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蒲建明 《城市开发》2000,(10):44-45
商业房地产指用于商业目的的房地产 ,包括商店、旅馆、餐馆、游艺场馆等。租赁价格常称租金 ,在土地场合称地租 ,在房地产混合场合俗称房租。中国目前的房租有市场租金(或称协议租金)、商品租金、成本租金、准成本租金和福利租金。商业房地产的租赁价格一般属于市场租金类型。商业房地产的租赁活动比较活跃 ,量比较大 ,既有整宗物业的租赁 ,又有一宗物业的分割租赁 ,还有局部物业的租赁及承租物业的转租等。在租赁交易活动中经常表现出不同的形式和特点 ,对估价的需要是比较多的。在评估商业房地产的租赁价格时 ,必须充分考虑商业房地产租…  相似文献   

本文选取2000Q1-2013Q3房价指数、房价收入比与房价租金比季度数据,采用VAR模型和脉冲响应函数分析房价收入比、房价租金比对房价的影响作用及动态关系,发现前两者与房价具有正相关关系。本研究有助于建立中国房地产市场稳定机制,促进房地产有序协调发展。  相似文献   

为研究广州市住房租赁新政对房地产市场的影响,结合广州市实际政策与理论做出假设,认为在这些政策的影响下,广州市住房租赁市场扩大从而影响住房买卖市场,同时,房价对租金的影响会减小,租金对房价的影响会增大。通过建立租金与房价的VECM 模型进一步研究,发现实际研究结论与假设相符合,即新政前后租金与房价的关系发生了变化,据此可以从统计学的角度说明新政推动了住房租赁市场与住房买卖市场的互动和融合,这对于住房租赁市场的发展具有重大意义。并提出了继续扩大政策实施、增大租赁住房供给的同时也要保障租户权益、保量也要保质的政策建议。  相似文献   

将反映收入差距的指标基尼系数引入房价租金联立方程模型,利用我国35个大中城市2001—2009年城市面板数据,采用似不相关回归(SUR)法,实证分析了居民收入差距对房价和租金的影响。联立方程模型的估计结果表明基尼系数对房价具有正向效应,社会贫富差距的加大会推高房价;基尼系数和租金负相关,房价上涨虽然对租金有促进作用,但社会贫富差距加大在一定程度上抑制租金上涨,使房价和租金的变动趋势出现差异,产生房价租金背离现象。  相似文献   

在房地产公司自持物业日益增多、需要向自持要利润的新情况下,提出应在租金科学估计的基础上,合理选择确定租金的方法,提高自持物业收益及利润,并进一步对确定租金的组织实施进行了研究。  相似文献   

<正>2009年是房地产异军突起的一年,尤其是居住物业,无论一手房还是二手房,房价的飞涨只能以惊人两个字来形容。但与全国住宅均价超过千元每平方米的涨幅相比,商业物  相似文献   

外资零售商纷纷涉足商业地产由于商业物业租金高企,促使外资零售商、尤其跨国巨头纷纷转型做地产开发商。如英特宜家、沃尔玛(拓展选址信息)、乐购等逐渐放弃了沿用多年的租房经营策略,转而在中国购买土地自建商业项目。专业人士指出,跨国零售公司在中国的这种转型探索才刚刚开始。  相似文献   

由于商业物业租金高企,促使外资零售商、尤其跨国巨头纷纷转型做地产开发商。如英特宜家、沃尔玛(拓展选址信息)、乐购等逐渐放弃了沿用多年的租房经营策略,转而在中国购买土地自建商业项目。专业人士指出,跨国零售公司在中国的这种“转型”探索才刚刚开始。  相似文献   

<正>2009年是房地产异军突起的一年,尤其是居住物业,无论一手房还是二手房,房价的飞涨只能以惊人两个字来形容。但与全国住宅均价超过千元每平方米的涨幅相比,商业物业的价格显得有些波澜不惊。数据显示,今年1~6月份,全国31个主要城市有一半左右城市的商业地产销售甚至  相似文献   

外资零售商纷纷涉足商业地产由于商业物业租金高企,促使外资零售商、尤其跨国巨头纷纷转型做地产开发商。如英特宜家、沃尔玛(拓展选址信息)、乐购等逐渐放弃了沿用多年的租房经营策略,转而在中国购买土地自建商业项目。专业人士指出,跨国零售公司在中国的这种"转型"探索才刚刚开始。  相似文献   

从定量的角度说明沈阳市经济适用房投入比对商品房价格的抑制作用。根据2002~2012 年沈阳市统计年鉴提供的沈阳市经济适用房、商品房相关数据,以Eviews6.0 为操作平台,通过单位根检验论证数据具有可分析性,通过协整关系检验论证变量间存在某种长期关系,最后通过因果关系检验和误差修正模型的构建论证变量间存在单项因果关系。实证结果表明,经济适用房投入比对商品房价格存在抑制作用,经济适用房投入比平均每增加 1%。商品房价格将降低0.08%。  相似文献   

刘枬梁晨 《山西建筑》2014,(24):238-239
依据凯恩斯理论和房地产泡沫理论,以统计年鉴2000年~2012年相关数据作样本,选取了当年年人均收入、新增住房面积、上一年商品房价格三个影响房价的因素,利用相关分析和多元线性回归分析测度其对房价的影响,找出了引起房价波动的主要因素,并提出了控制房价的建议。  相似文献   

涂菲 《城市建筑》2013,(10):259-259
随着城市化进程不断推进,城市商品房的价格不断上涨,在这样的条件下,小产权房在我国城乡二元土地所有制度下应运而生。小产权房的出现,在一定程度上解决了部分城市中低收入居民以及城市化过程中转为城市居民的农民的住房需求。因此,它的存在具有一定的必然性和合理性。  相似文献   

运用系统动力学方法构建城市住宅市场仿真模型,探究影响房价变化的主要因素。结合沈阳市住宅市场的发展实际, 通过 Anylogic 软件构造系统因果关系反馈图以及流程图,再利用回路建立数学关系模型,选取房产税、贷款利率、限购政 策 3 个变量,讨论不同政策对房价产生的影响。研究发现,开征房产税,使得市场需求量明显降低;限购政策在一定时期内 可以维持房价的稳定;提高银行贷款利率,房价没有出现较大波动;在限购政策和利率综合作用下,对房价产生的影响较大。  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: The online accommodation platform Airbnb has expanded globally, raising substantial planning and regulatory concerns. We ask whether Airbnb rentals generate significant neighborhood impacts like noise, congestion, and competition for parking; reduce the permanent rental housing supply and increase rental prices; or provide income opportunities that help “hosts” afford their own housing. We focus on Sydney, the largest region in Australia with 4.4 million people in 28 individual municipalities, which has experienced both rapidly rising housing costs and exponential growth in Airbnb listings since 2011. Airbnb’s growth has raised concerns serious enough to result in a formal Parliamentary Inquiry by the state of New South Wales. We analyze stakeholder submissions to this inquiry and review local planning regulations, Airbnb listings data, and housing market and census statistics. We find that online homesharing platforms for visitor accommodations blur traditional boundaries between residential and tourist areas so Airbnb listings may fall outside of existing land use regulations or evade detection until neighbors complain. Our findings are constrained by the difficulties of monitoring online operations and the rapid changes in the industry.

Takeaway for practice: Planners and policymakers in cities with increasing numbers of Airbnb rentals need to review how well local planning controls manage the neighborhood nuisances, traffic, and parking problems that may be associated with them while acting to protect the permanent rental housing supply. Local planners need to ensure that zoning and residential development controls distinguish between different forms of short-term Airbnb accommodation listings and their potential impacts on neighborhoods and housing markets.  相似文献   

李晓鹄 《山西建筑》2014,(35):231-232
通过对北京市自住型商品房新政策以及新的供地方式的分析,预测了实施后正反两面的效果,最后得出解决方案,指出新政策一方面可加快中低价位自住型商品住房的建设,符合居民实际需求,并能大幅对冲商品住宅售价的上涨,另一方面可能会造成普通刚需产品减少,普通商品房价格进一步上涨,进而导致城市肌理被破坏。  相似文献   

结合供需规律,对北京市2001年2011年的普通商品房变化趋势进行了分析,并对2012年2011年的普通商品房变化趋势进行了分析,并对2012年2015年的房价进行了探讨,指出北京市普通商品房的价格将会在未来5年里保持温和上涨,但2015年作为刚性需求人群数量开始减少的拐点之年,应该采取相关政策防范房地产价格剧烈波动可能带来的各种风险。  相似文献   


This paper uses statistical analyses to understand the effect of proximity of old prisons on property prices. The study employed semilog hedonic regression models: a quantitative research method applied to assess the impact of proximity to heritage gaols on property prices for a case study of HM Prison Pentridge in the time range between 2015 and 2019. Results demonstrated that the former Pentridge has a variable effect on properties lying in and around its current heritage borders. Pentridge shows a diminution effect on prices of residential properties on its land currently being developed to a mixed-use precinct, as well as its intimate surrounding residences. Inversely, Pentridge shows a positive price effect on properties lying at distances between 400 m and the maximum study range of 1400 m in the case of ‘houses’ and between 600 m and the range of 1000 m in the case of ‘units.’ Findings of this research suggest that prices of properties with direct visual access to Pentridge’s structures are negatively affected. Results also suggest that Pentridge’s current redevelopment project may have contributed positively to property prices lying outside the direct visibility zone. To be able to further validate these interpretations, similar research may consider other variables influencing property valuation, such as direct visibility of the gaol as well as interviews that assess the ‘attractability’ of Pentridge’s redevelopment. Future studies may examine the rate of change in property price along time for each distance band from the gaol borders. Future research may also consider duplicating the methodology to assess the comfortability towards gaols converted to museums, as well as gaols that are still in operation. The originality of this research emerges from the distinct lack of quantitative evidence in the current literature. Most research has investigated uncomfortable heritage focusing on qualitative assessments of memory, stigma, commemoration, and shame, with limited scholarly attention paid towards property depreciation effects as a result of Australia’s prison history, nor increasing effects due to gaols’ reuse and redevelopment. Decision-makers and stakeholders of equivalent dark heritage reuse projects will find this research useful in understanding potential impacts on surrounding property prices. Property valuers and real estate companies operating in Coburg—a suburb of Melbourne, Australia—may use the related tables and figures in guiding their business for the coming years.


为了探究厦门市岛内普通住宅房价的空间分布与基础设施水平的关系,运用 ArcGIS 得出最邻近指数、全局的 MoranI 指数和局部聚类与异常值情况,揭示普通住宅的空间聚集和房价空间自相关现象;通过数据统计分析、克里金插值和趋势分析,得到厦门岛内房价多中心分布状态及其演变规律。实现了基础设施水平空间结构的地理表达及整体评价,并基于双对数回归模型和地理加权回归模型,揭示影响房价空间分异的各类基础设施因子的不同影响情况。  相似文献   

Inner‐city areas of Budapest have been almost exclusively dominated by public (state‐owned) rental housing since 1952 when massive nationalisation turned private rentals into state rentals. The last four decades have shown a slow but gradual deterioration of this housing stock (except for the CBD area) due to the problems of rent policy, bureaucratic and inefficient organisation of maintenance and also the slow, but continuous, exchange of population. Even if inner‐city areas never became low prestige contagious slum areas, young families tended to leave this part of the city, moving to the new flats on state‐built housing estates or self‐help building areas. At the end of the 1980s many aspects of inner‐city housing suddenly changed and this led to a completely new scenario. By far the most important change was, however, the implementation of a Right to Buy policy which made it possible for sitting tenants to buy their units under very favourable financial terms (at a very discounted market price with the possibility of a loan with a huge interest‐rate subsidy), without real constraints on re‐sale. In the meantime, privatisation of the economy and the growing number of Hungarian and joint ventures dramatically increased the demand for office space and other commercial properties. Researchers hypothesised the speeding up of the segregation processes, and the increase in the difficulties for the rehabilitation and renewal processes in the inner city. In this paper we use the results of a recent empirical survey in order to analyse the effects of privatisation on the possibilities of rehabilitation. Particular attention is paid to the connection between privatisation and equity issues in terms of the distribution of rent subsidy and value‐gap among the different social groups.  相似文献   

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