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A thermally stable high-frequency power meter based on a crystal diode is considered. __________ Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 9, pp. 56–57, September, 2006.  相似文献   

A model for computing thermal stress inside a crystal with facets is presented. Using a systematical perturbation analysis, a semi-analytical thermal-stress solution is obtained for constrained directional growth with small lateral heat flux. This solution can be applied to crystals grown by various growth techniques such as the Czochralski method. The semi-analytical nature of the solution leads to a much more efficient approach for computing thermal stress in crystals with facets, compared to a full 3D simulation. Examples are given for crystals pulled in a variety of seed orientations.  相似文献   

A generalized experimental method that uses differential thermal analysis (DTA) has been developed for determining the nucleation rate (I), the crystal growth rate (U), and the concentration of quenched-in nuclei (N q) in glasses. The method is applicable even for glasses, whose I and U curves (as a function of temperature) overlap to a considerable degree. Measuring I by the conventional method may yield an overestimated value for I if the chosen crystal growth temperature is within the region of overlap between I and U. When applied to a Na2O · 2CaO · 3SiO2 glass, whose I and U curves are known to overlap considerably, the present DTA method yields values for I, U, and N q that are in excellent agreement with the same values determined by the conventional methods.  相似文献   

针对粗糙集理论在知识约简中的实际需要,提出了建立在一般二元关系基础上的广义粗糙集知识约简方法。首先证明了广义粗糙集是经典粗糙集的一般性推广,而经典粗糙集是广义粗糙集的特例;然后以一般二元关系为分类基础,给出一般关系决策系统中的知识约简判定定理和辨识矩阵;最后根据实例提取最小的属性集,验证了该方法的实用性。该方法摆脱了二元等价关系对经典粗糙集的困扰,既保证了粗糙集理论在知识发现研究中的理论优势,又拓展了粗糙集理论在实际应用中的适用范围,具有较强的实用性。  相似文献   

This article presents an alternative approach to assumed gradient methods in FEM applied to three‐dimensional elasticity. Starting from nodal integration (NI), a general C0‐continuous assumed interpolation of the deformation gradient is formulated. The assumed gradient is incorporated using the principle of Hu‐Washizu. By dual Lagrange multiplier spaces, the functional is reduced to the displacements as the only unknowns. An integration scheme is proposed where the integration points coincide with the support points of the interpolation. Requirements for regular finite element meshes are explained. Using this interpretation of NI, instabilities (appearance of spurious modes) can be explained. The article discusses and classifies available strategies to stabilize NI such as penalty methods, SCNI, α‐FEM. Related approaches, such as the smoothed finite element method, are presented and discussed. New stabilization techniques for NI are presented being entirely based on the choice of the assumed gradient interpolation, i.e. nodal‐bubble support, edge‐based support and support using tensor‐product interpolations. A strategy is presented on how the interpolation functions can be derived for various element types. Interpolation functions for the first‐order hexahedral element, the first‐order and the second‐order tetrahedral elements are given. Numerous examples illustrate the strengths and limitations of the new schemes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

受控源的等效变换法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对线性受控源特性的分析研究,给出了线性单口网络中受控源的等效处理方法,简化了含受控源线性电路的求解过程。  相似文献   

提出一种基于小波核函数的核主元特征约简方法,核函数是核主元分析的关键,将Mexican hat小波函数引核主元分析中,以增强核主元分析的非线性映射能力.用转子在正常、油膜涡动、不平衡和径向碰摩状态下的实验数据对该方法进行了检验,比较了主元分析、核主元分析与小波核主元分析的效果.结果表明,小波核主元分析方法能有效地区分转子故障模式,更适合于故障诊断中的非线性特征约简.  相似文献   

The effect of DNA loadings on the thermal stability of DNA duplex immobilized on gold nanoparticles has been investigated. The modestly loaded duplexes on the gold nanoparticles showed enhanced thermal stability, as compared to that of the free duplex (without gold nanoparticles). However, the highly loaded duplex showed stability similar to that of free duplex. The stability could be controlled over a wide temperature range simply by varying the salt concentration (over 50 degrees C). Additionally, the gold nanoparticles with modestly loaded oligonucleotides could be used as nanoprobes for effective and fast strand exchange reactions, based on the increased thermal stability of the immobilized duplex. These results indicate that the interaction between the duplex and the nanoparticle surface plays an important role in determining the stability of the duplex.  相似文献   

Vapour phase crystal growth experiments performed in the Skylab and ASTP missions are reviewed. The basic vapour phase crystal growth technique is described and effect of gravity is discussed. The multipurpose furnace specially designed to carry out various experiments in flight conditions is described. Ge Se, Ge Te and GeS as well as ternary GeSe0·99 Te0·01 and GeS0·98 Se0·02 crystals have been grown in space showing improvement over similarly grown crystals on ground as determined by x-ray diffraction, chomical homogeneity and surface morphology studies. Mass flux rates under microgravity conditions have been found to be up to 10 times larger than expected indicating need for better theoretical and experimental understanding of the effect of gravity on crystal growth.  相似文献   

以无水氯化铝和异丙醚为原料,采用非水解溶胶-凝胶法制备出氧化铝凝胶。其经800℃煅烧才析出少量γ-Al2O3晶体,γ-Al2O3向α-Al2O3晶型转变在1200℃附近,经900℃煅烧后比表面积仍高达145m2/g,具有介孔结构。以该高活性氧化铝凝胶作为铝源,采用碳热还原氮化工艺合成氮化铝粉体。结果表明,氧化铝凝胶经300℃预煅烧,按n(C)/n(Al)=7.8与碳黑混合,在流量80mL/min高纯N2中,于1450℃还原氮化2h便可合成出平均粒径在400nm的高纯六方相AlN粉体。  相似文献   

一种基于TN型液晶的自控光阀   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
许君华  莫玮 《光电工程》2003,30(4):59-61
对TN(扭曲向列)型液晶的透光率测量实验表明,在外加电压的作用下TN型液晶可以吸收入射光线,并且在外加电压连续改变时,对入射光的透光率将呈现连续非线性变化。根据此特性,利用数字电路来控制加到液晶电极上的电压,就得到了一种空间光调制器──自控光阀。自控光阀能控制通过光阀的光强,使之趋于设定值。  相似文献   

为克服将已有局部均值分解(local mean decomposition,LMD)方法用于暂态电能质量扰动信号检测时存在的不足,提出一种基于分段三次Hermite插值(piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation,PCHI)的LMD暂态电能质量扰动检测方法。首先,利用PCHI方法获取信号的局部均值函数和包络估计函数;然后,按照LMD方法的原步骤计算信号的乘积函数(product function,PF);最后,由PF分量的调幅函数求得信号的瞬时幅值,并采用Hilbert变换处理PF分量得到信号的瞬时频率。该方法能够准确定位扰动时刻,并且克服基于三次样条插值的LMD方法存在的过包络和欠包络问题,仿真信号分析结果验证该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

为能够对电力系统中谐波与间谐波信号进行精确的检测,提出一种基于最小二乘法的谐波与间谐波检测方法。首先从数学理论和工程应用论证该方法在谐波与间谐波检测中的可行性。该方法用最小二乘法对被测信号进行函数拟合,通过拟合函数的系数实现谐波与间谐波的检测。通过对实际应用中典型信号的Matlab仿真表明,该方法能够准确检测谐波与间谐波分量的频率、幅值和相位角,且计算量较小。通过对标准IEC 61000-4-7中两种典型情况的分析表明,该方法能够为需要精确测量谐波与间谐波分量的场合以及未来IEC 61000-4-7的修订提供一种可选择的方法。  相似文献   

为去除数据中存在的噪声点,提高数据质量,提出一种基于改进PCNN的数据降噪方法。该方法在无耦合链接的简化PCNN模型基础上,改进阈值函数,添加记录神经元是否点火的矩阵以及点火时间矩阵,根据神经元初次点火时间辨识并去除噪声点,从而实现数据降噪。实验测试结果表明:该算法能够有效滤除数据中的噪声点,很好地保持原始数据的特征。  相似文献   

Liao  Jin-Feng  Chen  Yi-Xin  Wei  Jun-Hua  Cai  Ya-Ting  Wang  Xu-Dong  Xu  Yang-Fan  Kuang  Dai-Bin 《Nano Research》2019,12(10):2640-2645
Nano Research - Although great advancements have been successfully achieved in ligand-assisted reprecipitation strategy (LARP) towards lead halide perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) synthesis, it still...  相似文献   

The effect of thermal treatment on mechanical property and microstructure evolution in two-dimension of nanocrystal corundum abrasives has been investigated. The abrasives with and without presence of bond were calcined at different thermal treatment temperatures. The results indicated that thermal treatment conditions had obvious influence on crystal size and mechanical strength of corundum abrasives. Crystal size increased with increasing of the calcining temperature, and crystal growth of sample with presence of bond was more remarkable than that without presence of bond. And it was found that 950 °C is the critical temperature of abnormal crystal growth of corundum abrasives in the heated treatment conditions. Beyond this critical temperature, crystal size evidently increased while strength and wear resistance of abrasive decreased. In this case, the degradation of the abrasive in microstructure and strength should be important considerations for the preparation of ceramic corundum abrasive grinding tool.  相似文献   

采用单晶位错研究的热弹性模型,计算模拟了垂直布里奇曼法碲锌镉单晶生长过程中的热应力场,研究了炉膛温度梯度对晶体内热应力的影响.计算结果表明:径向上晶体边缘与坩埚壁接触位置处的热应力远大干晶体中心处的热应力;轴向上晶体底部位置的热应力远大于晶体顶部的热应力.在晶体底部边缘与坩埚接触的位置出现最大热应力值σmax.当炉膛温度梯度从5K/cm增加到20K/cm,晶体内的热应力显著提高,σmax从41.83MPa增加到79.88MPa;当温度梯度超过20K/cm进一步增加时,晶体内的热应力增加很少,σmax仅增加了约5.3%.  相似文献   

Chang  Kai-Ti  Liu  Chun-Yen  Liu  Jui-Hsiang 《Journal of Materials Science》2021,56(21):12350-12363
Journal of Materials Science - Smart material-based actuators have attracted much interest because of their envisioned applications in the fields of soft robotics, sensors, and artificial muscles....  相似文献   

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