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In view of its possible application in apple juice clarification, the potential of co‐immobilized pectinase/amylase by physical adsorption on a polysulfone ultrafiltration hollow fiber was examined. Solutions containing different concentrations of pectin and starch were used. The effect of various operational parameters on the production of reducing compounds, mainly galacturonic acid and maltose, was investigated. Results indicated that relative permeate flux, during ultrafiltration of starch‐pectin solutions, was up to 35% higher when commercial pectinase and amylase were co‐immobilized on a hollow fiber membrane. Although the concentration of reaction products increased up to 50% with the pectin concentration, the same was not verified when the starch content changed from 3.85 to 5.00 mg/mL. However, the reference permeate flux was improved when starch was added to substrate, independently of its concentration. Considering the size of an average starch granule, this increase in permeate flux was attributed to the removal of pectin gel by dragging. Permeate fluxes were comparable for both batch and permeate recycling operations.  相似文献   

The clarification of apple juice by ultrafiltration has been commercially used for many years. A common phenomenon in membrane processes is the decline of permeate flux (J) with time (t), called “membrane fouling.” The phenomenon of membrane fouling is very complex and difficult to describe theoretically, and model studies are limited. A number of semiempirical and empirical models have been proposed to explain flux behavior during membrane filtration processes. Using these models, typical t versus J curve observed in membrane filtration applications was examined in two or three periods. However, the boundaries between each period could not be accurately determined and were specific to the system under investigation. Thus, these semiempirical and empirical models are valid only for the system investigated. In this article, the applicability of an exponential model to ultrafiltration of apple juice was studied. The results showed that the exponential model can be successfully applied to analyze the raw filtrate volume V versus t data of ultrafiltration of apple juice, and initial flux J0, membrane resistance Rm and exponential fouling coefficient k values can easily be determined from the raw data.  相似文献   

Whole milk was concentrated using Romicon PM50 membranes. Rententate and permeate were analyzed for total solids, protein (TKN) and fat at five concentration levels. The effects of pressure, concentration, fiber length and several milk pretreatments on flux were examined. A 5X concentrate was prepared containing 37.2% solids, 13.3% protein and 17.8% fat. The highest initial and 4X fluxes were obtained using a pressure differential of 1.4 kg/cm2 - 2.11/0.7 (20 psig - 30/10). Flux declined slowly with concentration to 3X (20% loss) and decreased more rapidly thereafter. Higher fluid velocities were deemed responsible for 27% higher initial flux and 47% higher 4X flux when a shorter module was employed (63.5 versus 109.2 cm). Clarification, pasteurization and/or homogenization had little effect on flux at either level.  相似文献   

Objective quality of ultrafiltered (UF) apple juice compared favorably to apple juice filtered by conventional plate and frame filtration (PF). Agtron red and green values were higher for the UF juice, indicating a lighter colored product. Agtron green values were lower after 4 months of storage and compared well to juice from conventional methods over the remaining 8 months of storage. Green color of the UF juice remained steady at storage temperatures of either 1° or 21°C and was equal to the color values of the conventional juice stored at 1°, 21° or 32°. Clarity of the UF juice was excellent and remained stable over the entire storage period at either 1 or 21° with only a slight drop in clarity at 32°. UF juice was rated significantly lower in sensory flavor than PF juice. Sensory color of the UF juice was not rated as high as the PF juice at the start of the study, but as time in storage progressed sensory color improved. Initial panel reaction to UF apple juice was that the UF juice was too light in color and watery in flavor.  相似文献   

An artificial neural network (ANN) was developed to model the dead-end ultrafiltration process of apple juice. Molecular weight cutoff, transmembrane pressure, gelatin–bentonite concentration and time were the input variables, while filtrate flux and filtrate volume were the output variables of the ultrafiltration process. According to error results and correlation values for two types of network (one or two hidden layer configurations), configurations with two hidden layers had comparatively better performance. The highest correlation coefficient with the minimum prediction error was calculated for two hidden layers with 6-5 nodes configuration. Trained ANN (4-6-5-2) predicted filtrate flux and filtrate volume with 2.33 and 1.38% mean relative error, respectively. The results suggest that the ANN modeling can be effectively used to optimize filtration process.


Membrane separation processes including ultrafiltration have gained importance in the food industry. Today, fruit juices are widely clarified by means of ultrafiltration process instead of tedious and laborious conventional clarification treatments. Membrane fouling which results in flux decline is the main problem associated with the ultrafiltration of fruit juices. In order to perform an efficient ultrafiltration process, optimization is required to obtain maximum filtrate volume per unit time. Artificial neural network (ANN) modeling offers great advantage on improving the performance of ultrafiltration process by accounting the effects of different variables, i.e., feed properties, transmembrane pressure and membrane pore size on filtrate volume as the main output of the filtration process. ANN modeling of ultrafiltration may be an alternative to previously proposed empirical and semiempirical models.  相似文献   

Mass transfer characteristics and the applicability of theoretical transport models in ultrafilitration were evaluated in a pilot-scale hollow fiber system processing soybean water extracts. Permeate flux was found to increase linearly with transmembrane pressure and then reach an asymptotic value. Substantial deviations from the pure water permeation line and marked hysteresis effects were also observed, indicative of concentration polarization and additional hydrodynamic resistance at the membrane surface. Pressure-independence occurred at lower pressures with lower Reynolds Numbers (Re) and higher Schmidt Numbers (Sc). Flow rate and temperature significantly affected flux in the totally polarized region. The exponent in the flux-Reα relationship varied from 0.6 at 20°C to 0.32 at 50°C. Theoretical laminar flow mass transfer models were found to predict Sherwood Numbers (Sh) and flux lower than experimental values. The correlation that fit the data best was Sh = 0.181 (Re).47 (Sc).33  相似文献   

In this study, the reduction of patulin content in apple juice concentrates during 6 months of storage at 22 and 30C was investigated. Results demonstrated that reduction in patulin content was dependent on the storage temperature and time. Patulin reductions after 1 month of storage at 22 and 30C were in the ranges of 45–64% and 66–86%, respectively. Levels of patulin were below detectable limits after 4 months of storage at 22 and 30C.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of conventional clarification and ultrafiltration techniques on the phenolic composition of apple juice was studied. Since the health benefit of fruits and fruit juices have been ascribed, in part, to the phenolic antioxidants, it is very important to know what the effects of processing steps are on the level of phenolic compounds in fruit juices. The total losses of phenolic compounds were determined to be 28% and 7% during conventional clarification using gelatin and bentonite, and ultrafiltration, respectively. A total of 14 phenolic compounds were identified in apple juice prepared from Golden Delicious apples. The phenolic compounds were found to be based mainly on hydroxycinnamic acids (∼ 50% of total phenolics) and chlorogenic acid was found to be the major phenolic compound with its concentration as high as 465.45 mg 1−1 in raw apple juice.  相似文献   

以寻求提高西番莲原汁超滤时的渗透通量为目的,用国产芳香聚酰胺膜平板超滤器进行试验,对超滤操作条件,果汁预处理,膜的清洗进行研究。结果表明,西番莲原汁超滤时渗透通量最高的操作压力为0.15MPa,最佳进料速度为22mL/s,操作温度为室温;原汁经海藻酸钠—碳酸钠澄清剂预处理后可以明显增大渗透通量;超滤处理后。原汁的西番莲固有滋味和品质得到较好保留。采用超滤澄清法生产高质量的西番莲原汁是可行的。  相似文献   

研究了用果胶酶提高葡萄出汁率的方法。通过单因素与正交试验分析了酶添加量、酶解温度和酶解时间对葡萄出汁率的影响,最佳工艺条件为,果胶酶用量0.08mL/kg,酶解温度55℃,酶解时间120min。  相似文献   

Ohmic heating is based on the passage of electrical current through a food product that serves as an electrical resistance. In this study, apple and sourcherry concentrates having 20–60% soluble solids were ohmically heated by applying five different voltage gradients (20–60 V/cm). the electrical conductivity relations depending on temperature, voltage gradient and concentration were obtained. It was observed that the electrical conductivities of apple and sourcherry juices were significantly affected by temperature and concentration (P < 0.05). the ohmic heating system performance coefficients (SPCs) were defined by using the energies given to the system and taken up by the juice samples. the SPCs were in the range of 0.47–0.92. the unsteady‐state heat conduction equation for negligible internal resistance was solved with an ohmic heating generation term by the finite difference technique. the mathematical model results considering system performance coefficients were compared with experimental ones. the predictions of the mathematical model using obtained electrical conductivity equations were found to be very accurate.  相似文献   

采收期对金红苹果贮藏品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以金红苹果为试材,研究不同采收期对金红苹果贮藏品质的影响,为金红苹果贮藏保鲜提供理论和实践依据.研究结果表明:在吉林地区,金红苹果适宜的采收期为8月末9月初.此期,果实的硬度约为11.00kg/cm2,可溶性固形物含量约为12.40%,可滴定酸含量约为0.76%.果实冷藏100d后,仍能保持硬度达7.90 kg/cm2,可溶性固形物含量约为11.30%,可滴定酸含量达0.50%,失重率4.70%,而且果实外观新鲜,腐烂率仅为0.50%.  相似文献   

The adulteration of apple juice with pear juice and corn drived syrups has been practiced in many countries. The sorbitol/sucrose ratios and the sorbitol/total sugar ratios were determined for the juices of 14 apple varieties and 3 pear varieties. A multivariate normal test was applied to develop an equation for the detection of apple juice adulteration with sugar solutions or pear juice. Adulteration of apple juice with more than 10% sugar solution or pear juice were detectable with this method.  相似文献   

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