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褐煤深度脱水的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对褐煤低温烟气干燥技术脱水幅度难以提高,发热量增加不多等问题,提出了低温干燥与深度脱水的联合工艺。研究了不同干燥温度、干燥时间和煤样粒度对褐煤深度脱水效果的影响,结果表明:褐煤深度脱水适宜的干燥温度为500~800℃,较为适宜的干燥时间为80 s左右,当粒度小于50 mm时,干燥产物发热量随粒度变化不大。最后提出了褐煤深度脱水最佳工艺条件和参数,即当预干燥煤的Mar约为18%,煤样粒度为-50 mm,干燥温度为700℃,干燥时间为80 s时,深度脱水产物的Mar为8%,Vdaf在46%左右,折算Qnet,ar约为21 kJ/g。褐煤深度脱水促进了褐煤发热量的进一步提高,实现了褐煤资源的增值,研究结果为褐煤低温干燥与深度脱水联合工艺技术方案的确定奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The present paper includes the results of the combustion tests with Greek dried lignite performed at a 1 MWth semi industrial scale pulverized coal combustion facility. Scope of the campaign is the investigation of the combustion behaviour of Greek lignite, i.e. temperature fields, ignition, burnout, emissions, as well as slagging and fouling tendency, while firing with varying levels of recirculated flue gas. Dry coal co-firing conditions in a large scale boiler are simulated by adjusting the volume flow of recirculated flue gas.Two test series representing different boiler operation modes are performed. During the first series the maximum flue gas temperature increase, when co-firing dry coal, is determined, while in the second test series the needed load decrease, in order to keep constant furnace outlet temperature in dry coal co-firing conditions is recorded. A detailed measurement set is carried out including temperature profiles, emissions, fuel, fly ash sampling and slagging and fouling investigations through the installation of dedicated deposition probes.The anticipated increase of the furnace temperature profiles by decreasing the inserted recirculated flue gas is confirmed by the experimental results. No clear trend of dry coal co-combustion on the emissions' behaviour is noticed, while dry coal firing appears to have a moderate effect on the deposition behaviour of Greek lignite. These preliminary investigations indicate that no significant operational problems are expected during a potential future demonstration of dry lignite co-firing in a Greek large scale boiler.  相似文献   

为了进一步丰富和发展大颗粒流态化理论,促进其在水泥煅烧领域的应用,实验通过1个三维流化床试验台研究了大颗粒流化床中颗粒的破损方式为磨蚀,即颗粒在流化过程中表面磨碎后生成细粉,颗粒自身的粒径逐渐变小。实验表明,颗粒粒径、风速以及流化时间对大颗粒流化床中颗粒的磨蚀影响较大,静床高对磨蚀几乎没有影响。最后提出了大颗粒流化床合适的控制参数:粒径范围4—7 mm,表观风速1.3um f—1.6um f,静床高H0/D<2。  相似文献   

In chemical industry, flows often occur in nontransparent equipment, for example in steel pipelines and vessels. Magnetic resonance imaging is a suitable approach to visualize the flow, which cannot be performed with classical optical techniques, and obtain quantitative data in such cases. It is therefore a unique tool to noninvasively study whole‐field porosity and velocity distributions in opaque single‐phase porous media flow. In this article, experimental results obtained with this technique, applied to the study of structure and hydrodynamics in packed beds of spherical particles, are shown and compared with detailed computational fluid dynamics simulations performed with an in‐house numerical code based on an immersed boundary method‐direct numerical simulation approach. Pressure drop and the radial profiles of porosity and axial velocity of the fluid for three packed beds of spheres with different sizes were evaluated, both experimentally and numerically, in order to compare the two approaches. © 2018 The Authors AIChE Journal published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 1896–1907, 2018  相似文献   

为提高褐煤水煤浆的成浆性,以新疆褐煤、半焦及型煤半焦为原料,对其成浆性进行对比分析。结果表明:粗细煤粉质量比6∶4,最佳添加剂用量1.2%时,型煤半焦制备的水煤浆成浆性最好,最大成浆浓度为60.1%,表观黏度为1153 mPa·s。在级配、添加剂用量相同的条件下,褐煤和半焦的最大成浆浓度分别为48.7%和56.8%。煤样工业分析和表面结构研究表明随着提质改性程度的增加,新疆褐煤、半焦及型煤半焦的水分和挥发分依次降低,固定碳升高,孔半径减小,比表面积增大,孔容积变化不明显。说明褐煤经热压提质改性后,煤化度升高,结构渐趋紧密,孔隙率降低,有利于提高褐煤成浆性。  相似文献   

为考察神雾快速热解炉的产品产率及产品性质,将神雾蓄热式快速热解工业炉型按一定比例缩小,在实验室自建的快速热解小试试验装置上,考察了热解温度对热解产物产率的影响,并对产物性质进行分析。结果表明,印尼褐煤快速热解最佳反应温度为590℃,印尼褐煤油收率为9.91%,高达格金含油率的95%,快速热解装置油收率较高。与固定床热解煤焦油相比,快速热解煤焦油的密度、黏度、凝点和残炭含量均较低。模拟蒸馏结果表明,快速热解煤焦油中汽油馏分为2%,柴油馏分为44%,重油馏分为54%。印尼褐煤快速热解气中的主要组分是CH4和H2,热值较高。  相似文献   

采用流化床干燥的工艺方法对印尼褐煤进行干燥热处理改质试验,以改善褐煤的成浆性;试验结果表明,褐煤经过干燥后,吸水性显著降低,成浆性显著提高,褐煤浆浓度由改质前的48%提高到60%左右。  相似文献   

This paper presents an Euler-Euler approach for the numerical simulation of the hydroerosive grinding (HE) process. It describes a two-phase slurry flow consisting of a liquid and a dispersed solid phase which causes wear at walls of devices. The continuous fluid phase is solved using a finite volume scheme in which the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) [1] model is applied to resolve large-scale turbulent structures. The solid phase is dispersed and treated as a second continuum in which drag and lift forces as well as added mass, pressure and history force are taken into account. Considering particle-particle interactions, the granular model from Gidaspow [2] is used for particle volume concentrations over 1%. Investigations of erosion processes proofed that non-spherically shaped particles as well as harder particles increase the wear on devices significantly. Consequently, non-spherical particles are utilised for the hydroerosive grinding. Their steady drag, unsteady drag and lift coefficients, depending on the particle Reynolds number, are determined by a direct numerical simulation via an in-house LES Lattice-Boltzmann solver. This Lattice-Boltzmann method was presented for laminar flows by Hölzer and Sommerfeld [3]. In this work, interpolating functions of these coefficients are implemented in the Euler-Euler approach which enables the simulation of non-spherical particle transport. Hydroerosive grinding experiments in 3D throttles and 3D planar geometries are carried out to determine an erosion model depending on particle impact velocity, particle size, particle concentration and wall hardness. Implementation of a mesh-morphing algorithm combined with the Euler-Euler scheme of the commercial solver ANSYS CFX11 [4] enables an online simulation of the hydroerosive grinding process. Additionally, the online simulation is used to validate the applied numerical methods. Very good agreements are achieved and will be presented in this paper.  相似文献   

为了提高褐煤利用率,介绍了国内褐煤资源的储量形态、分布。分析了目前褐煤的利用途径,包括共伴生资源的利用、直接燃烧、干燥脱水与成型、气化、液化、制水煤浆与热解。并进一步分析了褐煤热解气、液、固产品的利用方向。提出了褐煤半焦利用的新方法,即利用半焦干法气化,或将半焦和热解废水等制成水煤浆,通过湿法气化制得合成气,再通过甲烷化催化剂将合成气制成甲烷,或将合成气通过费托合成制成汽油柴油。  相似文献   

Samples of three Louisiana lignites were subjected to atmospheric pressure pyrolysis and hydropyrolysis over a temperature range of 400–800 °C. Volatile products were collected in cold traps containing dichloromethane solvent and immersed in a salted ice bath. Volatiles were analysed using coupled gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and approximately 150 separate compounds were noted. Because the product complexity made definite identification of each compound impossible, all components were assigned to one of eleven compound groups and subsequent analysis of results was based upon these groups. The effect of atmosphere, nitrogen versus hydrogen, was found to have a significant impact on volatile composition. Increased concentrations of alkyl benzenes and other single ring compounds were found in the hydrogen product with corresponding reductions in alkanes and alkenes. Only trace concentrations of polyaromatic compounds containing more than two rings were found in either atmosphere. Volatile product composition differences between the three lignites were small. Similarly, the effect of temperature on composition was relatively unimportant.  相似文献   

超细煤粉快速热解动力学特性实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用居里点裂解器及气相色谱仪研究了3种超细煤粉的快速热解特性。实验发现:超细煤粉挥发分的快速热解释放主要发生在升温阶段,烟煤与无烟煤挥发分中焦油的质量分数均最大,其中烟煤焦油释放量占挥发分的质量分数达到50%以上,高于无烟煤。烟煤气态挥发分中CO质量分数最大,达到40%以上,其次为CO2,然后依次为CH4、其他碳氢化合物CnHm,H2。无烟煤的CO,CO2,CH4释放质量分数基本相当,H2质量分数与CnHm接近。根据热解产物的释放数据,采用单方程反应模型计算出了煤粉升温速率、热解频率因子及活化能,为进一步研究超细煤粉的着火及燃烧提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Based on the experimental infrared spectral transmittances, an inverse model for determining the optical constants of aerosol particles is presented in this paper. Combined with the Mie theory and Kramers–Kronig (K–K) relations, the complex refractive indices of the aerosol particles are retrieved by the spectral transmittance distribution of a cloud of aerosol particles in potassium bromide (KBr) pellets. Particular attention is given to the unique value problems of the complex refractive index. According to calculation and analysis, the uniqueness range of the complex refractive index is obtained. The complex refractive indices of SiO2, Fe2O3, CaSO4, Al2O3 particles or their mixtures with different volume fractions are obtained. At the same time, the retrieved effective refractive indices of mixed particles are compared with those from effective medium theory. Good agreement is obtained between the inverse simulation results and the results from effective medium theory. Finally, the complex refractive index of aerosol particles collected in China is determined by the inverse model used in the present work.  相似文献   

为获得较好的褐煤半焦制备工艺参数,研究了不同制备条件(热解终温、升温速率、原煤粒径、热解气氛)下制得的乌拉盖褐煤半焦的燃烧性能和燃烧动力学参数。结果表明,热解终温对半焦品质的影响最大,热解升温速率、原煤粒径和热解气氛对半焦燃烧特性的影响不显著。热解终温由350℃升至600℃时,反应指数RI由235℃升至292℃,半焦着火性能变差;燃尽指数Cb由4.68升至6.15,半焦燃尽性能变差;爆炸指数Kd由2.54降至0.46,半焦爆炸倾向性变低;反应活化能由44.4 k J/mol升至63.4 k J/mol,半焦燃烧动力学特性变差。热解终温为520℃时制得的半焦反应指数、燃尽指数、爆炸指数和反应活化能分别为265℃,5.34、0.80和53.2 k J/mol,属于易着火、易燃尽、中等爆炸燃料,燃烧特性良好。  相似文献   

Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) is an extensively utilized rubber-toughened amorphous thermoplastic in industry. Compared to other amorphous thermoplastics, the most promising mechanical quantity of ABS is its high impact resistance. Thus, understanding the mechanical response of ABS to multiaxial loads is of the great industrial concern. The primary objective of this study was to characterize the flexural response of ABS by conducting three-point bending tests at two distinct deformation rates of 5 and 10 mm/s to figure out the deformation rate effect on the flexural response of ABS. It was observed that the ABS act stiffer with an increased deformation rate. Numerical implementation of three-point bending tests for each deformation rate was performed using the semi-analytical material model (SAMP-1) available in Ls-Dyna finite element code. The simulations for each deformation rate were run depending on SAMP-1 and Von-Misses yield surface formulations to figure out the effect of nonidentical material behavior of ABS in tension, compression, and shear on flexural response. The percentage error in the predicted peak force values considering the compression and shear test data (SAMP-1) and without it (Von Misses) was 3% and 7% for deformation rate of 5 mm/s and 5% and 12% for deformation rate of 10 mm/s. Hence, predicting the flexural behavior of ABS accurately, dissimilar material behavior needs to be taken into consideration. Moreover, associated and nonassociated flow rule effects on the flexural response of ABS were numerically investigated and there was no significant influence observed on the flexural response of ABS.  相似文献   

王奕雪  宁平  谷俊杰  田森林  关清卿  夏凤高  韦朝海 《化工进展》2013,32(8):1960-1966,1993
采用间歇式超临界水反应装置,以滇池疏浚底泥和褐煤为原料,分别将褐煤、底泥单独进行超临界水气化,对比不同反应原料对气化制氢的影响。再将二者按不同混合比例(1∶9、2∶8、 3∶7、4∶6、5∶5)进行共气化,对比不同混合比例对气化制氢的影响。结果表明,相对褐煤,底泥气化具有气体组分富氢、气相收率高、产气量小的特点;褐煤气化则具有碳气化率高、产气量大的特点。褐煤单独气化的气相收率低于底泥,共气化时气相收率达到834 mL/g。褐煤和底泥在超临界水共气化过程中碳气化率和产氢率存在明显协同效应。与加权平均值相比,碳气化率和H2产率分别提高了3.12%和55 mL/g。共气化存在最优比例,超过3∶7后,碳气化率逐渐下降。以最优比例进行共气化,既可达到处置底泥的目的,又可保持相对较高的H2产率(350 mL/g)和CH4产率(113 mL/g)。  相似文献   

以粒度为5~10 mm的大颗粒内蒙褐煤为原料,分别以H2O(g)和CO2为气化剂,采用自制的煤炭地下气化模拟实验装置进行气化模拟实验,并测定煤气组分、气化残焦的微观结构,考察了气化剂种类、气化温度和气化时间对内蒙褐煤气化反应特性的影响。结果表明,CO2为气化剂时,随着反应温度升高,煤气中CO、H2、CH4含量越多,煤气热值也越高;以H2O(g)为气化剂时,H2含量随着反应温度升高而增大,CO含量则先增大后降低,CH4则降低,煤气热值最高可达12.19 MJ/m3;反应速率在气化约30 min时达到最大;H2O(g)气化的碳转化率、气化反应速率和煤气热值均高于CO2气化,表明H2O(g)作气化剂比CO2好。  相似文献   

A North Dakota lignite was pyrolysed in a differential scanning calorimeter under argon, carbon monoxide and hydrogen atmospheres to determine the heat of pyrolysis. Since little calorimetric pyrolysis data is available, knowledge of the heat of pyrolysis, especially in reductive atmospheres, would be of value in the design of coal conversion processes. Several experimental factors such as weight loss, emissivity and effects of specific heat must be measured and considered in the deduction of the heat of pyrolysis. A data reduction procedure which incorporates the necessary adjustments was devised. Quantitatively, the heat of pyrolysis results showed that lignite pyrolysis is exothermic under all conditions, with a heat of pyrolysis between 70 and 110 Jg−1 under 0.1 MPa argon. Qualitatively, reaction mechanisms were theorized for pyrolysis in hydrogen and carbon monoxide atmospheres.  相似文献   

以粒度为510 mm的大颗粒内蒙褐煤为原料,分别以H2O(g)和CO2为气化剂,采用自制的煤炭地下气化模拟实验装置进行气化模拟实验,并测定煤气组分、气化残焦的微观结构,考察了气化剂种类、气化温度和气化时间对内蒙褐煤气化反应特性的影响。结果表明,CO2为气化剂时,随着反应温度升高,煤气中CO、H2、CH4含量越多,煤气热值也越高;以H2O(g)为气化剂时,H2含量随着反应温度升高而增大,CO含量则先增大后降低,CH4则降低,煤气热值最高可达12.19 MJ/m3;反应速率在气化约30 min时达到最大;H2O(g)气化的碳转化率、气化反应速率和煤气热值均高于CO2气化,表明H2O(g)作气化剂比CO2好。  相似文献   

Steam was found to be a more effective sweep gas than nitrogen at low velocities in fixed-bed pyrolysis of Goynuk oil shale but, at higher velocities and in fluidized-bed pyrolysis, the differences were considerably less marked. Relatively small but significant synergistic effects were observed between lignites and the two oil shales investigated — Goynuk and Seyitomer — under static retorting conditions. These effects were more pronounced with large concentrations of oil shales but disappeared in fluidized-bed pyrolysis, where conversions are considerably higher because mass transfer limitations largely disappear.  相似文献   

基于小型流化床评价装置研究了内蒙古褐煤流化热解反应特性,考察了温度、压力、线速率和催化剂负载量对热解产物分布、热解气组成、半焦组成以及膨胀率的影响。研究结果表明:随着热解温度升高,热解气产率大幅升高。随着热解压力增加,热解气产率和焦油产率逐渐降低。随着线速率提高,热解气产率和焦油产率呈明显增大的变化趋势。添加催化剂后热解更加完全,半焦中残留的挥发分降低,煤颗粒的塑性软化能力升高,膨胀率逐渐增大。  相似文献   

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