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孙雷 《太阳能》2006,(6):38-41
随着国内消费者生活水平的提高,别墅逐步在高端人群中普及,舒适的洗浴生活已经成为这部分群体的追求趋势。他们对热水的应用已经从洗澡、洗  相似文献   

马飞  孙雷 《太阳能》2007,(12):2-3,15
几年来,《可再生能源法》、《节约能源法》、《可再生能源中长期发展规划》、《绿色节能建筑实施条例》等政策、法规相继出台。在这种背景下,我国太阳能热利用产业快速发展,成为社会各界关注的焦  相似文献   

自我国《可再生能源法》及一系列的相关配套法律法规出台,各地方政府积极响应,纷纷出台地方性文件,促进对可再生能源的开发利用。广东省经贸委、科技厅、建设厅、农业厅联合发布了《关于发展我省太阳能产业的意见》,旨在促进产业结构调整和经济增长方式转变,推进能源节约和环境保护,贯彻国务院关于建设节约型社会、发展循环经济的精神。现全文摘要如下:  相似文献   

侯富民  魏莉莉  何妍秋 《节能》2021,(12):17-20
太阳能热水系统是我国应用范围最广的可再生能源建筑应用系统.实际运行中,由于太阳能的分布规律与热水的使用规律存在不匹配的问题,使用者的行为习惯对太阳能热量获取的负面影响大,因此节能效益评价普遍存在较大的偏差.通过分析热水用量、热水使用频率、冷水进水温度、水箱热损失、太阳能辐照量等因素对太阳能热水系统节能效益的影响,为太阳...  相似文献   

太阳能空调热水系统研究分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

根据水垢成因,简述了目前市场上太阳能热水工程系统常用的几种除垢方法。  相似文献   

介绍了一种高效节能的太阳能热水系统,并分析了该系统的工作原理.本系统的设计核心是提高太阳能热水系统的太阳能保证率,及与常规热水器相比节能率fr.  相似文献   

文中列举了南京市若干太阳能热水系统与建筑一体化工程概况,建议集体单位大力推广应用太阳能集中热水系统;对居民小区住宅,适合分户使用太阳能热水系统,不宜应用太阳能集中热水系统。  相似文献   

对同一太阳能热水系统在不同环境条件下得热量和热损的多次试验,计算了系统标准单位轮廓采光面积的日有用得热量和平均热损因数,并分析了太阳辐射量、环境风速和温度对系统得热量和热损的影响规律。  相似文献   

分析了当前太阳热水器和住宅建筑结合的现状,指出太阳热水器在住宅建筑上应用的限制因素;针对所存在的问题,提出了太阳热水器与住宅建筑结合的一种方式--"架空构架式".它和建筑一体化结合,构造、施工简单,对屋面使用没有影响,经济性好.因此必将成为今后高层住宅建筑太阳能一体化的发展趋势.  相似文献   

以某酒店为例,介绍了太阳能集中供热水系统的经济评价。通过节能计算得出使用该系统比原有燃油锅炉每年税后节省111 648元。文章还对该太阳能集中供热水系统的净现值、回收期、内含报酬率等方面进行了财务评价。研究表明,该企业使用太阳能集中供热水系统能够带来显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

D. Mills  G. L. Morrison   《Solar Energy》2003,74(6):505-511
Current flat plate solar water heaters overproduce slightly in summer and have poor performance in winter at the time of maximum load. They use an expensive absorber plate over the entire absorbing aperture of the collector and fail to use the backside of the absorber. They often have under insulated tanks and are not optimised as integrated systems. This paper describes a design approach taken to use existing commercial flat plate absorber and tank components in a new way to maximise solar contribution and minimise material usage in the construction of the system. The design criterion used is not maximum peak efficiency, but minimum annual backup energy supplied to the system to meet an annual load. This corresponds to meeting a minimum greenhouse emissions requirement in both invested pollution during manufacture and pollution from backup energy supplied. Two new designs are shown which allow the solar fraction of systems to be increased to approximately 80–90% in Sydney Australia using a standard model of domestic hot water usage specified in Australian Standard AS4234. Pollution from fuel use drops to as little as 40% of that of conventional flat plate solar water heaters. These new designs use one absorber plate instead of two and a smaller and better insulated tank. Comparisons of solar fraction are evaluated for a range of climatic conditions. An important insight is that with such a performance optimised system the ultimate solar fraction is limited by occasional long duration cloud cover at the site of installation and making the system larger only increases dumped energy, not utilisable energy. Technical efficiency improvements only reduce the required collector area. However, some additional backup fuel reductions can be made through manual control of backup energy use, because this allows finer control of backup relative to real demand. Pollution from backup fuel usage may be able to be reduced to 1/4 that of current flat plate solar water heaters.  相似文献   

家用太阳热水系统性能检测的国家标准主要有GB/T 18708-2002、GB/T 19141-2003,因测试目的不同,两个标准之间以及与其他各相关标准之间存在一些差异,针对热性能测量系数对各相关的国内外标准进行对比分析,对家用太阳热水系统某些参数测量提出改进建议。  相似文献   

This paper describes different methods of analysis of a solar water heating system to determine its economic viability. The solar fraction, required for this analysis, has been calculated with a stimulation program using hourly meteorological data of Singapore. A measured load profile, representing the average condition, was used for this program. The economic variables have been selected from the trends shown in previous years.When different economic optimization criteria were applied to the CIAS solar system, it was seen that both the life cycle saving and the annualized life cycle cost lead to the prediction of the same optimum collector area of 1200 m2. The payback period and the internal rate of return analyses also predicted the same optimum collector area of 1000 m2, which is smaller than that predicted by the method of life cycle costing. For the economic variables used in this analysis, the minimum payback period is about 14 years.  相似文献   

一引言能源是人类社会存在与发展的物质基础。在环境日益恶化的压力下,发展和利用能源要以环保为根本出发点。大力发展可再生能源成为我国21世纪发展国民经济和建设小康社会刻不容缓的主要任务和战略目标。在可再生能源种类中,太阳能的利用前景最为广阔。  相似文献   

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