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洪庆慈 《中国油脂》1996,21(5):10-12
芝麻经过去皮、脱脂处理后,测定了其粕粉的一些功能性质。发现它的凝胶性和乳化能力分别优于大豆粕粉和花生粕粉,吸水吸油能力与大豆粕粉差不多,发泡能力和稳定性在酸性pH时比碱性pH强,此外它的溶解性和粘性都很好。因此去皮脱脂芝麻粕粉可望用于诸如冰淇淋、冷冻甜食、香肠、烘焙食品和糖果等。  相似文献   

本文研究了浸泡法和微量加水法对发芽全麦粉理化及动态流变学特性的影响。结果表明:与对照组相比,发芽全麦粉水分、脂肪含量均显著降低,粗蛋白、总膳食纤维含量整体上显著增加,总淀粉含量及淀粉直/支比变化不明显;两种发芽方式均会显著提升全麦粉糊化焓和糊化温度,全麦粉热稳定性提高。此外,微量加水法发芽处理(MST)全麦粉较浸泡法发芽处理(SST)全麦粉回生值显著降低,有利于抑制发芽全麦及其产品的老化。动态流变学结果表明所有样品储能模量(G′)始终高于损耗模量(G″),其中MST全麦粉较SST全麦粉糊化后流动性增强,黏度减弱。研究结果旨在为后期发芽全麦粉在食品中的加工应用选择适宜的发芽方式做参考,为合理利用发芽全麦粉提供理论依据。  相似文献   

“Ukpo” (Mucuna flagellipes) seed flour is one of the soup thickeners used in most rural Igbo-speaking communities of Southern Nigeria. Its preparation is usually associated with long cooking time which is required to soften the cotyledon before grinding as well as reduce the anti-nutritional components of the seed. This work was therefore aimed at determining the effect of boiling time on some functional properties and antinutritional properties of the ukpo seed flour. The result obtained showed that there were slight reductions in the protein, fat and ash content as boiling time increased probably due to leaching. All the functional properties analysed increased significantly (p  0.05) with increasing boiling time. The water absorption, oil absorption and emulsion capacities increased from values of 1.60 ml/g, 1.23 ml/g and 9.3 ml/g respectively at 0 minutes to 3.2 ml/g, 2.8 ml/g and 17.66 ml/g respectively at 60 minutes. The bulk density and swelling index also increased from 0.72 g/ml to 1.17 cm3/cm3 and from 1.02 g/ml to 1.36 cm3/cm3 respectively. The oxalate, tannin, saponin, phenol and phytate contents decreased significantly (p  0.05) with increasing boiling time. The values at 60 minutes boiling time were 0.14%, 0.182%, 0.434%, 0.146% and 0.719% respectively. These results suggest that heat treatment improves the performance of the Ukpo flour in soup thickening while reducing to a large extent the anti-nutritional properties.  相似文献   

本文以中筋面粉为原料,分别添加5%、10%、15%、20%和25%的芽麦粉(SWF),利用快速黏度分析仪、粉质仪和拉伸仪分析了芽麦粉添加量对中筋粉面团特性的影响。结果表明,芽麦粉的添加使面粉的糊化特性均迅速下降,但随着芽麦粉添加量的增加,下降趋势逐渐变缓;对于面粉的粉质特性,形成时间、稳定时间和粉质指数等参数均呈下降趋势,但面粉的吸水率在芽麦粉添加量超过20%时才会有明显的下降;芽麦粉添加量的增加会降低面团的拉伸特性,但是醒发时间的延长会减缓这种变化,在添加量为5%时,拉伸能量和最大阻力等参数还会略有增加。总体来说,当添加5%芽麦粉时,糊化特性会大幅度降低,面团的稳定时间在中筋粉范围内,延长面团醒发时间可以增加面团的筋力、可塑性和弹性。  相似文献   

The effect of toasting time on the functional properties of Brachystegia eurycoma flour was investigated. The water absorption capacity, swelling power and solubility index of the flour, increased with increase in toasting time, while the oil absorption capacity and amylose content of the flour decreased with increase in toasting time. The peak viscosity, final viscosity, break down and setback viscosity increased from 134.67 to 176.24 RVU, 460.33 to 650.43 RVU, 57.83 to 120.33 RVU and 405.70 to 581.17 RVU respectively, as the toasting time increased. The pasting temperature decreased from 88.25 to 78.32 °C, as the toasting time increased from 0 to 12 min. Regression models that could be used to adequately express the relationships existing between the functional properties of the flour and toasting time were established.  相似文献   

该文以百农307为原料,在20℃、85%湿度下发芽12 h,经干燥后磨粉并进行气流分级处理,通过对其蛋白质含量、面筋含量与指数、巯基与二硫键含量、面筋蛋白的功能特性、动态流变学特性、氨基酸含量等指标进行测定分析,探究气流分级对发芽小麦粉面筋蛋白特性的影响.研究发现:小麦发芽后面筋含量、品质与蛋白质结构稳定性变差,面筋蛋...  相似文献   

研究不同添加量(5%、10%、15%、20%和25%)的薏米全粉对小麦粉的粉质特性,拉伸特性、糊化特性以及对馒头的质构和感官评价的影响。结果表明:薏米全粉的添加增加了小麦粉中蛋白质、油脂和灰分的含量。与小麦粉面团相比,薏米全粉不影响小麦粉的形成时间和稳定时间,但在添加量高于15%时弱化度增加显著;添加薏米全粉的面团拉伸能量,延伸性总体上降低,最大拉伸阻力在45?min和135?min差异不显著,拉伸比增加显著。薏米粉的添加显著提高了馒头的硬度、弹性和咀嚼性,显著降低了回复性和内聚性,感官评定与质构硬度和咀嚼性结果一致。随着薏米全粉的添加,口感各个指标总体上降低,但是5%~10%的薏米全粉添加量对馒头感官评价影响不大,并且少量薏米所产生的气味更受人喜爱。结合上述因素,考虑到对面团流变特性、糊化特性和馒头品质的影响,小麦粉中添加10%的薏米全粉较为合适。  相似文献   

研究一定温度和湿度条件下不同浸泡和萌动处理对芝麻及芝麻酱基本组分质量分数、功能性成分、矿物质含量及脂肪酸组成的影响。结果显示:未经萌动处理的芝麻浸泡2、5 h时,粗脂肪、粗蛋白质量分数降低;不同浸泡时间芝麻中灰分质量分数均有所降低,粗纤维质量分数显著增加(P<0.05),总糖质量分数先升高后降低。随萌动时间的延长,萌动处理后芝麻酱中粗脂肪、总糖和粗纤维质量分数与芝麻中变化一致,粗蛋白质量分数呈先减后增趋势,草酸质量分数逐渐降低,酸价呈波动变化,甾醇含量逐渐增加。萌动处理后的芝麻酱中VE含量均高于对照组芝麻酱,在浸泡20 min、萌动14 h时VE含量达到最大值(49.96 mg/100 g),比对照组增加49.36%;萌动24 h时,萌动处理后的芝麻酱中芝麻酚的含量均明显高于未经萌动处理芝麻酱;萌动处理后芝麻酱中的Ca含量明显增加,K含量下降。通过主成分分析,发现影响萌动处理后芝麻酱品质的主要指标为粗脂肪质量分数、VE含量等。经过浸泡和萌动处理的芝麻酱中花生酸不再存在。结果表明萌动处理是制备低脂肪质量分数、高VE含量芝麻酱的一种新途径。  相似文献   

以低温脱脂橡胶籽粕为原料,采用等电点沉淀法制备橡胶籽分离蛋白。对橡胶籽分离蛋白的组成及功能性质进行测定,结果表明:橡胶籽分离蛋白中清蛋白、球蛋白、醇溶蛋白和谷蛋白所占比例依次为33.5%,4.8%,0.9%和60.8%。氨基酸组成比较全面,其中谷氨酸含量较高,达到19.894 g/100 g。p H值对橡胶籽分离蛋白的功能性质影响较大;橡胶籽蛋白浓度与其乳化性和起泡性呈正相关;在温度为60℃时,橡胶籽蛋白乳化性和起泡性分别达到34.29 m L/g和31.2%。  相似文献   

为了研究“三熟”工艺中炒制时间对燕麦粉的影响,燕麦籽粒经炒制0、10、20、30 min后分析其基本理化指标、面粉流变学特性、β-葡聚糖分子量及其货架期的变化。结果表明:与对照燕麦粉相比,炒制热处理有助于燕麦胚乳和皮层分离,可以显著提高燕麦粉的出粉率。炒制热处理后,燕麦粉的脂肪酶活力和L*值显著降低;峰值黏度、终值黏度和热焓值、结晶度均呈现降低的趋势,燕麦粉的糊化度增加;β-葡聚糖重均分子量降低,β-葡聚糖分子分布范围增加。在加速储藏期间,不同炒制时间的燕麦粉脂肪酸值随着储藏期间呈现上升的趋势,其中对照燕麦粉的脂肪酸值变化的更快。根据Arrhenius动力学模型和统计学原理,预测到炒制 30 min 燕麦粉的货架期较长,在常温下 (25 ℃) 的货架期为229 d。  相似文献   

Sesame defatted flour was prepared from dehulled seeds and the proteins extracted by isoelectric precipitation from an alkaline suspension of the flour. Temperature and pH effects on viscosity of a protein dispersion were measured using a Brookfield viscometer. Emulsifying capacity and emulsion stability were measured in mayonnaise and meat-type emulsions, respectively. Sesame flour was texturized by a simple method to produce a ground meat-like product with a hydration capacity of 380–440%. Sensory evaluation of meat loaves with 0–40% meat replaced by hydrated textured defatted sesame flour indicated no significant difference between samples. Viscosity of sesame protein dispersions at 90°C increased with increasing pH. The proteins did not form a self-supporting gel. Their emulsifying capacity proved to be relatively high when compared with traditional proteins.  相似文献   

Rice cultivation nowadays has become as major concern to Sri Lanka due to high dependency of chemical fertilizers. There is an interest to promote utilization of rice obtained from traditional rice varieties which are well adopted to Sri Lankan environmental conditions, such varieties are highly nutritious and less dependent on agrochemicals. Thus they are ideal candidates in promoting organic food products without chemical inputs. Rice flour is a good substitute for imported wheat flour in bakery industry. However due to lack of gluten protein, rice flour cannot be used directly in bakery products without any modifications. In this study rice grains derived from four traditional rice varieties namely Madathuwalu, Kaluhenati, Pachaperumal and Ratdal were subjected to freezing at -20oC (24 hours and 48 hours), hot water soaking at 80oC (5 minutes and 10 minutes) individually and in dual combinations. Untreated rice flour served as the control and experiments were conducted in triplicates. Water Absorption Index (WAI), Water Solubility (WS), Swelling Power (SP) and pH values were measured in both treated and untreated rice flour. Results showed that these physical treatments to the rice grains brings about a significant difference (p< 0.05) on the functional properties of rice flour both individual and in dual combinations. Strong correlation (p=0.000) was obtained between WAI and SP. Dual modification treatments were found to be highly effective in improving functional properties of all selected traditional rice varieties compared to the single modification. Freezing at -20oC for 48 hours was more effective than the 24 hours freezing to improve the functional properties. Therefore, this study proves that simple physical treatment methods such as freezing and hot water soaking could bring about a significant effect on the functional properties of traditional rice flour.  相似文献   

兴大面粉厂是一座小型风力提粉厂。为提升产品档次,提高产量,降低成本,增加效益,更好地参与市场竞争,决定对该厂刹克龙风力提粉进行技术改造。2002年初,我们和厂家一起,将该厂刹克龙风力提粉工艺,改造为利用高方筛分级制粉新工艺。根据原料质量、设备状况和产品要求,经过精心设计、施工安装和调试,顺利完成技改工作。投产半年多的实践说明,此次技改取得了较好的效果。 1 改造前的情况改造前,麦间清理工艺为:“三筛二打二去石一次着水润麦”干法清理工艺。粉间主要设备为6F1820型复式磨粉机5台,粉路4B3M刹克龙风力  相似文献   

以萝卜籽粕为原料,提取了其中的蛋白质;根据溶解性,萝卜籽粕蛋白中的清、球、谷、醇溶蛋白被分 离;用氨基酸自动分析仪测定了萝卜籽粕蛋白的氨基酸组成;物理化学方法测定萝卜籽粕蛋白的功能性质以及体外 清除1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼自由基、?OH、NO2 -、H2O2的能力。结果表明:萝卜籽粕蛋白中球、谷、清和醇溶蛋 白含量分别占总蛋白质的44%、33%、21%和2%;萝卜籽粕蛋白含18 种氨基酸,第一限制氨基酸为蛋氨酸,其氨基 酸评分为57。萝卜籽粕蛋白具有很好的功能性质及抗氧化能力,表明有很高的开发价值。  相似文献   

Among functional properties studied, water- anf fat-holding capacities were higher for puffed grain flour. Gelation was not affected, while foaming was adversely affected by puffing. A decrease in viscosity of flour pastes also resulted due to puffing.  相似文献   

不同干燥方式对葛根全粉抗氧化性能和香气成分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴琼  刘奕  吴庆园  蒋和体 《食品科学》2017,38(6):202-208
以葛根为原料,研究热风干燥、冷冻干燥、真空干燥对葛根全粉的基本成分、抗氧化性能和香气成分的影响。结果表明:不同干燥方式下葛根全粉的淀粉、粗蛋白、粗脂肪等基本成分含量差异显著(P0.05),冷冻干燥葛根全粉中总黄酮和总酚含量分别为2.46 g/100 g和1.37 g/100 g,显著高于其他2种干燥方式(P0.05);冷冻干燥所得葛根全粉的自由基清除力、还原力和金属离子螯合能力最高,而热风干燥所得产品的抗氧化能力最低。运用固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用对鲜葛根和3种干燥方式葛根全粉的香气物质进行分析,鲜葛根、热风干燥、真空干燥和冷冻干燥全粉各自鉴定出43、68、66种和64种挥发性香气成分。真空干燥和冷冻干燥对于鲜葛根中的香气成分有更好的保留和增加效果,并且减少了部分对风味有反作用的物质。  相似文献   

The effects of dry and moist heat on the solubility of the nitrogenous constituents and emulsifying activity of melon seed (Colocynthis citrullus Linn) flour were examined. A factorial experiment was then used to study the effects of temperature, moisture content, time of heating and pH on total soluble solids and the effects of temperature, moisture content and time of heating on color development by the flour. In each case a response function was fitted to the data; these were then used to examine the action of these variables on the two responses.  相似文献   

Functional properties of defatted and detoxified Madhuca (Madhuca butyraceae) seed flours were determined and compared with those of soybean flour. Soybean and detoxified Madhuca flours had higher water absorption capacities than defatted Madhuca flour. Due to the presence of saponins, the defatted Madhuca flour showed higher foaming capacity than the soybean and detoxified Madhuca flours.  相似文献   

The functional properties of a naturally fermented composite flour made up of 30% edible defatted groundnut flour and 70% sorghum meal were compared with conventionally fermented sorghum meal. Fermentation increased the nitrogen solubility of the composite flour in the alkaline pH region. The increased protein of the composite flour (23%) improved the functionality of the meal as reflected in its better water-absorption capacity, its water-retention capacity, and its fat-absorption capacity compared to values obtained with sorghum meal for the three functional properties, respectively. Natural fermentation resulted in the improvement of the water-absorption capacity of the composite flour but decreased its water-retention capacity and its fat-absorption capacity. The fermented composite flour showed better foaming capacity and emulsification capacity than fermented sorghum meal. Fermentation helped to stabilize the foaming properties of the composite flour; however, it did not improve its emulsion stability.  相似文献   

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