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The integration of design and planning of flexible assembly system has been recognized as a tool for achieving efficient assembly in a production environment that demands assembly with a high degree of flexibility. This paper proposes a concurrent intelligent approach and framework for the design of robotic flexible assembly systems. The principle of the proposed approach is based on the knowledge Petri net formalisms, incorporating Petri nets with more general problem-solving strategies in AI using knowledge-based system techniques. The complex assembly systems are modeled and analyzed by adopting a formal representation of the system dynamic behaviors through knowledge Petri net modeling from the specifications and the analysis of those models. A template is first defined for a knowledge Petri net model, and then the models for assembly system individuals are established in the form of instances of the template. The design of assembly systems is implemented through a knowledge Petri net-based function–behavior–structure model. The research results show that the proposed knowledge Petri net approach is applicable for design, simulation, analysis and evaluation, and even layout optimization of the flexible assembly system in an integrated intelligent environment. The integration of assembly design and planning process can help reduce the development time of assembly systems.  相似文献   

Deadlocks are a highly undesired situation in a fully automated flexible manufacturing system, whose occurrences are tied to the existence of shared resources that are competed by different production processes. In the last two decades, a fair amount of research has been done on deadlock analysis and control for flexible manufacturing systems, leading to a variety of strategies in the literature. Petri nets are a promising mathematical tool to handle deadlock problems in flexible manufacturing systems. However, most deadlock control policies based on a Petri net formalism assume that all the transitions in a plant model are controllable. However, uncontrollability of events are a natural feature in a real‐world production system. This paper proposes a deadlock prevention policy for a class of Petri nets by considering the existence of uncontrollable transitions. Deadlocks are prevented by adding monitors to a plant Petri net model, whose addition does not inhibit the firings of uncontrollable transitions. Linear programming techniques are employed to find transitions to which a monitor points in order that a more permissive liveness‐enforcing Petri net supervisor can be found. A number of manufacturing examples are used to demonstrate the proposed methods. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

Majority of the products can be assembled in several ways that means the same final product can be realized by different sequences of assembly operations. Different degree of difficulty is associated with each sequence of assembly operation and such difficulties are caused by the different mechanical constraints forced by the different sequences of operations. In the past, few notable attempts have been made to represent and enumerate the degree of difficulty associated with an assembly sequence (in the form of triangular fuzzy number) by using the concept of assembly graph. However, such representation schemes do not possess the capabilities to model the user's reasoning and preferences. In this research, an intelligent Petri net model that combines the abilities of modelling, planning and performance evaluation for assembly operation is presented. This modelling tool can represent the issues concerning degree of difficulty associated with assembly sequences. The proposed mechanism is enhanced expert high-level colored fuzzy Petri net (EEHLCFPN) that is a hybrid of knowledge-based system and colored Petri net. An example encompassing assembly of subassemblies is considered to efficiently delineate the modelling capabilities of proposed hybrid petri net model.  相似文献   

为实现航空发动机维修差错的控制,采用基于优先约束关系的装配子网对发动机部件装配序列建模.在给定的装配评价准则下,将装配序列规划问题转化为最优变迁激发序列问题.引入离散时间的Pontryagin最小值原理(DTPMP),将极小化哈密顿函数这一全局优化的必要条件作为求解零部件装配序列的启发信息.为避免潜在死锁,给出了最优变迁激发序列算法.最后对最优装配序列规划算法的分析显示,该算法有多项式时间的复杂度.  相似文献   

A Petri net model for integrated process and job shop production planning   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper a new Petri net class (Chameleon systems) for modeling and analyzing joined process planning and job shop production planning is proposed based on the multi-level Petri net model introduced by Valk (1995). Chameleon system is a High-level Petri net extended with time that consists of a High-level Petri net modeling the workshop which is called system net and ordinary Petri net modeling the jobs and setups which act as tokens of the system net and therefore are called token nets. Process plans of the jobs are partial orders of operation groups and alternatives. The uncertainty of operation duration is captured by a new time model. The advantages of this new modeling approach are the following: (i) a modular construction of the joined process and job shop planning is allowed, (ii) classical known Petri net analysis methods can be applied and (iii) the analysis can be done at different levels of abstraction.  相似文献   

This paper presents a heuristic search method based on Petri nets for scheduling flexible manufacturing systems with assembly (FMSA) by partially generating the reachability graph. FMSAs are modeled by two types of timed place Petri nets, called generalized symmetric (GSN) and asymmetric nets (GAN). GSN is a sub-class of GAN. The special Petri net structures of GSN and GAN allow us to efficiently solve their state equations for solutions that constitute a part of the proposed heuristic function. Considering the dynamic information of nets such as concurrency and synchronization, the part of the heuristic function is adjusted since state equation solutions may over-estimate the real cost. The adjustment is based on a lower bound of the real cost and on dynamically comparing the partial estimated cost and partial real cost during the search process. Extensive simulation study shows that in most cases this work obtain better solutions than prior work.  相似文献   

针对流演算无法表示动作执行时间和进行动态规划的问题,提出了一种基于流演算的表示机器人规划的赋时有色网实现方法——BFRP网(A representation based on Fluent Calculus for robot plan),BFRP网采用双向搜索策略来生成动作序列,并提出了一种BFRP网系统的构造方法,此BFRP网系统不仅能形式化地描述动作、状态以及动作和状态之间的关系,而且能动态地规划出实现目标的动作序列并计算执行动作序列所需时间。最后,对办公室环境规划实例进行了建模和仿真,结果证明了BFRP网系统作为一种机器人规划系统的可行性。  相似文献   

近年来,Petri网以其优秀的描述异步并发的能力以及简单、清晰的图形表示方法获得了长足的发展.同时,Petri网技术和其它技术的完美结合使其在应用领域如鱼得水.哲学高度深刻分析了Petri网之所以获得成功的思想渊源,通过诠释Petri网思想与哲学思想的诸多相通之处,帮助大家以一种全新的视角重新认识和理解Petri网.  相似文献   

基于Petri网的柔性制造系统调度控制模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
给出了自顶向下构造柔性制造系统(FMS)Petri网模型的方法,提出了随机创建指定数目满足指定条件的测试模型的算法,并给出程序仿真运行的演算规则。在此基础上实现了基于Petri网FMS分析与调度仿真软件平台,该平台可配置性强,容易维护,降低了柔性制造系统方针研究的复杂性。最后给出了该模型实现的模块结构。  相似文献   

信息的使用者往往关注保存在介质上的信息而忽视处理信息的程序。由于保存在介质上的信息有多个操作入口,即使处理信息的程序真实地反映了组织的业务流程,也难保证信息使用者所获得的信息是正确的,也就是说对于访问数据的程序,存在外部干扰。引入数据库中的审计表功能,协助信息系统审计人员识别信息系统中数据的形成是否遵循了既定的业务流程。由于Petri网是描述流程的有力工具,对于复杂的业务流程,引入Petri网对流程进行审计是必要的。  相似文献   

基于Petri网的实时多智能体系统建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出基于Petri网的实时多Agent系统建模方法,它通过Petri网建立由接口模块、目标模块、计划模块、调度模块、知识库模块、环境模块、内部模块和控制模块组成的实时Agent模型,抽象和清晰地描述出实时Agent内部和外部特征。  相似文献   

In most application of Petri nets, resources are modeled as tokens. Unreliable resources pose challenges as existing Petri net theory is deficient in analyzing the impacts of the perturbation due to resource failures. One strategy to analyze a perturbed system is to study its robustness with respect to uncertainties. In this paper, we study the robustness of a class of controlled Petri nets called controlled assembly/disassembly Petri net (CADPN) for assembly/disassembly processes with unreliable resources. The number of tokens in CADPN is not conservative to capture the effects of resource failures. Based on the CADPN model, we characterize different types of tolerable resource failures allowed for a nominal marking of a live CADPN. We show that liveness of a CADPN can still be preserved under tolerable resource failures.  相似文献   

Several national space agencies and commercial aerospace companies plan to set up lunar bases with large-scale facilities that rely on multiple lunar robots’ assembly. Mission planning is necessary to achieve efficient multi-robot cooperation. This paper aims at autonomous multi-robot planning for the flexible assembly of the large-scale lunar facility, considering the harsh lunar environment, mission time optimization, and joint actions. The lunar robots and modules are scattered around the mission area without fixed assembly lines. Thus, the traditional assembly planning methods ignoring the optimal selection of modules are unable to handle this problem. We propose a hierarchical multi-agent planning method based on two-stage two-sided matching (HMAP-TTM) to solve this critical problem. First, the distributed planning framework with multi-replica public agents is introduced, ensuring robot plan knowledge consistency through public agents’ communication. Second, the hierarchical task graph (HTG) divides the mission into task layers based on task dependency knowledge. Third, we develop a novel two-stage two-sided matching algorithm. Time-optimal plans emerge from the matching games among public and private agents in each layer of HTG. Agents make decisions in the game based on action knowledge updated during planning. Finally, an assembly mission is presented to prove the method’s effectiveness. The simulation results show that the HMAP-TTM can generate plans with shorter mission time and require smaller communication costs than the baseline methods.  相似文献   

提出了一种柔性制造系统(FMS)的可用性评价新方法。针对传统可用性评价方法如故障树分析法、可靠图法等难以表达复杂系统的动态特性和系统内部的关联性的缺点,定义了一种基于随机Petri网和有色网对FMS生产过程进行表示的方法——SCPN(stochastic colored Petri nets)。通过构造制造单元的SCPN模型获得同构的马尔科夫链转移矩阵,将覆盖率和修复率加入可用性分析模型中,从而得到一种对FMS可用性进行评价的新方法。实验结果表明,所提方法可以对FMS进行建模,并能得到制造单元以及FMS的可用性,较以往的可用性评价方法更准确和全面。  相似文献   

This paper investigates a scheduling model for optimal production sequencing in a flexible assembly system. The system features a set of machines working together in the same workspace, with each machine performing a subset of operations. Three constraints are considered: (1) the precedence relation among the operations specified by the assembly tree; (2) working space that limits concurrent operations; and (3) the variation of process time. The objective is to find both a feasible assignment of operations to machines and schedule tasks in order to minimize the completion time for a single product or a batch of products. The assembly process is modeled using timed Petri nets and task scheduling is solved with a dynamic programming algorithm. The method calculates the time required precisely. A detailed case study is discussed to show the effectiveness of the model and algorithm.  相似文献   

In mechanical assembly planning research, many intelligent methods have already been reported over the past two decades. However, those methods mainly focus on the optimal assembly solution search while another important problem, the generation of solution space, has received little attention. This paper proposes a new methodology for the assembly planning problem. On the basis of a disassembly information model which has been developed to represent all theoretical assembly/disassembly sequences, two decoupled problems, generating the solution space and searching for the best result, are integrated into one computation framework. In this framework, using an ant colony optimization algorithm, the solution space of disassembly plans can be generated synchronously during the search process for best solutions. Finally, the new method’s validity is verified by a case study.  相似文献   

S4R(systems of sequential systems with shared resources)网是分析和解决柔性制造系统死锁现象常用的一种重要的Petri网子类模型,现有的基于S4R网的死锁预防方法通常采用对部分或者全部严格极小信标添加控制库所来实现.此类方法的不足在于得到的活性S4R控制器中往往存在冗余控制库所.针对已为网中每一个严格极小信标都逐一添加了控制库所和相关连接弧的活性S4R控制器,本文提出并设计了一种基于整数规划技术的冗余检测及结构简化方法,由此得到结构更简单、行为允许度更高的活性S4R控制器.该方法的核心思想是:如果网中已经存在一个p-不变式使得某个严格极小信标满足最大受控条件,那么为该严格极小信标添加的控制库所就是冗余的.由于该方法无需进行Petri网的可达性分析,避免了状态组合爆炸问题,因此具有较高的可行性和计算效率.最后用实验验证了本文方法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

基于智能Petri网构建了物流配送路径的优化模型。通过定义智能Petri网的运行规则,得到了基于智能Petri网的物流配送路径优化算法与计算流程,分析了车辆在交叉口的实际延误阻抗对配送分析的影响。该算法具有求解不需要对物流网络图作任何修改和容易实现配送过程的动态模拟的特点,利用该算法可以获取配送车辆从出发点到城市中任何一个节点的最优路径。将算例与改进的Dijkstra算法进行了对比分析,结果表明了该算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, an autonomous subnet based structural methodology forbottom-up synthesis of Petri Nets for Flexible Manufacturing Systems is proposed.Furthermore, the theoretical analysis of the model constructed by the method is carried byintensively using model's structural information, such as invariants, siphons, etc.. As aresult, the analysis leads us to draw the general conclusion that the model obtained isconservativeness and thus bound, and characterize its liveness in terms of zero-markingminimal siphons. It is based on model's structural information that distinguishes ourmethod from others. in line of this thought, a liveness guarantying policy for the obtainedmodel is proposed. Some control subnets are merged into the original model according tothe proposed synthesis rules in this paper to ensure that no minimal siphons are emptiedin any state, therefore the liveness is guaranteed. As a result, a live, conservative andrevertible Petri Nets is obtained. A practical example is also presented to  相似文献   

The coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is one of the most effective geometry inspection facilities used in manufacturing industry. To fully utilize its capabilities in a computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) environment, we should integrate CMM with other systems and facilities. This paper presents the development of a knowledge-based inspection planner based on the fundamental principles of AI planning to integrate computer-aided design systems and CMMs. The issues involved in CAD-directed inspection process planning are examined; the task of inspection process planning is decomposed into a number of sub-tasks. According to the task decomposition, a knowledge-based planning system was designed with several modules. Each of these modules consists of a knowledge base, a control operator, a context and a communication interface. The knowledge base is the local knowledge source for problem solving; the control operator determines when and where the knowledge is applied; the context contains the initial planning state which is essential input part information, the intermediate planning states which result from the tentative decision made by the modules, and the goal state. The module interfacing was realized by directly calling procedures defined in other modules to pass the planning tasks and decisions. Examples are included to explain the planning knowledge and strategy.  相似文献   

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