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近化学计量比掺镁铌酸锂晶体周期极化特性研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
采用汽相输运平衡技术制备出了高质量近化学计量比掺镁铌酸锂晶体 ,系统研究了晶体中的 [Li]/ [Nb]比含量对其畴极化电场的影响 .实验结果表明 :随着晶体中 [Li]/ [Nb]比的提高 ,畴极化反转电场呈明显下降趋势 ,使用近化学计量比掺镁铌酸锂晶体 ,我们在 3.5± 0 .1kV/mm大小的外加极化电场条件下 ,成功地实现了 1.0mm厚度的周期极化畴反转 .我们用铌酸锂晶体的缺陷模型对实验结果给出了合理的解释 .  相似文献   

为了获得1.5μm波段可调谐红外光输出,采用短脉冲电场极化法,在1mm厚的掺镁(摩尔分数为0.05)铌酸锂晶体上成功制备了周期为29μm的极化光栅。利用声光调QNd:YVO4固体激光器直接抽运PPMgLN晶体,开展了OPG光学转换研究工作。在输入3W的抽运光时,得到信号光输出功率为44mW,转换效率1.5%。并通过调谐晶体温度(45℃~160℃),获得了调谐范围1.4538μm~1.4750μm的信号光输出。实现了可调谐红外光的输出,验证了晶体周期结构的均匀性。  相似文献   

本文 利用飞秒激光作用于光折变周期性极化铌酸锂(PPLN)晶体和掺 镁(Mg)的PPLN(PP-Mg:LN)晶体通过光整流效应产生窄带太赫兹(THz) 辐射,通过外加磁场的 办法对THz脉冲串的振幅和寿命进行有效控制。随着外加磁场的增强,在光折变PPLN晶体中 产生的THz 波的振幅和寿命都随之减小;当外加磁场足够强时,光折变PPLN晶体中产生的THz波将完 全被抑制。外 加磁场之所以能够对THz波的振幅和寿命进行有效控制,主要是由于洛伦兹力的作用使光折 变晶体内部产生了空间电荷场。  相似文献   

连续调谐输出的多周期极化铌酸锂晶体光学参量振荡器   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
对基于多周期极化铌酸锂晶体(PPLN)的信号光单谐振准相位匹配光学参量振荡器(QPM—OPO),进行了温度调谐的理论和实验研究。以激光二极管(LD)端面抽运的声光调Q Nd:YVO4全固态激光器为抽运源,获得了1369.7~1678.8nm无重叠波段连续可调谐输出。给出了1064nm Nd:YVO4激光器抽运下,由PPLN的极化周期和温度直接计算输出信号光波长的公式,以及由信号光波长和极化周期计算相应的晶体温度的公式。这样就可直接计算实现无重叠波段连续可调谐输出时不同极化周期所对应的温度调谐范围,而不必联立能量守恒和动量守恒公式,逐点进行尝试。另外,周期极化晶体的极化周期不可避免地较理想值有一定的偏移,且具有不均匀性,给出了利用实验获得的温度调谐曲线,对极化周期进行修正计算的方法。  相似文献   

采用短脉冲极化电场法,在1 mm厚的掺摩尔分数0.05镁的铌酸锂晶体上成功制备了周期为30μm的极化光栅。以输出波长为1.064μm的声光调QNd∶YAG固体激光器作为基频抽运源对其进行了光学参量振荡实验,光参量振荡阈值功率为45 mW(重复频率为1 kHz),在输入功率为490 mW,控温炉温度为160℃时,获得了94 mW的波长为1544 nm的信号光输出,转换效率达到19.2%。并且通过调谐晶体温度(20~180℃),获得了调谐范围为1503~1550 nm的信号光稳定输出。实现了可调谐红外光的稳定输出,验证了晶体周期结构的均匀性。  相似文献   

基于周期极化铌酸锂晶体的高功率可调谐光参量振荡器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
杨剑  李晓芹  姚建铨  邴丕彬 《中国激光》2008,35(10):1459-1462
研究了镁掺杂周期极化铌酸锂晶体光学参量振荡(PPMgLN-OPO)产生高功率、高重复频率中红外激光的特性.采用半导体激光器(LD)抽运的声光调Q Nd:YAG激光器,1064 nm准连续激光功率最大输出为7.8 W,重复频率5~50 kHz.产生1064 nm调Q光,抽运周期为30.7 μm的掺氧化镁(摩尔分数为5%)周期性极化铌酸锂晶体,温度变化范围为40~200℃,实现了短腔双谐振红外高功率激光输出.实验中近红外激光波长调谐范围为1570~1676 nm,最高输出功率613 mW;中红外输出波长范围为2942~3300 nm,中红外光平均功率也达到了百毫瓦级,信号光单脉冲能量达40 μJ;光-光(LD-信号光)转换效率为3.4%.  相似文献   

铌酸锂晶体畴工程的研究及进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用准相位匹配技术,通过人为地在非线性晶体上制备出非线性系数的周期结构,来满足相位匹配条件,可以提高频率转换效率与扩大非线性晶体的应用波段范围,这是近年来光学非线性研究的重要发展方向。利用铌酸锂晶体畴工程制作极化周期结构,以实现准相位匹配技术是最为突出的例子。本文详细介绍了这一技术手段以及应用发展趋势。  相似文献   

周期极化铌酸锂绿光倍频器的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用外加电场的方式,在0.5mm厚的z切铌酸锂晶体中实现了周期性极化反转,基频光波波长为1.064μm,功率为1.75W,在20℃的室温下,得到波长为0.532μm,输出功率为0.9mW的连续倍频绿光输出,倍频转换效率为0.052%。  相似文献   

为了实现高转化率3m红外激光光参量振荡输出,采用外加脉冲电场法在厚度为1mm、掺摩尔分数为0.05的镁铌酸锂晶体上成功制备了周期为31.2m的极化光栅,理论计算并模拟了1064nm激光抽运周期极化铌酸锂晶体时,闲频光波长随温度的对应关系,并进行了实验验证。利用1064nm声光调Q Nd:YAG激光器作为抽运源对样品进行了光学参量振荡实验,其中,脉冲激光脉宽为200ns,重复频率是20kHz。在控制温度为80℃、输入抽运光功率为5.567W时,光参量振荡输出波长3m的闲频光功率为1.141W,光光转换效率达到20.1%。结果表明,通过此方法制备的周期性极化铌酸锂晶体光参量振荡,具有较高的光光转换效率。  相似文献   

对硅基周期极化铌酸锂(PPLN)薄膜脊形波导进行了理论分析,并使用有限元软件模拟了25℃下泵浦波长为1560 nm的PPLN脊形波导的准相位匹配(QPM)周期与波导脊高和脊宽的关系。仿真结果表明,在相同脊宽(10μm)或脊高(10μm)下,PPLN脊形波导的QPM周期随着脊高或脊宽的增加而增大,最后趋于常数(即块状PPLN的QPM周期)。进一步模拟了在脊高和脊宽维持不变的情况下,PPLN脊形波导的QPM周期与温度之间的关系。结果表明,随着温度的增加,PPLN脊形波导的QPM周期逐渐减小,并且温度每升高1℃,QPM周期减小约3 nm。根据仿真结果制作了硅基片上集成PPLN脊形波导器件,将其封装成小体积的光纤入光纤出的波导,并测试了性能。当温度为24.8℃、1560 nm基频光输入功率为1.2 W时,最大输出653 m W的倍频光,光光转换效率达54.4%,归一化转换效率为20.2%·W-1·cm-2。  相似文献   

Lu  Y. Dajani  I. Knize  R.J. 《Electronics letters》2004,40(13):795-796
Periodic ferroelectric domain structures were introduced into lithium niobate (LiNbO/sub 3/) single-crystal fibres by the electric field poling method using a configuration of direct electrode contact. The fibres were pumped with a 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser with a CW input power as high as 1 W. The maximum generated second-harmonic signal was 1.6 mW, thus corresponding to an overall conversion efficiency of 0.016%.  相似文献   

A periodically poled, planar waveguide in lithium niobate was used to generate 532 nm radiation at room temperature by continuous-wave frequency-doubling with a conversion efficiency of 5% per W cm/sup 2/. Quasi-phase-matching allowed generation of the second harmonic using the d/sub 33/ nonlinear coefficient.<>  相似文献   

张群永  邹守达  王亮  裴旭 《光电子.激光》2022,33(10):1082-1086
纯态单光子源是光量子信息技术的重要资源,它在量子通信、量子计算等新一代信息技术中具有重要的应用价值。本文基于周期极化铌酸锂(periodically poled lithium niobate,PPLN)晶体提出一种小型化、可预知单光子源的制备方案,在满足群速度匹配和准相位匹配条件下,设计一种非简并自发参量下转换过程,产生频率解关联的光子对,进而实现可预知纯态单光子源的制备。从理论上推导出频率解关联的参数条件,详细计算不同条件下光子对产率,研究发现:相同参数条件下,在铌酸锂晶体波导结构中,光子的产生效率比相应体块晶体中提高4—6个数量级。研究结果有助于提高小型化单光子源的纯度和产率,对集成化量子光学芯片进一步发展具有重要推动作用。  相似文献   

We report on a high power output quasi-continuous-wave nanosecond optical parametric generator (OPG) of congruent periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) pumped by a 1 064 nm acousto-optically Q-switched Nd-YVO4 laser (duration. 70 ns,repetition rate:45 kHz,spatial beam quality M2〈 1,3). The OPG consists of a 38.7 mm long PPLN crystal with a domain period of 28.93 μm. With 5.43 W of average pump power the maximum average output power is 991 mW at 1 517.1 nm signal wave of the PPLN OPG.  相似文献   

We conducted a series of passively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser pumped optical parametric generation, amplification, and oscillation experiments in monolithic periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) crystals. Double-pass optical parametric generation with an effective gain length of 10 cm in a PPLN crystal was performed in comparison with single-pass operation in the same crystal. By seeding a PPLN optical parametric amplifier with a distributed feedback (DFB) diode laser, we produced 200-ps transform-limited laser pulses at 1549.6 nm and observed parametric gain competition at different pump levels. For optical parametric oscillations, we first demonstrated 22% power efficiency from a 2.4-cm intrinsic-cavity PPLN optical parametric oscillator pumped by a 4.2-ns, 10-kW passively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. Preliminary studies on DFB optical parametric oscillators in PPLN are mentioned. The temporal and spectral properties of these optical parametric generators, amplifiers, and oscillators are characterized and discussed.  相似文献   

Terahertz waves are generated using a femtosecond laser pulse in a periodically poled stoichiometric lithium tantalate crystal and simultaneously detected via a non-collinear optical parametric interaction inside the same crystal. Real time up-conversion signal between the generated THz and an optic probe pulses is measured depending on the beam overlapped conditions using a general silicon-photodiode for the THz detection. The non-collinear geometry is to facilitate manipulated property of the position-dependent bandwidth at narrow and broad bandwidths of 45 GHz and 3.3 THz, respectively at the one crystal. Furthermore, an aperture effect at the detection part is characterized as the function of size and position owing to the spatial distribution of the frequency conversion signal and it is applied in optimization of the in-situ detection scheme.  相似文献   

We report rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA) method to non-destructively characterize the domain structure of periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) crystal. The strong light diffraction effect is achieved by applying a proper external voltage. We can observe reversed domain pattern and employ the detected diffraction intensity to optimally fit the result of RCWA based on least square method. Compared with conventional scalar diffraction theory, more accurate domain structure parameters with accuracies of 0.05 µm and 0.005 for the period and duty cycle are obtained respectively. It is proved that accurate, real-time and nondestructive characterization can be realized via this method. This work has been supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (No.2013AA030501). E-mail:wgl@fjirsm.ac.cn   相似文献   

Since their introduction two years ago, quasi-phase-matched (QPM) optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) have moved into the mainstream of OPO research. This has been made possible by continuing improvements and availability of the microstructured nonlinear material periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN). Demonstrations of PPLN OPOs now span the range of pulse formats and power levels. The most significant area of development is low-peak-power devices where operation with conventional materials is difficult. In this paper, we describe the current state of this research, including OPOs pumped by high-repetition-rate (>30 kHz) Q-switched diode-pumped solid state lasers, and CW singly resonant OPOs with >3-W output power in the 3-4-μm range  相似文献   

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