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The use of nonlinear loads, which inject undesired harmonic currents into low voltage distribution systems, is increasing rapidly. Active power filters are being considered as a potential candidate for solving harmonic problems in order to meet harmonic standards and guidelines. A new digital signal processor (DSP)-based control method for a single-phase active power filter (APF) is presented in this paper. Compared to conventional analog-based methods, the DSP-based solution provides a flexible and cheaper method to control the APF. The proposed scheme employs a carrier-based control that requires less feedback information compared to other reported solutions. Only one current sensor is used to sense the nonlinear load current and two voltage sensors to sense the input supply voltage and the dc bus voltage. The proposed method provides both harmonic elimination and power factor correction. The PSpice simulation and experiments using the DSP-based prototype are made to verify the feasibility of the method.  相似文献   

High power quality level is required in smart grids especially for non-stationary situations due to increased use of nonlinear loads and PQ disturbances such as dips, swells, transients and interruptions. Many power quality indices (PQIs) are available. In this paper a new fuzzy-wavelet packet transform-based power quality Index (FWPTPQI) is developed to amalgamate existing power quality indices as the output of a fuzzy based module based on fuzzy inference systems, knowledge base and existing PQI as input. Fuzzy systems allow handling the uncertainties associated with the electric power quality evaluation. The proposed approach has been applied to two case studies; stationary balanced and non-stationary unbalanced three-phase systems. The results are compatible with prevalent situations. The new index gives significant sense of the quality of transmitted electrical power. A comparative study of using different wavelet basis functions is considered and results indicate that Daubechies 10 and Daubechies 15 could be considered as the overall best wavelet basis functions. Since the new index represents an amalgamation of the PQ indices with less number of wavelet coefficients, it helps reduce the size of data processed which is required in smart grid applications.  相似文献   

The aim of this research paper is to demonstrate the application of a proposed procedure for the sharing of responsibility between the supplier and the consumer for the actual harmonic voltage distortion at a given point of common coupling (PCC). The methodology is based on the analysis of measured voltage and current signals at the PCC and on information related to the harmonic impedances involved in the process. Both the supply and the load impedances are considered and an approach for coupling these with a consumer representative load is presented. The method is applied to a real commercial installation containing a combination of linear and nonlinear components fed by a pre-distorted 13.8 kV busbar. The result emphasizes the consistence of the approach in identifying the individual contributions of the supplier and the consumer. By finding the supply and load harmonic contributions, it is possible to achieve fairer cost sharing when mitigation procedures are needed to reduce voltage distortion to admissible legislation limits.  相似文献   

Power distribution systems often exhibit different harmonic behaviours at different locations. It is not usually possible to completely characterise the distortion at a particular site, however, due to insufficient data about the measured system and instrumentation inability to evaluate or register complete set of measurement quantities. In this paper existing power quality standards are analysed and new harmonic distortion indices are derived. A new index describing the total harmonic distortion in current measurements, TRD, is suggested in order to simplify and standardise harmonic measurements. Another index representing the increase of harmonic voltage distortion with TRD, equivalent harmonic impedance zeq, is proposed as an efficient way of characterising a particular site. The framework described here can be used to predict future harmonic behaviour at any previously measured point. Finally, extensive harmonic measurements of a real distribution system were performed to prove the usefulness of the proposed indices.  相似文献   

The Steinmetz circuit is constituted by single-phase loads, e.g. traction systems, delta-connected with reactances to load the network with balanced currents. A parallel resonance between the capacitive reactance of the Steinmetz circuit and the power system reactances can be produced, and therefore harmonic voltage distortion in the presence of non-linear loads increases. The paper studies this resonance analytically and presents an expression to locate it. Experimental measurements have also been made to validate the obtained analytical results.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore a new method for evaluating the impact of voltage sags in the power distribution systems. The proposed method incorporates the generalization of the evaluation method as well as the effects of voltage sags on customers. To generalize the evaluation method, historical reliability data will be used. We take into account the impact of voltage sags on customers using a representative power acceptability curve and a fuzzy model. The final result of the evaluation model yields on a yearly basis the magnitude of customers’ risk caused by voltage sags. The evaluation methodology is divided into the analytic and probabilistic method. The time sequential Monte Carlo simulation is used as probabilistic method. The proposed method is tested using the modified Roy Billinton Test System (RBTS) form and the reliability data of Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) system. Through the case study, we verify that the proposed method evaluate the actual impact of voltage sags and can be effectively applied to the real system using the historical reliability data as the conventional reliability indices in power distribution systems.  相似文献   

A novel real-time analysis of power quality (PQ) events has been presented using amplitude and frequency demodulation concepts. The earlier techniques were analyzing the few cycles of the power signal based upon wavelets, having the computational complexity of the order O(n2). In the proposed method, PQ events can be considered as similar to various modulating signal forms. In this paper, the concept of demodulation has been used to separate various single/multiple event patterns and MUSIC harmonics algorithm has been used to detect the presence of the various harmonics. These techniques have been well tested on transient, sag, swell harmonics and their combinations in real-time. Fuzzy classifiers have been used for the classification of PQ events from the knowledge base, obtained from amplitude demodulation, frequency demodulation and MUSIC harmonic algorithm. It is concluded from the confusion tables that the efficiency of single/multiple PQ events recognition of fuzzy product aggregation reasoning rule (FPARR) classifier is higher.  相似文献   

In this paper sufficient mathematical and operating conditions are defined for distinguishing between voltage problems with insignificant frequency changes and voltage problems accompanied by frequency instabilities. With this as the main classification, additional conditions are introduced under which voltage related problems are either of a steady state character, or they evolve as the mid-/long-term phenomena only (in contrast to very fast, transient stability type phenomena).

Within the first class (insignificant frequency changes) two distinct groups of voltage problems could arise, the most common of which is the existence of post-contigency voltage outside of operating limits. The other group of voltage problems within the first class is reflected in a small signal instability of an existing load flow solution. Assuming that a post-contingency load flow solution exists, mathematical and operating conditions are reviewed under which these problems occur. New conditions are established for preventing the second group of voltage problems from this class, i.e. small signal voltage instabilities. As a result, voltage related problems in this class are guaranteed to be, at worst, mid-/long-term type phenomena.

Within the second class (accompanied by frequency instabilities), two groups of voltage-related problems occur. The first group is reflected in persistent but bounded terminal voltage oscillations, primarily contributed by the unstable mode associated with the rotor angle. The second group is characterized by unbounded changes of terminal voltages, primarily contributed by the unstable mode in field-flux voltage Eq. In this paper, conditions are derived under which persistent but bounded voltage oscillations take place, as opposed to unbounded changes of state representing voltage dynamics, such as field-flux voltage Eq of the machine and its terminal voltage Vt.  相似文献   

This paper takes us a step forward with respect to previous definitions for the measurement of electric power quantities under non-sinusoidal conditions.A new decomposition of voltage, current and power is presented in order to determine the extent to which the distribution company and the electrical energy consumer are each responsible for the harmonic distortion measured at the point of common coupling, PCC.This gives us three different quantities: fundamental frequency, frequencies associated with the distribution system distortion and frequencies associated with consumer distortion. These magnitudes can also be measured in relation to power factor compensation and harmonic elimination problems in power distribution systems.In addition to this, the power factors resulting from the new decomposition are also analyzed and the decomposition algorithm implemented on a measurement platform based on a digital signal processor, DSP.Finally, the general structure of the system, focusing on both hardware and software, is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method based on the use of an extended Kalman filter for the detection and analysis of voltage dips in power systems. The paper describes the model used to enable the most accurate representation of the system and the selection of the parameters to ensure optimal filter performance. The results obtained using this method are presented both for simulated and for real voltage dips and are compared with the results obtained using the rms method proposed in the power quality standards in order to demonstrate the improved performance of this new method in the estimation of the time instant of the beginning and end of a voltage dip as well as in the estimation of the magnitude and phase angle of voltage supply during the event.  相似文献   

2013年江西电网将建设1 000 kV南昌特高压站,以电网规划设计为基础,以电网建设项目进度为条件,对特高压入赣前、后江西电网的短路电流进行详细计算分析,在此基础上分析了特高压对江西电网短路电流的影响,并提出了降低江西电网短路电流和保障电网安全稳定运行的措施和建议。  相似文献   

刘小春  赵彦  罗路平 《江西电力》2011,35(5):5-7,27
2013年江西电网将建设1 000kV南昌特高压站,以电网规划设计为基础,以电网建设项目进度为条件,对特高压入赣前、后江西电网的短路电流进行详细计算分析,在此基础上分析了特高压对江西电网短路电流的影响,并提出了降低江西电网短路电流和保障电网安全稳定运行的措施和建议.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design of neural networks compared with the conventional technique, a hysteresis controller for active power filter for three-phase four-wire electric system. A particular three-layer neural network structure is studied in some detail. Simulation and experimental results of the active power filter with both controllers are also presented to verify the feasibility of such controller. The simulation and experimental result show that both controller techniques can reduce harmonics in three-phase four-wire electric systems drawn by nonlinear loads and can reduce neutral current. The advantage of the neural network controller technique over hysteresis controller technique are less voltage ripple of d.c. bus, and less switching loss. Furthermore, the neural networks controller has better fault tolerance than the hysteresis controller.  相似文献   

In this paper, a spectral correction-based algorithm for interharmonic computation is proposed for especially highly fluctuating fundamental frequency cases in the power system. It has been observed and reported that fluctuating demands of some loads such as arc furnaces, or disturbances and subsequent system transients make the fundamental frequency of the power system deviate and this causes non-existing interharmonics to appear in the spectrum due to grid-effect when a standard window length is used for the entire FFT process. The proposed method uses a synthetic waveform produced at the fundamental frequency and amplitude to determine the amount of the leakage due to the grid-effect at each frequency. Then the leakage is subtracted from the original FFT of the signal to correct the frequency spectrum. It has been shown that the leakage effect caused by the fundamental frequency variation is avoided with a correction algorithm applied after FFT and the error in the first interharmonic computation due to frequency deviation is reduced to zero exactly if the fundamental frequency can be determined accurately. Both simulative and field data tests have been performed. The method does not require online sampling frequency or FFT window length adjustment and it is simple to implement.  相似文献   

In this paper a methodology that extends the dynamic harmonic domain (DHD) analysis of large networks is presented. The method combines DHD analysis and discrete companion circuit modeling resulting in a powerful analytic technique called dynamic companion harmonic circuit modeling. It provides for a complete dynamic harmonic analysis of the system while preserving the advantages of discrete companion circuit models. The methodology is illustrated by its application to a three-node power system, where reactive power compensation is achieved using a fixed-capacitor, thyristor-controlled reactor (FC-TCR) and its control system.  相似文献   

A mechanism of the dynamic phenomenon of voltage collapse is presented from the physical point of view. It is shown that an iterative reaction of voltage drop between a dynamic load and the system network can cause voltage collapse. The dynamic phenomenon of voltage collapse is analyzed on a simple power system model which includes a synchronous motor. Dynamic equations describing the mechanism of voltage collapse caused by a very small disturbance are derived, and the physical explanation of the voltage collapse mechanism is presented in detail for the case when the system is operating near the bifurcation point and its linearized system matrix has a very small negative eigenvalue. It is shown that an iterative reaction of voltage drop between a dynamic load and the system network can cause voltage collapse  相似文献   

This paper presents a new methodology to estimate unbalanced harmonic distortions in a power system, based on measurements of a limited number of given sites. The algorithm utilizes evolutionary strategies (ES), a development branch of evolutionary algorithms. The problem solving algorithm herein proposed makes use of data from various power quality meters, which can either be synchronized by high technology GPS devices or by using information from a fundamental frequency load flow, what makes the overall power quality monitoring system much less costly. The ES based harmonic estimation model is applied to a 14 bus network to compare its performance to a conventional Monte Carlo approach. It is also applied to a 50 bus subtransmission network in order to compare the three-phase and single-phase approaches as well as the robustness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, the optimal sizing and limitations of shunt, passive, single-tuned harmonic filters for industrial loads are examined. The investigation takes into account not only harmonic current sources due to nonlinear loads, but also the presence of background voltage harmonic distortion. First, an analytical approach in simplified cases is developed, which leads to closed form expressions. These expressions help in gaining a deeper insight into the role of the filter branches and the influence of the various parameters of the system. They also show, both quantitatively and qualitatively, the limitations of passive filters with respect to harmonic control. Next, the general case of this constrained optimization problem is formulated and solved using genetic algorithms. The constraints ensure acceptable solutions in accordance with Standard recommendations, utility regulations and filter parameter variations. The proposed objective function to be maximized is a modified version of the power factor and ensures the optimal solution among acceptable ones. Through extensive simulations of an example system for a variety of voltage and current harmonic levels, potentialities and limitations of filter branches are thoroughly investigated. Practical conclusions drawn can be considered as guidance on engineering judgment for harmonic control in any specific application.  相似文献   

Voltage flicker or voltage fluctuations are considered a major power quality problem causing temperature rise, generators and motors overloading and affecting humans through the irritating light flicker. It is expected that the level of voltage flicker will increase due to the increased penetration of distributed generation (DG) in the distribution system. Site monitoring is required to make sure that the level of voltage flicker is within the allowed limit. In order to determine the appropriate monitoring period for voltage flicker measurement while considering DGs, two case studies were considered in the paper; 1 week and 1 day monitoring periods. The results reveal that a monitoring period of 1 week may be very long especially in the presence of DG and it may hide valuable information. On the other hand a 1-day monitoring period is more appropriate in these situations. Therefore it is recommended to use 1-day monitoring period instead of 1 week especially in the presence of DG.  相似文献   

The impact of the design parameters of electric power distribution systems on the propagation of harmonic distortion is investigated. This conceptual study is based on simulations on a generalized distribution system model, and leads to an increased insight in the mechanisms of the generation and propagation of voltage distortion. Moreover, analytical expressions are presented that predict the impact of changing design parameters on voltage distortion.  相似文献   

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