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We have developed a novel system for content-based image retrieval in large, unannotated databases. The system is called PicSOM, and it is based on tree structured self-organizing maps (TS-SOMs). Given a set of reference images, PicSOM is able to retrieve another set of images which are similar to the given ones. Each TS-SOM is formed with a different image feature representation like color, texture, or shape. A new technique introduced in PicSOM facilitates automatic combination of responses from multiple TS-SOMs and their hierarchical levels. This mechanism adapts to the user's preferences in selecting which images resemble each other. Thus, the mechanism implements a relevance feedback technique on content-based image retrieval. The image queries are performed through the World Wide Web and the queries are iteratively refined as the system exposes more images to the user.  相似文献   

In order to improve the ability of achieving good performance in self-organizing teams, this paper presents a self-adaptive learning algorithm for team members. Members of the self-organizing teams are simulated by agents. In the virtual self-organizing team, agents adapt their knowledge according to cooperative principles. The self-adaptive learning algorithm is approached to learn from other agents with minimal costs and improve the performance of the self-organizing team. In the algorithm, agents learn how to behave (choose different game strategies) and how much to think about how to behave (choose the learning radius). The virtual team is self-adaptively improved according to the strategies’ ability of generating better quality solutions in the past generations. Six basic experiments are manipulated to prove the validity of the adaptive learning algorithm. It is found that the adaptive learning algorithm often causes agents to converge to optimal actions, based on agents’ continually updated cognitive maps of how actions influence the performance of the virtual self-organizing team. This paper considered the influence of relationships in self-organizing teams over existing works. It is illustrated that the adaptive learning algorithm is beneficial to both the development of self-organizing teams and the performance of the individual agent.  相似文献   

Most combinatorial optimization problems belong to the NP-complete or NP-hard classes, which means that they may require an infeasible processing time to be solved by an exhaustive search method. Thus, less expensive heuristics in respect to the processing time are commonly used. These heuristics can obtain satisfactory solutions in short running times, but there is no guarantee that the optimal solution will be found. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have been widely studied to solve combinatorial problems, presenting encouraging results. This paper proposes some modifications on RABNET-TSP, an immune-inspired self-organizing neural network, for the solution of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The modified algorithm is compared with other neural methods from the literature and the results obtained suggest that the proposed method is competitive in relation to the other ones, outperforming them in many cases with regards to the quality (cost) of the solutions found, though demanding a greater time for convergence in many cases.  相似文献   

Self-organizing fuzzy controllers (SOFCs) have excellent learning capabilities. They have been proposed for the manipulation of active suspension systems. However, it is difficult to select the parameters of an SOFC appropriately, and an SOFC may extensively modify its fuzzy rules during the control process when the parameters selected for it are inappropriate. To eliminate this problem, this study developed a grey-prediction self-organizing fuzzy controller (GPSOFC) for active suspension systems. The GPSOFC introduces a grey-prediction algorithm into an SOFC, in order to pre-correct its fuzzy rules for the control of active suspension systems. This design solves the problem of SOFCs with inappropriately chosen parameters. To evaluate the feasibility of the proposed method, this study applied the GPSOFC to the manipulation of an active hydraulic-servo suspension system, in order to determine its control performance. Experimental results demonstrated that the GPSOFC achieved better control performance than either the SOFC or the passive method of active suspension control.  相似文献   

高大远  祝晓才  胡德文 《控制与决策》2007,22(11):1235-1240
针对基于自组织映射神经网络的非线性函数逼近,研究其方法和原理,指出它与一般前向神经网络在逼近原理上的不同.在此基础上,进一步研究该方法的逼近性能,分析其两个不足之处,进而提出一种提高逼近性能的改进神经网络训练策略.最后通过仿真实例验证了所得结论,表明了改进方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of reduction of self-localization errors in multi-agent autonomous formations when only distance measurements are available to the agents in a globally rigid formation. It is shown that there is a relationship between different selections of anchors, agents with exactly known positions, and the error induced by measurement error on localization solution. This fact is exploited to develop a mechanism to select anchors in order to minimize the effects of inter-agent distance measurement errors on localization solution. Finally, some simulation results are presented to demonstrate the optimal anchor selection for a particular general class of formations, the globally rigid formations.  相似文献   

This paper presents an expert system based on wavelet decomposition and neural network for modeling and simulation of Chua’s circuit which is used for chaos studies. The problems which arise in modeling Chua’s circuit by neural networks are high structural complexity and slow and difficult training. With this proposed method a new solutions is produced to solve these problems. Wavelet decomposition is used for new useful feature extracting from input signal and neural network is used for modeling. Test results of proposed wavelet decomposition and neural network model are compared with test results of neural network model. Desired performance is provided by this new model. Test results showed that the suggested method can be used efficiently for modeling nonlinear dynamical systems.  相似文献   

This article describes the simulation of distributed autonomous robots for search and rescue operations. The simulation system is utilized to perform experiments with various control strategies for the robot team and team organizations, evaluating the comparative performance of the strategies and organizations. The objective of the robot team is to, once deployed in an environment (floor-plan) with multiple rooms, cover as many rooms as possible. The simulated robots are capable of navigation through the environment, and can communicate using simple messages. The simulator maintains the world, provides each robot with sensory information, and carries out the actions of the robots. The simulator keeps track of the rooms visited by robots and the elapsed time, in order to evaluate the performance of the robot teams. The robot teams are composed of homogenous robots, i.e., identical control strategies are used to generate the behavior of each robot in the team. The ability to deploy autonomous robots, as opposed to humans, in hazardous search and rescue missions could provide immeasurable benefits.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the leader-following consensus control problem of stochastic multi-agent systems with hysteresis inputs and nonlinear dynamics. A leader-following consensus scheme is presented for stochastic multi-agent systems directions under directed graphs, which can achieve predefined synchronisation error bounds. By mainly activating an auxiliary robust control component for pulling back the transient escaped from the neural active region, a multi-switching robust neuro adaptive controller in the neural approximation domain, which can achieve globally uniformly ultimately bounded tracking stability of multi-agent systems recently. A specific Nussbaum-type function is introduced to solve the problem of unknown control directions. Using a dynamic surface control technique, distributed consensus controllers are developed to guarantee that the outputs of all followers synchronise with that of the leader with prescribed performance. Based on Lyapunov stability theory, it is proved that all signals in closed-loop systems are uniformly ultimately bounded and all the follower agents can keep consensus with the leader. Two simulation examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness and advantage of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

The growing interest in modular and distributed approaches for the design and control of intelligent manufacturing systems gives rise to new challenges. One of the major challenges that have not yet been well addressed is monitoring and diagnosis in distributed manufacturing systems. In this paper we propose the use of a multi-agent Bayesian framework known as Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks (MSBNs) as the basis for multi-agent distributed diagnosis in modular assembly systems. We use a close-to-industry case study to demonstrate how MSBNs can be used to build component-based Bayesian sub-models, how to verify the resultant models, and how to compile the multi-agent models into runtime structures to allow consistent multi-agent belief update and inference.  相似文献   

This work is part of an investigation aimed at applying the tools of control theory to gain a deeper understanding of the behaviour and attitudes that develop in individuals and in groups of people, with the goal of ultimately controlling the relevant psychological dynamics. The present treatment investigates an approach to stabilise one-dimensional crowds, that is, structures where people are aligned in a queue. The psychological dynamics considered here are based on the notion of suggestibility put forth by Gustave Le Bon. Control action is carried out by certain authoritative figures, termed control agents, who are interspersed throughout the crowd in some predetermined arrangement, subject to one control agent being positioned at one end of the queue. The main result of this paper is the existence of a state-feedback control law for each control agent that, possibly with some communication among control agents, stabilises the crowd. Advantages of employing multiple control agents instead of a single control agent are highlighted, and, throughout, the main stabilisation results are verified using simulations. Finally, the possibility of extending the control strategy to two-dimensional crowds is briefly explored.  相似文献   

In the face of speedy revolution of high technology, the advanced technology becomes one of the key drivers to enhance productivity in a firm or even in a country. In order to compete in the global environment, the ability and effectiveness of acquiring new technology are essential for firms, especially for the traditional machinery industry. In Taiwan, the societal structure is built on the foundation of Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Thus most new technologies need and depend on the technology transfer (TT) from international firms and research institutes. Due to the complicity of influential factors of TT, such as industrial feature (IF), organizational feature (OF), personnel feature (PF) and technological feature (TF), difficulties are encountered in evaluating the effectiveness of TT. This study develops a rule-based decision support mechanism using fuzzy set theory and the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate the effectiveness of TT. Also, a statistic analysis (Statistics Package for Social Science, SPSS) is adopted to confirm the results of fuzzy AHP analysis. This study finds that prior successful TT experience, workers’ positive attitude, proper authorization, and more codification exist in a novel technology are highly influential. Those factors are important in concern when a firm launching TT. Furthermore, firms’ age and personnel educational background are regardless.  相似文献   

Debugging complex software systems by means of pathfinder networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper introduces a new methodology based on the use of Pathfinder networks (PFNETs) for the debugging of multi-agent systems (MASs). This methodology is specifically designed to develop a forensic analysis (i.e. a debugging process performed on previously recorded data of the MAS run) of MASs showing complex tissues of relationships between agents (i.e. a high complexity in their social level). Like previous works in the field of forensic analysis of MASs, our approach is performed by considering displays of the system activity which aim to be understandable by human beings. These displays allow us to understand the social behavior of the system, discover emergent behaviors, and debug possible undesirable behaviors. However, it is well known that the visualization of information in a humanly comprehensible way becomes a complex task when large amounts of information have to be represented, as is the case of the social behavior of large-scale MASs. Our methodology tackles this problem through the use of PFNETs, which are considered to reduce the data complexity in order to obtain simple representations that show only the most important global interactions in the system. In addition, the proposed methodology is customizable thanks to the use of two thresholds allowing the user to define the desired specificity level in the display. The proposal is illustrated with a detailed case study considering a complex customer-seller MAS.  相似文献   

Abstract: The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between different small ruminant livestock production systems with different levels of specialization. The analysis is carried out by using the self-organizing map. This tool allows high-dimensional input spaces to be mapped into much lower-dimensional spaces, thus making it much more straightforward to understand any set of data. These representations enable the visual extraction of qualitative relationships among variables (visual data mining), converting the data to maps. The data used in this study were obtained from surveys completed by farmers who are principally dedicated to goat and sheep production. With the self-organizing map we found a relationship between qualitative and quantitative variables showing that more specialized farms have greater milk incomes per goat, highlighting farms that have a greater number of animals, better facilities (including milking machines) or animals fed with elaborated diets. The use of self-organizing maps for the analysis of this kind of data has proven to be highly valuable in extracting qualitative conclusions and in guiding improvements in farm performance.  相似文献   

User’s knowledge requirement acquisition and analysis are very important for a personalized or user-adaptive learning system. Two approaches to capture user’s knowledge requirement about course content within an e-learning system are proposed and implemented in this paper. The first approach is based on the historical data accumulated by an interactive question-answering process. The association space is proposed to record and formalize the historical interactive information which is used to compute user’s knowledge requirement. The second approach is based on user’s reading behavior logs in the process of reading e-documents. User’s reading actions including underline, highlight, circle, annotation and bookmark, are used to compute user’s knowledge requirement. Two experiments are conducted to implement the two proposed approaches and acquire the user’s knowledge requirement. The evaluation results show that the user models computed by two approaches are consistent and can reflect user’s real knowledge requirements accurately.  相似文献   

The self-organizing map (SOM) network, an unsupervised neural computing network, is a categorization network developed by Kohonen. The SOM network was designed for solving problems that involve tasks such as clustering, visualization, and abstraction. In this study, we apply the clustering and visualization capabilities of SOM to group and plot the top 79 MBA schools as ranked by US News and World Report (USN&WR) into a two-dimensional map with four segments. The map should assist prospective students in searching for the MBA programs that best meet their personal requirements. Comparative analysis with the outputs from two popular clustering techniques K-means analysis and a two-step Factor analysis/K-means procedure are also included.  相似文献   

Weblogs are dynamic websites updated via easy-to-use content management systems and organized as a set of chronologically ordered stories, frequently built around a link or including links to other weblogs. Since they are managed by individuals, their links tend to mirror or, in some cases, establish new types of social relations, thereby creating a social network. Studying the evolution of this network allows the discovery of emerging social structures and their growth trends. In this paper, we demonstrate the advantages of using the self-organizing maps (SOM) to visualize the evolution of a social network formed by a set of blogs, from their beginning to their current state. By observing the position a weblog is mapped to, it is easy to see what communities it belongs to nowadays, and how and when it became a part of those communities. The proposed procedure gives some insight on how communities are formed and have evolved. In this study, we apply this method to Blogalia, a blog-hosting site from which we have obtained a complete set of data and, by using SOM projections, we have drawn some conclusions on what drives the evolution of its implicit social network.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose definitions of strong controllability and extendibility for discrete multidimensional behaviors. After characterizing extendibility in algebraic terms, we show that strong controllability is equivalent to simultaneous controllability and extendibility, thus obtaining an algebraic characterization for that property.  相似文献   

The present work proposes a new approach to the nonlinear observer design problem. Based on the early ideas that influenced the development of the linear Luenberger observer theory, the proposed approach develops a nonlinear analogue. The formulation of the observer design problem is realized via a system of singular first-order linear PDEs, and a rather general set of necessary and sufficient conditions for solvability is derived by using Lyapunov’s auxiliary theorem. The solution to the above system of PDEs is locally analytic and this enables the development of a series solution method, that is easily programmable with the aid of a symbolic software package.  相似文献   

Debugging an expert system is virtually unfeasible without explanation facilities, especially in the case of probabilistic expert systems, whose way of reasoning is completely different from that of human experts. Unfortunately, almost currently available tools for building probabilistic graphical models offer no explanation facility. This paper shows how the explanation capabilities provided by Elvira, a software tool for editing and evaluating probabilistic graphical models, have helped us in the debugging of two medical Bayesian networks: Prostanet, for the diagnosis of prostate cancer, and hepar ii, for liver disorders.  相似文献   

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