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<正>多摩美术大学图书馆是日本建筑大师伊东丰雄(Toyo Ito)的新作,坐落在东京多摩美术大学八王子校区内,位于一座公园后略微倾斜的草坪上。设计伊始,伊东丰雄领导的团队计划将整座图  相似文献   

<正>森林资源是林业生存和发展的物质基础,森林资源的开发是加入林业工作的出发点和落脚点。森林经营应特别重视森林教育,保护和利用森林,特别注重林业的形成及其要素,在履行森林经营职能中发挥重要作用。本文对森林技术和森林保护活动进行了分析和研究,希望为我国的林业生产做出贡献。由于我国幅员辽阔,各地区的地形和经济发展水平存在一定差异,导致造林不同。总的来说,林业的高低质量将对整个生态发展以及社会的发展产生影响。近年来,国家,有关部门积极推进人工林化进程,当时大批的大树在森林中出现,质量存在诸多问题时,为了有效地行使林业价值,积极关注森林有关各方,明确责任必须履行义务,并制定战略,合理,真正提高人工林工  相似文献   

森林病虫害是威胁林业可持续发展的重大问题。最近几年,我国高度重视植树造林工作,营造了大面积人工林,森林覆盖率进一步扩大,但是由于营林造林不科学,加上气候因素和外来病虫害侵入,森林病虫害呈现加剧趋势,防治难度越来越大,给森林生态系统造成严重的威胁。本文主要结合本县实际情况,就森林病虫害防治工作中存在的问题及对策进行了分析,希望通过本次研究对同行有所助益。  相似文献   

正规模40,000平方米设计范围:建筑设计业主:东急集团项目状态:2009年建成开业多摩广场站位于日本多摩市——一个不断发展力求重获竞争优势的城市。它处于多摩市的交通枢纽地带,是新市区的商业核心。项目包含一系列露天及室内广场,在访客与空间之间建立连接,并鼓励行人与空间的互动。多摩广场站的商业部分位于车行道路、公交线路、及轨道交通等地面交通的上  相似文献   

日本多摩新城第15住区的实验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍日本多摩新城第15住区的开发思路、设计组织模式和设计理念。该住区的实例对中国当前的住宅开发具有参考价值。  相似文献   

森林生态系统在地球圈中占有重要的地位,直接影响着生态环境的变化。但由于我国对林木的大量砍伐,使得森林资源锐减,这就造成了森林生态系统的破坏。为了满足林木的生产需要,大量的人工林开始繁育,但在经营的过程中常遭受鼠害的侵蚀。由于人工林的森林生态系统不完善,使得生物链缺失,造成鼠类大量繁殖,这是鼠害发生的主要原因。本文将从营林的角度出发针对防治鼠害的做法进行分析。  相似文献   

森林是生态系统中十分重要的组成成分。我国是一个森林覆盖率较小的国家。当前我国存在诸如水土流失、土地荒漠化、空气污染严重等生态问题。而这些问题的解决,在很大程度上与森林培育有关。所以通过人工播种、栽植或扦插等方法和技术措施营造培育森林势在必行。本研究就人造林的培育与管理过程中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了建议。希望能为各林业单位及人工林场进行人造林培育和管理提供参考。  相似文献   

该项目位于日本东京都西部多摩地区的立川市和昭岛市.占地面积1.800000m^2。1977年(昭和52年),美国将“美军立川基地”返还给日本政府.同年也是日本昭和天皇即位满50周年之年。因此.  相似文献   

今年3月1日至4月23日,因参加JICA(日本国际协力组织)项目而有机会访日研修,主题是学习日本住宅新技术,具体内容是与日本学者研讨“住宅需求预测方法”。研修期间除访谈外,还实地考察了东京湾、多摩新区、仙台、广岛等地的新建和改建住宅工程,颇多感受。笔...  相似文献   

<正>一直以来,营造人工林,以针叶纯林为主,为了追求经济效益和数度,没有考虑到人工针叶纯林林分结构单纯、树种单一,违背了自然界中多样动、植物并存的规律,出现生长率低下,丧失了森林应有的多种功能。随着社会的进步,人们对森林的认识也在提高,森林具有能提供众多再生资源和发挥公益效能的双重作用。改变以往营造人工林以针叶纯林为主,向营造针阔混交林转变,优化森林资源结构和促进人工林树种的多样化,模拟自然状况,发展生态林业,走高效协调的林业可持续发  相似文献   

Comprehension of historical changes in landscape and forest management will provide valuable insights into current ecosystems and biodiversity and will support future management decisions and conservation strategies. This study clarified changes in the forest landscape of the cool-temperate forest region of central Japan from 1947 to 1997. We used a geographic information system to reconstruct past forest landscapes at four times (1947, 1962, 1975, and 1997) based on interpretation of aerial photographs and landscape metrics calculated using the FRAGSTATS software for spatial pattern analysis. Our results showed that secondary forests, the dominant land use in 1947, decreased greatly in area and became more fragmented, whereas coniferous plantations, which occupied approximately 20% of the total land area in 1947, became the dominant land use (almost 40% of the total land) by 1997. The young coniferous plantations have been established at increasing elevations over time and were mainly created by conversion of secondary forest until 1975. The number of young coniferous plantations and their patch spacing depended on the type of forest management. In the study area, landscape structure changed in response to changes in management of national forests, especially the expansion of afforestation in the 1950s and 1960s and changes in harvesting systems.  相似文献   

刘骏  梅筱  何颖 《室内设计》2018,(2):70-76
城市森林公园是森林公园的一种 特殊类型,它既是维护城市环境的重要生态 林地,同时还兼具城市公园的功能,因此在设 计中需借助合适的分析手段,平衡林地保护 和游憩活动安排之间的关系。在分析城市森 林公园特征及问题的基础上,以重庆照母山 森林公园为例,借助城市森林公园游憩机会 谱(ROS)的评分模型及指标体系,通过城 市森林公园游憩机会谱评价,以寻求城市森 林公园中自然环境、游憩活动和管理设施之 间相互制约的关系;根据游憩机会谱评价结 果,对城市森林公园活动场所进行系统性的 分类,针对不同的游憩机会等级,提出各类 型活动场地景观设计优化的对策。以此探索 游憩机会谱(ROS)在城市森林公园中的运 用途径及对景观设计的影响。  相似文献   

伴随着城市多功能复合使用出现,对已有建筑、景观与城市设施进行改造和再利用成为了必然趋势。环境与经济矛盾加剧,发展用地的有限与规划相对滞后迫切需要进行规划调整,释放可利用土地、本文以土地资源丰富的漳河林场为例,从适应性再利用角度对林场生态旅游规划做了探索性研究。  相似文献   

Since the 1960s, improving socio-economic conditions in rural Japan have led to the rise in man-made or man-shaped landscapes, which has in turn resulted in formerly abundant species becoming endangered. In order to conserve biodiversity in rural areas, former agricultural landscapes must be conserved. The problem is that ecologically appropriate landscapes are not always compatible with the needs of local residents or land owners. Prior to carrying out any particular conservation measures, regional landscape management must consider both ecological and social approaches and present acceptable approach-specific management goals in an open and transparent manner. This study, undertaken in the Ohaga district of southwestern Japan, a typical rural area with terraced paddy fields, sought to develop a framework for evaluating regional resources from a landscape ecology perspective. Monitoring the temporal change of landscape structures and vegetation revealed the presence of habitats, such as the pine forest and grasslands bordering the rice paddies, which harbour specific plant species or populations, some now endangered. From a social standpoint, questionnaires revealed that local inhabitants wanted landscape management options which would conserve the pine forest, paddy fields and levee grasslands. Local farmers thought that the landscape should be used and managed as a rural park, rather than for agricultural purposes. These desirable landscape element types can serve as targets for conservation, but ultimately a new system of agricultural management must be developed to sustain the rural landscape.  相似文献   

Computer visualisation is increasingly used to demonstrate the consequences of forest management alternatives to laymen and forest owners. However, how accurate and truthful the information conveyed by the visualisation is, has not been investigated. This study analysed the precision and accuracy of stand characteristic assessment by computer visualisation. A total of 20 forestry specialists assessed quantitative stand characteristics from the output of two software packages, Monsu and SmartForest, representing 40 stands of varying stand age, density and species composition. The selected software packages are available for practical use in Finland. They represent different techniques of producing forest visualisation, one using line graphics and the other scanned photographs of trees. The stand basal area and number of trees per hectare were not assessed accurately from computer visualisations. The mean tree height and diameter were estimated reasonably well. The visualisations produced an averaging effect, characteristics being often overestimated for young and small-sized strata and underestimated for strata of old and large trees.  相似文献   

Recognition and understanding of landscape dynamics as a historical legacy of disturbances are necessary for sustainable management of forest ecosystems. This study analyzed forest dynamics and spatial–temporal changes in land use/land cover pattern in a sub-temperate like alluvial forest land with 1778 km2 area along the Eagan Sea coast of Turkey (İnegöl). This area is studied by comparing Landsat images from 1987 to 2001 and evaluated with spatial analyses of forest cover type maps from 1972, 1983, 1993 to 2004 using GIS. The study investigated temporal changes of spatial structure of forest conditions over the period using Fragstats™.The results showed that the forested areas increased both in between 1972 and 1993 years (3.3%) and between 1987 and 2001 years (6.7%). In terms of spatial configuration, İnegöl forests are generally fragmented in the latter periods due to intensive forest utilization, illegal use, expansion of settlements and infrastructural development in the lowlands. Land use pattern significantly changed over time depending on a few factors such as unregulated management actions, social pressure and demographic movements. In conclusion, land use changes have developed in favor of forestry over time between 1972–1993 and 1987–2001. The study revealed that demographic movements have a minor effect on landscape dynamics. Both spatial and temporal changes and the factors affecting these changes should be determined for developing sustainable management of forest resources.  相似文献   

Remnants of Atlantic Forest occupy approximately 50% of the land surrounding Atibainha reservoir in Brazil. They are legally protected due to their location on margins of rivers and reservoirs, steep slopes and hilltops or, according to federal rules, when in medium or advanced stage of regeneration. Identifying where and to what extent forest legislation is being ignored is necessary to inform future land-use policy. Using data derived from aerial photographs, combined with ground surveys of forest fragments, we determined forests that should be protected due to their stage of regeneration. We then evaluated whether land use within the 188 catchments that surround the Atibainha reservoir is consistent with restrictions on deforestation determined by their location. Most forest fragments in the region are in medium stage of regeneration and therefore legally protected. The extent of illegal deforestation among catchments differed significantly based on the location criteria. Forest cover was higher where combinations of these criteria apply, such as steep slopes alongside rivers or reservoir. While this might reflect increased propensity to respect forest regulations where multiple restrictions apply, it is also possible that such locations coincide with the low attractiveness for agriculture and other economic activities at such areas.  相似文献   

In Laos, located in mainland Southeast Asia, shifting cultivation has been one of the important means of livelihood, in terms of food security as well as religious and cultural anchorage, for local communities in a number of areas, especially in upland areas in the country. In Pakbeng District, Oudomxay Province, northern Laos, due to the implementation of various land and forest management policies and a village relocation and consolidation program, local communities were restricted from access to the forests and faced a shortage of agricultural lands. After facing difficulties in securing sufficient lands, the local farmers used the forests in a destructive manner. The author of this article was engaged with the Community-based Watershed Management Project, as a program director of an environmental NGO and tackled challenges to achieve a land and forest management system suitable for land use by local communities. The NGO attempted to apply an alternative approach to incorporate swidden farmers’ land use system into official land and forest management institutions.  相似文献   

从林相结构营造和雨林特征体现两方面着手,分析如何进行雨林景观的营造,以抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

This article unfolds the notion of “forest urbanism” through a discussion on the intertwined evolution of the Sonian Forest and settlement development in the greater Brussels environs through history. The forest landscape is considered a fundamental structure, both for ecology (delivering numerous ecosystem services) and the urban environment. Forest urbanism is an urbanism that relies on the forest as a structuring device across scales and dimensions (in relation to mobility, settlement, and ecology). The interplay of urbanism with the large forest domain operates at the territorial scale and various forest domains of very different natures. It unravels forest and urbanism interplays within the Brussels region with quite different urban contexts (scale, density, quality, development pressure, etc.) and with quite different forms and modalities (from settlements embedded within the forest to the forest-city as adjacent domains). The Sonian Forest and its surroundings are exceptionally compelling with regards to both their continuous transformation over time, contemporary challenges, and possible future trajectories. The article traces the parallel, intertwined processes and complex relations of deforestation / afforestation and settlement / restructuring of urban environments. As will become evident, the relationship that always iterated between a productive and consumptive one, urgently requires a recalibration where exploitation / consumption is balanced by protection / production.  相似文献   

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