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为研究地闪梯级先导电场波形特征,采用偶极子法结合衰减函数计算了有限大地电导率下不同距离处、不同梯级先导底部高度条件下的电场波形特征.计算结果表明:当观测点距离先导通道较近时,电场峰值随着先导通道底部高度的增大而减小;随着观测点和先导通道距离的增大,梯级先导通道底部高度对电场的影响逐步减小.对于给定高度的先导通道,其对应的电场峰值随着观测点和先导通道距离的增加,峰值先变大而后变小随着电导率的减小,先导电场波形上升时间明显增加,电场峰值衰减加快.  相似文献   

针对多导体传输线瞬态响应的无源性问题,提出了基于集总等效源模型的多导体传输线瞬态响应模型. 从外场激励下的多导体传输线的频域电报方程解出发,将外场在传输线上激励的分布电压源和电流源与传输线指数矩阵解耦,建立了集总等效电压源和电流源模型. 为避免复杂的傅里叶反变换及卷积运算,推导了集总源模型的时域递推方程. 在此基础上,采用时域有限差分法建立了端接线性负载、非线性负载和外场激励下的不等长多导体传输线瞬态响应离散递推方程. 通过对无损传输线的仿真对比,验证了方法的有效性. 最后,对端接线性负载、非线性负载和外场激励下的不等长多导体传输线瞬态响应进行了试验和仿真分析.  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《电波科学学报》2001,29(2):377-384
针对多导体传输线瞬态响应的无源性问题,提出了基于集总等效源模型的多导体传输线瞬态响应模型. 从外场激励下的多导体传输线的频域电报方程解出发,将外场在传输线上激励的分布电压源和电流源与传输线指数矩阵解耦,建立了集总等效电压源和电流源模型. 为避免复杂的傅里叶反变换及卷积运算,推导了集总源模型的时域递推方程. 在此基础上,采用时域有限差分法建立了端接线性负载、非线性负载和外场激励下的不等长多导体传输线瞬态响应离散递推方程. 通过对无损传输线的仿真对比,验证了方法的有效性. 最后,对端接线性负载、非线性负载和外场激励下的不等长多导体传输线瞬态响应进行了试验和仿真分析.    相似文献   

逯贵祯  郭庆新  曾冬冬 《电波科学学报》2016,29(3):611-615,622
随着多导体传输线内各导体之间间距的减小, 导体之间的近邻效应对传输线的分布参数和传输特性的影响越来越大.为此, 我们针对三种典型的传输线结构, 分别建立了基于矢势有限元方法分析的多导体传输线的模型, 并分析了近邻效应对磁通密度和分布电感的影响.利用提出的方法计算了同轴传输线的单位长度分布电感, 并将它与采用解析方法得到的结果进行比较来证明该方法的正确性.计算双线传输线在不同间距时的单位长度电感, 与理论分析得到的结果相比较验证了导线间距越小, 近邻效应对单位长度电感的影响越大.最后, 计算考虑了近邻效应的耦合微带线的电感矩阵, 并将它与其他不考虑近邻效应的方法得到的结果相比较, 说明近邻效应对传输线电感矩阵的影响.  相似文献   

Transient analysis of lossless transmission lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The method of characteristics provides a simple analytic solution for the transient analysis of a uniform, lossless transmission line. The interpretation of this solution in terms of equivalent network of the input and output behavior of the transmission line leads to an efficient algorithm which yields not only the input and output responses but also the incident and reflected waves. This method is superior in both speed and accuracy to the familiar method of integrating the differential equations that describe a lumped LC model of the line; but it is not applicable to lossy lines.  相似文献   

Transient analysis of TEM transmission lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The method of characteristics is suitable for digital computer solution of TEM transmission lines. Using numerical methods, losses can be taken into account. Interconnected transmission-line networks, nonuniform lines, and nonlinear lines are considered.  相似文献   

针对武器装备机箱内部电磁辐射防护的技术需要,从不完全屏蔽腔体辐射耦合电场增强效应形成机理出发,对孔缝耦合及贯通导体耦合导致的屏蔽腔体内部局部电场增强效应防护方法进行了研究.仿真计算了屏蔽腔体内部加载吸波材料、腔体分区隔断以及贯通导体安装金属导管等防护方法对不完全屏蔽腔体电磁耦合的影响,研究结果表明:在屏蔽腔体内部加载吸波材料能够有效降低由于腔体谐振产生的电场增强效应,相同的吸波材料放置在强场位置防护效率会更高;采用分区隔断的屏蔽腔体能够提高腔体的谐振频率,大幅降低腔体内大部分位置的电磁耦合能力;贯通导体通过金属导管进入屏蔽腔体能够有效降低贯通导体的电磁耦合能力,削弱屏蔽腔体内部的电场增强效应,屏蔽腔体内部及外部的金属导管长度越长,其防护效果越明显.  相似文献   

针对越来越严重的信号畸变和线间耦合问题,应用时域有限差分法(Finite Difference Time Domain,FDTD)建立了不均匀多导体传输线的仿真模型,并通过MATLAB编程对不均匀多导体传输线两端的电压响应进行了仿真分析.在此基础上,理论说明了各端口瞬态响应的波形特点.结果表明了时域有限差分法用于分析多导体传输系统电磁兼容问题的正确性和有效性,为电磁干扰的预测提供了有价值的参考信息.  相似文献   

The spectral-domain technique is utilized to optimize the coupling of coplanar waveguides and microstrip lines to lossy dielectric media. It is shown that to enhance the coupling, higher frequencies should be used, the dielectric constant of the substrate should be small (∈=2.56), and the width of the center conductor and gaps should be as large as possible. The dielectric constant of the superstrate should be low if a leaky-wave type of coupling is desired or large if a strong coupling by the transverse-field components is desired. It is shown that the quasi-static TEM and TM0 modes will be excited if a superstrate is present between a high dielectric lossy media and the coplanar waveguide  相似文献   

The transient behavior of nonuniform transmission lines is studied by investigating the step response of a cascaded multiple-section line. The first arriving wave and the transition ripple at the load end are examined in detail. It is found that the characteristic impedances necessary for obtaining the maximum first arriving wave are the same as those of the conventional multiple-section, quarter-wave transformer. The discrete characteristic impedances of the multiple-section line are then extended to a continuously varied impedance function of a tapered line. The high-pass characteristic of the tapered nonuniform line is verified with techniques in the frequency domain  相似文献   

We extend the transient scattering analysis of a lossy multiconductor transmission line to the evaluation of the interference produced by a field illuminating the line. The external interference is described by suitable voltage wave sources that are readily computed in the time domain and do not affect the structure of the transient scattering equations. The proposed formulation fully exploits the advantages of the transient analysis based on the line matched scattering parameters, dealing effectively with low-loss lines and helping the understanding of the interference mechanism through the physical interpretation of the results. The simplicity and efficiency of our approach is evidenced by means of a numerical example of the external interferences on a realistic nonlinearly loaded highly mismatched 3-conductor interconnect  相似文献   

A radiating system consisting of a rectangular perfectly conducting screen and an oblique electric dipole is considered. An algorithm taking into account diffraction by the edges of the screen is developed for determination of the dipole’s slope angle such that the radiated field is circularly polarized in the principal observation planes. The effect of the dipole position relative to the screen on the polarization properties and gain of the system radiating a circularly polarized field is investigated. It is shown that these characteristics exhibited in a given direction can be optimized through selection of the dipole’s position and slope angle.  相似文献   

The exact analytical expressions of the time-domain step response matrix parameters for the lossy parabolic transmission line are developed, therefore extending the range of problems where Allen's method can be applied for the transient analysis of networks consisting of interconnections of linear distributed elements, lumped linear and/or nonlinear elements, and arbitrary sources. For completeness, similar expressions are derived for the lossless parabolic line. In order to demonstrate the versatility of the techniques presented in this paper, we study the transient response of a lossy parabolic line subjected to the following sets of boundary conditions: 1) a unit step input and a linear load, and 2) a trapezoidal pulse generator and a nonlinear load  相似文献   

提出了一种串联MEMS开关的电磁耦合模型 ,并且应用该模型 ,对采用表面硅工艺和体硅工艺制作的MEMS开关 ,采用全波分析方法 ,进行了瞬态电磁场分析。由于开关尺寸为微米量级 ,而驱动电压高达 4 0~ 6 0V ,这样的瞬态高压有可能对开关上的信号产生影响。理论仿真结果显示 ,开关驱动路对信号路有很强的耦合场存在。实验结果同样显示 ,耦合到信号路的信号可以输入信号产生最大值为 6 0 %的失真  相似文献   

在使用基于接收信号强度指示器(received signal strength indicator, RSSI)的指纹定位的过程中,通常要在离线阶段构建它的场强地图. 然而,在构建场强地图时,山区地形的复杂性常常导致我们难以确定测量区域的位置. 针对如何定位这些缺少位置信息的测量区域问题,文中提出了一种基于起伏地形与辐射电场分布相似性的定位方法. 该方法利用电场场值在发射源附近快速衰减的变化趋势与地形起伏高度降落的变化趋势相近,以及辐射电场的干涉条纹形状与地形轮廓相似这两种规律,以二维相关系数表征二者相似度,运用模板匹配算法,有效确定了测量区域在地理环境中的位置. 以二维随机粗糙面模拟起伏地形,通过地形中不同位置、不同大小的模板区域、不同发射天线高度和不同地形地貌下的多角度仿真实验,以重叠率作为性能评价指标,验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

提出了一种串联MEMS开关的电磁耦合模型,并且应用该模型,对采用表面硅工艺和体硅工艺制作的MEMS开关,采用全波分析方法,进行了瞬态电磁场分析。由于开关尺寸为微米量级,而驱动电压高达40~60V,这样的瞬态高压有可能对开关上的信号产生影响。理论仿真结果显示,开关驱动路对信号路有很强的耦合场存在。实验结果同样显示,耦舍到信号路的信号可以输入信号产生最大值为60%的失真。  相似文献   

A time-harmonic field analysis procedure, based on an integral equation approach, is implemented to study electric logging systems. The tools are modeled as the linear superposition of basic current elements. A new method for computing the transform-type integrals was developed.  相似文献   

端接非线性负载的非均匀传输线瞬态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在均匀多导体传输线的时域有限差分法(FDTD)基础上,对非均匀多导体传输线及端接非线性负载的情况进行了分析。结果表明:对于非均匀多导体传输线,采用FDTD法进行瞬态分析极为方便,并且可以处理端接非线性负载的情况;同时,还可获得线上各点的电压、电流波过程。通过实例验证了所提出的FDTD算法的有效性,可用于传输线波过程的研究。  相似文献   

A uniform asymptotic representation of the electromagnetic field radiated from arbitrary collinear array antennas is presented. The asymptotic field is obtained applying the saddle-point technique to the radiation integrals after expressing the current excited along the array axis by means of a Fourier spectral representation. The resulting electromagnetic field is expressed in terms of propagating and evanescent truncated Floquet waves (FWs). The leading asymptotic term of the FWs exhibits an optical behavior and is responsible for the slow decay of the array near-field, which can be described as cylindrical in character. The transition toward the spherical wave propagation regime is due to the interference of the cylindrical field with the relevant scattered field from the array truncations, while the reactive energy storage is due to the evanescent FWs, as well as to the progressive inductive and progressive electrostatic FWs excited close the antenna axis. Using the asymptotic field representation, prediction formulas for the spatial locations where the array near-field exhibits peak deviation from the cylindrical decay, and where the transition from cylindrical to spherical wave propagation regime takes place, have been derived. The proposed analytical technique can be adopted to analyze the spatial field distributions and the radiation mechanisms of periodic and nonperiodic linear arrays.  相似文献   

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