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OBJECTIVES: We determined the effect of adjunctive inhibition of the extrinsic coagulation pathway by factor VIIa-tissue factor complex inhibitors, DEGR VIIa and tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), and the selective factor Xa inhibitor, tick anticoagulant peptide (TAP), after thrombolytic therapy with tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) in a canine model of electrically induced coronary thrombosis. BACKGROUND: Ongoing thrombin generation is considered an important component of the heightened thrombin activity associated with thrombolytic therapy and may be responsible for reperfusion failure and reocclusion. METHODS: Forty-two dogs with electrically induced coronary thrombus undergoing thrombolysis with t-PA (1 mg/kg over 20 min) were randomly assigned to one of the following adjunctive regimens: TAP (30 micrograms/kg body weight per min for 90 min, n = 10); TFPI (100 to 150 micrograms/kg per min for 90 min, n = 10); DEGR VIIa (1- to 2-mg/kg bolus, n = 10) and saline control (n = 12). The dogs were observed for 120 min after thrombolysis for reocclusion. RESULTS: All three active study agents accelerated the time to reperfusion by an average of 12 min (all p < 0.05). Duration of reflow was greatest with TAP (117 +/- 8 min, p < 0.05 compared with saline control), whereas DEGR VIIa and TFPI did not prolong the duration of reflow. Reocclusion rates were similar among control, DEGR VIIa and TFPI groups (70%, 78% and 67%, respectively). Tick anticoagulant peptide reduced the occurrence of reocclusion (0%, p < 0.05 compared with saline control). CONCLUSIONS: In this experimental model, during systematic blockade of various extrinsic coagulation pathway proteins, we demonstrated that whereas acceleration of thrombolysis occurs with factor VIIa-tissue factor complex inhibition, optimal enhancement of thrombolysis was achieved through specific factor Xa blockade.  相似文献   

Human group II secretory phospholipase A2 (hsPLA2) exhibits significant anticoagulant activity that does not require its enzymatic activity. We examined which coagulation factor was targeted by hsPLA2 and analyzed which region of the protein may be involved in this inhibition. Prothrombin time coagulation assays indicated that hsPLA2 did not inhibit activated factor V (FVa) activity, whereas activated factor X (FXa) one-stage coagulation assays suggested that FXa was inhibited. The inhibitory effect of hsPLA2 on prothrombinase activity of FXa, FV, phospholipids, and Ca2+ complex was markedly enhanced upon preincubation of hsPLA2 with FXa but not with FV. Prothrombinase activity was also strongly inhibited by hsPLA2 in the absence of PL. High concentrations of FVa in the prothrombinase generation assay reversed the inhibitory effect of hsPLA2. By using isothermal titration calorimetry, we demonstrated that hsPLA2 binds to FXa in solution with a 1:1 stoichiometry and a Kd of 230 nM. By using surface plasmon resonance we determined the rate constants, kon and koff, of the FXa/hsPLA2 interaction and analyzed the Ca2+ effect on these constants. When preincubated with FXa, synthetic peptides comprising residues 51-74 and 51-62 of hsPLA2 inhibited prothrombinase assays, providing evidence that this part of the molecule, which shares similarities with a region of FVa that binds to FXa, is likely involved in the anticoagulant interaction of hsPLA2 with FXa. In conclusion, we propose that residues 51-62 of hsPLA2 bind to FXa at a FVa-binding site and that hsPLA2 decreases the prothrombinase generation by preventing FXa.FVa complex formation.  相似文献   

This report describes the expression, purification, and characterization of a series of recombinant factor Xa variants bearing aspartate substitutions for each of the glutamate residues which normally undergo gamma-carboxylation. Factor X was expressed in human embryonic kidney cells and purified from conditioned media by immunoaffinity and hydroxylapatite chromatography. Factor X was activated with Russell's viper venom factor X activator, and single-chain unactivated factor X was removed from activated factor X by size-exclusion chromatography. Recombinant wild-type factor Xa had normal activity in a clotting assay, and mutants with aspartate substitutions for glas residues 16, 26, and 29 had no detectable clotting activity. In purified component assays, these gla variants had essentially no detectable activity in the prothrombinase complex assembled on synthetic phospholipid vesicles but had significant activity when the prothrombinase was assembled on thrombin-activated platelets. In addition, the gla 32 variant had normal activity in the platelet prothrombinase but diminished activity in prothrombinase assembled on synthetic PSPC vesicles. These differences were not accounted for by the total phospholipid composition of the thrombin-activated platelet membrane. We have produced fully active recombinant human factor Xa and demonstrated that gla residues 16, 26, and 29 are critical for normal activity of factor Xa. More importantly, this study provides an extensive characterization of macromolecular enzyme complex formation with gla variants of a vitamin K-dependent coagulation protein and provides evidence that prothrombinase complex assembly on thrombin-activated platelets is not equivalent to assembly on synthetic phospholipid vesicles. The data suggest that thrombin-activated platelets possess some element(s) (other than 30% phosphatidyl serine or factor Va), presumably either protein or phospholipid, that serves as a component of the factor Xa binding site.  相似文献   

Antistasin is a Factor Xa inhibitor that is present in the salivary glands of the Mexican leech Haementeria officinalis. The antistasin protein consists of 119 amino acids, of which residues 1-55 (domain I) are 56% similar to residues 56-110 (domain II). Of the nine C-terminal amino acids (residues 111-119; domain III), four are positively charged. The reactive site for Factor Xa is located in domain I. In this study we assessed the role of separate domains and of individual amino acids in the reactive site for the inhibition of Factor Xa. A series of mutants was constructed and expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. In vitro chromogenic assays for Factor Xa show that domain I is sufficient for inhibition of Factor Xa. Domains II and III neither contain any intrinsic Factor Xa inhibitory activity, nor contribute to the activity of domain I. Furthermore, domain II does not become a Factor Xa inhibitor by partially adaptating its sequence towards that of the reactive site in domain I. Mutation of the cysteine at position 33 is not crucial for Factor Xa inhibition, suggesting a relatively rigid reactive site loop structure.  相似文献   

Upon incubation of human prothrombin with factor Xa bound to human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) (0.5-0.6 fmol factor Xa/10(5) cells), three bonds at Arg273-Thr274, Arg286-Thr287, and Arg322-Ile323 were cleaved, yielding and releasing fragment 1-2 and a degraded form of alpha-thrombin, but not meizothrombin, into the fluid phase. The apparent Km for prothrombin and the Vmax were 0.25 +/- 0.07 microM and 210 +/- 40 fmol thrombin/min/10(5) cells, respectively. For the maximally bound factor Xa, the calculated catalytic efficiency (kcat = 6-7 s-1) was similar to those reported for the prothrombinase complex formed on the phospholipid vesicles and natural membrane surfaces. The prothrombin derivatives lacking the 10 gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) residues-containing region were not activated by the cell-bound factor Xa. The activation rate of prothrombins with Gla residues variously modified to gamma-methyleneglutamic acids was reduced in accordance with the number of modified residues. For the inhibition of prothrombin activation, intact fragment 1 was needed; the Gla-domain alone did not affect the reaction. Binding of monoclonal antibodies to the region of 1-48 or the kringle 1 region of prothrombin also interfered with the prothrombin activation. Prothrombin activation on the surface of HUVEC appeared to proceed via formation of a cellular prothrombinase complex composed of phospholipids of HUVEC membrane, endogenous factor Va, factor Xa, and prothrombin. The Gla-domain and kringle 1 regions are indispensable for the molecule to serve as an effective substrate for the cell-bound factor Xa.  相似文献   

Interactions of the components of the prothrombinase complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Acetylcholinesterase (acetylcholine hydrolase, EC of house-fly head tissue was solubilized as a 7.4-S form by autolysis for 80-100 h at 25 degrees C and pH 8.0. 2. The autolysed enzyme was purified by affinity chromatography, firstly on Con-A-Sepharose and subsequently on m-trimethylammoniumaniline-Affi-Gel 202. This sequence permitted overall purification yields of approx. 50% of the solubilized enzyme. 3. The 7.4-S purified enzyme was essentially homogeneous on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and its specific activity coincided with the highest previously reported for fly-head acetylcholinesterase. 4. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate and beta-mercaptoethanol revealed two major polypeptide components of molecular weight 82 000 and 59 000. Each of these polypeptides contained diisopropylphosphofluoridate-binding sites, as shown with [3H] diisopropylphosphofluoridate. 5. The results suggest a strong structural similarity between fly-head acetylcholinesterase and the purified electric eel enzyme.  相似文献   

Decoquinate is an anticoccidial agent that inhibits respiration in the parasites mitochondrion. We examined human foreskin fibroblast cell cultures infected with the normally tissue cyst-less RH strain of Toxoplasma gondii and treated with decoquinate for evidence of tissue cyst induction and formation. Transmission electron microscopy observations demonstrated tissue cysts in decoquinate-treated cultures on days 3, 4, 5, and 6 after inoculation. Tissue cysts contained a tissue cyst wall that enclosed stages that resembled tachyzoites and stages that were structurally bradyzoites. Similar treatment of human foreskin fibroblast cells infected with tachyzoites of the TS-4 temperature-sensitive mutant of the RH strain did not result in production of tissue cysts.  相似文献   

Given that factor VIIa-tissue factor (TF) probably initiates coagulation in vivo, this study investigated the relationship between plasma concentrations of factor VIIa and prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 in plasma (the latter as an index of prothrombinase activity in vivo). The relationships between these two parameters and the concentrations of tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) and factor Xa-TFPI in plasma were also investigated. TFPI inactivates factor Xa in a reaction accelerated by heparin, whereas factor Xa-TFPI inactivates factor VIIa-TF and prothrombinase. Established enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) were used to quantify TFPI and prothrombin fragment 1 + 2, whereas we developed an ELISA to quantify factor Xa-TFPI using affinity purified rabbit (anti-human TFPI)-IgG and chicken anti-(human factor Xa-TFPI)-IgY as the capture and detector antibodies, respectively. Plasma factor VIIa was quantified using truncated tissue factor. The concentrations of factor VIIa and prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 increased in parallel in the plasmas of up to 145 healthy adults assayed (P = 0.007), as did the concentrations of factor VIIa and TFPI (P = 0.0039), and prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 and TFPI (P = 0.013). In contrast, there was an inverse relationship between the concentrations of free factor Xa-TFPI and factor VIIa (P < 0.0001) and free factor Xa-TFPI and prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 (P = 0.0095). These results are consistent with factor Xa-TFPI regulating factor VIIa-tissue factor and prothrombinase in vivo.  相似文献   

Prothrombinase complex assembly, in real time, on platelets adherent to immobilized von Willebrand Factor (vWf) was examined by total internal reflection fluorescence spectroscopy (TIRFS). Electron microscopy showed that the platelets adhered to vWf in a largely unactivated state and could be activated by thrombin. Antibody binding to glycoprotein (GP) Ib and functional GPIIb-IIIa receptor molecules on adherent platelet membranes monitored by TIRFS also indicated that platelets adhered in a largely unactivated state. Maximal expression of the receptor form of GPIIb-IIIa detected by antibody binding was seen only after thrombin stimulation of the adherent platelets. Antibody binding to GPIb was detected on adherent platelets. A reduction in antibody binding was observed after thrombin stimulation of the platelets, indicating a change in GPIb as a consequence of thrombin stimulation of the platelets. The binding of the protein components of the prothrombinase complex to adherent and thrombin-stimulated adherent platelets was then studied individually. Factor Va bound to adherent and thrombin-stimulated adherent platelets was then studied individually. Factor Va bound to adherent and thrombin-stimulated adherent platelets with an estimated Kd of 58 nmol/L. Minimal factor Xa binding was observed on adherent platelets before thrombin stimulation. Factor Xa binding was, however, readily observed on thrombin-stimulated adherent platelets. This factor Xa binding was not saturable, and no Kd value could be estimated. Direct measurement of prothrombinase complex assembly was demonstrated by using an energy transfer phenomenon between fluorescein-labeled factor Va and rhodamine-labeled factor Xa. Prothrombinase complex assembly was observed on both adherent and thrombin-stimulated adherent platelets. The estimated Kd for the factor Va/factor Xa interaction was 4 nmol/L. TIRFS demonstrated that adherent platelets have the ability to support prothrombinase complex assembly, as shown by a direct energy transfer reaction between fluorescently labeled factors Va and Xa.  相似文献   

Galectin-3 is a member of a large family of beta-galactoside-binding animal lectins and is composed of a carboxyl-terminal lectin domain connected to an amino-terminal nonlectin part. Previous experimental results suggest that, when bound to multivalent glycoconjugates, galectin-3 self-associates through intermolecular interactions involving the amino-terminal domain. In this study, we obtained evidence suggesting that the protein self-associates in the absence of its saccharide ligands, in a manner that is dependent on the carboxyl-terminal domain. This mode of self-association is inhibitable by the lectin's saccharide ligands. Specifically, recombinant human galectin-3 was found to bind to galectin-3C (the carboxyl-terminal domain fragment) conjugated to Sepharose 4B and the binding was inhibitable by lactose. In addition, biotinylated galectin-3 bound to galectin-3 immobilized on plastic surfaces and the binding could also be inhibited by various saccharide ligands of the lectin. A mutant with a tryptophan to leucine replacement in the carboxyl-terminal domain, which exhibited diminished carbohydrate-binding activity, did not bind to galectin-3C-Sepharose 4B. Furthermore, galectin-3C formed covalent homodimers when it was treated with a chemical cross-linker and the dimer formation was completely inhibited by lactose. Therefore, galectin-3 can self-associate through intermolecular interactions involving both the amino- and the carboxyl-terminal domains and the relative contribution of each depends on whether the lectin is bound to its saccharide ligands.  相似文献   

The activation of factor X by the extrinsic coagulation system results from the action of an enzyme complex composed of factor VIIa bound to tissue factor on phospholipid membranes in the presence of calcium ions (extrinsic Xase complex). Proteolysis at the Arg52-Ile53 peptide bond in the heavy chain of factor X leads to the formation of the serine protease, factor Xa, and the generation of a heavily glycosylated activation peptide comprising residues 1-52 of the heavy chain. The role of the activation peptide region in mediating substrate recognition and cleavage by the extrinsic Xase complex is unclear. The protease Agkistrodon rhodostoma hydrolase gamma (ARHgamma), from the venom of the Malayan pit viper, was used to selectively cleave human factor X in the activation peptide region. Three cleavage sites were found within this region and gave products designated Xdes1-34, Xdes1-43, and Xdes1-49. The products were purified to yield Xdes 1-49 and a mixture of Xdes 1-34 and Xdes 1-43. Reversed phase high pressure liquid chromatography analysis indicated that the cleaved portion of the activation peptide was likely removed during purification. All cleaved species were inactive and could be completely activated to factor Xa by the extrinsic Xase complex or by a purified activator from Russell's viper venom. Steady state kinetic studies using tissue factor reconstituted into membranes yielded essentially equivalent kinetic constants for the activation of intact factor X and the cleaved derivatives under a wide range of conditions. Since Xdes 1-49 lacks all but three residues of the activation peptide and is devoid of the carbohydrate present in this region, the data suggest that the specific recognition of human factor X by the extrinsic Xase complex is not achieved through specific interactions with residues 1-49 of the activation peptide or with carbohydrate structures attached to these residues.  相似文献   

The proteolytic formation of thrombin is catalyzed by the prothrombinase complex of blood coagulation. The kinetics of prethrombin 2 cleavage was studied to delineate macromolecular substrate structures necessary for recognition at the exosite(s) of prothrombinase. The product, alpha-thrombin, was a linear competitive inhibitor of prethrombin 2 activation without significantly inhibiting peptidyl substrate cleavage by prothrombinase. Prethrombin 2 and alpha-thrombin compete for binding to the exosite without restricting access to the active site of factor Xa within prothrombinase. Inhibition by alpha-thrombin was not altered by saturating concentrations of low molecular weight heparin. Furthermore, proteolytic removal of the fibrinogen recognition site in alpha-thrombin only had a modest effect on its inhibitory properties. Both alpha-thrombin and prethrombin 2 were cleaved with chymotrypsin at Trp148 and separated into component domains. The C-terminal-derived zeta2 fragment retained the ability to selectively inhibit macromolecular substrate cleavage by prothrombinase, while the zeta1 fragment was without effect. As the zeta2 fragment lacks the fibrinogen recognition site, the P1-P3 residues or the intact cleavage site, specific recognition of the macromolecular substrate by the exosite in prothrombinase is achieved through substrate regions, distinct from the fibrinogen recognition or heparin-binding sites, and spatially removed from structures surrounding the scissile bond.  相似文献   

The role of the phosphorylated carboxyl-terminal domain of CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase (CT) in the regulation of enzyme activity was investigated by comparing the catalytic properties of wild-type CT to two mutant proteins with altered carboxyl-terminal phosphorylation domains. CT isolated from a baculovirus expression system was extensively phosphorylated at multiple sites in the carboxyl-terminal domain. The CT[S315A] mutant lacked a major CT phosphorylation site, and the carboxyl-terminal deletion mutant, CT[delta 312-367], was not phosphorylated. The higher activities of CT[delta 312-367] and CT[S315A] relative to CT were attributed to differences in the sensitivities of the enzymes to lipid activators. The rank order of the apparent Km values for activation by either phosphatidylcholine/oleic acid or phosphatidylcholine/diacylglycerol was CT > CT[S315A] > CT[delta 312-367]. In addition, CT exhibited negative cooperativity in its activation by phosphatidylcholine/oleic acid (nH = 0.64) and phosphatidylcholine/diacylglycerol (nH = 0.74) vesicles, whereas CT[delta 312-367] and CT[S315A] did not. These data support the concept that the phosphorylation of the CT carboxyl-terminal domain interferes with the activation of CT by lipid regulators.  相似文献   

A series of inhibitors of factor Xa (FXa) were investigated using the thrombin generation assay to evaluate the potency and specificity needed to efficiently block thrombin generation in activated human plasma. By inhibiting FXa the generation of thrombin in plasma is delayed and decreased. Inhibitor concentrations which cause 50 percent inhibition of thrombin generation (IC50) correlate in principle with the Ki values for inhibition of free FXa. Recombinant tick anticoagulant peptide (r-TAP) is able to inhibit thrombin generation with considerably low IC50 values of 49 nM and 37 nM for extrinsic and intrinsic activation, respectively. However, the potent synthetic, low molecular weight inhibitors of FXa (Ki values of about 20 nM) are less effective in inhibiting the generation of thrombin with IC50 values at micromolar concentrations. The overall effect of inhibitors of FXa in the thrombin generation assay was compared to that of thrombin inhibitors. On the basis of similar Ki values for the inhibition of the respective enzyme, synthetic FXa inhibitors are less effective than thrombin inhibitors. In contrast, the highly potent FXa inhibitor r-TAP causes a stronger reduction of the thrombin activity in plasma than the most potent thrombin inhibitor hirudin.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of dextran sulfate, heparin, heparan sulfate, and dermatan sulfate on the inhibition of FXIa (where FXIa is activated factor XI, for example), FXIIa, and kallikrein by C1 inhibitor, alpha1-antitrypsin, alpha2-antiplasmin, and antithrombin III. The second-order rate constants for the inhibition of FXIa by C1 inhibitor, alpha1-antitrypsin, alpha2-antiplasmin, and antithrombin III, in the absence of glycosaminoglycans, were 1.8, 0.1, 0.43, and 0.32 x 10(3) M-1 s-1, respectively. The rate constants of the inactivation of FXIa by C1 inhibitor and by antithrombin III increased up to 117-fold in the presence of glycosaminoglycans. These data predicted that considering the plasma concentration of the inhibitors, C1 inhibitor would be the main inhibitor of FXIa in plasma in the presence of glycosaminoglycans. Results of experiments in which the formation of complexes between serine protease inhibitors and FXIa was studied in plasma agreed with this prediction. Glycosaminoglycans did not enhance the inhibition of alpha-FXIIa, beta-FXIIa, or kallikrein by C1 inhibitor. Thus, physiological glycosaminoglycans selectively enhance inhibition of FXIa without affecting the activity of FXIIa and kallikrein, suggesting that glycosaminoglycans may modulate the biological effects of contact activation, by inhibiting intrinsic coagulation without affecting the fibrinolytic potential of FXIIa/kallikrein.  相似文献   

The conversion of prothrombin to thrombin requires the cleavage of two peptide bonds and is catalyzed by the prothrombinase complex composed of factors Xa and Va assembled on a membrane surface. Presteady-state kinetic studies of the effects of membranes on the proteolytic reaction were undertaken using model membranes composed of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine (PCPS). The concentration of PCPS was varied to alter the concentration of free phospholipid available for substrate binding without influencing the concentration of membrane-assembled prothrombinase. In fluorescence stopped-flow measurements, increasing concentrations of PCPS resulted in an increase in the rate of product formation. Assessment of bond cleavage by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis following rapid chemical quench using 125I-prothrombin revealed that the activation reaction proceeded through the ordered cleavage at Arg323-Ile324 followed by cleavage at Art274-Thr275 at all concentrations of PCPS. Increasing the PCPS concentration resulted in a large increase in the Arg323-Ile324 cleavage reaction with a much smaller effect on the subsequent cleavage at Arg274-Thr275, thereby leading to an increase in the extent of accumulation of the intermediate, meizothrombin. Fluorescence stopped-flow and rapid chemical quench measurements were also conducted using prethrombin 2 plus fragment 1.2 or meizothrombin as substrates to assess the influence of PCPS on the individual cleavage reactions. The rate of cleavage at Arg323-Ile324 by prothrombinase was increased approximately 60-fold with increasing PCPS, whereas the cleavage at Arg274-Thr275 was increased by a factor of approximately 5. These differential effects of PCPS on the two cleavage reactions adequately explain changes in the extent of accumulation of meizothrombin during prothrombin activation. Proteolytic removal of the membrane binding fragment 1 domain of the substrates, meizothrombin and prethrombin 2-fragment 1.2, had no effect on the cleavage at Arg274-Thr275 at saturating PCPS but completely eliminated the membrane-dependent rate enhancement for cleavage at Arg323-Ile324. Thus, membrane binding by the substrate is essential for the first cleavage reaction at Arg323-Ile324, which leads to the conversion of prothrombin to meizothrombin. In contrast, the substrate-membrane interaction mediated by the fragment 1 domain has no detectable effect on the second cleavage reaction at Arg274-Thr275 which is required for the conversion of meizothrombin to thrombin.  相似文献   

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