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目的 流体模拟方法中的基于旋度的模拟方法相比于基于速度的模拟方法,能提供较多细节,但是通常难以处理不同的边界条件,比如固体边界和自由表面,而且通常难以保证模拟的稳定性。本文的目的就是为了解决基于旋度的模拟方法的边界问题和稳定性问题。方法 提出一种交错网格结构,在这种网格结构下,旋度分量被错开放置在每个网格的棱的中心点。利用这种网格离散格式,提出了几种修改求解速度场方程组的策略,以应对不同的边界条件。结果 给出多种场景下的流体模拟结果图,以及几种场景下的总动能变化图和时间效率表。结果显示,本文方法能够处理好不同边界条件,并保持模拟的稳定性。结论 本文提出了一种新的涡粒子流体模拟方法,该方法利用一种交错网格结构辅助模拟,在这种新的网格离散格式下,该方法解决了基于旋度的模拟方法的边界问题和稳定性问题。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)来模拟不可压缩流体的有效方法.传统的SPH方法是针对可压缩流体设计的,而该方法是传统SPH方法的一个扩展.提出了一种新的可以满足不可压缩性的压强计算方法,讨论了压力和粘性力的新型计算方法.实验结果表明,提出的方法与以前的方法相比,能够更真实地模拟不可压缩流体.  相似文献   

基于光滑粒子方法的水流数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来基于光滑粒子流体动力学(Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics,SPH)方法的流体模拟成为计算流体力学领域的一个研究热点,由于该方法计算空间导数时不需要使用网格,从而避免了高维拉氏差分网格法中的网格缠结和扭曲,在处理冲击和大变形同题方面具有优越性.对液滴坠人装有液体的方形容器这一具有挑战性水流现象进行了模拟.模捌结果表明,该方法能够模拟液滴与液面碰撞、破碎、融合等水流现象,也能表现出水流飞溅、卷曲等复杂的自由表面特征.  相似文献   

传统SPH流体模拟方法通常使用固定的粒子光滑长度进行插值计算,在某些情况下会导致较大的插值误差。为提升模拟精度,建立了粒子光滑长度与邻居粒子密度调和平均数间的关系,自适应调整粒子的光滑长度,并设计和定义了相应的邻居搜索方案和核函数以解决受力不对称的问题。经实验验证,粒子邻居数方差有效降低,解决了传统SPH支持域固定导致的粒子插值误差过大的问题,使仿真结果更接近物理事实。同时由于物理计算精度的提高,模拟稳定性得到增强,可使用更大的时间步长,有效提升了模拟速度。最终,相比其他方法在视觉质量和模拟速度上均具有一定优势。  相似文献   

一种新的基于区域的图像检索方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文提出了一种新的基于区域的图像检索方法。与传统的基于区域的检索方法相比,论文从组成目标对象的基本结构角度出发分割图像,利用少量色彩等级更易描述对象主要构成的特性提取一组能够描述对象基本组成的区域序列。采用这些区域列的面积作为图像特征,用于图像检索。实验表明,该算法简单但非常有效,而且对图像的旋转、尺度变化具有良好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

一种基于粒子的牛顿流体与粘弹性流体统一模拟方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在越来越受到人们关注的基于物理流体动画领域,目前分别模拟牛顿流体或粘弹性流体的方法很多,但很少有统一模拟两者的方法.文中基于光滑粒子流体动力学方法,通过对传统纳维-斯托克斯方程添加弹性应力项,提出了一种新的统一模拟牛顿流体和粘弹性流体的方法.通过实验说明该方法不仅有效,易于实现,而且具有良好的可控性,仅仅通过调节参数就可以模拟不同粘弹性、不同类型的流体现象.  相似文献   

为了在几何表示层面捕获拉格朗日粒子流体的表面细节特征以进行真实感绘制,提 出一种高效的基于八叉树的自适应流体表面重建方法。首先进行流体表面粒子的精确检测;然后 根据结点中是否包含流体表面粒子,对流体粒子的包围盒进行基于八叉树的自适应剖分;最后只 在包含流体表面粒子的叶子结点里建立隐式距离场。该方法在流体表面重建过程中的内存消耗和 计算复杂度只取决于流体表面而不是流体体积,适合大规模粒子流体场景的表面提取和绘制。  相似文献   

刘峨  杨群生 《微计算机信息》2007,23(18):302-303,226
基于区域的图像检索大都是利用各个区域的高频部分来直接代表图像的纹理特征,这种算法可能会导致诸如纹理平移等现象,增大图像的距离度量的误差,降低了检索的精度.本文提出了一种基于高阶微分的纹理特征选取算法,有效地解决了这类问题.另外,本文对Meanshift分割算法进行了改进,减小了由于区域吞噬而带来的颜色度量的误差.实验结果表明这种方法是有效的.  相似文献   

针对高密度比多相流体模拟中存在的相间密度计算误差问题及产生的不合理对流运动模拟效果,提出一种基于体积通量无散度的隐式流体压强求解方法.首先,分析传统多相流模拟方法产生密度近似误差的原因;其次,提出“体积-压缩率”的关联计算方式,构建流体压缩率与压强间的线性关系;再次,分别设计恒定体积求解器和体积通量无散度求解器,以实现多相流模拟过程中流体体积的不可压缩性和速度场的无散度特性.为验证所提方法性能,以流体模拟方法 DFSPH为对比对象,分别以模拟效果合理性、数值计算稳定性与收敛性为定性和定量评估指标,依次开展两相溃坝、热对流等多相流交互实验.结果表明,该方法能够实现高效、稳定的多相流交互模拟视觉效果,在同等多相流条件下较DFSPH方法耗费更少计算时间实现收敛,在各种复杂模拟场景中均具有良好的健壮性、有效性和可扩展性,尤其适用于高密度比流体交互模拟.  相似文献   

利用混沌搜索和变异机制克服种群易停滞且易陷入局部最优点的不足。当种群出现停滞时先用混沌搜索更优点,当搜索到的点不满足变异精度要求时再进行变异。发现混沌搜索能使种群在出现停滞时持续寻优,而变异机制则能够有效地帮助种群在陷入局部最优点时跳出该点。结果表明该方法的全局寻优能力较强。  相似文献   

A new sparse grid based method for uncertainty propagation   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Current methods for uncertainty propagation suffer from their limitations in providing accurate and efficient solutions to high-dimension problems with interactions of random variables. The sparse grid technique, originally invented for numerical integration and interpolation, is extended to uncertainty propagation in this work to overcome the difficulty. The concept of Sparse Grid Numerical Integration (SGNI) is extended for estimating the first two moments of performance in robust design, while the Sparse Grid Interpolation (SGI) is employed to determine failure probability by interpolating the limit-state function at the Most Probable Point (MPP) in reliability analysis. The proposed methods are demonstrated by high-dimension mathematical examples with notable variate interactions and one multidisciplinary rocket design problem. Results show that the use of sparse grid methods works better than popular counterparts. Furthermore, the automatic sampling, special interpolation process, and dimension-adaptivity feature make SGI more flexible and efficient than using the uniform sample based metamodeling techniques.  相似文献   

在粒子系统方法的基础上,提出了基于纹理球的快速导弹烟雾模拟方法.讨论了算法的数据结构、各参数设置及其对模拟效果的影响,其中关键参数主要包括纹理球的数量、大小、位置、偏移量、旋转和纹理贴图等.给出了具体的模拟步骤和实际的模拟效果,模拟的速度、效果等比较理想.  相似文献   

The military field has been a strong demand for automatic management of the running of simulation, and the sharing of simulation resources and so on. Aimed at the puzzles in current HLA-based simulation system, and with the combination of a new grid idea, a framework of simulation grid has been presented. This article is absorbed in the aim how to schedule the task under simulation grid environment and explore the dynamic dispatch to the parallel tasks in the federation entity level. Finally a mended heuristic scheduling algorithm has been designed. This algorithm dynamically adjusted decision-making through using the information of systematical real-time operating status, be able to making a timely response dynamically according to the changes of the characteristics of simulation system, re-achieve balance and improve the system performance, fault-tolerant and load-balance ability according to the adjustment of the dynamic fluctuations of the loading. Taking the air-to-ground warfare simulation system as an example, simulation results verify that the method is effective and useful, and it could contribute to enhance using resource quotient and construct the large-scale military simulation applications.  相似文献   

Grids are arrays that can have any shape. Grid elements need not be contiguous i.e. grids can have holes in them. For example, grids can be trapezoidal, parabolic, rectangular with a hole, or pyramid-like. Programs written using grids and the grid iteration statement are more general than those written using arrays and/or functions to simulate non-array shapes. To alter an existing program to work for another grid shape, one need only modify the grid declaration suitably, leaving the rest of the program intact. Programs are smaller, semantically clearer and have a more natural problem representation. Grids may be used to represent sparse matrices.Using Fortran as the base language, we show by means of examples from numerical analysis and engineering that the use of grids simplifies programming considerably. Efficient ways of implementing grids are discussed. Grids havebeen implemented as an extension to Fortran.  相似文献   

针对涡街流量计易受管道振动和流场扰动引起噪声干扰的问题,提出了一种基于MUSIC算法的涡街信号处理方法.介绍了涡街流量计的测量原理,建立了噪声环境下的涡街信号模型,并阐述了MUSIC算法的基本原理,在此基础上,分别对多种噪声环境下的涡街信号进行仿真研究.仿真结果表明:所提的涡街信号处理方法能有效地抑制噪声,高精度地分辨频率点,对改善涡街流量计的性能有良好的效果.  相似文献   

Job shop scheduling problem (JSP) which is widespread in the real-world production system is one of the most general and important problems in various scheduling problems. Nowadays, the effective method for JSP is a hot topic in research area of manufacturing system. JSP is a typical NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem and has a broad engineering application background. Due to the large and complicated solution space and process constraints, JSP is very difficult to find an optimal solution within a reasonable time even for small instances. In this paper, a hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) based on variable neighborhood search (VNS) has been proposed to solve this problem. In order to overcome the blind selection of neighborhood structures during the hybrid algorithm design, a new neighborhood structure evaluation method based on logistic model has been developed to guide the neighborhood structures selection. This method is utilized to evaluate the performance of different neighborhood structures. Then the neighborhood structures which have good performance are selected as the main neighborhood structures in VNS. Finally, a set of benchmark instances have been conducted to evaluate the performance of proposed hybrid algorithm and the comparisons among some other state-of-art reported algorithms are also presented. The experimental results show that the proposed hybrid algorithm has achieved good improvement on the optimization of JSP, which also verifies the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed neighborhood structure evaluation method.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于动态网格细分的烟雾模拟方法,该方法主要采取图形设备上的动态网格管理对烟雾进行并行处理以达到泊松方程的迭代求解。为了实现高性能,利用高速缓存以提高存取权限和适应硬件的能力。实验结果表明,该方法能够实现比较快速的模拟,结果比较令人满意。  相似文献   

A smoke simulation approach based on the integration of traditional particle systems and density functions is presented in this paper.By attaching a density function to each particle as its attribute,the diffusion of smoke can be described by the variation of parti-each particle as its attribute ,the diffusion of smoke can be described by the variation of parti-cles‘ density functions ,along with the effect on airflow by controlling particles‘ movement and fragmentation.In addition.a continuous density field for realistic rendering can be generatd quickly through the look-up talbes of particle‘s density functions .Compared with traditional particle systems,this approach can describe smoke diffusion,and provide a continuous density field for realistic rendering with much less computation.A quick rendering scheme is also presented in this paper as a useful preview tool for tuning appropriate parameters in the smoke model.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于流体力学方程的多尺度流体模型,通过Helmholtz-Hodge算子将模型分解为对流、扩散、外力、投影等项分别进行求解,每一步都稳定,因而整个求解也就稳定。同时利用“涡流限制”的技术提高模拟的真实性。与传统方法相比,该方法能实时高效地模拟具有真实感的二维烟雾效果。  相似文献   

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