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Social media are frequently used in enterprises for both work-related and non-work-related (social) purposes. Drawing on the organizational commitment theory, we developed a research model to explore how different purposes of social media usage affect employees’ job satisfaction and turnover intention in the Chinese context. Online and offline surveys were conducted in China, generating 298 valid responses for analysis. The results suggest that the following: (1) work-related and social-related social media usage positively affects employees’ organizational commitment through their organizational engagement; (2) social media usage improves job satisfaction and reduces employees’ turnover intention through improving their engagement and organizational commitment; and (3) in the process of social media usage influencing employees’ job satisfaction and turnover intention, employees of different genders show significant differences.  相似文献   

Smartwatches, among many wearable form factors, have become an important starting point for the wide dissemination of wearable devices. Not only are smartwatches a new IT product, they are also a fashion product. Recognizing the smartwatch as the converging point of IT innovation and fashion, the current study examines whether factors germane to the characteristics of fashion products affect the intention to use smartwatches. Utilizing the technology acceptance model (TAM) as the base framework, the current study extended the model by incorporating perceived enjoyment and perceived self-expressiveness, which are influenced by an individual’s vanity and need for uniqueness. The findings from 562 Korean respondents indicated that the characteristics of smartwatches as fashion products significantly explain the intention to use a smartwatch, particularly the individual’s desire for uniqueness. A limited effect of vanity on self-expressiveness implies that the smartwatch is not yet deemed a luxury commodity. Theoretical and practical implications, as well as the limitations of the study are further discussed.  相似文献   

To assess the effects and learner perceptions of context‐aware ubiquitous language learning (CAULL), a green‐building English‐learning application (GBELA) employing sensing technology was created to develop participants' English listening and reading skills using smartphones and QR codes. This study investigated the effects of 40 participants' perceived ease of use, usability, usefulness, learner attitude, satisfaction with the use of GBELA, and self‐efficacy in smartphone and GBELA usage. Quantitative and qualitative data through pretest/post‐test, questionnaires, and semistructured interviews were collected with a focus on green building–based English (GBbE) reading and listening skills. Results proved the effectiveness of the GBELA for both high‐achievement (HA) and low‐achievement (LA) groups. Furthermore, correlations were found between the HA group and ease of use of the GBELA. The correlations among learner perceptions and self‐efficacy showed that a well‐designed context‐aware learning system can help learners enhance self‐efficacy in CAULL mode. Implications for the design of effective context‐ and knowledge‐specific ubiquitous learning systems are provided in the study.  相似文献   

Previous models of turnover by IT professionals consider job satisfaction as a key indicator. One common model considers whether an organization matches the internal anchors of IT employees to provisions in the work place. This pattern is often broken by other considerations that disturb the relationship between job satisfaction and intent to seek employment elsewhere. Such disturbances present a problem in planning and are not globally considered in research models. A qualitative study of ten cases yields new insight into the disturbances that break the pattern leading to a more general model of turnover.  相似文献   

With the development of new media, the issue of privacy and its determinants has become the subject of a large body of literature in recent years. The main objective of this study was to check whether loneliness is a predictor of putting private information on Facebook. The participants were 887 young people. Facebook Privacy Scale and Loneliness Scale were used. We showed that young age and loneliness are predictors of disclosure on Facebook. Moreover, junior high school students more often put private information on their Facebook profiles than senior high school and university students.  相似文献   

At its centennial in 2001, the American Philosophical Association bravely proclaimed: “Philosophy Matters.” But does it? It won’t unless it reaches the concreteness of everyday life. To do so was Martin Heidegger’s ambition, and one can read Saul Kripke’s books as an attempt to get mainstream American philosophy beyond its abstractions. At length, Kripke’s efforts, on one reading, failed while Heidegger’s remained incomplete. A theory of commodification can get us closer to the things that matter to us in everyday life.  相似文献   

Live-streaming shopping becomes increasingly popular recently. However, little research explored why live-streaming shopping is so successful in continuously promoting sales and engaging consumers. Based on the Stimulus-Organism-Response framework, we explore the effects of five distinct characteristics (information richness, interactivity, vividness, social presence, and newness) of live-streaming shopping on consumers’ continuous participation intentions, and investigate the underlying organism from both the momentary states (i.e., perceived diagnosticity, perceived enjoyment, and perceived social support) and the reflective state (i.e., memorable experience). The results of a multi-method empirical study indicate that the memorable experience is a strong indicator of continued shopping behaviors.  相似文献   

How does your MIS Department handle ad hoc requests for I/S projects? CIH Advisory Board member Fran Turisco tells how her MIS Department at the Lahey Clinic deals with this problem and solicits ideas from CIH readers via our "FAX IT BACK" response form.  相似文献   

This research aims to empirically examine the stimulators that influence consumers’ behavioral intention to use (IU) mobile entertainment (ME) in Malaysia. The proposed stimulators are perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), social influence (SI), perceived self-efficacy (PSE) and perceived enjoyment (PE). PU and PEOU were derived from TAM, SI was taken from the TRA, TPB and DOI model, PE was obtained from the extended-TAM model and PSE was taken from Bandura’s theory. This is among the first study that uses a model consisting of integrated constructs from TAM, extended-TAM, TRA, TPB, DOI and Bandura’s theory in predicting acceptance of ME. Empirical data were analyzed by employing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. Gender moderating effect was examined via multiple group analysis (MGA). The findings revealed that PU, PEOU, SI and PE are positively associated with consumer IU of ME. Surprisingly, there were no significant moderating effects of gender. The control variables (i.e. age, marital status, education level, number of mobile phone and experience) were found to have no confounding effects on the ME adoption. The findings have contributed theoretical and managerial implications to ME providers, mobile phone manufacturers, the music, movie and gaming industry players.  相似文献   

Abstract: The “measure” of this article is a bit different from most—there are almost as many words in the notes as in the body of the text. Notes are a significant part of my writing, both in terms of recognizing the connections and complexities among issues, trying to capture the richness of interdisciplinary teaching, and in terms of strengthening our struggles by (when relevant) referring to each other's work so that our individual work becomes understood as part of collective work to move mathematics education in the direction of the public interest. A quote I love that I often start my talks with, after saying how I talk in parentheses, although eventually closing most of them, is from a Hmong saying that translates “to speak of all kinds of things.” It is often used at the beginning of an oral narrative as a way of reminding listeners that the world is full of things that may not seem to be connected but actually are; that no event occurs in isolation; that you can miss a lot by sticking to the point; and that the storyteller is likely to be rather long-winded (Fadiman, 1998, pp. 12–13). Teaching in an interdisciplinary way means that there are a lot of endnotes and a lot of parentheses, not all of which get closed—that is how to do this kind of teaching, without having to know everything and without needing a zillion years to research and teach one lesson.  相似文献   

Likierman  Andrew 《ITNOW》2005,47(5):28-29

Therapeutic vaccines are being developed as a promising new approach to treatment for cancer patients. There are still many unanswered questions about which kind of therapeutic vaccines are the best for the cancer treatments? In this paper we consider a mathematical model, in the form of a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE), this system is an example from a class of mathematical models for immunotherapy of the tumor that were derived from a biologically validated model by Lisette G. de Pillis. The problem how to schedule a variable amount of which vaccines to achieve a maximum reduction in the primary cancer volume is consider as an optimal control problem and it is shown that optimal control is quadratic with 0 denoting a trajectory corresponding to no treatment and 1 a trajectory with treatment at maximum dose along that all therapeutics are being exhausted. The ODE system dynamics characterized by locating equilibrium points and stability properties are determined by using appropriate Lyapunov functions. Especially we attend a parametric sensitivity analysis, which indicates the dependency of the optimal solution with respect to disturbances in model parameters.  相似文献   

Although the technical complications in moving or merging a data or telecom department are considerable, it is the human considerations that are most important and critical to the success of the change. This article shows several methods for handling these issues, with real world examples, in order to prevent problems with the change.Eric Klein has an MS degree in information systems and a BBA degree in management information systems, both from Pace University, New York, USA. He has taught classes at both the undergraduate and graduate level at Pace University in New York, USA, the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo, Israel, and Polytechnic University, Israel in Practical Networking.His practical experience in management consulting is from his experiences at Moran Stahl & Boyer in New York, and as a Senior Technical Consultant for MCI. He is a member of the ISOC, the IETF (IPv6, Evolution of SNMP, SNMP Version 3, and IPv6 Operations working groups where he is co-author of, draft-ietf-v6ops-nap-01.txt in the IPv6 OPS) and the IEC.  相似文献   

<正>一则报道引发的故事2011年年末的时候,有一则报道引发了一场不大不小的"故事"——因为我们不能称之为"事故",语言贫乏不足以形容之际,就暂且称之为"故事"吧。事情是这样的:2011年12月23日,出现了这样一个新闻:"雨林木风与微软中国达成重大合作协议:今后中国大陆地区  相似文献   

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