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We have previously described a patient with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia who exhibited a mutation (del-10:-8) in the splice-acceptor region in front of the FLR exon of the NF1 tumor suppressor gene. In order to evaluate whether this mutation indeed affects correct splicing of this exon we used an exon trap approach. Our data unequivocally prove the functional relevance of this NF1 mutation. Exon trapping thus represents an attractive strategy to study the consequences of putative splice-site mutations if RNA samples are not available.  相似文献   

A light microscopic, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study was done on 2 patients with active pruritic keloids. The primary cell was the myofibroblast with prominent rough endoplasmic reticulum and bundles of myofilaments with focal densities in the cytoplasm. Enhanced secretory activity was reflected in the prominence of the Golgi apparatus and the frequent presence of intracellular collagen within the tubular membranes. The number of mast cells was increased and they were closely associated with myofibroblasts with frequent direct cell contacts. The filopodia of the mast cells were seen intimately applied along the cell membrane of the myofibroblasts. Degranulated mast cells contained few and electron-lucent granules. Discharge of the contents of granules into the interstitial matrix was encountered. Mast cell granules were also seen lying free in the interstitium. In the vicinity of the degranulated mast cells the interstitial matrix was oedematous containing granular material and the myofibroblasts showed considerable dilation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and vacuole formation. The intimate relationship and interaction between mast cells and myofibroblasts support the important role of mast cells and their mediators in the pathogenesis of keloid.  相似文献   

IDDM is a polygenic and autoimmune disorder in which subsets of white blood cells (WBCs) are engaged in the destruction of beta-cells of the pancreas. The mechanisms that account for the abnormal behavior of these cells in IDDM are not fully understood. By measuring the mean length of telomeres of WBCs from patients with IDDM, we tested the concept that telomeres might play a role in IDDM. We examined the lengths of the terminal restriction fragments (TRFs) of DNA of WBCs from 234 white men comprising 54 patients with IDDM, 74 patients with NIDDM, and 106 control subjects. When adjusted for age, the TRF length from WBCs of patients with IDDM was significantly shorter than that of nondiabetic control subjects (mean +/- SE: 8.6 +/- 0.1 vs. 9.2 +/- 0.1, P = 0.002). No significant difference was observed between the TRF length from WBCs of patients with NIDDM versus nondiabetic subjects. Neither the duration nor the complications of IDDM (i.e., nephropathy and hypertension) had an effect on the TRF length of WBCs from patients with IDDM. The shortened TRF length of WBCs of patients with IDDM likely reflects a marked reduction in the TRF length of subsets of WBCs that play a role in the pathogenesis of IDDM.  相似文献   

The discovery of the BRCA1 gene involved in the development of human hereditary breast cancer led to extensive international efforts to identify the mutations leading to the disease. The new listing covers 127 mutations published in the indicated papers before 30 April 1996; 55% of the mutations are localized in exon 11, followed by exons 2 (5.5%), 5 and 16 (4.7% each).  相似文献   

Syncytium-inducing (SI) variants of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are evolutionary variants that are associated with rapid CD4+ cell loss and rapid disease progression. The heteroduplex tracking assay (HTA) was used to detect evolutionary V3 variants by amplifying the V3 sequences from viral RNA derived from 50 samples of patient plasma. For this V3-specific HTA (V3-HTA), heteroduplexes were formed between the patient V3 sequences and a probe with the subtype B consensus V3 sequence. Evolution was then measured by divergence from the consensus. The presence of evolutionary variants was correlated with SI detection data on the same samples from the MT-2 cell culture assay. Evolutionary variants were correlated with the SI phenotype in 88% of the samples, and 96% of the SI samples contained evolutionary variants. In most cases the evolutionary V3 variants represented discrete clonal outgrowths of virus. Sequence analysis of the six discordant samples that did not show this correlation indicated that three non-syncytium-inducing (NSI) samples had V3 sequences that had evolved away from the consensus sequence but not toward an SI genotype. A fourth sample showed little evolution away from the consensus but was SI, which indicates that not all SI variants require basic substitutions in V3. The other two samples had SI-like genotypes and NSI phenotypes, suggesting that V3-HTA was able to detect SI emergence in these samples in the absence of their detection in vitro. V3-HTA was also used to confirm SI variant selection in MT-2 cells and to examine the possibility of variant selection during virus culture in peripheral blood cells.  相似文献   

Although prenatal diagnosis has reduced the number of beta-thalassaemia births, pregnancy termination is still unacceptable for many couples. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis carried out on the third day after in-vitro fertilization offers an alternative. Here we describe the detection of selected beta-thalassaemia mutations in intron I at the single cell level by the application of nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and silver stained single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. A total of 294 single somatic cells of different types was amplified with 96% success and all tested mutations in homozygous and heterozygous form were identified correctly. None of the heterozygous or compound heterozygous samples showed any allele-specific amplification failure after the beta-globin gene amplification from single cells. To assess the efficiency of nested PCR on single blastomeres prior to clinical application, 10 single blastomeres were amplified and gave the expected normal pattern when analysed by SSCP. The main advantage of SSCP, particularly for preimplantation diagnosis, is that it allows the direct visualization of each allele and provides a simple means of assessing allele-specific amplification failure. Our results show that the combination of nested PCR and automated silver stained SSCP analysis offers exceptional resolution, accuracy and speed which are essential for preimplantation diagnosis.  相似文献   

To clarify the role of the MEN1 gene in the tumorigenesis of sporadic adrenocortical tumors, we performed a molecular study on 35 adrenocortical lesions including 6 hyperplasias, 19 adenomas and 10 carcinomas. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of the MEN1 gene was assessed by PCR using an intragenic (D11S4946) and 2 flanking microsatellite markers (D11S4936, PYGM) and/or fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with a 40-kb cosmid probe containing the MEN1 gene. The complete coding sequence of the MEN1 gene was screened for mutations using non-radioactive, PCR-based single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and MDE heteroduplex gel electrophoresis. PCR-LOH and FISH analyses performed in 29 tumors (PCR-LOH in 4, FISH in 17 and both in 8 tumors) revealed allelic deletion of the MEN1 locus in 8 (27.5%) and at 11q13 in 9 (31%) tumors. Furthermore, the frequency of LOH at 11q13 was significantly higher in adrenocortical carcinomas (60%) than in benign lesions (11%). Mutation analysis of tumor samples revealed 9 polymorphisms in 7 tumors (S145S, R171Q, R171Q together with L432L) but no mutations, with the exception of one adrenocortical adenoma. The latter tumor contained a somatic E109X stop codon mutation in exon 2 and a 5178-9G-->A splice mutation in intron 4, which was also detectable in various nontumorous tissues and blood indicative of a germ-line mutation. The patient, who had no clinical signs or family history of MEN1, later also developed a neuroendocrine carcinoma (atypical carcinoid) of the lung. Our findings indicate that inactivating mutations of the MEN1 tumor-suppressor gene appear not to play a prominent role in the development of sporadic hyperplastic or neoplastic lesions of the adrenal cortex and that the newly reported 5178-9G-->A splice mutation in intron 4 might cause a variant of the MEN1 phenotype.  相似文献   

We performed mitral valve surgery in 5 patients using the combined superior-transseptal approach to the left atrium. Exposure of the mitral valve was excellent, and postoperative arrhythmias related to the operative procedures were not seen in all patients. The operative technique and indications are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

We describe a simple approach for detecting known mutations in genomic DNA. The strategy entails a DNA amplification reaction that combines the use of thermostable DNA polymerase and ligase, and that has been designated the Combined Chain Reaction (CCR). CCR consists of four phases: denaturation, annealing, elongation and ligation. Unlike most PCR-based mutation detection systems it relies on mismatch between primer and template at the primer 5'ends. It is rapid and simple, and requires neither the use of radioactivity, nor polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, nor autoradiography for mutation detection at the single base-pair level.  相似文献   

Although two decades of research suggests that the hippocampus plays a special role in place learning, the present paper describes a series of studies using swimming pool spatial tasks that show that hippocampal rats have considerable place learning ability, which includes the abilities of finding, remembering, and searching for places. The same studies also show that when environmental cues are uninformative, as is the case early in original learning and again in reversal learning, hippocampal rats are impaired. Since control rats quickly resolve spatial ambiguity in these situations, it is argued that they must have a system with which they can calibrate spatial cues. The discussion considers the possibility that they use dead reckoning with path integration, a spatial strategy that provides guidance based on cues generated by a point of reference and subsequent self-movement and not the cues in the environment through which they are moving. With path integration an animal can monitor its location and at the same time attach spatial meaning to cues that it encounters. An ability to recalibrate external cues may provide the tuning that allows control rats to quickly acquire place responses while hippocampal rats are constrained by the processes of associative learning.  相似文献   

The immediate early BRLF1 and BZLF1 promoters of Epstein-Barr virus are crucial for triggering the replicative cycle of the virus. To better understand the cell type dependence of the lytic cycle we conducted an analysis of the BRLF1-promoter in the epithelial cell line HeLa and the lymphoid cell line IM9. To analyze promoter activities, transient transfections with 5'-deletions of the BRLF1-promoter in front of luciferase as reporter gene were conducted. Besides the already known cis-acting elements of the promoter close to the TATA-box, more distal elements were located and functionally tested. A nuclear factor 1 consensus site was found to act positively in HeLa cells, but did not in lymphoid IM9 cells. The NF1 site was shown to bind protein by electrophoretic mobility shift assays, antibody-supershifts and in vitro footprinting. Thus, a protein belonging to the nuclear factor 1 family of proteins was identified as additional cellular trans-acting factor for the BRLF1-promoter besides the already described factors Sp1, Zta and Zif268.  相似文献   

Recent studies have implicated leptin in the modulation of bone mass during skeletal development. Whether leptin also exerts an influence on bone after growth has stopped is unknown at present. In this cross-sectional study on 94 women (60 premenopausal, 34 postmenopausal) aged 40-60 years, we analyzed the relationship between serum leptin and bone density and bone cortex geometry and bone metabolism. Total and trabecular bone density as well as total and cortical bone area were determined by quantitative computed tomography (QCT) at the distal radius. Bone metabolism was assessed by measuring bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, procollagen type I C-terminal propeptide (PICP) and collagen type I C-terminal telopeptide in serum, and deoxypyridinoline in urine samples. None of the indices of bone density or geometry was significantly related to leptin serum concentrations (P > 0.05) before or after adjustment for body mass index (BMI). PICP was associated with serum leptin in the postmenopausal group only (r = -0.40 after adjustment for BMI; P = 0.009). Yet, as none of the other markers of bone metabolism exhibited a significant correlation with serum leptin in any of the menopausal groups, this association is likely to be due to the influence of extraskeletal factors on PICP serum levels. Thus, it appears that leptin has less influence on the mature than on the growing skeleton.  相似文献   

Cellular and cytokine adjuvants, often immune effector cells and soluble factors, respectively, are supplemental and/or follow-up treatments of human origin for cancer patients who have unsatisfactory clinical responses to conventional chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. Since many human studies with these reagents are in their infancy, extensive data collection is only now being performed to determine which strategy provides the greatest therapeutic benefit. Research published in the literature since the genesis of this approach to cancer treatment is summarized in this report. Methodologies attempting to generate anticancer responses by provoking or enhancing the patient's own immune system are new compared with the other standard types of cancer treatment. Although a few encouraging human studies can be discussed, many of the most promising techniques are only now being transferred from the laboratory to the clinic. The administration of immune effector cells in combination with immunomodulators, such as interferons or interleukins, often enhances clinical outcome. The literature cited in this report indicate that immune-cell- and cytokine-based therapies hold promise in our attempts to improve the quality and duration of life in those with cancer. With each report reaching the literature, more effective clinical trials are being designed and implemented.  相似文献   

The approach to the patient with combined carotid and coronary artery occlusive disease has been evolving since corornary bypass procedures became feasible. When neurological and cardiac symptoms are remote, sequential procedures are adequate. Neurological symptoms or severe carotid stenoses (or both) appearing simultaneously with symptoms of myocardial ischemia present a more difficult problem. Simultaneous operation has been performed in 16 patients with 1 early death (low output) and 2 cerebral complications (1 patient with residual hand weakness and 1 without neurological risidua). The morbidity and mortality seemed unrelated to the fact that procedures were done at one operation. Therapy, however, must be tailored to the individual patient.  相似文献   

The actual operating conditions of a component may vary from the original design conditions either constantly or variably as a consequence of deviation from design parameters. Hence, the knowledge of operating temperatures and stresses, both historically and for anticipated future operation is required for an accurate life assessment. A number of high temperature and high stress components of Indian thermal power utilities are being monitored round-the-clock for damage assessment by acquiring real-time process data using an on-line damage monitoring system BOSSES, developed by BARC, Mumbai. A number of surface replicas have been obtained from the critical location of a shell-nozzle junction of a super-heater header and analyzed by quantitative metallographic methods. The aim of these activities is to assess service damage of critical components to prevent any unforeseen failure based on a closed loop on-line damage monitoring system-cum-surveillance-cum-life management programme.  相似文献   

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