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Evaluating performance in three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In biological fluorescence microscopy, image contrast is often degraded by a high background arising from out of focus regions of the specimen. This background can be greatly reduced or eliminated by several modes of thick specimen microscopy, including techniques such as 3-D deconvolution and confocal. There has been a great deal of interest and some confusion about which of these methods is 'better', in principle or in practice. The motivation for the experiments reported here is to establish some rough guidelines for choosing the most appropriate method of microscopy for a given biological specimen. The approach is to compare the efficiency of photon collection, the image contrast and the signal-to-noise ratio achieved by the different methods at equivalent illumination, using a specimen in which the amount of out of focus background is adjustable over the range encountered with biological samples. We compared spot scanning confocal, spinning disk confocal and wide-field/deconvolution (WFD) microscopes and find that the ratio of out of focus background to in-focus signal can be used to predict which method of microscopy will provide the most useful image. We also find that the precision of measurements of net fluorescence yield is very much lower than expected for all modes of microscopy. Our analysis enabled a clear, quantitative delineation of the appropriate use of different imaging modes relative to the ratio of out-of-focus background to in-focus signal, and defines an upper limit to the useful range of the three most common modes of imaging.  相似文献   

A fluorescence image calibration method is presented based on the use of standardized uniformly fluorescing reference layers. It is demonstrated to be effective for the correction of non‐uniform imaging characteristics across the image (shading correction) as well as for relating fluorescence intensities between images taken with different microscopes or imaging conditions. The variation of the illumination intensity over the image can be determined on the basis of the uniform bleaching characteristics of the layers. This permits correction for the latter and makes bleach‐rate‐related imaging practical. The significant potential of these layers for calibration in quantitative fluorescence microscopy is illustrated with a series of applications. As the illumination and imaging properties of a microscope can be evaluated separately, the methods presented are also valuable for general microscope testing and characterization.  相似文献   

Differences in the degree of photodegradation can be used for fluorophore identification in double fluorescently labelled specimens. Based on the use of morphological information, a noise-insensitive method is presented for discriminating between the fluorophores, assuming spatially uniform photodegradation. Separate images of the labelled structures can be obtained. Alternatively, with spatially nonuniform photodegradation, the photodynamics of one fluorophore — i.e. photodegradation, concentration associated quenching, etc. — in relation to its microenvironment can be investigated.  相似文献   

A theory for multiphoton fluorescence imaging in high aperture scanning optical microscopes employing finite sized detectors is presented. The effect of polarisation of the fluorescent emission on the imaging properties of such microscopes is investigated. The lateral and axial resolutions are calculated for one-, two- and three-photon excitation of p-quaterphenyl for high and low aperture optical systems. Significant improvement in lateral resolution is found to be achieved by employing a confocal pinhole. This improvement increases with the order of the multiphoton process. Simultaneously, it is found that, when the size of the pinhole is reduced to achieve the best possible resolution, the signal-to-noise ratio is not degraded by more than 30%. The degree of optical sectioning achieved is found to improve dramatically with the use of confocal detection. For two- and three-photon excitation axial full width half-maximum improvement of 30% is predicted.  相似文献   

The SAC8.5, a low-cost Peltier-cooled black and white 8-bit CCD camera for astronomy, was evaluated for its use in imaging microscopy. Two camera–microscope configurations were used: an epifluorescence microscope (Nikon Eclipse TE2000-U) and a bottom port laser scanning confocal microscope system (Zeiss LSCM 510 META). Main advantages of the CCD camera over the currently used photomultiplier detection in the scanning setup are fast image capturing, stable background, an improved signal-to-noise ratio and good linearity. Based on DAPI-labelled Chinese Hamster Ovarian cells, the signal-to-noise ratio was estimated to be 4 times higher with respect to the currently used confocal photomultiplier detector. A linear relationship between the fluorescence signal and the FITC-inulin concentrations ranging from 0.05 to 1.8 mg mL−1 could be established. With the SAC8.5 CCD camera and using DAPI, calcein-AM and propidium iodide we could also distinguish between viable, apoptotic and necrotic cells: exposure to CdCl2 caused necrosis in A6 cells. Additional examples include the observation of wire-like mitochondrial networks in Mito Tracker Green-loaded Madin–Darby canine kidney cells. Furthermore, it is straightforward to interface the SAC8.5 with automated shutters to prevent rapid fluorophore photobleaching via easy to use astrovideo software. In this study, we demonstrate that the SAC8.5 black and white CCD camera is an easy-to-implement and cost-conscious addition to quantitative fluorescence microfluorimetry on living tissues and is suitable for teaching laboratories.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis of a new technique for fluorescence lifetime measurement, relying on (near steady state) excitation with short optical pulses, is presented. Application of the technique to confocal microscopy enables local determination of the fluorescence lifetime, which is a parameter sensitive to the local environment of fluorescent probe molecules in biological samples. The novel technique provides high time resolution, since it relies on the laser pulse duration, rather than on electronic gating techniques, and permits, in combination with bilateral confocal microscopy and the use of a (cooled) CCD, sensitive signal detection over a large dynamic range. The principle of the technique is discussed within a theoretical framework. The sensitivity of the technique is analysed, taking into account: photodegradation, the effect of the laser repetition rate and the effect of non-steady-state excitation. The features of the technique are compared to more conventional methods for fluorescence lifetime determination.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a large expansion in the usage of optical microscopes for obtaining quantitative information from biological samples in order to determine fundamental biological information such as molecular kinetics and interaction, and heterogeneity within cell populations. Consequently, we built a highly stable, uniform, isotropically emitting and convenient‐to‐use light source, and designed image analysis procedures for calibrating the emission light path of optical microscopes. We used the source and procedures to analyse the quantitative imaging properties of a widely used model of laser scanning confocal microscope. Results showed that the overall performance was as high as could be expected given the inherent limitations of the optical components and photomultiplier tubes. We observed that the photon detection efficiency did not vary with photomultiplier tube gain and that the highest dynamic range was achieved with relatively low gain and 12‐bit digitization. Practical applications of the light source for checking the transmission of optical components in the emission light path are presented.  相似文献   

Modern microscopic techniques like high-content screening (HCS), high-throughput screening, 4D imaging, and multispectral imaging may involve collection of thousands of images per experiment. Efficient image-compression techniques are indispensable to manage these vast amounts of data. This goal is frequently achieved using lossy compression algorithms such as JPEG and JPEG2000. However, these algorithms are optimized to preserve visual quality but not necessarily the integrity of the scientific data, which are often analyzed in an automated manner. Here, we propose three observer-independent compression algorithms, designed to preserve information contained in the images. These algorithms were constructed using signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) computed from a single image as a quality measure to establish which image components may be discarded. The compression efficiency was measured as a function of image brightness and SNR. The alterations introduced by compression in biological images were estimated using brightness histograms (earth's mover distance (EMD) algorithm) and textures (Haralick parameters). Furthermore, a microscope test pattern was used to assess the effect of compression on the effective resolution of microscope images.  相似文献   

We introduce a signal-to-noise ratio in an attempt to suggest an optimum pinhole size for confocal polarized light microscopes. We find that pinhole sizes which are typically 60% greater than those used in nonpolarized light confocal microscopy are appropriate.  相似文献   

We consider the effect of detector size on the polarization extinction coefficient in three geometries of confocal microscopes. We find that a single mode optical fibre-based reciprocal system employing circularly polarized light offers great ease of alignment together with an extremely high extinction coefficient.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the possibility to increase substantially the number of simultaneously detected fluorophores by utilizing both spectral and lifetime information. Using a two-detector confocal scanning laser microscope, experiments confirm that four different fluorophores can be detected with good channel separation. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the recorded images is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. It is found that in order to obtain a high SNR fluorophore lifetimes should differ by approximately an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

This study presents a method for high-precision distance measurements and for the volume-conserving segmentation of fluorescent objects with a size of the order of the microscopic observation volume. The segmentation was performed via a model-based approach, using an algorithm that was calibrated by the microscopic point spread function. Its performance was evaluated for three different fluorochromes using model images and fluorescent microspheres as test targets. The fundamental limits which the microscopic imaging process imposes on the accuracy of volume and distance measurements were evaluated in detail. A method for the calibration of the axial stepwidth of a confocal microscope is presented. The results suggest that in biological applications, 3D distances and radii of objects in cell nuclei can be determined with an accuracy of ≤ 60 nm. Using objects of different spectral signature, 3D distance measurements substantially below the lateral half width of the confocal point spread function are feasible. This is shown both theoretically and experimentally.  相似文献   

The method of cumulants has been applied to digital video fluorescence microscopy. The method is used to reconstruct the distribution of fluorescent molecules before the initiation of fluorescence photobleaching, and to characterize heterogeneous photobleaching by imaging one or more of the cumulants of the bleaching decay rate. Using the pipelined pixel processor of the image analysis system for the bulk of the calculations, rather than the general-purpose host-computer CPU, the video kinetics imaging can be performed in near real-time. The method is applied to chick embryo myotubes labelled with fluorescein-conjugated α-bungarotoxin. The pre-bleach fluorescence distribution is derived, and the image of fluorescein fluorescence is separated from glutaraldehyde-induced autofluorescence on the basis of the spatially resolved average photobleaching decay rate.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the simultaneous recording of confocal lifetime images of multiple fluorophores. The confocal microscope used in the study combines intensity-modulated laser illumination, lock-in detection and spectral separation of the fluorescent light. A theoretical investigation is presented that describes how the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) depends on various factors such as modulation frequency, degree of modulation and number of detected photons. Theory predicts that, compared with ordinary intensity images, lifetime images will have a SNR that is, at best, approximately four times lower. Experimental results are presented that confirm this prediction.  相似文献   

A rapid, robust method for the enumeration of total and viable microorganisms is described. A method using specific stains for viable and total cells and fluorescence light microscopy on membrane filters had been previously developed, but was sub-optimal in that some non-specific staining of the filters occurred and the filters were not flat enough for automatic image analysis methods to be employed, because not all cells in a field of view were in focus simultaneously. A new membrane filter has recently become available: the Anopore? membrane was described by the manufacturers as having a number of properties which would overcome these limitations. These include inorganic construction (giving resistance to solvents), high porosity (giving high flow rates), low surface adsorption (giving low background staining) and inherent hydrophilicity (simplifying wetting with aqueous solutions). Anopore membrane filters were found to produce very high contrast images of bacteria stained with ethidium bromide. Even with a relatively low power (magnification = 40) dry objective, these images could be easily thresholded for image analysis using only grey-level information. The methods developed here are considered to be a suitable basis for a fully automated procedure for the enumeration of total microbial populations.  相似文献   

To examine many of the imaging capabilities of confocal scanning laser microscopes rapidly and reliably over the whole field of view three simple, easily prepared specimens are required: a mirror positioned on a carefully measured shallow gradient, a film of highly fluorescent material and a rectangular grid with a readily defined centre. Using these specimens the adjustment of any combination of confocal scanning laser visualization system and light microscope can be examined throughout the field of view. The effects of misalignment of the various subcomponents of a confocal scanning laser microscope on both the axial spread function of a plane and the shading pattern over the image field are described. Finally, where the design of the confocal optics permits, the three specimens can be used to facilitate the alignment of the various components to the optimal level achievable.  相似文献   

The ability to manipulate the intracellular environment within living cells and to monitor the cytosolic chemical changes which occur during cell stimulation has lead to major advances in our understanding of how cells read and respond to their environment. Perhaps the most powerful suite of techniques for achieving these dual objectives is based on the use of light (photons). Because cells are 'transparent', light has been used to both interrogate and manipulate the chemistry inside living cells, exploiting technical advances in both the physical and biochemical sciences. However, cells are neither transparent nor homogeneous with respect to their optical properties. The interface between light and the living cell cytoplasm thus represent an important, yet largely ignored, interface. There has been no review of the optical properties of cytoplasm and little discussion about how the optical properties of living cytoplasm influence the outcome of such measurements and manipulations. In this short review, we discuss the importance of understanding the optical properties of cytoplasm for such techniques and how imperfections in experimental interpretation can arise.  相似文献   

Frequency-domain fluorescence microscopy with the LED as a light source   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a frequency-domain lifetime fluorometer based on a microscope and a modulated light-emitting diode (LED) excitation source (370/460 nm), which operates in the frequency range 120 Hz–250 MHz. We collected multifrequency phase and modulation fluorescence responses from cellular areas as small as 10–15 µm in diameter. We also collected fluorescence lifetime data from cells stained by a lipophilic coumarin sensitized europium fluorophore, Coum-Eu, with a millisecond lifetime, and Ru(bpy)2phe-C12, with microsecond lifetime. Nanosecond lifetimes from native nuclei stained with SYTO 14 and SYTO 16 probes were measured as well. We demonstrate that a simple LED excitation source can, for many applications, successfully replace complex and expensive laser systems, which have been used for cellular frequency-domain lifetime measurements. As the LEDs are very stable with low noise, it will be possible to image even smaller sample areas using brighter LEDs. With availability of modulated LEDs emitting at several wavelengths covering almost the entire visible spectrum it is easy to assemble a system for the fluorophore of choice. The ability to select an excitation source for a given fluorophore and low price make such an excitation source even more practical.  相似文献   

Spatial resolution and the sensitivity to detect a fluorophore are the two most important optical parameters that characterize a confocal microscope. However, these are rather difficult to estimate quantitatively. We show that fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) provides an easy and reliable measure of these quantities. We modify existing schemes for performing FCS on a commercial confocal microscope to carry out these measurements, and provide an analysis routine that can yield the relevant quantities. Our method does not require any modification of the confocal microscope, yet it yields a robust measure of the resolution and sensitivity of the instrument.  相似文献   

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