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Specific vaccines for the immunotherapy of human neoplasms require specific human tumor antigens. While efforts to identify such antigens by the analysis of the T-cell repertoire have yielded few antigens, the application of SEREX, the serological identification of antigens by recombinant expression cloning, has brought a cornucopia of new antigens. Several specific antigens have been identified in each tumor tested, suggesting that many human tumors elicit multiple immune responses in the autologous host. The frequency of human tumor antigens, which can be readily defined at the molecular level, facilitates the identification of T-cell-dependent antigens and provides a basis for peptide and gene-therapeutic vaccine strategies.  相似文献   

Thirty consecutive patients with amputation or devascularizing injuries of the thumb or two or more fingers proximal to the PIP joint were reviewed. Replantation or revascularization had been done in 27 patients, in 24 successfully. Three patients had primary amputation. The distribution of calculable costs was dominated by those for sick leave (49%), operation (26%) and ward costs (20%). Out-patient care, physiotherapy and travel together constituted only 6%. The cost of a successful replantation was equal to 1.6 times the mean annual salary of these patients and that of primary amputation about half as much. Mobility, power and performance of a standardized grip test were better for the successfully replanted or revascularized patients. Subjective evaluation of 23 parameters of function, cosmesis and quality of life did not disclose any differences. All patients except three had returned to their original work within 2 years.  相似文献   

Deletions and translocations resulting in loss of distal 1p-material are known to occur frequently in advanced neuroblastomas. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) showed that 17q was most frequently involved in chromosome 1p translocations. A review of the literature shows that 10 of 27 cell lines carry 1;17 translocations. Similar translocations were also observed in primary tumours. Together with the occurrence of a constitutional 1;17 translocation in a neuroblastoma patient, these observations suggest a particular role for these chromosome re-arrangements in the development of neuroblastoma. Apart from the loss of distal 1p-material, these translocations invariably lead to extra copies of 17q. This also suggested a possible role for genes on 17q in neuroblastoma tumorigenesis. Further support for this hypothesis comes from the observation that in those cell lines without 1;17 translocations, other chromosome 17q translocations were present. These too lead to extra chromosome 17q material. Molecular analysis of 1;17 translocation breakpoints revealed breakpoint heterogeneity both on 1p and 17q, which suggests the involvement of more than 2 single genes on 1p and 17q. The localisation of the different 1p-breakpoints occurring in 1;17 translocations in neuroblastoma are discussed with respect to the recently identified candidate tumor suppressor regions and genes on 1p. In this study, we focused on the molecular analysis of the 17q breakpoints in 1;17 translocations. Detailed physical mapping of the constitutional 17q breakpoint allowed for the construction of a YAC contig covering the breakpoint. Furthermore, a refined position was determined for a number of 17q breakpoints of 1;17 translocations found in neuroblastoma cell lines. The most distal 17q breakpoint was identified in cell line UHG-NP and mapped telomeric to cosmid cCI17-1049 (17q21). This suggests that genes involved in a dosage-dependent manner in the development of neuroblastoma map in the distal segment 17q22-qter. Future studies aim at the molecular cloning of 1;17 translocation breakpoints and at deciphering the mechanisms leading to 1;17 translocations and possibly to the identification of neuroblastoma genes at or in the vicinity of these breakpoints.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of rat and human pancreatic triglyceride lipases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extracorporeal photochemotherapy (ExP) is a well-tolerated new form of chemoimmunotherapy, which is considered to be effective for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) and the treatment of choice for Sézary syndrome. Improvements have also been seen in patients with non-erythrodermic mycosis fungoides (MF) in the early stages, even when tumour cells are not detectable in the peripheral blood. In this study, we used ExP as a monotherapy in seven patients who had early stage (Ib) MF, and who were no longer responsive to or had contraindications for other therapies. We observed a clinical improvement in the disease after 12 months of treatment: one patient showed a complete response, five a partial response, and one remained stable. In each patient we compared skin biopsies of large plaque lesions before and after the treatment. We undertook a histological evaluation of the infiltrate. The lymphoid cell proliferation and death rates were quantified using the following parameters; lymphoid cell density (LCD), Ki67 + lymphoid cell nuclei percentage (Ki67 + Lcn percentage), and apoptotic index (AI). Significant decreases in the lymphoid cell infiltrate and in cell proliferation, and a significant increase in AI were observed after therapy. The mean LCD decreased from 187 +/- 33 to 34 +/- 17.7, Ki67 + Lcn mean percentage decreased from 16.9 +/- 3.9 to 4.9 +/- 2.4, and the AI mean value increased from 0.05 +/- 0.03 to 2.41 +/- 1.54. Our results suggest a role for apoptosis in the improvement of the skin lesions and are in line with some reports on the mode of action of ExP. Although the way in which ExP works needs to be clarified further, it does seem to stimulate a CD8+ cell-mediated anticlonotypic activity against circulating pathogenic clones. Furthermore, a release of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) by circulating monocytes has been demonstrated after ExP. Both are known to induce cell death by apoptosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to review evidence that inflammatory and immune mechanisms are important in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease and to suggest new treatment strategies. METHOD: The authors review the English-language literature of the last 10 years pertaining to the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease. RESULTS: There is ample evidence supporting the hypothesis that inflammatory and immune mechanisms are involved in tissue destruction in Alzheimer's disease. Acute phase proteins are elevated in the serum and are deposited in amyloid plaques, activated microglial cells that stain for inflammatory cytokines accumulate around senile plaques, and complement components including the membrane attack complex are present around dystrophic neurites and neurofibrillary tangles. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical trials of anti-inflammatory/immunosuppressive drugs are necessary to determine whether alteration of these inflammatory mechanisms can slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

This study, addressing etiologic and pathogenic aspects of fibromyalgia (FM), aimed at examining whether sensory abnormalities in FM patients are generalized or confined to areas with spontaneous pain. Ten female FM patients and 10 healthy, age-matched females participated. The patients were asked to rate the intensity of ongoing pain using a visual analogue scale (VAS) at the site of maximal pain, the homologous contralateral site and two homologous sites with no or minimal pain. Quantitative sensory testing was performed for assessment of perception thresholds in these four sites. Von Frey filaments were used to test low-threshold mechanoreceptive function. Pressure pain sensitivity was assessed with a pressure algometer and thermal sensitivity with a Thermotest. In addition the stimulus-response curve of pain intensity as a function of graded nociceptive heat stimulation was studied at the site of maximal pain and at the homologous contralateral site. FM patients had increased sensitivity to non-painful warmth (P < 0.01) over painful sites and a tendency to increased sensitivity to non-painful cold (P < 0.06) at all sites compared to controls, but there was no difference between groups regarding tactile perception thresholds. Compared to controls, patients demonstrated increased sensitivity to pressure pain (P < 0.001), cold pain (P < 0.001) and heat pain (P < 0.02) over all tested sites. The stimulus-response curve was parallely shifted to the left of the curve obtained from controls (P < 0.003). Intragroup comparisons showed that patients had increased sensitivity to pressure pain (P < 0.01) and light touch (P < 0.05) in the site of maximal pain compared to the homologous contralateral site. These findings could be explained in terms of sensitization of primary afferent pathways or as a dysfunction of endogenous systems modulating afferent activity. However, the generalized increase in sensitivity found in FM patients was unrelated to spontaneous pain and thus most likely due to a central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction. The additional hyperphenomena related to spontaneous pain are probably dependent on disinhibition/facilitation of nociceptive afferent input from normal (or ischemic) muscles.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane contains extrinsic as well as intrinsic proteins. Changes in the extrinsic proteins of lens membrane during human aging and cataract formation have not been investigated in detail. Unlike previous studies which examined lens membrane after being stripped of extrinsic proteins by treatment with chaotropic agents, we have isolated whole or 'native' lens membrane on a sucrose gradient by ultracentrifugation of the total water-insoluble protein. Essentially all of the water-insoluble protein from young to aged to cataractous human lens appeared membrane associated. In young lens (20-37 years old), most of the membrane banded at the 25/45% sucrose interface fraction. This fraction contained relatively little urea-soluble protein and likely represents fiber-cell plasma membrane with its physiologically associated extrinsic and intrinsic proteins. With aging (62-80 years old), about one-third of the membrane, as judged by the distribution of cholesterol, banded at a much higher density (50/58% sucrose fraction). The higher density was due to a great increase in the membrane's relative protein content (protein/cholesterol). Although this extra protein was composed of both urea-insoluble and -soluble fractions, the urea-soluble protein predominated in all lenses. Cataractous lens differed from aged-clear lens in that much more of the total membrane (70-75%) had shifted to the high density and participated in this massive binding of cytosolic proteins. Although alpha-crystallin was the principal extrinsic-membrane protein in young lens, high molecular weight aggregate of modified (acidic) crystallins accounted for the increased extrinsic protein in aging. The extrinsic proteins bound to both clear-aged and cataractous lens membrane were aggregated. In conclusion, examination of human lens native membrane fractions revealed that the association of crystallins with membrane in both aging and cataracts was much greater than previously recognized and most of this increased protein was non-covalently bound to the membrane. Much more of the lens total membrane from cataractous than clear-aged lens was involved in this massive protein association and the protein bound to cataract membrane appeared more highly aggregated.  相似文献   

The folding of single-domain globular proteins exhibits the character of first-order or two-state thermodynamics. The origin of such high cooperativity in relatively small polymer systems is still not well understood. Recently, the statistical mechanics of protein folding has been studied extensively with simple protein models such as short cubic-lattice chains with contact-based interactions. While many valuable insights about protein folding were gained with such models, some concerns have also arisen, viz. that they lack the character of protein backbones whose interactions would limit the folding patterns of proteins. Here, a comparative study of the conventional cubic-lattice chain model and a fine-grained more realistic lattice protein model with both backbone and side-chain interactions is carried out. It is found that, even though both types of models exhibit a cooperative two-state folding transition to the native structure with optimized force fields, the character and origin of cooperativity of the two models are different. In the simple contact-based model, the free-energy barrier occurs at the low end of the energy scale, and the cooperativity arises from a concerted formation of native contacts among many residues in a compact state. In the other more complicated model, the free-energy barrier occurs in the intermediate energy region, and the folding cooperativity arises from collective orientational arrangements of locally structured units in semi-open conformational states. On the basis of these results, two limiting molecular mechanisms for protein folding emerge, which can be used for analyzing the folding process of real proteins.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Elevated arterial lactate concentrations in patients with sepsis have been interpreted as evidence of peripheral, nonpulmonary tissue hypoxia. These patients often develop pulmonary failure manifested by the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). As the result of tissue hypoxia or inflammation, the lungs of patients with sepsis and ARDS may become a source of lactate release into the circulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Pulmonary lactate release was measured in 19 patients with sepsis, arterial lactate > or = 2.2 mm, and gastric mucosal pH > 7.30. A normal gastric mucosal pH served as a marker of adequate splanchnic oxygenation. Pulmonary lactate release was computed as the product of the cardiac index and the difference in plasma L-lactate concentration in simultaneously obtained arterial and mixed venous blood samples. Lung injury was graded with the Lung Injury Score using radiographic and physiologic data. RESULTS: The lungs of patients with minimal or no lung injury (lung injury score <1) produced significantly less lactate than those with moderate or severe lung injury (lung injury score > or = 1) (P < .005). The Lung Injury Score correlated with pulmonary lactate release (r2 = .73; P < .0001). This relationship resulted primarily from increases in mixed venous-arterial lactate differences (r2 = .59). The Lung Injury Score correlated weakly with the cardiac index (r2 = .32). Arterial lactate concentration did not correlate with pulmonary lactate release, systemic oxygen transport, or systemic oxygen consumption. CONCLUSIONS: The lungs of patients with sepsis and ARDS may produce lactate. Pulmonary lactate release correlates with the severity of lung injury. The contribution of pulmonary lactate release should be considered when interpreting arterial lactate concentration as an index of systemic hypoxia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection plays a central role in the pathogenesis of mixed cryoglobulinemia through molecular mechanisms which remain to be elucidated. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of antibody responses to HCV in the pathogenesis of cryoglobulinemia through characterization of the anti-HCV specificity and immunochemical characteristics of the immunoglobulins involved in cryoprecipitation. METHODS: Sera from 50 consecutive patients with chronic HCV infection (RNA positive) were screened for the presence of cryoglobulins. The two major components of cryoprecipitates, IgM rheumatoid factors and IgG, were separated by high performance liquid chromatography and analyzed for immunochemical composition by immunoblotting and antibody specificity by ELISA and immunoblotting using recombinant HCV proteins and synthetic peptides as antigens. RESULTS: Cryoprecipitates were observed in 27 patients and characterized by immunofixation: 13 (48%) were classified as type II and 14 (52%) as type III. Monoclonal immunoglobulins were detected by immunoblotting in 20 cryoprecipitates: IgM in 14 samples and IgG in 14, with a clear preponderance of IgG3 (12/14). Specificity studies on sera and purified IgM and IgG fractions from cryoprecipitates revealed enrichment in cryoglobulins, predominantly polyclonal IgG1, reactive with the HCV structural proteins, whereas specificities for nonstructural viral proteins were relatively less represented compared to whole serum. No restricted pattern of fine specificity was observed. IgG3 subclass was apparently not involved in HCV nucleoprotein binding. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings do not support a direct link between monoclonal cryoglobulins and immune response to HCV According to the proposed pathogenetic model, HCV infection can induce the formation of cryoprecipitable rheumatoid factors, sustain their production, and eventually lead to monoclonal B-cell expansion through several cooperative mechanisms.  相似文献   

A new mechanism of oxygen radical formation in dopaminergic neurons is proposed, based on the oxidative mechanism of tyrosine hydroxylase. The cofactor (6R,6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin can rearrange in solution which allows an autoxidation reaction producing O2.-, H2O2 and HO.. The combination of tyrosine hydroxylase and the cofactor produces more oxygen radicals than does the autoxidation of the cofactor. This production of oxygen radicals could be damaging to dopaminergic neurons. In the presence of tyrosine, the enzyme produces less radicals than it does in the absence of tyrosine. Mechanisms are proposed for the generation of reactive oxygen species during the autoxidation of the cofactor and during enzymatic catalysis. The generation, by tyrosine hydroxylase, of very small amounts of oxygen radicals over the period of 65 years could contribute to the oxidative stress that causes Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Interferons (IFNs) are potent extracellular protein mediators of host defence and homoeostasis. This article reviews the structure of human IFN-beta (HuIFN-beta), in particular in relation to its activity. The recently determined crystal structure of HuIFN-beta provides a framework for understanding of the mechanism of differentiation of type I IFNs by their common receptor. Insights are generated by comparison with the structures of other type I IFNs and from the interpretation of existing mutagenesis data. The details of the observed carbohydrate structure, together with biochemical data, implicate the glycosylation of HuIFN-beta, which is uncommon among type I IFNs, as an important factor in the solubility, stability and, consequently, activity of the protein. Finally, these structural implications are discussed in the context of the clinical use of HuIFN-beta.  相似文献   

Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) results in gradual immunosuppression due to the loss of CD4+ T cells. In the wake of immune system breakdown, infected individuals may acquire multiple opportunistic infections and develop certain malignancies which ultimately account for the vast majority of deaths in these persons. A limited number of malignancies are directly associated with HIV infection and suggest a common tie between these tumors. Inappropriate immune surveillance resulting in insufficient inhibition of virus replication and inadequate control of the growth of transformed cells may contribute to the development of malignancies in HIV-infected individuals. Alternatively, malignancies in HIV infection may be the consequence of immune dysregulation. Cellular immune responses mediated by antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are of particular importance for immunologic control of viral infections and substantial information has been gathered about theses cells in HIV infection. The goal of this review is therefore to summarize recent findings regarding the cellular immune response to HIV with a particular focus on cytokines released by HIV-specific CTL.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To test a model of frailty by examining factors associated with institutionalization of older people in Canada; to assess whether diagnostic data provided information about risk beyond that provided by data on functional capacity and demographic variables. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 1258 institutional subjects and 9113 community-dwelling older adults from the Canadian Study of Health and Aging. RESULTS: Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that female gender, being unmarried, absence of a caregiver, presence of cognitive impairment (including all types of dementia), functional impairment, diabetes mellitus, stroke, and Parkinson's disease were independently associated with being in a long-term care facility. CONCLUSION: Frailty appears to be a multidimensional construct, and not simply a synonym for dependence in Activities of Daily Living. Studies of health outcomes in older people should include diagnostic data as well as demographic information and data on functional capacity.  相似文献   

We have studied omphalopagus conjoined twins with a diamniotic monochorionic placenta. Although conjoined twins usually present in a single amniotic sac, one other example of diamniotic placenta has been reported in omphalopagus twins [Weston et al., 1990: Am J Med Genet 37:558-561]. Most theories concerning the pathogenesis of conjoined twinning exclude the possibility of diamniotic placentation. However, Spencer [1992: Teratology 45:591-602] recently elaborated a model for conjoined twinning based on duplication of organizing centers (primitive streaks) during gastrulation. We have considered the fate of embryonic membranes according to this model of omphalopagus twinning and show that diamniotic placentation is a predictable outcome.  相似文献   

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