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The effect of upflow air velocity on the formation and structure of aerobic granules was studied in three column sequencing batch reactors. Upflow aeration would be the major cause of hydrodynamic shear force in the column reactor. Results showed that high upflow air velocity resulted in more compact, denser, rounder, stronger and smaller aerobic granules, while high biomass retention in the reactor was achieved. It was found that high upflow air velocity could induce granular sludge to secrete more cell polysaccharides which in turn contributed to the compact and strong structure. It appears from this study that the structure of aerobic granules could be controlled by manipulating the upflow air velocity.  相似文献   

Microbial granules with a diameter from 0.4 mm to 3.0 mm have been produced by fast sedimentation and retention of microbial aggregates in sequencing batch airlift reactors used for model wastewater treatment. The wastewater was with or without addition of calcium salt. The granules were able not only to degrade organic matter but to remove nano- and micro-particles from wastewater due to microchannels and pores in the matrix of the granules. To detect the removal of 0.1 microm, 0.6 pm, 4.2 microm fluorescent microspheres, and cells of Escherichia coli, stained by permeable nucleic acid stain SYTO9, the granules were incubated with these particles. The rate of particle removal and their accumulation in the granules was measured by a Fluoview300 confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) (Olympus, Japan); a FACSCalibur flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson, CA, USA), and a fluorescence spectrometer LS-50B (Perkin-Elmer, UK). The release or removal of biological and non-biological particles was analyzed by a flow cytometer after DNA staining. Total number of the particles bigger than 0.1 microm in the reactors was approximately 4 x 10(7) per ml, and 23% of these particles were bacterial cells. The 0.1 microm and 4.2. microm microbeads were accumulated within 250 microm in the upper layer of the microbial granule but externally added cells of Escherichia coli penetrated to the depth of approximately 800 microm in the granules without calcium addition. Microbial granules contained also attached ciliates but accumulation of the particles in protozoan cells was smaller than in the granule matrix. Kinetics of particle sorption was revealed by flow cytometry and fluorescence spectrometry. Almost half of the stained cells of E. coli can be removed by the granules for one hour. The ability of the microbial granules to remove the particles can enhance their function in aerobic treatment of wastewater.  相似文献   

Phenol-degrading aerobic granules were cultivated in a sequencing batch reactor with an influent phenol concentration of 500 mg l(-1). Eight strains were isolated from aerobic granules to characterize the functional redundancy of the microbial community in the granules. The specific oxygen utilization kinetics show the eight strains possessed different phenol-degrading activities, with half-saturation constants (Ks) ranging from 0.4 to 70.5 mg phenol l(-1). Two isolates belonging to dominant populations expressed differing functions. The first strain was linked to the function of phenol degradation as this strain has the highest phenol-degrading ability among all isolates, while the second strain was linked to the maintenance of the granule structure because of its strong self-flocculation activity. This study could be used to exploit the granule-based system for treating high-strength wastewaters.  相似文献   

Aerobic granules to treat wastewater containing o-nitrophenol were successfully developed in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) using activated sludge as inoculum. Stable aerobic granules were obtained with a clearly defined shape and diameters ranging from 2 to 6 mm after 122 days of operation. The integrity coefficient (IC) and granules density was found to be 98% and 1,054 kg m(-3) respectively. After development of aerobic granules, o-nitrophenols were successfully degraded to an efficiency of 78% at a concentration of 70 mg L(-1). GC-MS study revealed that the biodegradation of o-nitrophenol occurred via catechol via nitrobenzene pathway. Specific o-nitrophenol biodegradation rates followed the Haldane model and the associated kinetic parameters were found as follows: V(max) = 3.96 g o-nitrophenol g(-1)VSS(-1)d(-1), K(s) = 198.12 mg L(-1), and K(i) = 31.16 mg L(-1). The aerobic granules proved to be a feasible and effective way to degrade o-nitrophenol containing wastewater.  相似文献   

Physical, chemical and biological characteristics were investigated for aerobic granules and sludge flocs from three laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). One reactor was operated as normal SBR (N-SBR) and two reactors were operated as granular SBRs (G-SBR1 and G-SBR2). G-SBR1 was inoculated with activated sludge and G-SBR2 with granules from the municipal wastewater plant in Garching (Germany). The following major parameters and functions were measured and compared between the three reactors: morphology, settling velocity, specific gravity (SG), sludge volume index (SVI), specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR), distribution of the volume fraction of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and bacteria, organic carbon and nitrogen removal. Compared with sludge flocs, granular sludge had excellent settling properties, good solid-liquid separation, high biomass concentration, simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. Aerobic granular sludge does not have a higher microbial activity and there are some problems including higher effluent suspended solids, lower ratio of VSS/SS and no nitrification at the beginning of cultivation. Measurement with CLSM and additional image analysis showed that EPS glycoconjugates build one main fraction inside the granules. The aerobic granules from G-SBR1 prove to be heavier, smaller and have a higher microbial activity compared with G-SBR2. Furthermore, the granules were more compact, with lower SVI and less filamentous bacteria.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing (QS) is a form of microbial communication that relies on small signal molecules to regulate group behaviors such as biofilm formation in response to population density. In this study, we attempted to apply the paradigm of bacterial QS to aerobic granular sludge (AGS) formation for wastewater treatment. An essential element of interspecies QS signals, boron, was added to a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) to stimulate AGS growth. Bioassays elaborated the activity of autoinducer-2 (AI-2). We found that boron accelerated AGS growth, resulting in improved settlement performance and increased biomass in the SBR. During continuous SBR operation, the AGS showed an obvious increase in AI-2 activity, which implies that interspecies QS was closely associated with AGS formation. Analysis of EPS showed that boron stimulated tryptophan production, and increased the hydrophobia of AGS. From these results, it was speculated that the addition of boron may have promoted the formation of boron complexed to (R)-4, 5-dihydroxy-2,3-pentanedione (DPD) as the precursor of AI-2, which resulted in accelerated interspecies QS. The results also suggested QS as a novel regulation target for the biogranulation process, such as AGS formation.  相似文献   

During the reconstruction of horizontal flow tanks into inclined settling tanks in Chinese water plants, uniformity of water distribution has not been solved theoretically. Based on the concepts of hydraulics, a model of inclined tanks, including the ratio (L/B) of tank length (L) to width (B), diameter of inclined tubes (d) and height of the water distribution area (h1) and so on, was established to simulate and analyze the effects of these parameters on Non-Uniformity of Water Distribution (NUWD). The influences of NUWD on settling efficiency were also analyzed based on Yao's formula. Simulated results show that the ratio (L/B) has the greatest impact on NUWD, and the settling efficiency decreases with it. Under the conditions of q=10 or 20 m/h and L/B>or=5 or 3, the total forces imposed on down-sliding flocs tend to be zero, which reduces the separating efficiency. Moreover, critical settling velocity (CSV) of the first inclined tube will decrease with the increase of h1, and the optimal range of h1 will be 1.2-1.6 m. The difference of CSV between the first tube and the average value of the tank u0 (shown as Delta(uF0-u0)) will increase with d and surface load (q).  相似文献   

The influences of trace metals in the wastewater and shear stress by aeration were particularly examined to clarify the formation mechanism of nitrifying granules in an aerobic upflow fluidized bed (AUFB) reactor. It was found that Fe added as a trace element to the inorganic wastewater accumulated at the central part of the nitrifying granules. Another result obtained was that suitable shear stress by moderate aeration (0.07-0.20 L/min/L-bed) promoted granulation. Furthermore, it was successfully demonstrated that pre-aggregation of seed sludge using hematite promoted core formation, leading to rapid production of nitrifying granules. From these results, a nitrifying granulation mechanism is proposed: 1) as a first step, nitrifying bacteria aggregate along with Fe precipitation, and then the cores of granules are formed; 2) as a second step, the aggregates grow to be spherical or elliptical in form due to multiplication of the nitrifying bacteria and moderate shear stress in the reactor, and then mature nitrifying granules are produced. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis successfully visualized the change in the spatial distribution of nitrifying bacteria in the granules, which supports the proposed granulation mechanism.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of sludge discharge location on the steady-state aerobic granules in sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). Two SBRs were operated concurrently with the same sludge retention time using sludge discharge ports at: (a) the reactor bottom in R1; and (b) the reactor middle-lower level in R2. Results indicate that both reactors could maintain sludge granulation and stable operation, but the two different sludge discharge methods resulted in significantly different aerobic granule characteristics. Over 30 days, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal of the two reactors was maintained at similar levels (above 96%), and typical bioflocs were not observed. The average aerobic granule size in R2 was twice that in R1, as settling velocity increased in proportion to size increment. Meanwhile, the production yields of polysaccharide and protein content in R2 were always higher than those in R1. However, due to mass transfer limitations and the presence of anaerobes in the aerobic granule cores, larger granules had a tendency to disintegrate in R2. Thus, we conclude that a sludge discharge port situated at the reactor bottom is beneficial for aerobic granule stability, and enhances the potential for long-term aerobic granule SBR operation.  相似文献   

The effect of intermittent feeding on aerobic granule structure.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Self-immobilized biofilms, or aerobic granules without the addition of carrier material, have only been reported in one suspended growth system, the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) with a very short fill time (dump fill). The SBR utilizes intermittent feeding which creates a period of high load followed by starvation (often referred to as feast-famine). In this experiment, three identical SBRs were operated with different feeding conditions to determine the role of feast-famine on granule formation. All three SBRs were operated with a total volumetric load of 2.4 kg/m3 x d. The 90 minute Fill phase was altered for each reactor, providing an increasing time of Aerated Fill. A dump fill condition was applied for one reactor, while the other two reactors were aerated for different times during Fill, resulting in a smaller COD load at the beginning of each React phase. Aerobic granules formed in all reactors, but the structural properties and content of filamentous organisms were clearly dependent on a high feast condition. Only the reactor with dump fill formed compact, stable granules. It is concluded that intermittent feeding associated with the SBR affects the selection and growth of filamentous organisms and has a critical role in granule structure and composition.  相似文献   

为了弄清楚溢流悬板径向坡度改变对排沙漏斗流场的影响,通过物理模型试验方法,利用粒子图像流场测速技术(PIV)对悬板径向坡度分别为0、0.087、0.173、0.259时的排沙漏斗模型三维速度场进行了量测,并结合排沙漏斗工作原理对各工况下的切向速度、径向速度、垂向速度及流线进行了对比分析。结果表明:随着悬板径向坡度增加,漏斗室内旋流强度增大,空气涡面积增大,排沙耗水率降低,泥沙颗粒向室内运动机率增大,淤积在悬板上的可能性减小;悬板坡度对漏斗室内的二次流强度和形成位置影响较大,其中坡度为0.173时二次流最为稳定,坡度为0.259时,无二次流形成,不利于底部泥沙输移至排沙底孔;垂向速度分布结果表明坡度为0.259时过渡区垂直向上流速较少,泥沙落淤悬板或者随流溢出的机会最小,但垂直速度相比切向速度和径向速度而言较小,且过渡区范围很小,对悬板落淤和截沙率的影响可以忽略不计。  相似文献   

During winter, different types of ice formation are commonly observed in northern boreal stream systems. Although largely overlooked today, river ice has profound effects on in‐stream hydraulics and therefore ice processes should be considered in freshwater stream management and assessment. In particular, limited knowledge exists about the impacts of dynamic ice formation on stream environments. Results presented from the changes of in‐stream heterogeneity in three steep stream environments caused by dynamic ice formation demonstrate that the formation of anchor ice and anchor ice dams may induce significant backwater effects by increasing wetted areas (maximum 43%) and water depths (maximum 241%) and reducing water velocities (maximum 70%); independent of minimal changes in discharge. Consequently, stream environments are transformed from fast‐flow to slow‐flow areas, even on a short temporal scale (<12 h). Furthermore, the anchor ice build‐up initiated static (surface) ice formation due to reduced local water velocities upstream ice dams. Thus, dynamic ice formation plays a key role in the balanced ice regime in steep stream environments and contributes largely to stable static ice cover in these environments. Observations from the present study suggest that the current paradigm emphasizing the role of discharge as the main controller of in‐stream heterogeneity may call for a modification in steep streams that experience seasonal ice formation. This is particularly important if future hydraulic‐/habitat models and assessment tools are to be implemented in freshwater management to realistically characterize steep stream environments in cold climate regions on a seasonal scale. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用序批式实验研究了铜、锌、镍离子共存条件下,对活性污泥表观产率、生物吸附降解能力、污泥絮凝沉降性能和耗氧速率等方面的影响,并测定了两种重金属离子共存的情况下,不同浓度重金属离子之间的相互作用。实验结果表明:Cu2+和Zn2+、Cu2+和Ni2+、Zn2+和Ni2+3种离子共存总浓度分别为5、5、10 mg/L以内,对污泥表观产率的影响不是很大,系统可以稳定运行。3种离子共存总浓度分别为5、3、3 mg/L以内,对CODCr的去除率没有影响,MLSS都可以稳定的增加,大于这个基点,系统都无法正常的运行;Cu2+和Ni2+共存的情况下对微生物的呼吸有协同抑制的作用。  相似文献   

Conclusion On the basis of treating the author’s experiments and generalizing the results of earlier investigations a graph (Fig. 3) and dependence (5) were obtained for the first time for determining the average settling velocity of the flow at the outlet of a settling basin, which will made it possible to provide a suitable design substantiation of irrigation settling basins and canals of irrigation systems, to reduce the volume of construction and operating works, and will also enable the operating service to promptly maintain the balanced regimes of the liquid and solid phases in the settling basin and canal. Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel’stvo, No. 3, pp. 53–56, March, 1997.  相似文献   

泥沙颗粒生长生物膜后沉降的实验研究Ⅱ:沉降速度计算   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
泥沙生长生物膜后相应的物理特性会发生改变。本文主要探讨泥沙颗粒在微生物生命活动的影响下沉降特性的改变情况。将官厅水库的泥沙分为6组,使用天然水和营养液的混合液对泥沙进行培养,用来模拟富营养水体中泥沙颗粒特性的发展变化情况。对于生长生物膜后的絮体颗粒在各个不同培养时间的沉降运动,实验采用先进的图像采集观测系统进行拍摄采样,并利用图像分析测量颗粒大小和沉速的变化,推导了生长生物膜后的颗粒沉速计算公式。研究表明生物膜极大地改变了颗粒的表面特性,使得颗粒下沉阻力增大,与同等大小无生物膜黏连的泥沙颗粒相比沉速明显减小。  相似文献   

粘土结构性对其力学性质的影响及形成原因分析   总被引:61,自引:2,他引:61  
龚晓南  熊传祥  项可祥  候永峰 《水利学报》2000,31(10):0043-0048
本文首先介绍前人对粘土结构性对其土工特性影响研究的部分成果,然后探讨结构性粘土的区分及粘土结构性形成原因。  相似文献   

为研究不同浸水时间沥青混凝土的弯曲性能,通过小梁弯曲试验研究了浸水时间 0,50,75,100 h 沥青混凝土试件的弯曲性能。试验结果表明:浸水时间对不同温度下沥青混凝土的应力 - 应变曲线、弯曲性能有较大影响,随着浸水时间的增长其峰值应力下降,试件破坏形式主要呈延性破坏;在 3℃和 15℃时,沥青混凝土随着浸水时间增加,其抗弯强度减小,浸水时间在 50~100 h 时沥青混凝土抗弯强度下降趋势明显变缓;在 15℃时,沥青混凝土的弯曲模量随着浸水时间的增加而有所降低,弯曲模量逐渐趋于稳定;在 3℃时,沥青混凝土在浸水后弯曲模量下降较明显,随着浸水时间的增长,弯曲模量逐渐稳定。随着浸水时间的增长,沥青混凝土仍具有较好的抗弯强度和变形能力,研究结果可为沥青混凝土的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

A multispecies, two- and three-dimensional model was developed, based on a previously published planar biofilm model, and the biochemical structure of the ADM1. Several soluble substrates diffuse and react in the granule. Local pH is calculated from acid-base equilibria and charge balance. The model uses individual-based representation of biomass particles within the granule (biofilm), and describes spreading by an iterative pushing technique. The overall computational domain consists of one granule, and is divided into a grid with Cartesian coordinates. The number of grid elements does not limit the number of biomass particles, and it is not necessary to use grid-spreading techniques, such as cellular automata, which result in Cartesian artefacts. The model represents both microscopic and macroscopic features in granule structure, previously observed using in-situ molecular techniques, and can be effectively used to interpret these results.  相似文献   

针对高速搅拌机在实际使用过程中存在的问题,研究了高搅时间与浆材性质的关系。结果发现:高搅时间对浆材料的温度,粘度,析水等都有影响,对影响因素进行了分析并提出了最佳搅拌时间供施工参考。  相似文献   

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