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Solid fuel burning cookstoves are a major source of household air pollution (HAP) and a significant environmental health risk in Sri Lanka. We report results of the first field study in Sri Lanka to include direct measurements of both real‐time indoor concentrations and personal exposures of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in households using the two most common stove types in Sri Lanka. A purposive sample of 53 households was selected in the rural community of Kopiwatta in central Sri Lanka, roughly balanced for stove type (traditional or improved ‘Anagi’) and ventilation (chimney present or absent). At each household, 48‐h continuous real‐time measurements of indoor kitchen PM2.5 and personal (primary cook) PM2.5 concentrations were measured using the RTI MicroPEM? personal exposure monitor. Questionnaires were used to collect data related to household demographics, characteristics, and self‐reported health symptoms. All primary cooks were female and of an average age of 47 years, with 66% having completed primary education. Median income was slightly over half the national median monthly income. Use of Anagi stoves was positively associated with a higher education level of the primary cook (P = 0.026), although not associated with household income (P = 0.18). The MicroPEM monitors were well‐received by participants, and this study's valid data capture rate exceeded 97%. Participant wearing compliance during waking hours was on average 87.2% on Day 1 and 83.3% on Day 2. Periods of non‐compliance occurred solely during non‐cooking times. The measured median 48‐h average indoor PM2.5 concentration for households with Anagi stoves was 64 μg/m3 if a chimney was present and 181 μg/m3 if not. For households using traditional stoves, these values were 70 μg/m3 if a chimney was present and 371 μg/m3 if not. Overall, measured indoor PM2.5 concentrations ranged from a minimum of 33 μg/m3 to a maximum of 940 μg/m3, while personal exposure concentrations ranged from 34 to 522 μg/m3. Linear mixed effects modeling of the dependence of indoor concentrations on stove type and presence or absence of chimney showed a significant chimney effect (65% reduction; P < 0.001) and an almost significant stove effect (24% reduction; P = 0.054). Primary cooks in households without chimneys were exposed to substantially higher levels of HAP than those in households with chimneys, while exposures in households with traditional stoves were moderately higher than those with improved Anagi stoves. As expected, simultaneously measuring both indoor concentrations and personal exposure levels indicate significant exposure misclassification bias will likely result from the use of a stationary monitor as a proxy for personal exposure. While personal exposure monitoring is more complex and expensive than deploying simple stationary devices, the value an active personal PM monitor like the MicroPEM adds to an exposure study should be considered in future study designs.  相似文献   

Low birthweight contributes to as many as 60% of all neonatal deaths; exposure during pregnancy to household air pollution has been implicated as a risk factor. Between 2011 and 2013, we measured personal exposures to carbon monoxide (CO) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in 239 pregnant women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. CO and PM2.5 exposures during pregnancy were moderately high (geometric means 2.0 ppm and 40.5 μg/m3); 87% of PM2.5 measurements exceeded WHO air quality guidelines. Median and high (75th centile) CO exposures were increased for those cooking with charcoal and kerosene versus kerosene alone in quantile regression. High PM2.5 exposures were increased with charcoal use. Outdoor cooking reduced median PM2.5 exposures. For PM2.5, we observed a 0.15 kg reduction in birthweight per interquartile increase in exposure (23.0 μg/m3) in multivariable linear regression; this finding was of borderline statistical significance (95% confidence interval 0.30, 0.00 kg; P = 0.05). PM2.5 was not significantly associated with birth length or head circumference nor were CO exposures associated with newborn anthropometrics. Our findings contribute to the evidence that exposure to household air pollution, and specifically fine particulate matter, may adversely affect birthweight.  相似文献   

Indoor air pollution (IAP) from domestic biomass combustion is an important health risk factor, yet direct measurements of personal IAP exposure are scarce. We measured 24-h integrated gravimetric exposure to particles < 2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter (particulate matter, PM?.?) in 280 adult women and 240 children in rural Yunnan, China. We also measured indoor PM?.? concentrations in a random sample of 44 kitchens. The geometric mean winter PM?.? exposure among adult women was twice that of summer exposure [117 μg/m3 (95% CI: 107, 128) vs. 55 μg/m3 (95% CI: 49, 62)]. Children's geometric mean exposure in summer was 53 μg/m3 (95% CI: 46, 61). Indoor PM?.? concentrations were moderately correlated with women's personal exposure (r=0.58), but not for children. Ventilation during cooking, cookstove maintenance, and kitchen structure were significant predictors of personal PM?.? exposure among women primarily cooking with biomass. These findings can be used to develop exposure assessment models for future epidemiologic research and inform interventions and policies aimed at reducing IAP exposure. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Our results suggest that reducing overall PM pollution exposure in this population may be best achieved by reducing winter exposure. Behavioral interventions such as increasing ventilation during cooking or encouraging stove cleaning and maintenance may help achieve these reductions.  相似文献   

The Danshuei Estuary is distinctive for the relatively short residence time (1-2 d) of its estuarine water and the very high concentration of ammonia, which is the dominant species of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in the estuary, except near the river mouth. These characteristics make the dynamics of nitrogen cycling distinctively different from previously studied estuaries and result in unusual isotopic compositions of particulate nitrogen (PN). The delta(15)N(PN) values ranging from -16.4 per thousand to 3.8 per thousand lie in the lower end of nitrogen isotopic compositions (-16.4 to +18.7 per thousand) of suspended particulate matter observed in estuaries, while the delta(13)C values of particulate organic carbon (POC) and the C/N (organic carbon to nitrogen) ratios showed rather normal ranges from -25.5 per thousand to -19.0 per thousand and from 6.0 to 11.3, respectively. There were three major types of particulate organic matter (POM) in the estuary: natural terrigenous materials consisting mainly of soils and bedrock-derived sediments, anthropogenic wastes and autochthonous materials from the aquatic system. During the typhoon induced flood period in August 2000, the flux-weighted mean of delta(13)C(POC) values was -24.4 per thousand, that of delta(15)N(PN) values was +2.3 per thousand and that of C/N ratio was 9.3. During non-typhoon periods, the concentration-weighted mean was -23.6 per thousand for delta(13)C(POC), -2.6 per thousand for delta(15)N(PN) and 8.0 for C/N ratio. From the distribution of delta(15)N(PN) values of highly polluted estuarine waters, we identified the waste-dominated samples and calculated their mean properties: delta(13)C(POC) value of -23.6+/-0.7 per thousand, delta(15)N(PN) value of -3.0+/-0.1 per thousand and C/N ratio of 8.0+/-1.4. Using a three end-member mixing model based on delta(15)N(PN) values and C/N ratios, we calculated contributions of the three major allochthonous sources of POC, namely, wastes, soils and bedrock-derived sediments, to the estuary. Their contributions were, respectively, 83%, 12% and 5% under non-typhoon conditions, and 9%, 63% and 28% under typhoon conditions. The autochthonous POM had the most varied isotopic compositions, encompassing the full ranges of delta(13)C(POC) (-25.5 to -19.1 per thousand), delta(15)N(PN) (-16.4-3.8 per thousand) and C/N ratio (6.0-11.3). The heavy end of the carbon isotopic composition reflected the typical marine condition and the lower end the estuarine condition, which probably had elevated concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon with low delta(13)C values due to input from decomposition of organic matter. The lack of isotopically heavy PN, as found in larger estuaries, was attributed to isotopically light starting materials, namely, anthropogenic wastes, the slow phytoplankton growth within the estuary and the rather short residence time; the latter two factors made (15)N enrichment during ammonia consumption very limited. The most isotopically light PN likely originated from phytoplankton incorporating (15)N-depleted nitrate near the river mouth, where ammonia inhibition of nitrate uptake probably stopped.  相似文献   

The impact of an improved wood burning stove (Patsari) in reducing personal exposures and indoor concentrations of particulate matter (PM(2.5)) and carbon monoxide (CO) was evaluated in 60 homes in a rural community of Michoacan, Mexico. Average PM(2.5) 24-h personal exposure was 0.29 mg/m(3) and mean 48-h kitchen concentration was 1.269 mg/m(3) for participating women using the traditional open fire (fogon). If these concentrations are typical of rural conditions in Mexico, a large fraction of the population is chronically exposed to levels of pollution far higher than ambient concentrations found by the Mexican government to be harmful to human health. Installation of an improved Patsari stove in these homes resulted in 74% reduction in median 48-h PM(2.5) concentrations in kitchens and 35% reduction in median 24-h PM(2.5) personal exposures. Corresponding reductions in CO were 77% and 78% for median 48-h kitchen concentrations and median 24-h personal exposures, respectively. The relationship between reductions in median kitchen concentrations and reductions in median personal exposures not only changed for different pollutants, but also differed between traditional and improved stove type, and by stove adoption category. If these reductions are typical, significant bias in the relationship between reductions in particle concentrations and reductions in health impacts may result, if reductions in kitchen concentrations are used as a proxy for personal exposure reductions when evaluating stove interventions. In addition, personal exposure reductions for CO may not reflect similar reductions for PM(2.5). This implies that PM(2.5) personal exposure measurements should be collected or indoor measurements should be combined with better time-activity estimates, which would more accurately reflect the contributions of indoor concentrations to personal exposures. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Installation of improved cookstoves may result in significant reductions in indoor concentrations of carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)), with concurrent but lower reductions in personal exposures. Significant errors may result if reductions in kitchen concentrations are used as a proxy for personal exposure reductions when evaluating stove interventions in epidemiological investigations. Similarly, time microenvironment activity models in these rural homes do not provide robust estimates of individual exposures due to the large spatial heterogeneity in pollutant concentrations and the lack of resolution of time activity diaries to capture movement through these microenvironments.  相似文献   



The 2006 World Health Organization Air Quality Guidelines recommend using particulate matter having a diameter of under 2.5 micra (PM2.5) rather than PM10 as an indicator of air particle concentration, a pattern followed by new European directives. Nevertheless, few studies have analysed this new indicator's impact at a European level on daily mortality among a high-risk group, such as persons aged over 75 years.


This study sought to analyse and quantify the effect of PM2.5 on daily cause-specific mortality among the over-75 age group in the city of Madrid.


Using Poisson regression with Generalized Additive Models (GAM), a longitudinal, ecological time-series study examined the following causes of death: all causes except accidents (International Classification of Diseases-9th revision (ICD 9): 1-799); circulatory causes (ICD 9: 390-459); and respiratory causes (ICD 9: 460-519). These were adjusted for other chemical, biotic and acoustic pollutants. Further control variables considered were: trend; seasonality; influenza epidemics; and autocorrelation between mortality series.


A significant statistical association was detected between daily mean PM2.5 particle concentrations and all-cause mortality in the city of Madrid. This association was not in evidence for PM10 concentrations. The Relative Risks found for an increase of 25 µg/m3 in PM2.5 concentrations were as follows: all-cause mortality, 1.057 (1.025-1.088); circulatory-cause mortality, 1.088 (1.041-1.135); and respiratory-cause mortality, 1.122 (1.056-1.189). The Attributable Risks were 5.41%, 8.12% and 10.90% respectively. This effect was observed in the short term (lags 1-2).


Our results indicate a strong impact of PM2.5 concentrations on daily mortality among the over-75 age group in Madrid, and underscore the need for measures aimed at lowering the concentration levels of this primary air pollutant in large cities, particularly by reducing motor vehicle traffic, the main source of such pollutant emission in urban atmospheres.  相似文献   

Assessment of personal exposure to PM2.5 is critical for understanding intervention effectiveness and exposure-response relationships in household air pollution studies. In this pilot study, we compared PM2.5 concentrations obtained from two next-generation personal exposure monitors (the Enhanced Children MicroPEM or ECM; and the Ultrasonic Personal Air Sampler or UPAS) to those obtained with a traditional Triplex Cyclone and SKC Air Pump (a gravimetric cyclone/pump sampler). We co-located cyclone/pumps with an ECM and UPAS to obtain 24-hour kitchen concentrations and personal exposure measurements. We measured Spearmen correlations and evaluated agreement using the Bland-Altman method. We obtained 215 filters from 72 ECM and 71 UPAS co-locations. Overall, the ECM and the UPAS had similar correlation (ECM ρ = 0.91 vs UPAS ρ = 0.88) and agreement (ECM mean difference of 121.7 µg/m3 vs UPAS mean difference of 93.9 µg/m3) with overlapping confidence intervals when compared against the cyclone/pump. When adjusted for the limit of detection, agreement between the devices and the cyclone/pump was also similar for all samples (ECM mean difference of 68.8 µg/m3 vs UPAS mean difference of 65.4 µg/m3) and personal exposure samples (ECM mean difference of −3.8 µg/m3 vs UPAS mean difference of −12.9 µg/m3). Both the ECM and UPAS produced comparable measurements when compared against a cyclone/pump setup.  相似文献   

Potential health risks may result from environmental exposure to ultrafine particles (UFP), i.e., those smaller than 0.1 μm in diameter. One important exposure setting that has received relatively little attention is school classrooms. We made time-resolved, continuous measurements of particle number (PN) concentrations for 2-4 school days per site (18 days total) inside and outside of six classrooms in northern California during normal occupancy and use. Additional time-resolved information was gathered on ventilation conditions, occupancy, and classroom activity. Across the six classrooms, average indoor PN concentrations when students were present were 5200-16,500/cm(3) (overall average 10,800/cm(3)); corresponding outdoor concentrations were 9000-26,000/cm(3) (overall average 18,100/cm(3)). Average indoor levels were higher when classrooms were occupied than when they were unoccupied because of higher outdoor concentrations and higher ventilation rates during occupancy. In these classrooms, PN exposures appear to be primarily attributable to outdoor sources. Indoor emission sources (candle use, cooking on an electric griddle, use of a heater, use of terpene-containing cleaning products) were seen to affect indoor PN concentrations only in a few instances. The daily-integrated exposure of students in these six classrooms averaged 52,000/cm(3) h/day for the 18 days monitored. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This study provides data and insight concerning the UFP exposure levels children may encounter within classrooms and the factors that most significantly affect these levels in an urban area in northern California. This information can serve as a basis to guide further study of children's UFP exposure and the potential associated health risks.  相似文献   

台湾省在上世纪60年代与90年代之间历经快速城市化与国民经济大幅增长,其城市土地利用模式呈现高密度、形态紧凑、产业集中、功能混用等紧凑特征,与大陆城市的粗放蔓延模式明显不同。本文回顾了台湾城市化发展历史,分析了促进台湾城市紧凑发展的因素,包括土地改革、土地管制、基础设施建设等,并进一步分析城市规划政策与法规如何引导城市紧凑发展,最后总结出台湾城市紧凑发展的经验教训与大陆快速城镇化过程需要关注的几个问题。  相似文献   

Indoor air pollution from the combustion of traditional biomass fuels (wood, cow dung, and crop wastes) is a significant public health problem predominantly for poor populations in many developing countries. It is particularly problematic for the women who are normally responsible for food preparation and cooking, and for infants/young children who spend time around their mothers near the cooking area. Airborne particulate matter (PM) samples were collected from cooking and living areas in homes in a rural area of Bangladesh to investigate the impact of fuel use, kitchen configurations, and ventilation on indoor air quality and to apportion the source contributions of the measured trace metals and BC concentrations. Lower PM concentrations were observed when liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) was used for cooking. PM concentrations varied significantly depending on the position of kitchen, fuel use and ventilation rates. From reconstructed mass (RCM) calculations, it was found that the major constituent of the PM was carbonaceous matter. Soil and smoke were identified as components from elemental composition data. It was also found that some kitchen configurations have lower PM concentrations than others even with the use of low-grade biomass fuels. Adoption of these kitchen configurations would be a cost-effective approach in reducing exposures from cooking in these rural areas.  相似文献   

Maintenance of good indoor air quality for residences could be very challenging. Episodic event such as cooking emits a large amount of ultrafine and supermicron particles. A numerical model is used to simulate a 10-min cooking process in a real room, followed by a few more minutes to allow the decay and removal of particles. Particle dispersion and deposition in the kitchen and the living room are simulated by a new drift-flux model. Strong buoyancy flow is observed and particle concentration is significantly affected by the thermal plume. Results show that for supermicron particles strong non-uniformity of concentration is observed in the kitchen but the non-uniformity is less obvious in the living room. Exposure analysis must take into account the influence of the particle sizes.  相似文献   

The nature of spatial variation in the relationship between air pollution and health outcomes within a city remains an open and important question. This study investigated the spatial variability of particle matter air pollution and its association with respiratory emergency hospital admissions across six geographic areas in Brisbane, Australia. Data on particles of 10 microm or less in aerodynamic diameter per cubic metre (PM10), meteorological conditions, and daily respiratory emergency hospital admissions were obtained for the period of 1 January 1998 to 31 December 2001. A Poisson generalised linear model was used to estimate the specific effects of PM10 on respiratory emergency hospital admissions for each geographic area. A pooled effect of PM10 was then estimated using a meta-analysis approach for the whole city. The results of this study indicate that the magnitude of the association between particulate matter and respiratory emergency hospital admissions varied across different geographic areas in Brisbane. This relationship appeared to be stronger in areas with heavy traffic. We found an overall increase of 4.0% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.1-6.9%) in respiratory emergency hospital admissions associated with an increase of 10 microg /m3 in PM10 in the single pollutant model. The association was weaker but still statistically significant (an increase of 2.6%; 95% CI: 1.0-5.5%) after adjusting for O3, but did not appear to be affected by NO2. The effect estimates of PM10 were generally consistent for three spatial methods used in this study, but appeared to be underestimated if the spatial nature of the data was ignored. Therefore, the spatial variation in the relationship between PM10 and health outcomes needs to be considered when the health impact of air pollution is assessed, particularly for big cities.  相似文献   

A speed limit of 80 km/h with “strict enforcement” has been introduced in 2005 on zones of urban motorways in The Netherlands with the aim to improve air quality of NO2 and PM10 along these motorways. Strict enforcement means speed control by camera surveillance over the whole trajectory of 2-4 km combined with licence plate recognition and automatic fining in case of exceeding the speed limit. Traffic data measured in Rotterdam and Amsterdam at the zones without and with speed management showed that traffic dynamics have been significantly reduced as a result of speed management with strict enforcement. Reduction of traffic dynamics results in more free-flowing traffic with relatively less NOx and exhaust PM10 emissions compared to congested traffic, i.e., stop-and-go traffic.The actual effect on NOx and PM10 emissions at these speed management zones was studied in the cities Rotterdam and Amsterdam. The study was performed in two different ways: firstly by measurements and by modelling the contribution to NOx and PM10 concentrations on both sides of the motorways, and secondly by estimating the change in traffic dynamics and the effect on emissions. From the results of both approaches in this study, it was concluded that in our case study in the Netherlands emission reduction by speed management is in the range of 5-30% for NOx and 5-25% for PM10. Actual emission reductions by speed management at a specific motorway mainly depend on the ratio of congested traffic prior and after implementation of speed management. The larger this ratio, the larger is the relative emission reduction. The impact on air quality of 80 km/h for NOx and PM10 is largest on motorways with a high fraction of heavy-duty vehicles.  相似文献   

With the worlds population becoming increasingly focused on coastal locations there is a need to better understand the interactions between anthropogenic emissions and marine atmospheres. Herein an atmospheric chemistry-transport model is used to assess the impacts of sea-spray chemistry on the particle composition in and downwind of a coastal city--Vancouver, British Columbia. It is shown that the model can reasonably represent the average features of the gas phase and particle climate relative to in situ measurements. It is further demonstrated that reactions in/on sea-spray affect the entire particle ensemble and particularly the size distribution of particle nitrate, but that the importance of these heterogeneous reactions is critically dependent on both the initial vertical profile of sea spray and the sea-spray source functions. The results emphasize the need for improved understanding of sea spray production and dispersion and further that model analyses of air quality in coastal cities conducted without inclusion of sea-spray interactions may yield mis-leading results in terms of emission sensitivities of particle composition and concentrations.  相似文献   

Application of land use regression to regulatory air quality data in Japan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A land use regression (LUR) model has been used successfully for predicting traffic-related pollutants, although its application has been limited to Europe and North America. Therefore, we modeled traffic-related pollutants by LUR then examined whether LUR models could be constructed using a regulatory monitoring network in Shizuoka, Japan. We used the annual-mean nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations between April 2000 and March 2006 in the study area. SPM accounts for particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 8 μm (PM8). Geographic variables that are considered to predict traffic-related pollutants were classified into four groups: road type, traffic intensity, land use, and physical component. Using geographical variables, we then constructed a model to predict the monitored levels of NO2 and SPM. The mean concentrations of NO2 and SPM were 35.75 μg/m3 (standard deviation of 11.28) and 28.67 μg/m3 (standard deviation of 4.73), respectively. The final regression model for the NO2 concentration included five independent variables. R2 for the NO2 model was 0.54. On the other hand, the regression model for the SPM concentration included only one independent variable. R2 for the SPM model was quite low (R2 = 0.11). The present study showed that even if we used regulatory monitoring air quality data, we could estimate NO2 moderately well. This result could encourage the wide use of LUR models in Asian countries.  相似文献   

Park E  Lee K 《Indoor air》2003,13(3):253-259
Biomass fuel is the most common energy source for cooking and space heating in developing countries. Biomass fuel combustion causes high levels of indoor air pollutants including particulates and other combustion by-products. We measured indoor air quality in 23 houses with a wood burning stove in rural residential areas of Costa Rica. Daily PM2.5, PM10 and CO concentrations, and particle size distribution were simultaneously measured in the kitchen. When a wood burning stove was used during the monitoring period, average daily PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations were 44 and 132 microg/m3, respectively. Average CO concentrations were between 0.5 and 3.3 ppm. All houses had a particle size distribution of either one or two peaks at around 0.7 and 2.5 microm aerodynamic diameters. The particulate levels increased rapidly during cooking and decreased quickly after cooking. The maximum peak particulate levels ranged from 310 to 8170 microg/m3 for PM2.5 and from 500 to 18900 microg/m3 for PM10 in all houses. Although the 24-h particulate levels in this study are lower than the National Ambient Air Quality Standards of PM2.5 and PM10, it is important to note that people, especially women and children, are exposed to extremely high levels of particulates during cooking.  相似文献   

The risk of tobacco smoking and second‐hand smoke (SHS) exposure combined are the leading contributors to disease burden in high‐income countries. Recent studies and policies are focusing on reducing exposure to SHS in multiunit housing (MUH), especially public housing. We examined seasonal patterns of SHS levels within indoor common areas located on Boston Housing Authority (BHA) properties. We measured weekly integrated and continuous fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and passive airborne nicotine in six buildings of varying building and occupant characteristics in summer 2012 and winter 2013. The average weekly indoor PM2.5 concentration across all six developments was 9.2 μg/m3, higher during winter monitoring period (10.3 μg/m3) compared with summer (8.0 μg/m3). Airborne nicotine concentrations ranged from no detection to about 5000 ng/m3 (mean 311 ng/m3). Nicotine levels were significantly higher in the winter compared with summer (620 vs. 85 ng/m3; 95% CI: 72–998). Smoking‐related exposures within Boston public housing vary by season, building types, and resident smoking policy. Our results represent exposure disparities that may contribute to health disparities in low‐income communities and highlight the potential importance of efforts to mitigate SHS exposures during winter when outdoor–indoor exchange rates are low and smokers may tend to stay indoors. Our findings support the use of smoke‐free policy as an effective tool to eliminate SHS exposure and protect non‐smokers, especially residents of MUH.  相似文献   

Ultrafine particles (UFP, diameter < 100 nm) are very likely to negatively affect human health, as underlined by some epidemiological studies. Unfortunately, further investigation and monitoring are hindered by the high cost involved in measuring these UFP. Therefore we investigated the possibility to correlate UFP counts with data coming from low-cost sensors, most notably noise sensors. Analyses are based on an experiment where UFP counts, noise levels, traffic counts, nitrogen oxide (NO, NO2 and their combination NOx) concentrations, and meteorological data were collected simultaneously in a street canyon with a traffic intensity of 3200 vehicles/day, over a 3-week period during summer. Previous reports that NOx concentrations could be used as a proxy to UFP monitoring were verified in our setup. Traffic intensity or noise level data were found to correlate with UFP to a lesser degree than NOx did. This can be explained by the important influence of meteorological conditions (mainly wind and humidity), influencing UFP dynamics. Although correlations remain moderate, sound levels are more correlated to UFP in the 20-30 nm range. The particles in this size range have indeed rather short atmospheric residence times, and are thus more closely short-term traffic-related. Finally, the UFP estimates were significantly improved by grouping data with similar relative humidity and wind conditions. By doing this, we were able to devise noise indicators that correlate moderately with total particle counts, reaching a Spearman correlation of R = 0.62. Prediction with noise indicators is even comparable to the more-expensive-to-measure NOx for the smallest UFP, showing the potential of using microphones to estimate UFP counts.  相似文献   

A proper selection of route through the urban area may significantly reduce the air pollution exposure. This is the main conclusion from the presented study. Air pollution exposure is determined for two selected cohorts along the route going from home to working place, and back from working place to home. Exposure is determined with a street pollution model for three scenarios: bicycling along the shortest possible route, bicycling along the low exposure route along less trafficked streets, and finally taking the shortest trip using public transport. Furthermore, calculations are performed for the cases the trip takes place inside as well as outside the traffic rush hours. The results show that the accumulated air pollution exposure for the low exposure route is between 10% and 30% lower for the primary pollutants (NO(x) and CO). However, the difference is insignificant and in some cases even negative for the secondary pollutants (NO(2) and PM(10)/PM(2.5)). Considering only the contribution from traffic in the travelled streets, the accumulated air pollution exposure is between 54% and 67% lower for the low exposure route. The bus is generally following highly trafficked streets, and the accumulated exposure along the bus route is therefore between 79% and 115% higher than the high exposure bicycle route (the short bicycle route). Travelling outside the rush hour time periods reduces the accumulated exposure between 10% and 30% for the primary pollutants, and between 5% and 20% for the secondary pollutants. The study indicates that a web based route planner for selecting the low exposure route through the city might be a good service for the public. In addition the public may be advised to travel outside rush hour time periods.  相似文献   

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