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Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) provide a new and promising solution for broadband Internet services. The distinguishing features and the wide range of WMNs’ applications have attracted both academic and industrial communities. Routing protocols play a crucial role in the functionality and the performance of WMNs due to their direct effect on network throughput, connectivity, supported Quality of Service (QoS) levels, etc. In this paper, a cross-layer based routing framework for multi-interface/multi-channel WMNs, called Cross-Layer Enhanced and Adaptive Routing (CLEAR), is proposed. This framework embodies optimal as well as heuristic solutions. The major component of CLEAR is a new bio-inspired routing protocol called Birds’ Migration Routing protocol (BMR). BMR adopts a newly developed routing metric called Multi-Level Routing metric (MLR) to efficiently utilize the advantages of both multi-radio/multi-channel WMNs and cross-layer design. We also provide an exact solution based on dynamic programming to solve the optimal routing problem in WMNs. Simulation results show that our framework outperforms other routing schemes in terms of network throughput, end-to-end delay, and interference reduction, in addition to being the closest one to the optimal solution.  相似文献   

无线Mesh网络(WMN:wireless mesh networks)作为一种新型的无线网络,成为近几年研究的热点。由于无线信道不稳定等特性,如何设计WMN的路由协议成为决定其性能的关键因素之一。近几年来的研究表明,通过跨层设计的方式综合其他层的重要参数来实现路由选择,能够很好地解决这一难题。介绍了几种先进的跨层路由设计方案,总结了现有的跨层路由协议的优缺点,并对如何设计并实现跨层路由协议进行了分析和总结。  相似文献   

Routing is a critical component in wireless mesh networks. The inherent shared-medium nature of the wireless mesh networks, however, poses fundamental challenges to the design of effective routing policies that are optimal with respect to the resource utilization. Node churns and traffic fluctuations exacerbate such a problem. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive routing algorithm for multiple subscribers in wireless mesh networks. We view a mesh network with multiple nodes as an entity that optimizes some global utility function constrained by the underlying MAC layer interference. By solving the optimization problem, the network is driven to an efficient operating point with a certain routing policies for each node. We then use this operating point information to adaptively find better paths, which is able to gear the network towards optimal routing. Further, we take the fluctuations of the network into consideration and thus render our algorithm more robust for a variety of network situations. Simulations demonstrate the efficiency and efficacy of our algorithm.  相似文献   

A proactive routing protocol CL-OLSR (cross-layer based optimized link state routing) by using a brand-new routing metric CLM (cross-layer metric) is proposed. CL-OLSR takes into account four link quality impact factors in route calculation through the cross-layer operation mechanism: the node available bandwidth, the node load, the link delivery rate, and the link interference, and thus the effect of route selection is optimized greatly. The simulation results show that the proposed CL-OLSR protocol can not only improve the network throughput to a large extent, but also reduce the end-to-end delay, while achieving load balance route results.  相似文献   

针对海上无线网状网通信环境复杂多变、船舶节点具有特殊移动模型等特点,提出一种基于Q-Learning的自适应路由(Q-Learning Based Adaptive Routing,QLAR)算法。综合考虑海上无线电波传播特性、船舶航程信息以及相应海区气象信息等因素的影响,提出链路可靠性、链路稳定性和节点航程相似度等概念,并对链路状态进行评估;然后,根据链路状态评估结果,利用Q-Learning算法寻找源、目的节点间最稳定的路径以传输数据分组;最后,利用OPNET搭建仿真平台对算法进行测试。仿真结果表明,与4种对比算法中性能最优的算法相比,QLAR算法最高可提升分组投递率4.89%,降低平均分组时延17.42%,减少归一化路由开销21.99%。  相似文献   

Cross-layer design for quality of service (QoS) in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) has attracted much research interest recently. Such networks are expected to support various types of applications with different and multiple QoS and grade-of-service (GoS) requirements. In order to achieve this, several key technologies spanning all layers, from physical up to network layer, have to be exploited and novel algorithms for harmonic and efficient layer interaction must be designed. Unfortunately most of the existing works on cross-layer design focus on the interaction of up to two layers while the GoS concept in WMNs has been overlooked. In this paper, we propose a unified framework that exploits the physical channel properties and multi-user diversity gain of WMNs and by performing intelligent route selection and connection admission control provides both QoS and GoS to a variety of underlying applications. Extensive simulation results show that our proposed framework can successfully satisfy multiple QoS requirements while it achieves higher network throughput and lower outage as compared to other scheduling, routing and admission control schemes.  相似文献   

The user association mechanism specified by the IEEE 802.11 standard does not consider the channel conditions and the AP load in the association process. Employing the mechanism in its plain form in wireless mesh networks we may only achieve low throughput and low user transmission rates. In this paper we design a new association framework in order to provide optimal association and network performance. In this framework we propose a new channel-quality based user association mechanism inspired by the operation of the infrastructure-based WLANs. Besides, we enforce our framework by proposing an airtime-metric based association mechanism that is aware of the uplink and downlink channel conditions as well as the communication load. We then extend the functionality of this mechanism in a cross-layer manner taking into account information from the routing layer, in order to fit it in the operation of wireless mesh networks. Lastly, we design a hybrid association scheme that can be efficiently applied in real deployments to improve the network performance. We evaluate the performance of our system through simulations and we show that wireless mesh networks that use the proposed association mechanisms are more capable in meeting the needs of QoS-sensitive applications.  相似文献   


In a WiMAX network, the Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol deals with resource allocation to different types of traffic. The key components that ensure Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees in a WiMAX network include Call Admission Control (CAC), Bandwidth and Burst allocation. In this Paper, a Cross-layer framework is designed to efficiently allocate resources to various classes of traffic. CAC and Bandwidth allocation are dealt in the MAC layer, while Burst allocation in the PHYsical layer. The predominant goal of this work is to reduce delay and Information Element (IE) overheads by efficiently utilizing the available frame space. The History based CAC (HCAC) proposed in this paper deals with call acceptance based on the Contention Window (CW) values. The History based Bandwidth Allocation (HBA) scheme deals with allocating bandwidth based on Consumption and Equity measures. The proposed tightly coupled Delay Tolerance based Scheduler (DTS) and Bucket based Burst Allocator (BBA) allocate resources by prioritizing flows with least delay tolerance. It is seen that the proposed schemes offer better performance in contrast to the existing benchmarked schemes in terms of Throughput, Average Delay and Packet Loss Ratio (PLR).


Multihop wireless mesh networks are becoming a new attractive communication paradigm owing to their low cost and ease of deployment. Routing protocols are critical to the performance and reliability of wireless mesh networks. Traditional routing protocols send traffic along predetermined paths and face difficulties in coping with unreliable and unpredictable wireless medium. In this paper, we propose a Simple Opportunistic Adaptive Routing protocol (SOAR) to explicitly support multiple simultaneous flows in wireless mesh networks. SOAR incorporates the following four major components to achieve high throughput and fairness: 1) adaptive forwarding path selection to leverage path diversity while minimizing duplicate transmissions, 2) priority timer-based forwarding to let only the best forwarding node forward the packet, 3) local loss recovery to efficiently detect and retransmit lost packets, and 4) adaptive rate control to determine an appropriate sending rate according to the current network conditions. We implement SOAR in both NS-2 simulation and an 18-node wireless mesh testbed. Our extensive evaluation shows that SOAR significantly outperforms traditional routing and a seminal opportunistic routing protocol, ExOR, under a wide range of scenarios.  相似文献   

Cross-Layer Fair Bandwidth Sharing for Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a wireless mesh network (WMN) with a number of stationary wireless routers, the aggregate capacity can be increased when each router is equipped with multiple network interface cards (NICs) and each NIC is assigned to a distinct orthogonal frequency channel. In this paper, given the logical topology of the network, we mathematically formulate a crosslayer fair bandwidth sharing problem as a non-linear mixedinteger network utility maximization problem. An optimal joint design, based on exact binary linearization techniques, is proposed which leads to a global maximum. A near-optimal joint design, based on approximate dual decomposition techniques, is also proposed which is practical for deployment. Performance is assessed through several numerical examples in terms of network utility, aggregate network throughput, and fairness index. Results show that our proposed designs can lead to multi-channelWMNs which are more efficient and fair compared to their singlechannel counterparts. The performance gain on both efficiency and fairness increase as the number of available NICs per router or the number of available frequency channels increases.  相似文献   

传统网络的分层设计不能满足具有特殊QoS需求的无线宽带业务,无法应对动态频谱接入的无线通信环境。采用联合开放、架构灵活的跨层设计研究无线Mesh网络接入技术日渐成为热点。本文首先介绍了跨层设计的起源、分类,然后分析了认知无线Mesh网络跨层研究的挑战、难点及最新进展,并提出利用跨层设计实现路由及频谱管理的一种构想,最后展望了认知无线Mesh网络跨层研究的新方向。  相似文献   

The optimal and distributed provisioning of high throughput in mesh networks is known as a fundamental but hard problem. The situation is exacerbated in a wireless setting due to the interference among local wireless transmissions. In this paper, we propose a cross-layer optimization framework for throughput maximization in wireless mesh networks, in which the data routing problem and the wireless medium contention problem are jointly optimized for multihop multicast. We show that the throughput maximization problem can be decomposed into two subproblems: a data routing subproblem at the network layer, and a power control subproblem at the physical layer with a set of Lagrangian dual variables coordinating interlayer coupling. Various effective solutions are discussed for each subproblem. We emphasize the network coding technique for multicast routing and a game theoretic method for interference management, for which efficient and distributed solutions are derived and illustrated. Finally, we show that the proposed framework can be extended to take into account physical-layer wireless multicast in mesh networks  相似文献   

Many wireless mesh networks are based on unicast routing protocols even though those protocols do not provide a particularly good fit for such scenarios. In this article, we report about an alternative routing paradigm, tailor-made for large multihop wireless mesh networks: field-based anycast routing. In particular, we present HEAT, a routing protocol based on this paradigm. In contrast to previous protocols, HEAT requires communication only between neighboring nodes. The underlying routing concept is a field similar to a temperature field in thermal physics. In extensive simulation experiments, we found that HEAT has excellent scalability properties due to a fully distributed implementation, and it provides much more robust routes than the unicast protocols, AODV and OLSR. As a consequence, in large-scale mobile scenarios, the packet delivery ratio with HEAT is more than two times higher, compared to AODV or OLSR. These promising results indicate that HEAT is suitable for large-scale wireless mesh networks that cover entire cities.  相似文献   

定位是无线网络中的应用.但是,无线网状网中节点的运动使定位变得困难.文章提出的方案利用了无线网状网的特性来降低节点运动造成的负面影响.位置估计方案分两步实现.首先,估计了目标节点的所在区域.然后,在所在的区域中对目标节点的位置进行估计.性能分析表明我们的算法在节点运动时有较高的精度,并且性能优于高级蒙特卡罗定位算法(EMCL).  相似文献   

无线网状网络(Wireless Mesh Networks,WMN)是近年来得到长足发展的一项新兴技术。它是一种分布式的无线网络,并将Ad hoc以及WLAN的优势结合起来,因此具有很广阔的应用前景。然而,目前的WMN技术还不够成熟,存在诸多安全问题,如何完善网络中的安全机制就成了目前研究的重点之一。本文从介绍WMN的基本结构开始,逐步介绍其安全性所面临的问题,以及各种安全的路由协议,最后对一些路由安全协议进行对比分析。  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) offer much promise for target tracking and environmental monitoring. While many WSN routing protocols have been proposed to date, most of these focus on the mobility of observers and assume that targets are fixed. However, in reality, many applications require for sensing data to be propagated from multiple mobile targets to multiple mobile observers. In addition, WSNs often operate under strict energy constraints, and therefore reducing energy dissipation is also an important issue. In this paper, we present a grid-based routing scheme known as TRENS. First, we address the issue of the WSN comprising multiple mobile targets and observers—with TRENS being the first scheme of its kind to use tracking technology to increase the efficiency of routing procedures in the context of dynamic topology. Next, we introduce a shortcutting approach to resolve energy issues by optimizing routing paths and thus decreasing communication costs and latency. Finally, we conduct extensive simulations to show how TRENS conserves energy and performs better than other grid-based schemes.  相似文献   

An H-hop interference model is proposed, where the transmission is successfully received if no other nodes that are within H hops from the receiver are transmitting on the same channel simultaneously. Based on this model. the interference-free property in the Time division multiple access Wireless mesh networks is analyzed. A heuristic algorithm with max-rain time slots reservation strategy is developed to get the maximum bandwidth of a given path. And it is used in the bandwidth guaranteed routing protocol to find a path for a connection with bidirectional bandwidth requirement. Extensive simulations show that our routing protocol decreases the blocking ratios significantly compared with the shortest path routing.  相似文献   

Cross-Layer Design of Wireless Mesh Networks with Network Coding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the optimal design of a multihop wireless mesh network equipped with multiple orthogonal wireless channels and multiple radios. Specifically, we focus on solutions that can efficiently utilize the limited resource to support multiple unicast applications by routing and network coding. We propose a cross-layer optimization framework where the broadcasting feature of the wireless environment, which plays an important role in realizing the achievable gain of network coding, is taken into account. Moreover, we propose a network code construction scheme based on linear programming, with which the possible achievable Coding+MAC gain could be significantly increased. Delay constraints are also included in the network code construction formulation so that the possible impact of the extra decoding delay to the TCP/IP performance can be reduced without changing the upper-layer protocols. The proposed network design based on cross-layer optimization results in significant increase in network throughput.  相似文献   

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