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This paper investigated numerically the effect of cathode channel shapes on the local transport characteristics and cell performance by using a three-dimensional, two-phase, and non-isothermal polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell model. The cells with triangle, trapezoid, and semicircle channels were examined using that with rectangular channel as comparison basis. At high operating voltages, the cells with various channel shapes would have similar performance. However, at low operating voltages, the fuel cell performance would follow: triangle > semicircle > trapezoid > rectangular channel. Analyses of the local transport phenomena in the cell indicate that triangle, trapezoid, and semicircle channel designs increase remarkably flow velocity of reactant, enhancing liquid water removal and oxygen utilization. Thus, these designs increase the limiting current density and improve the cell performance relative to rectangular channel design.  相似文献   

A relationship between a flooding and a cell voltage drop for polymer electrolyte fuel cell was investigated experimentally and numerically. A visualization cell, which has single straight gas flow channel (GFC) and observation window, was fabricated to visualize the flooding in GFC. We ran the cell with changing operation condition, and measured the time evolution of cell voltage and took the images of cathode GFC. Considering the operation condition, we executed a developed numerical simulation, which is based on multiphase mixture model with a formulation on water transport through the surface of polymer electrolyte membrane and the interface of gas diffusion layer/GFC. As a result in experiment, we found that the cell voltage decreased with time and this decrease was accelerated by larger current and smaller air flow rate. Our simulation succeeded to demonstrate this trend of cell voltage. In experiment, we also found that the water flushing in GFC caused an immediate voltage change, resulting in voltage recovery or electricity generation stop. Although our simulation could not replicate this immediate voltage change, the supersaturated area obtained by our simulation well corresponded to fogging area appeared on the window surface in the GFC.  相似文献   

The water management in the air flow channel of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell cathode is numerically investigated using the FLUENT software package. By enabling the volume of fraction (VOF) model, the air–water two-phase flow can be simulated under different operating conditions. The effects of channel surface hydrophilicity, channel geometry, and air inlet velocity on water behavior, water content inside the channel, and two-phase pressure drop are discussed in detail. The results of the quasi-steady-state simulations show that: (1) the hydrophilicity of reactant flow channel surface is critical for water management in order to facilitate water transport along channel surfaces or edges; (2) hydrophilic surfaces also increase pressure drop due to liquid water spreading; (3) a sharp corner channel design could benefit water management because it facilitates water accumulation and provides paths for water transport along channel surface opposite to gas diffusion layer; (4) the two-phase pressure drop inside the air flow channel increases almost linearly with increasing air inlet velocity.  相似文献   

Severe flooding can be critical in a fuel cell vehicle operating at a high current density, and in a fuel cell vehicle at the initial stage of start up. It is often difficult to remove the condensed water from the cathode gas diffusion layer (GDL) of the fuel cell because of the surface tension between the water and the GDL. In this research, in order to remove the condensed water from the cathode GDL, a small amount of hydrogen was injected into the cathode reactant gases. The results showed that the hydrogen addition method successfully removed the liquid water from the cathode GDL. Water removal was verified for various hydrogen flow rates and hydrogen addition durations. Furthermore, the dew point temperature of the outlet gas at the cathode was observed to determine the amount of water removed from the cathode GDL. In addition, the water droplet in the cathode gas flow channel was visualized by using a transparent cell. Furthermore, degradation tests are also performed. Considering the degradation test, the hydrogen addition method is expected to be effective in mitigating cathode flooding.  相似文献   

The main subject of this study are the flooding phenomena in the cathode channels of low-temperature PEM fuel cell. Transparent acrylic materials are used to make various fuel cell models for the experiments. Parameters considered in the experiments include the rate of water injected into the models, the velocity and the temperature of the humidified gas in the cathode channels, the types of flow field, and the temperature of the models. It is found that the parallel and interdigitated flow channels are easily flooded under certain conditions. In order to decrease the chance of flooding, the design of the flow field path should fit the streamline pattern. Furthermore, fuel cells with two different types of flow channels and two different electrode sizes (25, 100 cm2) were made, and their performances were compared to some of the flooding results observed from the transparent physical models.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the simultaneous flow of liquid water and gaseous reactants in mini-channels of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. Envisaging the mini-channels as structured and ordered porous media, we develop a continuum model of two-phase channel flow based on two-phase Darcy's law and the M2 formalism, which allow estimate of the parameters key to fuel cell operation such as overall pressure drop and liquid saturation profiles along the axial flow direction. Analytical solutions of liquid water saturation and species concentrations along the channel are derived to explore the dependences of these physical variables vital to cell performance on operating parameters such as flow stoichiometric ratio and relative humility. The two-phase channel model is further implemented for three-dimensional numerical simulations of two-phase, multi-component transport in a single fuel-cell channel. Three issues critical to optimizing channel design and mitigating channel flooding in PEM fuel cells are fully discussed: liquid water buildup towards the fuel cell outlet, saturation spike in the vicinity of flow cross-sectional heterogeneity, and two-phase pressure drop. Both the two-phase model and analytical solutions presented in this paper may be applicable to more general two-phase flow phenomena through mini- and micro-channels.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) is developed to investigate multiphase flows, species transport, and electrochemical processes in fuel cells and their interactions. This two-phase model consists of conservation principles of mass, momentum, species concentration and charges, and elucidates the key physicochemical mechanisms in the constituent components of PEFCs that govern cell performance. Efforts are made to formulate two-phase transport in the anode diffusion media and its coupling with cathode flooding as well as the interaction between single- and two-phase flows. Numerical simulations are carried out to investigate multiphase flow, electrochemical activity, and transport phenomena and the intrinsic couplings of these processes inside a fuel cell at low humidity. The results indicate that multiphase flows may exist in both anode and cathode diffusion media at low-humidity operation, and two-phase flow emerges near the outlet for co-flow configuration while is present in the middle of the fuel cell for counter-flow one. The validated numerical tools can be applied to investigate vital issues related to anode performance and degradation arising from flooding for PEFCs.  相似文献   

Non‐uniform current distribution in polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells results in local over‐heating, accelerated ageing, and lower power output than expected. This issue is quite critical when a fuel cell experiences water flooding. In this study, the performance of a PEM fuel cell is investigated under cathode flooding conditions. A two‐dimensional approach is proposed for a single PEM fuel cell based on conservation laws and electrochemical equations to provide useful insight into water transport mechanisms and their effect on the cell performance. The model results show that inlet stoichiometry and humidification, and cell operating pressure are important factors affecting cell performance and two‐phase transport characteristics. Numerical simulations have revealed that the liquid saturation in the cathode gas distribution layer (GDL) could be as high as 20%. The presence of liquid water in the GDL decreases oxygen transport and surface coverage of active catalyst, which in turn degrades the cell performance. The thermodynamic quality in the cathode flow channel is found to be greater than 99.7%, indicating that liquid water in the cathode gas channel exists in very small amounts and does not interfere with the gas phase transport. A detailed analysis of the operating conditions shows that cell performance should be optimized based on the maximum average current density achieved and the magnitude of its dispersion from its mean value. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flow maldistribution usually happens in PEM fuel cells when using common inlet and exit headers to supply reactant gases to multiple channels. As a result, some channels are flooded with more water and have less air flow while other channels are filled with less water but have excessive air flow. To investigate the impact of two-phase flow maldistribution on PEM fuel cell performance, a Volume of Fluid (VOF) model coupled with a 1D MEA model was employed to simulate two parallel channels. The slug flow pattern is mainly observed in the flow channels under different flow maldistribution conditions, and it significantly increases the gas diffusion layer (GDL) surface water coverage over the whole range of simulated current densities, which directly leads to poor fuel cell performance. Therefore, it is recommended that liquid and gas flow maldistribution in parallel channels should be avoided if possible over the whole range of operation. Increasing the gas stoichiometric flow ratio is not an effective method to mitigate the gas flow maldistribution, but adding a gas inlet resistance to the flow channel is effective in mitigating maldistribution. With a carefully selected value of the flow resistance coefficient, both the fuel cell performance and the gas flow distribution can be significantly improved without causing too much extra pressure drop.  相似文献   

In situ detection of anode flooding of a PEM fuel cell   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes an early detection scheme of anode flooding in a PEM fuel cell. Through experimental testing of an eight-cell hydrogen-fueled polymer electrolyte stack it is shown that anode flooding can be detected prior to a rapid voltage decline. The proposed detection scheme requires no additional costly instrumentation and uses the existing voltage scan cards.  相似文献   

Water management is a critical issue in the development of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells with robust operation. Liquid water can accumulate and flood the gas delivery microchannels and the porous electrodes within PEM fuel cells and deteriorate performance. Since the liquid distribution fluctuates in time for two-phase flow, the rate of oxygen transport to the cathode catalyst layer also fluctuates, resulting in unstable power density and efficiency. This paper reports experimental data on the mean voltage loss and the voltage fluctuations during constant current operation as a function of both the number of parallel microchannels and the air flow rate stoichiometric ratio. We define channel plurality as a flow field design parameter to describe the number of channels per unit of active area. The voltage loss was found to scale proportionally to channel plurality divided by the air stoichiometric ratio. The amplitude of the voltage fluctuations was found to be linearly proportional to channel plurality and inversely proportional to the air stoichiometric ratio squared. By analyzing pressure drop data and power spectra, we conclude that the voltage fluctuations are well-correlated with two-phase flow instabilities in the cathode's parallel microchannels. Finally, a scaling analysis is presented for generalizing the results for fuel cells having different active area and channel cross-section.  相似文献   

Proper water management in polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells is critical to achieve the potential of PEM fuel cells. Membrane electrolyte requires full hydration in order to function as proton conductor, often achieved by fully humidifying the anode and cathode reactant gas streams. On the other hand, water is also produced in the cell due to electrochemical reaction. The combined effect is that liquid water forms in the cell structure and water flooding deteriorates the cell performance significantly. In the present study, a design procedure has been developed for flow channels on bipolar plates that can effectively remove water from the PEM fuel cells. The main design philosophy is based on the determination of an appropriate pressure drop along the flow channel so that all the liquid water in the cell is evaporated and removed from, or carried out of, the cell by the gas stream in the flow channel. At the same time, the gas stream in the flow channel is maintained fully saturated in order to prevent membrane electrolyte dehydration. Sample flow channels have been designed, manufactured and tested for five different cell sizes of 50, 100, 200, 300 and 441 cm2. Similar cell performance has been measured for these five significantly different cell sizes, indicating that scaling of the PEM fuel cells is possible if liquid water flooding or membrane dehydration can be avoided during the cell operation. It is observed that no liquid water flows out of the cell at the anode and cathode channel exits for the present designed cells during the performance tests, and virtually no liquid water content in the cell structure has been measured by the neutron imaging technique. These measurements indicate that the present design procedure can provide flow channels that can effectively remove water in the PEM fuel cell structure.  相似文献   

A proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) must maintain a balance between the hydration level required for efficient proton transfer and excess liquid water that can impede the flow of gases to the electrodes where the reactions take place. Therefore, it is critically important to understand the two-phase flow of liquid water combined with either the hydrogen (anode) or air (cathode) streams. In this paper, we describe the design of an in situ test apparatus that enables investigation of two-phase channel flow within PEMFCs, including the flow of water from the porous gas diffusion layer (GDL) into the channel gas flows; the flow of water within the bipolar plate channels themselves; and the dynamics of flow through multiple channels connected to common manifolds which maintain a uniform pressure differential across all possible flow paths. These two-phase flow effects have been studied at relatively low operating temperatures under steady-state conditions and during transient air purging sequences.  相似文献   

The performance of a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell is significantly affected by liquid water generated at the cathode catalyst layer (CCL) potentially causing water flooding of cathode; while the ionic conductivity of PEM is directly proportional to its water content. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a delicate water balance, which requires a good understanding of the liquid water transport in the PEM fuel cells. In this study, a one-dimensional analytical solution of liquid water transport across the CCL is derived from the fundamental transport equations to investigate the water transport in the CCL of a PEM fuel cell. The effect of CCL wettability on liquid water transport and the effect of excessive liquid water, which is also known as “flooding”, on reactant transport and cell performance have also been investigated. It has been observed that the wetting characteristic of a CCL plays significant role on the liquid water transport and cell performance. Further, the liquid water saturation in a hydrophilic CCL can be significantly reduced by increasing the surface wettability or lowering the contact angle. Based on a dimensionless time constant analysis, it has been shown that the liquid water production from the phase change process is negligible compared to the production from the electrochemical process.  相似文献   

A new technique is presented to characterize and quantify the two-phase flow in the anode and cathode flow field channels using simultaneous anode and cathode visualization combined with image processing. In situ visualization experiments were performed at 35 °C with stoichiometric ratios (an/ca) of 1.5/2.5, 1.5/5, 3/8 to elucidate two-phase flow dynamics at lower temperature/low power conditions, when excess liquid water in the cell can be especially prevalent. Video processing algorithms were developed to automatically detect and quantify dynamic and static liquid water present in the flow field channels, as well as discern the distribution of water among different two-phase flow structures. The water coverage ratio was introduced as a parameter to capture the time-averaged flow field water content information through recorded high speed video sequences. The automated processing allows for efficient and robust spatial and temporal averaging of steady state channel water over very large visualization data sets acquired through high speed imaging. The developed algorithm calculates the water coverage ratio using the liquid water in the channels which is contacting the GDL surface, and selectively removes the superficial condensation on the visualization window from the coverage area. The water coverage ratio and distribution metrics techniques were demonstrated by comparing the performance of Freudenberg and Toray gas diffusion layers (GDLs) from a water management perspective, including direct anode to cathode comparisons of simultaneous water coverage data for each GDL sample. The anode water coverage ratio was found to exceed the cathode for both GDL samples at most operating conditions tested in this work. The Freudenberg GDL consistently demonstrated a higher water coverage ratio in the flow field gas channels than the Toray GDL, while the Toray GDL indicated a propensity for greater water retention within the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) based on performance, high frequency resistance (HFR), and water coverage metrics.  相似文献   

Clean and highly efficient energy production has long been sought to solve energy and environmental problems. Fuel cells, which convert the chemical energies stored in fuel directly into electrical energy, are expected to be a key enabling technology for this century. This article is concerned with one of the most advanced fuel cells – direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). We present a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art studies of mass transport of different species, including the reactants (methanol, oxygen and water) and the products (water and carbon dioxide) in DMFCs. Rather than elaborating on the details of the previous numerical modeling and simulation, the article emphasizes: i) the critical mass-transport issues that need to be addressed so that the performance and operating stability of DMFCs can be upgraded, ii) the basic mechanisms that control the mass-transport behaviors of reactants and products in this type of fuel cell, and iii) the previous experimental and numerical findings regarding the correlation between the mass transport of each species and cell performance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effectiveness of employing the traditional Leverett approach for describing the capillary-induced flow in thin-film fuel cell diffusion media (DM) with mixed wettability. A one-dimensional steady-state analytical model is developed to analyze the capillary transport of liquid water through the thin-film DM. A capillary pressure–liquid saturation relation is derived based on the experimental data reported by Gostick et al. [J.T. Gostick, M.W. Fowler, M.A. Ioannidis, M.D. Pritzker, Y.M. Volfkovich, A. Sakars, J. Power Sources, 156 (2006) 375]. The empirical fit is applicable to the fuel cell DMs tested by reference [J.T. Gostick, M.W. Fowler, M.A. Ioannidis, M.D. Pritzker, Y.M. Volfkovich, A. Sakars, J. Power Sources, 156 (2006) 375] under a limited set of conditions, providing a means to evaluate the effectiveness of the traditional Leverett approach. Furthermore, a new characteristic relative permeability correlation appropriate for the tested DMs under the given conditions was obtained by fitting the experimental capillary pressure data [J.T. Gostick, M.W. Fowler, M.A. Ioannidis, M.D. Pritzker, Y.M. Volfkovich, A. Sakars, J. Power Sources, 156 (2006) 375] into four well-established empirical models. The empirically-derived relationships are then integrated into an analytical model framework in order to compare the liquid saturation profiles predicted by both approaches. The results show that use of the standard Leverett approach equipped with Leverett J-function can lead to significant errors; therefore, an extension of this approach appropriate for fuel cell DM with mixed wettability is needed for reliable model predictions. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is performed to assess the relative significance of the various input parameters on the predicted saturation profiles.  相似文献   

A novel method of water management of polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells using intermittent humidification is presented in this study. The goal is to maintain the membrane close to full humidification, while eliminating channel flooding. The entire cycle is divided into four stages: saturation and de-saturation of the gas diffusion layer followed by de-hydration and hydration of membrane. By controlling the duration of dry and humid flows, it is shown that the cell voltage can be maintained within a narrow band. The technique is applied on experimental test cells using both plain and hydrophobic materials for the gas diffusion layer and an improvement in performance as compared to steady humidification is demonstrated. Duration of dry and humid flows is determined experimentally for several operating conditions.  相似文献   

Water management in PEM fuel cells has received extensive attention due to its key role in fuel cell performance. The unavoidable water, from humidified gas streams and electrochemical reaction, leads to gas-liquid two-phase flow in the flow channels of fuel cells. The presence of two-phase flow increases the complexity in water management in PEM fuel cells, which remains a challenging hurdle in the commercialization of this technology. Unique water emergence from the gas diffusion layer, which is different from conventional gas-liquid two-phase flow where water is introduced from the inlet together with the gas, leads to different gas-liquid flow behaviors, including pressure drop, flow pattern, and liquid holdup along flow field channels. These parameters are critical in flow field design and fuel cell operation and therefore two-phase flow has received increasing attention in recent years. This review emphasizes gas-liquid two-phase flow in minichannels or microchannels related to PEM fuel cell applications. In situ and ex situ experimental setups have been utilized to visualize and quantify two-phase flow phenomena in terms of flow regime maps, flow maldistribution, and pressure drop measurements. Work should continue to make the results more relevant for operating PEM fuel cells. Numerical simulations have progressed greatly, but conditions relevant to the length scales and time scales experienced by an operating fuel cell have not been realized. Several mitigation strategies exist to deal with two-phase flow, but often at the expense of overall cell performance due to parasitic power losses. Thus, experimentation and simulation must continue to progress in order to develop a full understanding of two-phase flow phenomena so that meaningful mitigation strategies can be implemented.  相似文献   

It has been reported recently that water flooding in the cathode gas channel has significant effects on the characteristics of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell. A better understanding of this phenomenon with the aid of an accurate model is necessary for improving the water management and performance of fuel cell. However, this phenomenon is often not considered in the previous one-dimensional models where zero or a constant liquid water saturation level is assumed at the interface between gas diffusion layer and gas channel. In view of this, a one-dimensional fuel cell model that includes the effects of two-phase flow in the gas channel is proposed. The liquid water saturation along the cathode gas channel is estimated by adopting Darcy’s law to describe the convective flow of liquid water under various inlet conditions, i.e. air pressure, relative humidity and air stoichiometry. The averaged capillary pressure of gas channel calculated from the liquid water saturation is used as the boundary value at the interface to couple the cathode gas channel model to the membrane electrode assembly model. Through the coupling of the two modeling domains, the water distribution inside the membrane electrode assembly is associated with the inlet conditions. The simulation results, which are verified against experimental data and simulation results from a published computational fluid dynamics model, indicate that the effects of relative humidity and stoichiometry of inlet air are crucial to the overall fuel cell performance. The proposed model gives a more accurate treatment of the water transport in the cathode region, which enables an improved water management through an understanding of the effects of inlet conditions on the fuel cell performance.  相似文献   

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