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The CBP co-activator is a histone acetyltransferase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Placenta growth factor (PlGF) belongs to the family of vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs). It binds to the flt-1 VEGF receptor but not to the KDR/flk-1 receptor which is thought to mediate most of the angiogenic and proliferative effects of VEGF. Three PlGF isoforms are produced by alternative splicing. PlGF-1 and PlGF-3 differ from PlGF-2 since they lack the exon 6 encoded peptide which bestows upon PlGF-2 its heparin binding properties. Cross-linking experiments revealed that 125I-PlGF-2 binds to two endothelial cell surface receptors in a heparin dependent fashion. The binding of 125I-PlGF-2 to these receptors was inhibited by an excess of PlGF-2 and by the 165-amino acid form of VEGF (VEGF165), but not at all by VEGF121 and very marginally if at all by PlGF-1. The apparent molecular weight and the binding characteristics of these receptors correspond to those of the recently identified VEGF165 specific receptor neuropilin-1, and we therefore conclude that neuropilin-1 is a receptor for PlGF-2. The binding of 125I-PlGF-2 as well as the binding of 125I-VEGF165 to these receptors was inhibited by a synthetic peptide derived from exon 6 of PlGF. Furthermore, the binding of 125I-PlGF-2, but not that of 125I-VEGF165, was also inhibited by a synthetic peptide derived from exon 7 of PlGF. These observations indicate that the peptides encoded by these exons probably participate in the formation of the domain which mediates the binding of PlGF-2 to these receptors. We have also determined, using chemically modified heparin species, that the presence of sulfate moieties on the glucosamine-O-6 and on the iduronic acid-O-2 groups of heparin was required for the potentiation of 125I-PlGF-2 binding to these receptors. To determine if PlGF-2 is able to induce biological responses that are not induced by PlGF-1, we compared the effects of PlGF-1 and PlGF-2 on the migration and proliferation of endothelial cells. Both PlGF forms induced migration of endothelial cells. However, there was no quantitative difference between the response to PlGF-2 and the response to PlGF-1. Furthermore, neither PlGF-1 nor PlGF-2 had any effect upon the proliferation of the endothelial cells.  相似文献   

The transplantable B-16 melanotic melanoma carried in syngeneic C57Bl/6J female mice and the Syrian hamster melanoma cell line, RPMI 3460, were utilized to determine whether steroid-hormone receptors are present in animal melanomas. In the B-16 melanoma, a cytoplasmic-estrogen receptor is detectable, but there is no evidence for androgen or progestin receptors. Some tumors contain a glucocorticoid-binding macromolecule. Sucrose-density gradient centrifugation of cytosol after incubation with [3H]-estradiol revealed an 8S peak that was suppressed by excess radioinert diethylstilbesterol. Binding varied from 5-35 fmoles per mg cytosol protein. Scatchard analysis of [3H]-estradiol binding in cytosol yielded a single class of high-affinity binding sites; the dissociation constant is 6 x 10(-10) M. The receptor molecule is shown to be estrogen-specific by ligand competition assays. In contrast to B-16 melanoma, no estrogen, androgen, or progestin receptor can be found in the Syrian hamster melanoma cell line. However, a substantial level of specific binding is observed using [3H]-dexamethasone. Sucrose-gradient centrifugation of cytosol from this cell line after incubation with [3H]-dexamethasone revealed a 7S peak that was suppressed by excess radioinert dexamethasone. Scatchard analysis indicated a single class of high-affinity sites with a dissociation constant of 2 x 10(-9) M. Binding levels from 70-610 fmoles per mg cytosol protein were observed. The Syrian hamster melanoma cells also exhibit a biological response to glucocorticoids: Dexamethasone causes both an inhibition of growth and a decrease in final-cell density in these cells.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the cytoplasmic domain of the type I interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R) may be a GTPase. This domain conserves segments of hydrophobic amino acids that suggest a structural relatedness to the ras protooncogene protein and other members of the GTPase superfamily, despite a lack of significant detectable sequence homology. When the hydrophobic segments of the IL-1R were aligned with similar segments of the GTPases, it became apparent that the IL-1Rs possess a number of conserved amino acids that represent plausible functional residues for base-specific binding of GTP, magnesium chelation, and phosphate ester hydrolysis. Furthermore, a segment of five contiguous residues were found that is identical between ras and the IL-1R, and which is positioned to form part of the guanine base binding pocket. If this model is correct, then the IL-1Rs possess a highly conserved effector protein binding region, but one that is entirely unrelated to the effector regions of other superfamily members. Therefore, if the IL-1R is indeed a GTPase, then its activation function may be directed to as-yet unrecognized effector target proteins, as part of a unique cellular signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

The recent cloning of a family of high affinity melatonin receptors has provided us with a unique opportunity to define the signal transduction pathways used by these receptors. We have studied signaling through the human Mel1a receptor subtype by stable expression of receptor complementary DNA in NIH 3T3 cells. Our data indicate that the human Mel1a receptor is coupled to inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation by a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein. Although melatonin alone is without effect on phosphoinositide hydrolysis, it potentiates the effects of PGF2 alpha stimulation on phospholipase C activation. Melatonin potentiates arachidonate release stimulated by PGF2 alpha and by ionomycin. The effects of melatonin on arachidonate release are sensitive to inhibition of protein kinase C. They are independent of the effects of melatonin on cAMP and do not appear to involve activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase. The effects of melatonin on both phosphoinositide hydrolysis and arachidonate release are sensitive to pertussis toxin treatment. Thus, we show that the melatonin signal is transduced by parallel pathways involving inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and potentiation of phospholipase activation.  相似文献   

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