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Ying Xu Ruby Tandon Chrislyn Ancheta Pablo Arroyo Jack A. Gilbert Brent Stephens Scott T. Kelley 《Indoor air》2021,31(1):188-205
Indoor microbial communities vary in composition and diversity depending on material type, moisture levels, and occupancy. In this study, we integrated bacterial cell counting, fungal biomass estimation, and fluorescence-assisted cell sorting (FACS) with amplicon sequencing of bacterial (16S rRNA) and fungal (ITS) communities to investigate the influence of wetting on medium density fiberboard (MDF) and gypsum wallboard. Surface samples were collected longitudinally from wetted materials maintained at high relative humidity (~95%). Bacterial and fungal growth patterns were strongly time-dependent and material-specific. Fungal growth phenotypes differed between materials: spores dominated MDF surfaces while fungi transitioned from spores to hyphae on gypsum. FACS confirmed that most of the bacterial cells were intact (viable) on both materials over the course of the study. Integrated cell count and biomass data (quantitative profiling) revealed that small changes in relative abundance often resulted from large changes in absolute abundance, while negative correlations in relative abundances were explained by rapid growth of only one group of bacteria or fungi. Comparisons of bacterial-bacterial and fungal-bacterial networks suggested a top-down control of fungi on bacterial growth, possibly via antibiotic production. In conclusion, quantitative profiling provides novel insights into microbial growth dynamics on building materials with potential implications for human health. 相似文献
Moonsuk Hur Injung Lee Bo-Mi Tak Hae Jin Lee Jae Jeong Yu Se Uk Cheon Bong-Soo Kim 《Water research》2013
The studies of cyanobacterial blooms resulting from eutrophication or climate change and investigation of changes in the cyanobacterial community in freshwater environments are critical for the management of drinking water. Therefore, we investigated the cyanobacterial communities at 6 sites along the Nakdong River in South Korea from May 2012 to October 2012 by using high-throughput sequencing techniques and studied their relationship with various geochemical factors at sampling sites. Diverse genera (total of 175 genera) were detected within the cyanobacteria, and changes in their compositions were analyzed. The genus Prochlorococcus predominated in the May samples, especially in those obtained from the upstream part of the river, whereas the relative abundance of Microcystis and Anabaena increased with increase in water temperature. The relationship between the cyanobacterial community and environmental factors was analyzed by canonical correlation analysis, and the correlation between harmful cyanobacteria and chemical factors was analyzed by nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination. Various environmental factors such as dissolved oxygen, pH, electric conductivity, temperature were found to affect the cyanobacterial communities in the river. The results of this study could help in the management of freshwater environments and in maintenance of drinking water quality. 相似文献
Environmental pollutions are the most significant problem worldwide. Rhodococcus sp. has a high potential for the production of secondary metabolites and degradation activity. This study aims to screen and characterize biodegradable Rhodococcus from Iranian ecosystems. The Rhodococcus isolates were recovered from 90 environmental samples and identified using conventional and molecular methods. The growth rate in the presence of pollutants and chromatography (high-performance liquid chromatography [HPLC]) was used to determine their biodegradation capability. A total of 13 Rhodococcus isolates were characterized from the cultured samples (14.5%) that belonged to seven species. The prevalent species were R. erythropolis (4 isolates; 30.8%), R. atherivorans (3 isolates; 23%), R. ruber (2 isolates; 15.4), and R. zopfii, R. phenolicus, R. equi and R. rhodochrous 1 isolate each. The result showed that these isolates could degrade and consume phenol, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and sulfate sodium. Our results showed that the Rhodococcus species have significant potential for bioremediation of diverse types of pollutants. Therefore, more studies are recommended for the biodegradation activity of Rhodococcus. 相似文献
目的:探讨多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌的耐药性及16SrRNA甲基化酶基因检测的临床意义,为临床合理使用抗生素和控制院内感染提供依据。方法收集2011年3月至2013年12月在南昌市第二人民医院住院的ICU患者各种临床标本分离的多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌52株。采用纸片扩散(K-B)法对52株多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌行抗生素药敏试验,采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测16SrRNA甲基化酶基因(armA、rmtA、rmtB、rmtC、rmtD、rmtE和npmA基因)表达情况。结果52株多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌对米诺环素、头孢哌酮/舒巴坦、美罗培南和亚胺培南耐药率分别为44.2%、53.8%、75.0%和78.8%,对其余14种抗生素耐药率均在90.0%以上。52株多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌中有38株检出armA基因表达,表达率为73.1%(38/52);其余均未检出。结论多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌主要携带armA型16SrRNA甲基化酶耐药基因。米诺环素、头孢哌酮/舒巴坦对多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌有较好的抗菌活性,而多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌对其他多种抗生素呈多重耐药性。 相似文献
Y. Tian Y. Liu P. K. Misztal J. Xiong C. M. Arata A. H. Goldstein W. W. Nazaroff 《Indoor air》2018,28(4):559-571
Residences represent an important site for bioaerosol exposure. We studied bioaerosol concentrations, emissions, and exposures in a single‐family residence in northern California with 2 occupants using real‐time instrumentation during 2 monitoring campaigns (8 weeks during August‐October 2016 and 5 weeks during January‐March 2017). Time‐ and size‐resolved fluorescent biological aerosol particles (FBAP) and total airborne particles were measured in real time in the kitchen using an ultraviolet aerodynamic particle sizer (UVAPS). Time‐resolved occupancy status, household activity data, air‐change rates, and spatial distribution of size‐resolved particles were also determined throughout the house. Occupant activities strongly influenced indoor FBAP levels. Indoor FBAP concentrations were an order of magnitude higher when the house was occupied than when the house was vacant. Applying an integral material‐balance approach, geometric mean of total FBAP emissions from human activities observed to perturb indoor levels were in the range of 10‐50 million particles per event. During the summer and winter campaigns, occupants spent an average of 10 and 8.5 hours per day, respectively, awake and at home. During these hours, the geometric mean daily‐averaged FBAP exposure concentration (1‐10 μm diameter) was similar for each subject at 40 particles/L for summer and 29 particles/L for winter. 相似文献
Xi Fu Yanling Li Yi Meng Qianqian Yuan Zefei Zhang Dan Norbäck Yiqun Deng Xin Zhang Yu Sun 《Indoor air》2020,30(5):816-826
Recent studies reveal that the microbial diversity and composition in the respiratory tract are related to the susceptibility, development, and progression of respiratory infections. Indoor microorganisms can transmit into the respiratory tract through breathing, but their role in infections is unclear. Here, we present the first association study between the indoor microbiome and respiratory infections. In total, 357 students living in 86 dormitory rooms in Shanxi University were randomly selected to survey symptoms of infections. Settled air dust was collected to characterize bacterial compositions by 16S rRNA sequencing. The overall microbial richness was not associated with respiratory infections, but microorganisms from specific phylogenetic classes showed various associations. Taxa richness and abundance of Actinobacteria were protectively associated with infections (P < .05). The abundance of several genera in Gammaproteobacteria, including Haemophilus, Klebsiella, Buttiauxella, and Raoultella, was positively associated with infections (P < .005). The role of these microorganisms was consistent with previous human microbiota studies. Building age was associated with the overall microbial composition variation in dormitories and negatively associated with three potential risk genera in Proteobacteria (P < .05). The weight of vacuum dust was positively associated with a protective genus, Micrococcus in Actinobacteria (P < .05). 相似文献
Akarsubasi AT Ince O Kirdar B Oz NA Orhon D Curtis TP Head IM Ince BK 《Water research》2005,39(8):1576-1584
Distribution and occurrence of Archaea and methanogenic activity in a laboratory scale, completely mixed anaerobic reactor treating pharmaceutical wastewaters were investigated and associated with reactor performance. The reactor was initially seeded with anaerobic digester sludge from an alcohol distillery wastewater treatment plant and was subjected to a three step feeding strategy. The feeding procedure involved gradual transition from a glucose containing feed to a solvent stripped pharmaceutical wastewater and then raw pharmaceutical wastewater. During the start-up period, over 90% COD removal efficiency at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 6 kg COD m(-3)d(-1) was achieved with glucose feeding, and acetoclastic methanogenic activity was 336 ml CH4 gTVS(-1)d(-1). At the end of the primary loading, when the feed contained solvent stripped pharmaceutical wastewater at full composition, 71% soluble COD removal efficiency was obtained and acetoclastic methanogenic activity decreased to half of the rate under glucose feed (166 ml CH4 gTVS(-1)d(-1)). At the end of secondary loading with 60% (w/v) raw pharmaceutical wastewater, COD removal dropped to zero and acetoclastic methanogenic activity fell to less than 10 ml CH4 gTVS(-1)d(-1). Throughout the course of the experiment, microbial community structure was monitored by DGGE analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments. Five different archaeal taxa were identified and the predominant archaeal sequences belonged to methanogenic Archaea. Two of these showed greatest sequence identity with Methanobacterium formicicum and Methanosaeta concilii. The types of Archaea present changed little in response to changing feed composition but the relative contribution of different organisms identified in the archaeal DGGE profiles did change. 相似文献
《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(1):19-38
This paper compares neighborhoods with more traditional features in two very different cities. As expected, in Portland the majority are socially diverse and in Atlanta they are low‐income. However, in both cities about a quarter are high‐income. In Atlanta the latter are located in older neighborhoods, whereas in Portland they are also in areas combining newer and older housing. A return to valuing a more traditional urbanism may explain the signs of revitalized central cities in both places. Our findings, however, indicate it may be accompanied by the relocation of low‐income neighborhoods to areas where activities are not readily accessible. 相似文献
可持续建筑的评价工具——CASBEE及其应用分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
日本的建筑环境综合性能评价体系自2002年问世以来得到了很好的应用和发展,有许多值得借鉴之处。介绍了CASBEE的概况;阐述了CASBEE-住宅(独户独栋)评价工具的评价内容和表示方法;结合实例分析了环境效率指标BEE的计算和BEE分级图、雷达图、柱状图在评价结果表达中的应用及意义;并对CASBEE-住宅评价工具的特点和作用进行了总结,对我国推进可持续建筑发展的相关工作将会有所帮助。 相似文献
以两相一体式污泥浓缩消化反应器(Two-phase Integrated Sludge Thickening and Digestion reactor,TISTD)为对象,研究了反应器稳定运行期间菌群结构及反应器负荷改变时其内部生态结构的变化.在以30%的投配率稳定运行时,从产酸相和产甲烷相分别取样、培养和分离出20... 相似文献
城市化带来的环境变化是生物多样性的主要威胁,但城市同样也是生物多样性保护的热点地区。因此,分析和预测城市环境变化对生物多样性的影响对于维护城市生态系统服务,提升人类福祉至关重要。目前,越来越多的研究对城市建成环境进行了详细的分类,分别量化了各个城市特征对生物多样性水平的影响。然而,对影响城市内生物多样性水平的因素仍缺乏多尺度、全球性的分析。借助Web of Science和CNKI,对来自全球37个城市的111篇文献进行了建成环境下鸟类多样性研究方法和结果的系统性分析,并在归纳关键性城市建成环境要素的基础上,提出了以生物多样性为导向的建成环境优化策略,指出了鸟类多样性保护和城市可持续发展的未来方向。 相似文献
Composition of bacterial and archaeal communities in freshwater sediments with different contamination levels (Lake Geneva, Switzerland) 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
The aim of this study was to compare the composition of bacterial and archaeal communities in contaminated sediments (Vidy Bay) with uncontaminated sediments (Ouchy area) of Lake Geneva using 16S rRNA clone libraries. Sediments of both sites were analysed for physicochemical characteristics including porewater composition, organic carbon, and heavy metals. Results show high concentrations of contaminants in sediments from Vidy. Particularly, high contents of fresh organic matter and nutrients led to intense mineralisation, which was dominated by sulphate-reduction and methanogenesis. The bacterial diversity in Vidy sediments was significantly different from the communities in the uncontaminated sediments. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a large proportion of Betaproteobacteria clones in Vidy sediments related to Dechloromonas sp., a group of dechlorinating and contaminant degrading bacteria. Deltaproteobacteria, including clones related to sulphate-reducing bacteria and Fe(III)-reducing bacteria (Geobacter sp.) were also more abundant in the contaminated sediments. The archaeal communities consisted essentially of methanogenic Euryarchaeota, mainly found in the contaminated sediments rich in organic matter. Multiple factor analysis revealed that the microbial community composition and the environmental variables were correlated at the two sites, which suggests that in addition to environmental parameters, pollution may be one of the factors affecting microbial community structure. 相似文献
Rachel I. Adams Hanna Leppänen Anne M. Karvonen José Jacobs Alicia Borràs-Santos Maria Valkonen Esmeralda Krop Ulla Haverinen-Shaughnessy Kati Huttunen Jan-Paul Zock Anne Hyvärinen Dick Heederik Juha Pekkanen Martin Täubel 《Indoor air》2021,31(6):1952-1966
Moisture-damaged buildings are associated with respiratory symptoms and underlying diseases among building occupants, but the causative agent(s) remain a mystery. We first identified specific fungal and bacterial taxa in classrooms with moisture damage in Finnish and Dutch primary schools. We then investigated associations of the identified moisture damage indicators with respiratory symptoms in more than 2700 students. Finally, we explored whether exposure to specific taxa within the indoor microbiota may explain the association between moisture damage and respiratory health. Schools were assessed for moisture damage through detailed inspections, and the microbial composition of settled dust in electrostatic dustfall collectors was determined using marker-gene analysis. In Finland, there were several positive associations between particular microbial indicators (diversity, richness, individual taxa) and a respiratory symptom score, while in the Netherlands, the associations tended to be mostly inverse and statistically non-significant. In Finland, abundance of the Sphingomonas bacterial genus and endotoxin levels partially explained the associations between moisture damage and symptom score. A few microbial taxa explained part of the associations with health, but overall, the observed associations between damage-associated individual taxa and respiratory health were limited. 相似文献
Kinetic modelling and microbial community assessment of anaerobic biphasic fixed film bioreactor treating distillery spent wash 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Anaerobic digestion, microbial community structure and kinetics were studied in a biphasic continuously fed, upflow anaerobic fixed film reactor treating high strength distillery wastewater. Treatment efficiency of the bioreactor was investigated at different hydraulic retention times (HRT) and organic loading rates (OLR 5-20 kg COD m−3 d−1). Applying the modified Stover-Kincannon model to the reactor, the maximum removal rate constant (Umax) and saturation value constant (KB) were found to be 2 kg m−3 d−1 and 1.69 kg m−3 d−1 respectively. Bacterial community structures of acidogenic and methanogenic reactors were assessed using culture-independent analyses. Sequencing of 16S rRNA genes exhibited a total of 123 distinct operational taxonomic units (OTUs) comprising 49 from acidogenic reactor and 74 (28 of eubacteria and 46 of archaea) from methanogenic reactor. The findings reveal the role of Lactobacillus sp. (Firmicutes) as dominant acid producing organisms in acidogenic reactor and Methanoculleus sp. (Euryarchaeotes) as foremost methanogens in methanogenic reactor. 相似文献
Jean-Baptiste Poitelon Michel Joyeux Jean-Pierre Duguet Olivier Lespinet 《Water research》2009,43(17):4197-4206
We examined chlorinated drinking water samples from three different surface water treatment plants for bacterial 16S rDNA diversity using the serial analysis of V6 ribosomal sequence tag (SARST-V6) method. A considerable degree of diversity was observed in each sample, with an estimated richness ranging from 173 to 333 phylotypes. The community structure shows that there are differences in bacterial evenness between sampled sites. The taxonomic composition of the microbial communities was found to be dominated by members of the Proteobacteria (57.2-77.4%), broadly distributed among the classes Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Deltaproteobacteria. Additionally, a large proportion of sequences (6.3-36.5%) were found to be distantly related to database sequences of unknown phylogenetic affiliation. Given the apparent significance of this bacterial group in drinking water, a 16S rDNA analysis was performed and confirmed their presence and phylogeny. Notwithstanding the potential under-representation of certain bacterial phyla using the SARST-V6 primer pairs, as revealed by a refined computer algorithm, our results suggest that 16S rDNA corresponding to a variety of eubacterial groups can be detected in finished drinking water, suggesting that this water may contain a higher level of bacterial diversity than previously observed. 相似文献
Biodegradation has been applied to remediate explosives contaminants, and bacteria have a high potential for the degradation of explosives, such as hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). The present study aims to screen and characterize explosive biodegradable Actinomycetes from water, wastewater, and sludge. Actinomycetes isolates were recovered from 80 environmental samples from diverse environmental resources in explosive contaminated areas of Iran and identified to the genus and species levels using conventional and molecular methods. The growth rate in the presence of pollutants and chromatography was used to determine their biodegradation capability. Twenty-nine isolates (36.25%) of Actinomycetes were characterized from the cultured samples that belonged to 6 genus and 24 validated species. The most prevalent Actinomycetes isolated were genus Mycobacterium with 11 isolates (37.94%), genus Rhodococcus with seven isolates (24.13%), genus Nocardia with four isolates (13.8%), and genus Streptomyces with three isolates (10.33%). Moreover, our results showed that these isolates could degrade and consume 50–80% of RDX and TNT as their sole carbon and energy source. In conclusion, we showed that Actinomycetes from explosive-contaminated areas of Iran could degrade TNT and RDX. Hence, seeking and screening untapped ecosystems that possess unexplored Actinomycetes will increase the chances of discovering the resident microorganism that has been capable of degrading TNT and RDX for application in the bioremediation process. The results of this study can be useful in using intact bacteria in nature to eliminate environmental pollution, which is one of the major environmental problems in the world. 相似文献
R.M. Hussein R. Al-Sa’ed K. Roest 《The International journal of environmental studies》2013,70(1):91-101
Activated sludge foaming, a worldwide problem, usually consists of filamentous bacteria occurring predominantly in the mixed liquor. Because of a lack of pure cultures of most filamentous bacteria and the limited amount of characterisation data, molecular approaches were used to investigate dominant filamentous bacterial strains associated with foaming in Al Bireh Wastewater Treatment Plant in Palestine. Applying denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), 16S rRNA cloning and sequencing showed the dominance of several filamentous bacteria including Microthrix parvicella, Nocardia sp., Hyphomicrobium facilis, Chloroflexi, Candidates TM7 and Nocardioides oleivorans. 相似文献