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介绍了黑龙江省通信公司网站结算系统建设的背景、系统功能及运行效果。  相似文献   

丁一 《通信世界》2003,(27):18-19
时下,伴随着电信网间结算模型和成本删算方法研究完成,电信网间结算再次成为业界和媒体关注的焦点。但是,在根据模型测算的网间结算成本出来之前,我们不断地听到各种“声音”,这种“声音”明确指出,现行的0.06元/分钟的网间结算价格过低,需要提高现行的结算费率。  相似文献   

巩平 《通信世界》2003,(27):20-21
8月4目,《海峡导报》刊出一则广告(见图1),广告说,厦门电信小灵通开心号全新上市,在2004年6月20日前,小灵通开心号免费赠送月租费,主叫每分种1毛2,接听厦门电信固定电话、小灵通本地来电每分钟送3分钱(用于抵扣下月话费),月最低消费10元(可用获赠话费抵扣至零)。  相似文献   

李先生是中国国际航空公司的一位机长,以往他每次飞行回来都可以在机场内吃上免费的午餐,可是自从民航改革以来,航空公司和机场实行分营,他就再也没有吃到过免费的午餐。而且他还听说,航空公司的飞机每在机场上起落一次,就要交一次“起降费”,在机场停留时还要向机场交纳“停场费”,对于这些现象,航空公司和机场的人各有各的说法。  相似文献   

王再兴 《电信科学》2003,19(6):56-58
1引言互联互通是建立电信竞争的前提条件 ,是互联双方增加网络价值的有效手段。然而解决互联互通的质量和网间结算问题是国际性的难题 ,中国的情况更为严重。网间互联费用是调节互联双方网络增值不平衡的经济手段 ,费用合理也是建立市场公平竞争的前提条件。互联费用太高 ,不利于鼓励竞争 ,会直接加重新进入者的成本负担 ,竞争乏力 ;费用太低 ,原有电信运营商没有互联的积极性 ,导致原有电信运营商对提高互联设备质量的严重抵触。因此合理的互联费用对提高互联互通的质量 ,保证网络互联而畅通十分重要。2中国目前的结算情况及分析中国网间结…  相似文献   

宗序梅 《电信技术》1999,(11):34-36
1问题的提出公网交换机经常要为各种专网交换机提供中继接入,在1997年发布的《邮电部电话交换设备总技术规范书》中,计费要求一章中规定了“本地交换设备应具有中继线计费功能,以满足用户交换机的计费要求和与其它专用网之间的费用分摊要求。”随着联通、移动等运营商的出现,连接某个被叫可能涉及多个运营商,在各个运营商之间就要进行收入的分配,即需要对网间话费进行结算。以前由于技术原因,中继采用收月租费的方法。现在电信经营管理日渐规范、严密,计费、结算必须依据呼叫次数、呼叫时长和脉冲数等进行。因此,对中继线计费…  相似文献   

网间结算与互联互通监测系统是电信监管部门实时动态跟踪公用电信网的运行情况和解决网间互联互通问题的有效工具。对网间结算与互联互通监测系统的构成和作用进行了讨论,提出了建设该系统应注意的问题,介绍了该系统监测网间通信质量的方式。  相似文献   

贺佳  姜涵  刘悦 《现代电信科技》2015,(2):55-59,63
网间结算是电信监管的主要政策抓手之一,除去弥补互联互通成本的基本功能,网间结算还能起到调节企业间经济利益、调控市场竞争的重要作用。定期的结算价格体系评估和调整成为各国监管机构的共同选择,本文梳理和总结了国外网间结算价格调控的最新动态趋势。  相似文献   

分析了我国电信网互联互通存在的问题,就如何强化网间互联管理,确保网间通信畅通,提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

李辉 《信息技术》2006,30(4):76-79
提出了解决多链路接入Internet、多防火墙负载均衡、多应用服务器负载均衡及SSL加速服务的全冗余优化网络应用的解决方案,网络经过优化后,使得应用服务的性能、可靠性、安全性、可管理性等得到显著提高。  相似文献   

张丽 《电子设计工程》2013,21(18):101-103
无线传感器网络技术是一种融合了无线通信、传感器、嵌入式计算以及分布信息处理的新型数据采集传输技术。在国防军事、工业自动化、交通运输等领域有着广泛应用前景。本文主要详细介绍了无线传感器网络路由协议的发展现状和趋势,主要的研究热点与难点。对无线传感器网络在各行业的应用进行了分析,指出了应用中存在的问题,并提出了一些改进方法,为进一步研究并拓展无线传感器网络的应用范围提供理论指导。  相似文献   

为了延长采用电池供电的无线传感器网络的生命周期,提出了一种综合考虑单个节点能耗和节点传输信息至汇集节点所需总能耗的路由算法.该算法首先根据网络中节点到汇集节点从小到大的距离顺序选择待规划节点,然后计算各对应候选节点的评价参数,该参数由单节点能耗和节点传输信息至汇集节点所需总能耗加权得到,最后选择评价参数最小的候选节点作为待规划节点的中继节点.仿真结果表明,该算法的生命周期明显长于LEACH(Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hier-archy)算法.  相似文献   

郑娟 《信息技术》2005,29(10):145-148
设计了一种以微处理器Atmega 128为核心,由CPU对三路重量信号采样(AID转换)、计算重量、用中文显示重量及状态,根据重量对料斗秤起振、停振等进行控制,同时输出三路4~20mA电流控制信号,且状态及重量通过RS-232(或RS-485)送PC机,从而取代日本大和CFC100料斗秤控制器。  相似文献   

This paper describes how VSAT networks currently operate in the INTELSAT system. Four classes of VSAT networks (data transaction; circuit-switched; data distribution; microterminals) are identified, and it is verified that all of them can operate with INTELSAT satellites. Most VSAT networks in operation on INTELSAT today operate in fractional transponder leases. Fractional transponder capacity estimates are presented for a wide range of scenarios and different INTELSAT satellite series. These estimates clearly show increasing bandwidth utilization efficiencies for newer generations of INTELSAT satellites. Provided that VSAT and hub sizes are appropriately selected, efficiencies are already significant with existing satellites. Two possible ways of increasing the utilization of satellite resources are examined in the paper: demand assignment multiple access (DAMA) and multiple channel-per-carrier (MCPC) techniques. The impact of using DAMA in circuit-switched VSAT networks is quantified.  相似文献   

Haenggi  M. 《Electronics letters》2002,38(12):553-554
It is shown that two fundamental laws, Ohm's law in electric circuits and Little's theorem for queueing systems, are highly analogous. For both single nodes and networks, there is a striking equivalence between the two laws that facilitates the teaching and understanding of the related concepts of current flow in a resistor network and data flow in a communication network  相似文献   

With the increasing demand of wireless spectrum, different unlicensed wireless communication technologies have been applied in the television white space (TVWS). It is vital to understand that the mutual interference over TVWS due to incompatible protocol designs heavily degrades the quality of service of coexisting heterogeneous cognitive radio networks. In this paper, taking the activity of primary users into consideration, we formulate the heterogeneous coexistence problem over TVWS as a nonlinear Markovian jump system (NMJS) based on the Lotka–Volterra competition model. By using the local linearization method, we first obtain a linear Markovian jump system model (which approximates the NMJS linearly at the desired spectrum share) to the NMJS. Further, we obtain an effective feedback controller to the equilibrium assignment of the NMJS via solving a sufficient condition in the form of linear matrix inequalities. Third, we propose an IEEE 802.19.1-compatible spectrum sharing algorithm which enables the NMJS to converge to the assigned spectrum share. Finally, extensive simulations are conducted to validate the effectiveness of our proposals.  相似文献   

This paper presents a pipelined forwarding scheme with energy balance for hexagonal wireless sensor networks (H‐WSN). An H‐WSN consists of hexagonal clusters in which the distance between any two cluster heads is , where R is the radius of a hexagonal cluster. A trade‐off exists in pipelined forwarding for an H‐WSN; that is, reducing pipeline lengths can decrease data forwarding delay, but it will adversely increase the number of clusters, which consequently increases the total collecting time of a mobile sink. This paper therefore introduces a mobile sink data collecting and routing scheme to dynamically adjust the pipeline lengths and to periodically switch pipeline directions. With this mobile sink data collecting and routing, the overall system throughput is increased, and the energy consumptions among all cluster heads are balanced. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

着重阐述了光缆传输设备集中监控系统的工作原理、系统功能及网络结构,并结合本局实际情况提出了接入该系统的实现方式。  相似文献   

In order to improve productivity in the photolithography process of high-product mix/low-volume factories, an automated stepper load balance allocation system was developed. The system enables us to maintain a balanced load distribution of tool constraint layers among all steppers. We developed a processing time estimation function and a load balance allocation function. The processing time estimation function calculates accurate loads based on the processing times related to the product, the process layer, and the stepper. The load balance allocation function was realized by applying a dynamic programming method. The system has decreased the deviation in the total processing time among all steppers by 10%, compared to the conventional manual allocation method.  相似文献   

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