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The delivery of civil engineering projects requires civil engineers to address a broad spectrum of issues generated by both project participants and regulatory agencies. Providing tools that assist team members in addressing these issues through the use of information and knowledge from previous projects may reduce project errors by creating informed decision makers. Recent advances in communications and computer technologies provide the opportunity to enhance professional and student access to these resources. The Civil Engineering Resource Library research effort explores this opportunity by combining an introduction to civil engineering processes with emerging web-based technologies for an electronic classroom supplement. The electronic library uses case studies to provide students with illustrations of emerging civil engineering practices and regulatory compliance strategies.  相似文献   

This paper provides a road map to studies and databases about civil engineering demographics and industry involvement by tracing workforce statistics, engineering degrees, data on industries and government, and economic forecasts. It is aimed at helping civil engineering managers, educators, and policy makers understand how their workforce evolved and what it will face in the future. The engineering workforce comprises about 1.5 million professionals in the United States (second in size only to that of teachers); of this number, civil engineering, at about 200,000 workers, is third behind electrical and mechanical engineering. However, the study shows that aggregation of workforce and economic statistics hides unique characteristics of civil engineering work caused by the concentration on consulting and state and local government. In fact, over 80% of civil engineers work either for consultants or government. This characteristic of civil engineering employment needs more study, particularly to determine how best to educate civil engineers to respond to the public–private arena of infrastructure and environment. During the past century, civil engineering has been a steady field with good opportunities, but civil engineers in the future will face the same career issues and pressures as other professionals. Global production of new engineers has now passed the one million-per-year mark, with U.S. production being about 12% of the total. This large supply of engineers will present intense competition to all engineering disciplines. ASCE faces many challenges to respond to the many changes in the civil engineering profession. The concept of institutes contained in ASCE's strategic plan will address many of the technical issues, but the study indicates that professional and educational issues need more attention.  相似文献   

Leadership is a key element in meeting the needs of the civil engineering profession in an era of heightened global competition. Consulting and construction executives intent on maintaining a competitive edge are calling upon educators to produce civil engineers capable of leading multidisciplinary teams, combining technical ingenuity with business acumen, and effectively communicating narrow engineering endeavors within a comprehensive social framework. Our industry is challenging undergraduate schools to broaden curricula beyond the intellectual endeavors of design and scientific inquiry to the greater domain of professional leadership. Many agree that formal leader development must be incorporated into engineering education programs to respond to the professional demands of practicing engineers; however, the means of achieving the objectives within tightly constrained curricula are debated. This paper explores the changing nature of civil engineering in a globally competitive environment, reviews the issues in realigning civil engineering education, identifies key leadership skills relevant to engineering, and proposes solutions for developing leaders at our undergraduate institutions.  相似文献   

Hand-drawn sketches are still an important tool used by civil engineers to graphically communicate technical information. New engineers often have inadequate experience preparing sketches by hand to effectively communicate information graphically. As a result of using computer aided drafting and digital cameras in both engineering education and professional practice, hand-sketching skills are being overlooked. Practicing engineers from an earlier generation generally appreciate the importance of being able to quickly prepare sketches to communicate a concept to a client or to quickly gather and transmit information from field observations. With limited experience in hand sketching, current students may not see the benefits of such skills. To increase student graphical communication skills and develop an appreciation for hand sketching, opportunities to develop and practice hand-sketching skills can be incorporated within the undergraduate curriculum. Examples of hand-sketching exercises intended to help improve students’ graphical communication skills are presented.  相似文献   

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has funded the establishment of a Center for Excellence in Construction Safety at West Virginia University. The overall objectives of the Center include: (1) The promotion of hazard control components in engineering curricula; (2) the promotion of hazard awareness and safety‐related knowledge and skills specific to the construction industry; and (3) the promotion of the consideration of safety issues during project design for the purpose of reducing injury during construction. Specific tasks to be accomplished by the Center include: (1) The development of course materials and instruction on construction safety for civil engineering students at the undergraduate and graduate levels; (2) the promotion of such course materials for adoption by other civil engineering academic institutions; (3) the design and conduct of projects related to the improvement of current construction practices that would develop design parameters to reduce trauma during the construction phase; and (4) the establishment of techniques for the collection and dissemination of construction safety information, educational materials, developed guidelines, and design criteria to engineers, architects, contractors, and trade unions.  相似文献   

Raising the Bar for Civil Engineering Education: Systems Thinking Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The civil engineering profession has been undergoing an identity search. With the advent of information technology and the global market, competition from engineering offices elsewhere and from other local professions is unprecedented. Technical engineering knowledge is no longer a guarantee for career success; rather a combination of numerous professional skills is required. The growing unease of civil engineers about their undefined role in the knowledge economy has led many to question civil engineering education. Although there is a push to enhance the humanistic and business aspects of the curriculum, there is a shove in the opposite direction to strengthen the technical content and keep abreast of technical change. Discussion of this socioeconomic problem within the ASCE forum has often used linear deterministic thinking that is characteristic of technical problems. Social and economic systems are usually more complex and harder to understand than technological systems. If we start making new policies to address the problems of the profession based on fuzzy, incomplete, and imprecise mental models, we may end up with counterintuitive results. This paper proposes a systems thinking approach to the reform of civil engineering education based on System Dynamics modeling, a feedback-based object-oriented modeling paradigm. Such a tool can capture the dynamic nature of complex systems and the nonlinear feedback loops that are often responsible for counterintuitive results of policy making.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the potential impact of student-centered feedback for enhancing the learning experience of civil engineering students that used a geographic information system (GIS) based tutorial in a transportation engineering course. The tutorial was implemented in a laboratory environment developed as a self-guided activity supported by a web-based learning system. The formative research proposed in this study includes a series of four successive implementations of this laboratory. Students’ performance, beliefs, and perceptions were monitored by using a mixed-methods design approach and weaknesses identified from early implementations were addressed before the next implementation of the laboratory activity. The students’ performance was found to improve when the GIS web-based tutorial was complemented with an instructor-driven short introduction that anchored the laboratory activity in traffic safety. In addition, students’ feedback in both quantitative and qualitative format indicated weaknesses related to the difficulty of the laboratory and usability factors such as speed and size of data uploading. As these weaknesses were addressed, students’ positive input regarding the overall GIS laboratory experience significantly increased. This positive input was fully backed up by students’ feedback indicating major strengths of the GIS laboratory for professional growth and future career development in civil and transportation engineering. Finally, students’ inputs in the latest implementations provided valuable suggestions for future potential improvements regarding how to better integrate the GIS laboratory in course-related activities such as term projects.  相似文献   

A survey of practicing professional civil engineers in the Australian states of New South Wales and Victoria was conducted. The survey explored the engineers’ experience of work and family sources of burnout. Burnout was predicted by a combination of both work and family stressors. Regression analysis revealed that burnout was predicted by different variables among respondents in dual- compared to single-income households and among parents and nonparents. Family variables were more important sources of burnout among participants in dual-income households and parents. The writer concludes that preventive strategies for burnout in the engineering profession must extend beyond the work environment and deal with issues at the work-family interface. Also, sociodemographic characteristics of the workforce must be considered when devising preventive strategies.  相似文献   

As faculty members, we have the opportunity to serve as references for our students. One of the questions potential employers invariably ask is, “How well does the student work with others?” The practicing engineer must have the knowledge required to function as a member of a team, combining each individual's expertise with the skills of others on the team. Numerous organizations, most notably the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), have put an emphasis on the need to prepare engineers to work in such an environment. To address this need, we have instituted a series of projects, joining graduate industrial and systems engineers and undergraduate civil engineers, focusing on statistical applications in civil engineering. The courses chosen to pilot this program allow us to explore the hierarchical issues in project management and give us a multidisciplinary setting for potential projects. This paper discusses the issues of teamwork, leadership, and the difficulties of simultaneously creating a group identity and producing a quality product.  相似文献   

The Editorial Board of the American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of Composites for Construction (Lawrence C. Bank, Editor) sponsored a survey of the civil/structural engineering programs around the world on the subject of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites, excluding the traditional steel–concrete composite construction and fiber reinforced concrete. This paper summarizes the main results from the survey. During the last decade, considerable focus has been devoted to the use of FRP composites in construction. The main driving force is the need for revitalizing the aging infrastructure with innovative materials and structural systems that last longer and require less maintenance. As the construction industry embraces FRPs in the field, the need for educating civil engineers with background on the subject has become more evident. Despite a significant number of field applications and laboratory research, the survey shows that FRPs have not yet been fully implemented in the engineering curricula, and the classrooms are still lagging behind. To improve this situation, civil engineering and their extension programs must provide sufficient training on unique features of FRPs so that engineers could design or specify them in construction. This survey should be repeated as a gauging tool again at the end of this decade.  相似文献   

As civil engineering enters the 21st century, there are four issues engineers need to confront in order to improve the profession. These are time, teams, technology and stewardship. In the future, diminishing project completion times will require engineers to develop new methods of time management without sacrificing project quality. In terms of teamwork, project managers will increasingly need to be broad-scale leaders, with the ability to manage people as well as the technical aspects of a project. Engineers should also evaluate technical issues, focusing on the ethical implications of doing what is only technically correct instead of looking at the overall project. Finally, civil engineers should explore the profession's ethical responsibilities, questioning what role civil engineers should play in terms of stewardship in the social, global and political arenas.  相似文献   

The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) has adopted a revised set of accreditation criteria that is designed to ensure that graduates of accredited programs are prepared to enter the practice of engineering. The proposal also specifies that engineering programs must demonstrate that their graduates have an understanding of professional practice issues in addition to proficiency in specific subject areas that are tabulated in the civil engineering program criteria. The findings of this study indicate that engineering undergraduate and graduate students as well as practitioners perceive that four subject areas are of great importance for civil engineers. They include structural engineering, hydraulics∕hydrology∕water resources, engineering design, and mathematics through calculus and differential equations. In contrast, one area, chemistry, received lower ratings. The data suggest that the majority of subjects included in the civil engineering program criteria are considered by students and practitioners to have generally the same level of importance and should be included in the curriculum at an above average level. In particular, 81% of the subject areas included in the ABET civil engineering program criteria are rated by both students and practitioners with a composite score ≥3.1. This may be interpreted as strong support for the Engineering Criteria 2000 program requirements.  相似文献   

Education in civil and hydraulic engineering has undergone only evolutionary change in the past half-century. During that time the salary levels of civil engineers, including hydraulic engineers, have markedly decreased in comparison with nonengineering professions and even compared to other engineering disciplines. Presently, the mode of engineering education is being challenged, with many proposing to increase the educational requirement for professional engineers. Calls for a 5-year first professional degree in the United States have become popular. However, such a change is insufficient and will not cure the current problems. To promote professionalism and to remedy other concerns now plaguing civil engineering, two alternative paths are proposed for civil engineering education. One path is to broaden professional engineering education by offering a 6-year undergraduate program of study as an option to the present 4-year undergraduate program. The alternative path is to broaden the purpose of graduate engineering study to include practice-oriented programs aimed at producing doctorate-level engineering professionals, rather than engineering academics. Both paths emphasize an integrated, broad education, but not at the expense of technical depth. And both directly affect the education of hydraulic engineers.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a framework for incorporating sustainable design/thinking as a new civil engineering course and experiences from the pilot offering. Important areas are outlined to aid all engineers in understanding sustainability in context with traditional engineering principles. Green-building rating systems were used to introduce the concepts of sustainability in buildings and infrastructure, highlighted by presentations from green-building professionals. By providing a better understanding of sustainability through education, civil engineers can provide proactive solutions to a growing global infrastructure.  相似文献   

The narrow focus of civil engineering education and practice needs a new paradigm consistent with the essentiality and complexity of civil works in society. Traditional pride of civil engineers in their work is mixed increasingly with the growing frustration from low-level compensation and lack of appreciation and respect. Image programs are not the answer; adding value is. Education confined to the two-century old, four-year format is a hindrance. The content, expectations, and duration of civil engineering education must be changed to create more value. While continuing the “doer” tradition, the new civil engineer should be groomed to be an effective decider and director. Civil works will always be in demand. However, it is to be decided who will lead the planning, design, construction, and operation of civil works...civil engineers or others? Civil engineers are faced with a leadership and management challenge. They must engineer their future or others will engineer it for them.  相似文献   

This paper describes a module that was introduced into a civil engineering degree program with the help of professional engineers. The aim was to develop a bridge between the world of learning and professional practice by putting students in the role of consulting engineers working with industry to produce a feasible solution to a real inquiry from a client. The module is placed in context by comparing the goals of accredited civil engineering programs in the United Kingdom and America, by describing how it is linked to the degree program and by explaining the matrix developed to identify the skills the students needed to demonstrate their ability to practice as professional engineers. Details of the module are given with examples of student work and feedback.  相似文献   

The education of civil engineers who will continue to fulfill the societal demands of the 21st century has been the subject of a number of workshops and conferences in recent years. The writers believe that the role of civil engineering faculty in the education of future engineers is extremely important. Faculty will be required to teach new topics in different ways and with different tools. Yet in a research university, teaching is often only one of four or five activities a faculty member must perform. In a typical faculty reward system for research universities, teaching is not considered as important as paper publication or research marketing. In this paper, faculty needs are outlined, the roles of faculty members are discussed, and the current faculty reward systems are critically reviewed.  相似文献   

A recent survey by ASCE showed a major need for rebuilding the critical components of the nation’s aging infrastructure, such as roads and water-supply systems. To accomplish this major task, in addition to knowledge of basic civil engineering principles and techniques, future civil engineers need to be aware of the effects of planning, design, and construction on our environment. Specifically, a course needs to be developed for educating future civil engineers on concepts and techniques of protecting our natural resources, and planning for sustainable development and construction in an environmentally friendly manner. Specific topics can include modules on water resources and recycling in construction. The focus should be on teaching applications of new environmentally friendly concepts and techniques through case histories and real-world problems. Continuous evaluation of course content and methods of presentation should be made. The course should instill environmental awareness in the students’ minds such that in the future, the environment is considered as much a part of any decision-making process in the practice of civil engineering, as are mathematics or the physical sciences.  相似文献   

Practicing engineers, educators, students, professional organizations, and licensing boards are continually struggling with the application of ethical standards to the practice of engineering. Ethical dilemmas, by their very nature, are complex and usually involve conflicting regulatory, organizational, contractual, societal, and business practices. Resolution of ethical dilemmas can be complicated or impeded by engineers without a working knowledge of ethical requirements, coupled with an inability to distinguish among different sources of these requirements and their corresponding role in the professional and legal environments. Accordingly, engineers often are confronted with unexpected legal and professional consequences as a result of their decisions on ethical issues. This paper examines the sources of professional responsibility requirements for engineers, typical provisions, enforcement mechanisms, and the legal implications of engineering ethics in the professional liability context, and suggests some changes in the current approach to engineering ethics in both the formal education and professional development of engineers.  相似文献   

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