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The adenovirus fiber knob causes the first step in the interaction of adenovirus with cell membrane receptors. To obtain information on the receptor binding site(s), the interaction of labeled cell membrane proteins to synthetic peptides covering the adenovirus type 3 (Ad3) fiber knob was studied. Peptide P6 (amino acids [aa] 187 to 200), to a lesser extent P14 (aa 281 to 294), and probably P11 (aa 244 to 256) interacted specifically with cell membrane proteins, indicating that these peptides present cell receptor binding sites. Peptides P6, P11, and P14 span the D, G, and I beta-strands of the R-sheet, respectively. The other reactive peptides, P2 (aa 142 to 156), P3 (aa 153 to 167), and P16 (aa 300 to 319), probably do not present real receptor binding sites. The binding to these six peptides was inhibited by Ad3 virion and was independent of divalent cations. We have also screened the antigenic epitopes on the knob with recombinant Ad3 fiber, recombinant Ad3 fiber knob, and Ad3 virion-specific antisera by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The main antigenic epitopes were presented by P3, P6, P12 (aa 254 to 269), P14, and especially the C-terminal P16. Peptides P14 and P16 of the Ad3 fiber knob were able to inhibit Ad3 infection of cells.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the recognition between an antigenic undecapeptide and a monoclonal antibody through a mutational approach. Antibody mAb164 is directed against the native form of the TrpB2 subunit of Escherichia coli tryptophan synthase. It recognizes a synthetic peptide, P11, constituted of residues 273-HGRVGIYFGMK-283 of TrpB with high affinity. P11 was fused with a carrier protein, MalE, to facilitate its manipulation. The affinities between mAb164 and the MalE-P11 hybrids were measured by competition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The changes of the P11 residues into progressively shorter residues, the comparison of changes into Pro and Ala, and the study of double mutants showed the following. Four hydrophobic residues of P11, Val276, Ile278, Tyr279, and Phe280, were predominant in the interaction. For some residues, e.g., Tyr279, most groups of the side chain contributed to the interaction. For others, only some groups played a significant role, e.g., the Cdelta group of Ile278 or the Cbeta group of Phe280. The lack of side chain in position Gly281 and a tertiary interaction between the side chains of Ile278 and Lys283 were important. P11 was recognized in a loop conformation, close to that of residues 273-283 of TrpB in the crystal structure of the complete tryptophan synthase, TrpA2TrpB2. Comparison of our mutational data with NMR data on the conformation of the isolated peptide P11 and with kinetic data on its interaction with mAb164 indicate that mAb164 selects a conformer of P11 that represents only a small minority of the molecules. Our results provide useful information on the mechanisms by which linear epitopes and unconstrained peptides are recognized by receptors.  相似文献   

An efficient method for constructing a recombinant adenovirus (Ad) vector, based on an in vitro ligation, has been developed. To insert the foreign gene into an adenoviral DNA, we introduced three unique restriction sites, I-CeuI, SwaI, and PI-SceI, into the E1 deletion site of the vector plasmid, which contains a complete E1, E3-deleted adenovirus type 5 genome. I-CeuI and PI-SceI are intron-encoded endonucleases with a sequence specificity of at least 9-10 and 11 bp, respectively. A shuttle plasmid, pHM3, containing multiple cloning sites between the I-CeuI and PI-SceI sites, was constructed. After the gene of interest was inserted into this shuttle plasmid, the plasmid for E1-deleted adenovirus vector could be easily prepared by in vitro ligation using the I-CeuI and PI-SceI sites. SwaI digestion of the ligation products prevented the production of a plasmid containing a parental adenovirus genome (null vector). After transformation into E. coli, more than 90% of the transformants had the correct insert. To make the vector, a PacI-digested, linearized plasmid was transfected into 293 cells, resulting in a homogeneous population of recombinant virus. The large number and strategic location of the unique restriction sites will not only increase the rapidity of production of new first-generation vectors for gene transfer but will allow for rapid further improvements in the vector DNA backbone.  相似文献   

In vitro gene manipulation was used to develop a novel chimeric antigen consisting of the non-toxic B subunit (EtxB) of an E. coli enterotoxin and the first 14 N-terminal amino acid residues of the carboxy-terminal portion of the alpha subunit of bovine inhibin (bINH1-14). Rabbits immunized subcutaneously (s.c.) or intravenously (i.v.) with EtxB::bINH1-14, with or without Freund's adjuvant, developed significant titres of antibodies that recognized an inhibin peptide fragment containing bINH1-14, native inhibins, and EtxB during separate enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Passive immunization of mice with the rabbit anti-EtxB::bINH1-14 serum increased concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in serum twofold compared with controls, whereas serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) were unaltered. Since FSH is the primary hormone from the pituitary gland that stimulates ovarian follicle growth and spermatogenesis, the results of this study demonstrate that EtxB::bINH1-14 has potential as antigen for development of inhibin-based fertility vaccines.  相似文献   

Recombinant human adenovirus (Ad) vectors are leading candidates for human gene therapy for cystic fibrosis (CF) based on demonstration of efficient transfer of exogenous genes to rodent respiratory epithelium in vivo and human respiratory cells in vitro. The safety of Ad-mediated gene transfer to the respiratory epithelium and acute (up to 21 days) clinical responses to airway delivery of a replication-deficient recombinant, E1-, E3- Ad type 5-based vector containing the human cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator cDNA (AdCFTR) were evaluated in rhesus monkeys. Airway delivery of an Ad vector with the lacZ marker gene demonstrated beta-galactosidase expression in epithelial cells. Animals administered intratracheal AdCFTR demonstrated human CFTR cDNA expression in airway epithelial cells. Animals administered AdCFTR intranasal, and 24 hr later, intrabronchial [2 x 10(7) to 5 x 10(10) plaque-forming units (pfu), n = 12], in a fashion similar to a proposed human protocol, or only intrabronchial (10(11) pfu, n = 3), had no significant changes in clinical parameters compared to vehicle controls (n = 6). Microscopic analysis of the lung by necropsy or bronchoalveolar lavage demonstrated a dose-dependent increase in inflammatory cells, primarily lymphocytes, in the area where AdCFTR was delivered, which persisted for at least 2 months in some animals. Serum anti-Ad type 5 neutralizing antibody titers did not rise and shed Ad was not detected. The presence of AdCFTR DNA, analyzed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), was not detected in organs outside the lung. These data demonstrate that AdCFTR is well tolerated in non-human primates, although there is dose-dependent inflammation in the lung not clinically apparent.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Combinatorial peptide libraries have proved to be a valuable tool for the study of the interaction of a functional protein with its ligand. Here, the epitope for a monoclonal antibody 201/9, raised against beta-factor XIIa, has been identified with a two-step approach using peptide libraries attached to a polymer (polyvinylidene difluoride) membrane. First, the octapeptide libraries with two amino acids defined at position 2 and 4, represented by the formula X-O2-X-O4-X-X-X-X, were synthesized on a sheet of polymer membrane in which X represents a mixture of all the natural -amino acids except cysteine, while O2 and O4 each represent a single amino acid. The libraries were probed with the antibody 201/9, and the bound antibody was detected with a sensitive chemiluminescent method. In the first cycle, the peptide mixtures X-Phe-X-Gln-X-X-X-X showed the strongest signal development. In the second cycle Phe and Gln were incorporated into new libraries consisting of sequences O1-Phe-X-Gln-X-X-X-X, X-Phe-O3-Gln-X-X-X-X, X-Phe-X-Gln-O5-X-X-X, X-Phe-X-Gln-X-O6-X-X, X-Phe-X-Gln-X-X-O7-X, and X-Phe-X-Gln-X-X-X-O8. After probing these new peptides, the residues representing the core sequence of the epitope for monoclonal antibody 201/9 were elucidated. The sequence Ser-Phe-Leu-Gln-Glu-Asn, identified as the immunodominant epitope, correlates well with the sequence Ser-Phe-Leu-Gln-Glu-Ala previously identified (Gao, B., and Esnouf, M. P. (1996) J. Immunol. 157, 183-188) in a scan of overlapping peptides based on the sequence of human beta-factor XIIa.  相似文献   

A new inducible yeast expression vector, pXS7, was constructed by using the promoter and terminator sequences from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SOR1 gene, which codes for the sorbitol dehydrogenase protein. We cloned the coding sequence of the Saccharomyces YEF3 gene in this vector and demonstrated an increase in YEF3 protein levels when cells were grown in the presence of the sugar sorbitol.  相似文献   

The majority of immunogenic CTL epitopes bind to MHC class I molecules with high affinity. However, peptides longer or shorter than the optimal epitope rarely bind with high affinity. Therefore, identification of optimal CTL epitopes from pathogens may ultimately be critical for inducing strong CTL responses and developing epitope-based vaccines. The SIV-infected rhesus macaque is an excellent animal model for HIV infection of humans. Although a number of CTL epitopes have been mapped in SIV-infected rhesus macaques, the optimal epitopes have not been well defined, and their anchor residues are unknown. We have now defined the optimal SIV gag CTL epitope restricted by the rhesus MHC class I molecule Mamu-A*01 and defined a general peptide binding motif for this molecule that is characterized by a dominant position 3 anchor (proline). We used peptide elution and sequencing, peptide binding assays, and bulk and clonal CTL assays to demonstrate that the optimal Mamu-A*01-restricted SIV gag CTL epitope was CTPYDINQM(181-189). Mamu-A*01 is unique in that it is found at a high frequency in rhesus macaques, and all SIV-infected Mamu-A*01-positive rhesus macaques studied to date develop an immunodominant gag-specific CTL response restricted by this molecule. Identification of the optimal SIV gag CTL epitope will be critical for a variety of studies designed to induce CD8+ CTL responses specific for SIV in the rhesus macaque.  相似文献   

We have determined that three type-specific and conformationally dependent monoclonal antibodies, H16.E70, H16.U4, and H16.V5, neutralize pseudotype human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) virions in vitro. H16.U4 and H16.V5 neutralized pseudotype virions derived from the German HPV16 variant 114K and the Zairian variant Z-1194 with equal efficiency. In contrast, neutralization of Z-1194 pseudotype virions by H16.E70 was two orders of magnitude weaker than neutralization of 114K pseudotype virions. This difference correlated with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay reactivity of H16.E70 to L1 virus-like particles of the two variants. A substitution at residue 282 of L1 was responsible for this differential reactivity, suggesting that this residue constitutes part of the H16.E70 epitope.  相似文献   

During early stages of chick limb development, the homeobox-containing gene Msx-2 is expressed in the mesoderm at the anterior margin of the limb bud and in a discrete group of mesodermal cells at the midproximal posterior margin. These domains of Msx-2 expression roughly demarcate the anterior and posterior boundaries of the progress zone, the highly proliferating posterior mesodermal cells underneath the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) that give rise to the skeletal elements of the limb and associated structures. Later in development as the AER loses its activity, Msx-2 expression expands into the distal mesoderm and subsequently into the interdigital mesenchyme which demarcates the developing digits. The domains of Msx-2 expression exhibit considerably less proliferation than the cells of the progress zone and also encompass several regions of programmed cell death including the anterior and posterior necrotic zones and interdigital mesenchyme. We have thus suggested that Msx-2 may be in a regulatory network that delimits the progress zone by suppressing the morphogenesis of the regions of the limb mesoderm in which it is highly expressed. In the present study we show that ectopic expression of Msx-2 via a retroviral expression vector in the posterior mesoderm of the progress zone from the time of initial formation of the limb bud severely impairs limb morphogenesis. Msx-2-infected limbs are typically very narrow along the anteroposterior axis, are occasionally truncated, and exhibit alterations in the pattern of formation of skeletal elements, indicating that as a consequence of ectopic Msx-2 expression the morphogenesis of large portions of the posterior mesoderm has been suppressed. We further show that Msx-2 impairs limb morphogenesis by reducing cell proliferation and promoting apoptosis in the regions of the posterior mesoderm in which it is ectopically expressed. The domains of ectopic Msx-2 expression in the posterior mesoderm also exhibit ectopic expression of BMP-4, a secreted signaling molecule that is coexpressed with Msx-2 during normal limb development in the anterior limb mesoderm, the posterior necrotic zone, and interdigital mesenchyme. This indicates that Msx-2 regulates BMP-4 expression and that the suppressive effects of Msx-2 on limb morphogenesis might be mediated in part by BMP-4. These studies indicate that during normal limb development Msx-2 is a key component of a regulatory network that delimits the boundaries of the progress zone by suppressing the morphogenesis of the regions of the limb mesoderm in which it is highly expressed, thus restricting the outgrowth and formation of skeletal elements and associated structures to the progress zone. We also report that rather large numbers of apoptotic cells as well as proliferating cells are present throughout the AER during all stages of normal limb development we have examined, indicating that many of the cells of the AER are continuously undergoing programmed cell death at the same time that new AER cells are being generated by cell proliferation. Thus, a balance between cell proliferation and programmed cell death may play a very important role in maintaining the activity of the AER.  相似文献   

The anti-breast tumour antibody SM3 has a high selectivity in reacting specifically with carcinoma-associated mucin. SM3 recognises the core repeating motif (Pro-Asp-Thr-Arg-Pro) of aberrantly glycosylated epithelial mucin MUC1, and has potential as a therapeutic and diagnostic tool. Here we report the crystal structure of the Fab fragment of SM3 in complex with a 13-residue MUC1 peptide antigen (Thr1P-Ser2P-Ala3P-Pro4P-Asp5P-Thr6P -Arg7P-Pro8P-Ala9P-Pro10P-Gly11P- Ser12P-Thr13P). The SM3-MUC1 peptide structure was solved by molecular replacement, and the current model is refined at 1.95 A resolution with an R-factor of 21.3% and R-free 28.3%. The MUC1 peptide is bound both by non-polar interactions and hydrogen bonds in an elongated groove in the antibody-combining site through interactions with Complimentarity Determining Regions (CDRs), three of the light chain (L1, L2, L3) and two of the heavy chain (H1 and H3). The conformation of the peptide is mainly extended with no discernable standard secondary structure. There is a single non-proline cis-peptide bond in H3 (Val95H-Gly96H-Gln97H-Phe98H-Ala101H-Ty r102H) between Gly96H and Gln97H, which appears to play a role in SM3-peptide antigen interactions, and represents the first such example within an antibody hypervariable loop. The SM3-MUC1 peptide structure has implications for rational therapeutic and diagnostic antibody engineering.  相似文献   

Inter-alpha-inhibitor (I alpha I) is a serine protease inhibitor present in human plasma. It has a molecular weight of about 220 kDa which encompasses 3 chains including two heavy chains and one light chain. The light chain, known as bikunin, is responsible for the antitryptic activity of I alpha I in the inhibition of various enzymes, such as trypsin and chymotrypsin. Under physiologic or certain pathologic circumstances, several macromolecules related to I alpha I appear in plasma and urine. However, the physiologic role of I alpha I remains unclear. As far as urolithiasis is concerned, two urinary macromolecules related to I alpha I have been isolated and shown to be potent inhibitors of calcium oxalate formation. One of these inhibitors, uronic-acid-rich protein (UAP), has been identified and well characterized. The sequence of the first 18 amino acid residues of UAP is identical with that of bikunin. Furthermore, the immunoreaction between UAP and I alpha I antibody using immunoblot analysis was positive. UAP isolated from the urine of stone formers exhibited less inhibitory activity towards calcium oxalate crystallization than that derived from the urine of healthy subjects. This suggests a structural abnormality of the inhibitor obtained from stone patients. The organic matrix extracted from kidney stones contained a protein antigenically related to I alpha I. We conclude that UAP is a member of I alpha I family taking part in inhibiting calcium oxalate crystallization, and modulating the formation of stones in the urinary tract.  相似文献   

To evaluate the hypothesis that regional delivery of an adenovirus vector containing the Escherichia coli cytosine deaminase gene (AdCMV.CD) together with systemic 5-FC could suppress the growth of metastatic colon cancer in the liver, the AdCMV.CD vector was injected 0.8-1 cm from the site of a human colon cancer tumor in the livers of nude mice. The growth of the human colon cancer cells was quantified by dot blot analysis of genomic DNA extracted from tumor-bearing liver, hybridized with a human-specific Alu probe. The combination of regional AdCMV.CD plus systemic 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC) suppressed the growth of the metastatic tumors over the 21 days of evaluation following vector administration. Histologic evaluation showed necrosis at the site of the tumor in the livers of mice treated with AdCMV.CD/5-FC, but not in control groups. Evaluation of the potential toxicity of AdCMV.CD plus 5-FC on the normal liver showed only mild, self-limited dose-related inflammation, with no deaths. These data suggest that the regional administration of AdCMV.CD together with systemic 5-FC may be a safe and effective strategy to suppress the growth of metastases of colorectal carcinoma in the liver.  相似文献   

Two diastereomeric analogues of ring C of nisin incorporating a novel norlanthionine residue have been synthesized via a triply orthogonal protecting group strategy. A full structural study was carried out by NMR, which elucidated the conformational properties of the two peptides and enabled the identity of each diastereoisomer to be proposed.  相似文献   

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a T-cell regulated autoimmune disease. A peptide representing a sequence of the human acetylcholine receptor alpha-subunit (p195-212) was previously shown to stimulate proliferative responses of peripheral blood lymphocytes from MG patients and to be an immunodominant and myasthenogenic T-cell epitope in SJL mice. The authors generated a panel of analogues of p195-212 that contain single amino acid substitutions. Three of the analogues (203PHE, 204GLY and 207ALA) triggered low to no proliferative responses of a p195-212-specific T-cell line designated TCSJL195-212. Two of these analogues were able to stimulate the line to produce interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-4 (203PHE and 204GLY), whereas one analogue, 207ALA, did not stimulate the line to produce these cytokines. Binding assays revealed that the binding affinity of an altered peptide for a given major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule is not sufficient to determine whether it will be stimulatory or inhibitory to a native peptide-specific T-cell line. Two of the analogues, 204GLY and 207ALA, inhibited proliferative responses of cells of the TCSJL195-212 line when co-cultured with p195-212 and syngeneic antigen presenting cells (APC). The two inhibitory analogues were also able to inhibit proliferative responses of the TCSJL195-212 line when APC were pre-pulsed with p195-212, indicating that MHC blockade is not the only mechanism of action of these peptides. Moreover, both analogues inhibited the ability of p195-212 to prime lymph node cells for proliferative responses even when the analogues were administered in a soluble form. Thus the altered peptide ligands 207ALA and 204GLY can modulate T-cell responses both in vitro and in vivo and may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of MG.  相似文献   

The fiber knob carries the type-specific gamma-antigen which can be demonstrated in hemagglutination inhibition tests. In order to characterize the gamma-determinant we selected subgenus DI adenovirus serotypes 9 and 19 (Ad9 and Ad19) which exhibited 29 amino acid exchanges in the knob domain. Like all subgenus DI adenoviruses they showed a complete hemagglutination pattern with rat and human erythrocytes. We constructed a total of 14 chimeric Ad9/Ad19 and Ad19/Ad9 fiber proteins, which possessed fiber knobs with progressively exchanged Ad9 and Ad19 amino acids. Furthermore, we created 39 fiber proteins with distinct amino acid exchanges in the knob regions by primer-directed mutagenesis. The proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli and tested in hemagglutination and hemagglutination inhibition tests. From our results we can conclude that the type-specific gamma-determinant is not restricted to a distinct region on the adenovirus fiber knob but is composed of at least 17 amino acids. Most of the amino acids contributing to the Ad9 and Ad19 gamma-determinants are located on the fiber knob loops.  相似文献   

An adenovirus vector encoding murine Fas ligand (mFasL) under an inducible control was derived. In vivo ectopic expression of mFasL in murine livers induced an inflammatory cellular infiltration. Furthermore, ectopic expression of mFasL by myocytes did not allow prolonged vector-mediated transgene expression. Thus, ectopic expression of functional mFasL in vector-transduced cells does not appear to confer, by itself, an immunoprivileged site sufficient to mitigate adenovirus vector immunogenicity.  相似文献   

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