper is focused on the topic of smoke control in a confined, underground cellar area of a historical building, that is undergoing conversion to a restaurant. Similar venues...  相似文献   

Enclosure smoke filling and management are addressed from the standpoint of the volumetric flow rates commonly used for mechanical ventilation system design. In this context, fire-induced gas expansion is treated as a volumetric source term. A two-layer analysis developed previously for enclosure smoke filling without mechanical ventilation is extended to consider the impact of mechanical ventilation on smoke layer descent rates and conditions within the smoke layer. A spreadsheet-based model of enclosure smoke filling developed in conjunction with the previous unventilated analysis is also extended to consider both mechanical extraction and injection systems. Some implications of mechanical ventilation on the development and descent of a smoke layer in an enclosure fire are discussed.  相似文献   

隧道火灾是运营公路隧道的主要灾害。为有效控制隧道火灾,采用理论分析和数值模拟相结合的方法研究了设排烟道隧道的火灾烟气逆流长度与临界风速。以国内常见的双车道隧道尺寸建立模型,分析了排烟速率和纵向通风速率对烟气逆流长度的影响,提出了临界风速的预测模型。并将其通风效果与常规未设排烟道的纵向通风做了比较。结果表明:未设排烟道时,纵向风速还未达到临界风速时,火灾下游烟气的层化状态就已破坏。设排烟道能及时排出火灾产生的烟气,有利于保持烟气的层化状态,有效改善火灾时的隧道环境,为火灾下游人员的疏散救援提供了有利条件。同时,设置排烟道有利于减小逆流长度和临界风速。随着排烟速率的增大,相应的临界风速呈指数函数递减的特性。  相似文献   

This paper applies a novel and fast modelling approach to simulate tunnel ventilation flows during fires. The complexity and high cost of full CFD models and the inaccuracies of simplistic zone or analytical models are avoided by efficiently combining mono-dimensional (1D) and CFD (3D) modelling techniques. A simple 1D network approach is used to model tunnel regions where the flow is fully developed (far field), and a detailed CFD representation is used where flow conditions require 3D resolution (near field). This multi-scale method has previously been applied to simulate tunnel ventilation systems including jet fans, vertical shafts and portals (Colella et al., Build Environ 44(12): 2357–2367, 2009) and it is applied here to include the effect of fire. Both direct and indirect coupling strategies are investigated and compared for steady state conditions. The methodology has been applied to a modern tunnel of 7 m diameter and 1.2 km in length. Different fire scenarios ranging from 10 MW to 100 MW are investigated with a variable number of operating jet fans. Comparison of cold flow cases with fire cases provides a quantification of the fire throttling effect, which is seen to be large and to reduce the flow by more than 30% for a 100 MW fire. Emphasis has been given to the discussion of the different coupling procedures and the control of the numerical error. Compared to the full CFD solution, the maximum flow field error can be reduced to less than few percents, but providing a reduction of two orders of magnitude in computational time. The much lower computational cost is of great engineering value, especially for parametric and sensitivity studies required in the design or assessment of ventilation and fire safety systems.  相似文献   

Since the initial smoke detector was developed, research has been ongoing to reduce the response times to fire sources and improve the ability of detectors to ignore nuisance sources. Research has been conducted to analyze the signatures from cooking activities, ranging from normal cooking to the flaming ignition of food products with the intent of identifying the precursors to flaming ignition. In particular, the goal of the research is to provide an alarm sufficiently prior to flaming ignition to allow homeowners to take corrective actions to prevent a fire. For the 11 experiments analyzed, the optical density measured in the range hood was the most accurate precursor signal, having the greatest ability to predict the imminent transition to a flaming fire with a minimum of false positives. Though plagued by false positives, the temperature of the heating element and response of an ionization detector provided a faster response than the optical density measure. Given that this research only included 11 experiments, further research should be conducted on a broader range of cooking styles and items being cooked.  相似文献   

本文对现代有轨电车地下区间自然通风和隧道风机机械通风排烟方案分析研究,提出了现代有轨电车地下区间射流风机通风排烟方案.本文从隧道风机,自然通风和射流风机三个方案的车站规模、道路景观、工程投资、运行能耗等方面进行研究,获得了现代有轨电车地下区间通风排烟设计推荐方案.研究分析表明:射流风机通风排烟方案在既可减小车站规模、降...  相似文献   

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