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The relationship between landscape and planning system in the Netherlands is discussed, using the Green Heart as an example. The Green Heart is the relatively open, agricultural area in the heart of the most densely populated urban area of the country, widely known as the Randstad Holland. Its preservation has always been a key objective in the national planning system. Since changes to this system are imminent, changes to the Green Heart policy are inevitable.  相似文献   

Landscape protection in metropolitan areas is an ongoing activity that lies outside the remit of political office-holders. As political agendas change, the importance of landscape protection on strategic planning agendas may also change. This paper raises the question whether this strategic level of landscape protection ought to rest on rules or ideas, and uses the Dutch Green Heart as a case study. The success of Dutch planning has been attributed to a planning doctrine which has evolved around a principle of spatial organization consisting of an open landscape (a Green Heart) in the middle of a ‘rim’ city – in this case the Dutch Randstad. After this success had been recognized, policies were developed to formalize the protection of the Green Heart in strategic planning rules. Political controversies ensued, which resulted in the abolition of Green Heart policies at national level. Recently, the province of Zuid-Holland adopted a new structural vision and a byelaw in which there is no role for the Green Heart in development control. This paper analyses this new system of strategic development control and discusses the role of rules as opposed to ideas in landscape protection.  相似文献   

A beautiful piece of countryside, located in the western part of The Netherlands, is surrounded by the dense urban areas of four cities: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and Den Haag (The Hague). Because of its location and its rural beauty, this central park within the urban agglomeration of Western Holland is referred to as Holland's “Groene Hart” (Green Heart). About 600.000 people live in this area. Most of the land is countryside mainly used for agricultural purposes, such as dairy farms and marketgardening. The Green Heart is one of last remaining undisturbed natural landscapes in Western Holland. Fragmentation of this region will increase urban development and decrease the value of the scenic countryside. Considering these factors, the Dutch Government decided in April 1998 that the straightest possible route between Amsterdam and Rotterdam would be a shield driven tunnel under the Greene Heart to minimise nuisance and disturbance during the construction, as well as during future operation. This paper deals with the complex process of decision making, and reviews design aspects, research, construction, and project organisation, concluding with finance, public private partnership, and the planning of the shield-driven Green Heart Tunnel.  相似文献   

城市规划区绿地系统规划探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市规划区绿地系统规划是在我国城市化快速发展期出现的绿地系统规划新类型.因对城市规划区及其绿地内涵的不同理解使得理论探讨与规划实践出现分化.从分析<城乡规划法>及城乡一体化发展对绿地系统规划的影响入手,在梳理城市规划区及其绿地系统内涵的基础上,探讨了城市规划区绿地系统规划的目标导向,并结合六安市绿地系统规划实践体会,提出了城市规划区绿地系统的分类体系、规划分析与评价方法、规划布局对策.  相似文献   

为满足当前城乡融合发展的需要,规范城市绿地规划,国标《城市绿地规划标准》即时实施。基于规划用地视角,在对《城市绿地规划标准》(GB/T 51346—2019)创新点的解读基础上,通过典型案例深入解析市域绿地系统的三大主导功能及子系统(生态保育子系统、风景游憩子系统和安全防护子系统)的规划内容和编制方法,以及城区绿地系统规划的三大主导功能及子系统(游憩型绿地子系统、防护型绿地子系统和景观型绿地子系统)的规划内容和编制方法,最后基于休闲游憩的迫切需求提出公园体系规划的分类、分级配置思路。  相似文献   

张云路  马嘉  李雄 《风景园林》2020,27(1):25-29
国土空间规划是中国新时代发展和生态文明建设背景下规划领域的重大变革,绿地系统规划作为其中的重要支撑专项之一,须充分响应生态优先、绿色发展理念,从"多规合一"和"城乡统筹"视角进行合理转变。以新时代国土空间规划为指引,从规划路径和规划管控两大方面,针对传统城市绿地系统规划如何适应当前城乡绿色空间优化需求进行规划模式探索。在规划路径方面,提出借助国土空间基础信息平台,确定规划的流程、层次、内容、技术。在规划管控方面,提出呼应"多规合一"发展要求,构建多民众参与、多部门合作、多渠道沟通的城乡绿地管控体系。通过构建科学合理的城乡绿地系统规划路径和稳定完善的管理机制,支撑新时代国土空间规划体系下绿色空间的城乡统筹和可持续发展。  相似文献   

郑斌 《福建建设科技》2014,(2):30-31,29
绿色建筑体系是生态城市建设的核心内容之一,但目前绿色建筑体系难以有效的应用在城市生态规划建设中,无法充分发挥其节能低碳的价值。本文通过借鉴绿色建筑体系的四大特点,总结出生态城市建设中绿色开放空间网络、分布式能源系统、土地开发模式、城市规划管理等四个方面的应对之道。希望能为城市生态规划思路提供研究依据,为建设实施提出方向。  相似文献   

绿色施工是目前建设项目提倡的热点和今后的发展方向.要实现绿色施工,除了技术进步手段之外,还应当有相应的管理措施.在既有建筑改造项目中,绿色施工管理策划主要包括组织策划、方案策划、目标控制和评价管理等.同时本文以一个改造项目为案例,说明绿色施工管理能够达到的效果.  相似文献   

城市规划管理体制如何应对全球气候变化?   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
城市是全球温室气体排放的重要源头,通过规划、建筑设计施工、交通、城市产业结构调整、能源供求规划等领域,城市的建设过程可以提供有效及必要的控制温室气体排放的手段。城市规划的思维也要因此而作出改变,向如何可以通过城市发展创新模式和决策,在"减缓"(mitigation)和"适应("adaptation)两大战略方向应对气候变化。本文先对全球气候变化问题,特别是其对城市发展建设带来的挑战作出表述,同时也分析了当前世界上其他城市的应对方法及手段作为参考。最后,本文建议以低碳城市为目标的整合城市规划决策体制框架,对目前传统城市规划过程作出目标及方法上的修改,以达到控制气候变化及温室气体排放的城市规划目的。  相似文献   

国土空间规划体系下的绿地系统规划 创新趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十九大报告强调,建设生态文明是中华民族永续发展的"千年大计",同时将包括"绿色发展"在内的"五大发展理念"提升到了国家治理的战略高度。继而,《中共中央国务院关于建立国土空间规划体系并监督实施的若干意见》也延续了"山水林田湖草生命共同体"理念,明确要求"保护生态屏障,构建生态廊道和生态网络"。在此背景下,与以上工作内容密切相关的绿地系统规划,必须及时在国土空间规划体系下进行重新审视,自身地位和作用是否发生了变化?并以此为出发点,思考绿地系统规划在编制过程中,如何支撑国土空间规划以优化国土空间开发保护格局,如何通过绿地布局以实现游憩、生态等产品有效供给,如何协同其他专项规划以形成国土空间开发保护一张图。从解读2019年颁布的《城市绿地规划标准》(GB/T51346-2019)的角度,就管控思维、体系地位和编制创新3个方面对全新规划体系下的绿地系统规划进行剖析。  相似文献   

Landscape ecology challenges the urbanisation processes and the activities of the infrastructure sectors. Infrastructure networks have a strong impact on the development of cities and landscapes. This impact is often positive in an economic sense but can be negative in respect of natural or recreational functions of city and countryside. The challenge for spatial planning is to locate infrastructure lines in order to safeguard the conditions for the less dynamic functions in and around the urban regions. This paper analyses the impact of network patterns on urban development patterns and on green patterns, taking the history of the Randstad Holland as an example. In history the central peat area of this region was hardly accessible. This fact has led over the course of time to a unique spatial pattern: the major infrastructure lines and the major urban settlements are situated on the rim of a Green Heart. This creates a high-quality setting for the economy and the urbanisation of more than 6 million people as well as for natural and agricultural functions. Such a combination of urban elements and infrastructure around a green core can also be found on other scale levels and in other regions. Constraints on access often correlate with restricted urbanisation and with a sustainable position for the green elements. In those cases that such a restraint is chosen deliberately, often five phenomena are visible: (1) Polarity: a spatial polarity between less dynamic and more dynamic functions. (2) Decentrality: a side position of the main infrastructure and urban centres and a central position for the green functions. (3) Equality: equilibrium in extension of urban and rural elements. (4) Continuity: the green areas are part of larger scale networks. (5) Formality: planning policies couple the planning of infrastructure and dynamic urban activities to the development of the less dynamic, green functions.Together, these five elements create a special approach of spatial planning that can be applied on various scales. It is possible to use these elements as a concept, a design tool to create sustainable conditions for the ‘green’ functions in and around city regions. Based on some examples, suggestions are made for a strategy for urban-rural (re-)development aiming at high-quality urban life and for the natural environment, in and around urban regions. Sustainable spatial patterns demand a planning approach that combines the planning of infrastructure and urban activities with the planning of their green counterpoint.  相似文献   

The green heart and the dynamics of doctrine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Green Heart is the most pronounced of Dutch planning concepts. It rests on an organic metaphor that for over 40 years now has been at the heart of Dutch national planning. Although the object of much debate, the national government has decided recently to stick to a restrictive policy for the Green Heart, for the next decade anyhow. The authors shed light on the apparent continuity of policy by invoking the concept of planning doctrine. Planning doctrine is a framing device for planners. It combines substantive as well as procedural aspects. In developing the notion of planning doctrine, the article draws on the work of Kuhn, Lakatos and Laudan. Arnold van der Valk ia an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and the Amesterdam Study Centre for the Metropolitan Environment (AME) of the University of Amsterdam. Andreas Faludi is a Professor of Planning at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Chairman of the Board of the Amesterdam Study Centre for the Metropolitan Environment (AME) of the University of Amsterdam.  相似文献   

景观设计服从区域生态发展,而景观施工对于平衡区域的生态有着极为重要的作用。土地及空间资源的合理利用作为景观规划设计与施工的指导前提。本文用了伦敦绿色廊道的案例,实证分析区域生态科学化在景观施工中的应用。  相似文献   

结合国内外雨水资源利用现状,以扬州市为例,提出长江中下游地区中小城市开展绿色住宅小区雨水利用的必要性。指出适用该地区的雨水利用模式为绿色生态住宅小区雨水利用模式,该模式具有收集雨水再回用、雨水渗透地下以补充地下水、利用雨水可绿化屋顶的功能。建议出台雨水利用法规保障措施,如:政府统筹规划和参与指导雨水收集利用设施建设,出台雨水利用经济激励政策等。  相似文献   

Spatial planners give us fiction, while at the same time asking us to take them seriously. Perhaps even more surprising, they get much of the authority they claim. In the case of the Netherlands Green Heart planning concept, the tension between fictionality and authority has become the focal point of a public controversy about the value of the concept for making major policy decisions. The Green Heart concept has been fiercely criticized for its fictional nature. According to these critics, since the Green Heart does not exist, it cannot be used to justify far-reaching policy measures. Surprisingly, the concept seems to remain immune to this criticism. Advocates of the concept admit its fictionality, but still maintain that it is the most appropriate basis for policymaking. Thus, the two sides in this controversy have become deadlocked. We propose a framework and undertake an analysis that shows a way out of the impasse. We do this by showing how fiction conveys truth, and how truth and authority are welded to fiction, most importantly through maps.  相似文献   

Analyses of planning documents and a recent survey of practicing planners in NSW reveal that most planners treat 'the community' as a place or as place based. This usage is widespread and underpins most urban design principles and practice. The place-based approach is associated with a focus on what happens within a place, what it contains, and on built or physical infrastructure. The language is of connectivity, legibility, permeability, access, the public domain and so on. However, sociological research does not support this interpretation of community as place. Recent neighbourhood studies, for example, consistently find that social and economic networks are not primarily place based except for a small number of identifiable population groups. Meanwhile, other strands of social research have been reporting for years that what matters in terms of the health and social wellbeing of a society or a city is relativities—the comparative status between neighbourhoods, the effects of relative deprivation, the impacts of relative inequality. Treating community as place and social wellbeing as primarily place based obscures the importance of these critical factors in social wellbeing and social sustainability. Recent planning initiatives for Green Square, including the Green Square Town Centre Masterplan provide current examples. The article concludes by demonstrating that if planning were to proceed on the basis that communities of interest and attachment are more important than communities of place and that relative equality is the key to health and social wellbeing, some current planning shibboleths would need to change. But the role for planners in social sustainability would also become clearer.  相似文献   

基于全球及中国人口快速老龄化趋势,以及老年人普遍倾向居家养老的特点,关注老年人的社区景观设计将变得愈发重要。然而,现有相关研究成果较分散,难以有效支持实际项目的设计决策。需基于现有科研成果,从老年人视角系统讨论不同景观要素与特征的重要性,建立比较基础,为相关设计决策提供依据。具体从相关设计指引及实证研究中提取22个景观要素与特征,通过在中国香港的17个公租房社区随机抽样调查426位老年住户发现,总体上,老年人尤其重视环境舒适性相关、较为重视便捷性相关的景观要素与特征,对存在安全隐患的景观要素与特征心存顾虑,并且倾向于聚集而非独处空间。建议社区景观设计应特别注意保障老年人人身安全,提升社区环境舒适度,以及支持、促进老年人社会交往等。  相似文献   

多年来,中国形成了部门主导、分类管理的自然保护地治理模式.不同部门背景的研究机构和学者基于部门、行业和专业的视角开展了各具特色的规划研究.这些研究主要集中在单个自然保护地和区域自然保护地体系规划体例研究、单个自然保护地规划专项研究,以及自然保护地规划体系研究3个层次.总体而言,中国自然保护地规划研究呈现出了将实践研究作...  相似文献   

本文介绍了鄂尔多斯市东胜155平方公里的康巴什新区的绿地系统规划中标方案,着重探讨了在内蒙古地区生态环境不利的情况下,从生态网络系统规划概念入手,完善和深化该地区有地方特色的绿地系统,从而为城市良好环境的建设打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

论国土空间规划中自然保护地规划之定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对自然保护地规划作为国土空间专项规划的新要求,在分析国土空间规划、自然保护地体系、生态文明制度建设等相关概念的基础上,从5个方面讨论国土空间规划中自然保护地规划的定位。在功能定位方面,自然保护地规划是以自然保护为首要目标的专项规划;在层次定位方面,自然保护地规划是贯穿国土空间规划三级体系的专项规划;在时序定位方面,自然保护地规划是在国家和省域2个层面前置的专项规划;在地类定位方面,自然保护地规划存在新设一类"生态用地"的需求;在法定地位方面,自然保护地规划需在自身法律体系、国土空间规划法律体系和相关既有自然资源法律体系等3个层面明确法律保障。  相似文献   

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