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分布式多无人机协同编队队形控制仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

针对无人机编队保持和动态障碍物规避控制问题,本文提出了一种新的基于群集行为的分布式多无人机编队控制和避障控制算法.首先考虑了由机间气流等因素带来的干扰,基于吸引/排斥势场和一致性方法,设计了分布式无人机编队的队形保持控制算法,对编队内无人机之间的距离进行控制.进一步考虑外部移动障碍对无人机编队的影响,引入了排斥势场产生...  相似文献   

李正平  鲜斌 《控制理论与应用》2020,37(11):2423-2431
针对多无人机编队控制(UAVs)问题,本文提出了一种基于虚拟结构法的非线性鲁棒控制算法.首先将编队控制问题转化成两个子问题:在惯性坐标系下虚拟刚体(VRB)光滑轨迹的生成设计,以及在虚拟刚体坐标系下的无人机编队队形控制设计.针对部分无人机无法直接获取虚拟刚体状态的约束,通过引入相邻无人机的跟踪状态,实现了分布式的编队控制.同时,考虑多无人机近距离编队飞行时相互间的气流扰动影响,设计了基于supertwisting的鲁棒控制算法,提高了编队系统的控制精度和稳定性.利用Lyapunov稳定性分析方法,证明了位置跟踪误差在有限时间内收敛到滑模面,得到闭环系统全局渐近稳定的结果.最后通过实际飞行实验,验证了所提控制算法的有效性和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

多无人机系统中,系统状态的一致性是实现多无人机协同控制的基础,针对多无人机中存在的三维空间编队控制问题,提出一种分布式一致性的无人机编队协同控制方法。在主机-从机组成的多无人机系统的基础上,引入分布式结构,设计无人机控制系统模型并建立无人机编队协同机制。根据协同机制设计基于一致性算法的协同编队控制器、基于匈牙利算法的任务分配策略以及避障策略。分别在简易模拟器和基于ROS-Gazebo的实景模拟器中仿真验证了协同控制方法的有效性。结果表明:无人机群能够有效地完成协同编队任务,并且可以通过调整层次结构进行有效编队重构。  相似文献   

利用具有虚拟领航者的二阶动态一致性协议讨论了三维空间内分布式无人机编队控制问题。利用反馈线性化的方法将无人机非线性动力学模型线性化,将控制输入转化为惯性坐标系中三个坐标轴方向的加速度。运用一致性算法求解线性化后的无人机模型,使无人机能够形成稳定的预期编队并跟随虚拟领航者沿特定航线以一定速度运动。定义了编队的误差函数并运用Lyapunov稳定性理论证明了系统的稳定性。仿真验证了模型和算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对分布式通信网络,研究多无人机完全分布式编队生成和保持控制问题.基于滑模和自适应方法设计自适应耦合增益,进而结合与邻居无人机之间的相对状态设计一种新的有限时间编队控制器.该算法去掉了传统编队控制器依赖通信网络范围和拓扑及Leader无人机状态等全局信息的限制,基于Lyapunov理论证明无人机编队误差在有限时间可以收敛到边界可调的邻域内.对三维运动的多无人机编队进行仿真验证,结果显示,所设计的编队控制算法可以实现多无人机有限时间完全分布式编队生成和保持.  相似文献   

本文主要研究了无人机编队的抗扰跟踪控制设计. 针对各无人机只能获取邻机方位信息的情况, 文章设计了一种新的非线性控制器以完成多无人机系统的编队形成与跟踪任务. 考虑到无人机系统易受外界扰动影响的特性, 采用Leader-Follower式编队方法, 通过引入Leader位置信息来矫正基于方位信息的无人机编队系统的位置漂移.将反步法设计结合自适应设计与鲁棒控制设计, 来补偿未知参数与未知外界扰动对多无人机编队系统造成的影响,提高了多无人机方位编队系统的鲁棒性. 然后, 基于Lyapunov分析方法证明了系统的稳定性. 最后, 搭建了四旋翼无人机编队实验平台, 进行了基于方位信息的编队形成与跟踪飞行实验, 并与PD控制器进行了对比实验. 飞行实验结果验证了算法的有效性与实用性.  相似文献   

王晓燕  王新民  肖亚辉  余翔 《控制与决策》2012,27(12):1907-1911
针对无人机编队控制中模型不确定性与外干扰同时存在的情况,首先基于无人机自身的自动驾驶仪和编队运动学关系建立了无入机编队的三维数学模型,这种建模方式物理意义明晰;进而提出一种基于鲁棒H∞控制理论的编队控制器设计方法,按前向、侧向和垂直方向3个通道分别设计控制律,降低了鲁棒控制器的调参难度,简化了三维编队控制问题.仿真结果表明了所设计的控制器的有效性,可实现无碰撞、快速、稳定地保持和调整无人机编队队形,具有良好的鲁棒性能.  相似文献   

无人机编队飞行的分布式控制策略与控制器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对一种小型无人机模型及其编队飞行的实际背景和限制条件,分析了编队飞行所必须涉及的队形保持、约束条件以及行为协调等关键性问题,进而引入分布式编队飞行控制策略并简要介绍了其优越性.根据分布式策略的层级概念,先后讨论了单机控制器的设计与上层的编队控制器的设计.最后分别进行了单机的FDC(flight dynamic and control)仿真和双机编队仿真.仿真结果表明,设计的控制器在执行效率和控制性能等方面具有突出的优势.  相似文献   

分布式多无人机编队控制系统仿真   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李广文  蒋正雄  贾秋玲 《计算机仿真》2010,27(2):101-103,117
研究一种能够控制多无人机编队的分布式控制方法,采用无人机的动态方程转化为跟随机和领航机间相对运动信号与希望的相对运动信号间的误差模型,然后设计了前馈控制器以使误差模型的平衡点位于坐标原点,最后采用反推法设计了反馈控制器以镇定坐标原点的平衡点。上述方法将领航机的信息视为外部系统产生的信号,为前馈控制器部分设计了内部模型以补偿这些外部信号的作用。同时还设计了能够估计所有误差信号的状态观测器以实现需要全部误差信息的反馈控制器。算例仿真表明了应用编队控制律,各无人机能够较快地形成希望的队列,并按希望队形稳定飞行,验证了前馈加反馈的编队控制方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper treats the design of a decentralized nonlinear robust control system for formation flying of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). In close formation, it is assumed that vortex of any UAV affects the motion of all the UAVs behind it. The forces produced by these vortices are complex functions of relative position co‐ordinates of the UAVs. In this paper, these forces are treated as unknown functions, which cannot be parameterized. Since the system is not invertible in the wind axes system, a simplified co‐ordinate system obtained from the wind axes system for which the velocity roll (bank angle) is zero, is considered for the design of the control system. A nonlinear robust control system for the separation trajectory control of the wing aircraft in the simplified wind coordinate system is derived. Uncertain functions and unmeasured variables are estimated using a high‐gain observer for the synthesis of the control system. Each wing UAV synthesizes its control law using its own state variables and the relative position of the preceding UAV with respect to the wing UAV. Thus the control system is decentralized since each UAV has to communicate (depending on sensors for position measurement) with at most one (preceding) UAV, and no data transmission from the remaining vehicles is required. Simulation results for two UAVs are presented which show precise separation trajectory control of each wing UAV in spite of the presence of unknown and unstructured vortex forces, while the lead aircraft maneuvers. Furthermore, these results confirm that when the wing aircraft is positioned properly in the vortex of the lead aircraft, it experiences reduction in its required flight power. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Coordinated formation control of multiple nonlinear systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A general method of controller design is developed for the purpose of formation keeping and reconfiguration of nonlinear systems with multiple subsystems, such as the formation of multiple aircraft, ground vehicles, or robot arms. The model consists of multiple nonlinear systems. Controllers are designed to keep the subsystems in a required formation and to coordinate the subsystems in the presence of environmental changes. A step-by-step algorithm of controller design is developed. Sufficient conditions for the stability of formation tracking are proved. Simulations and experiments are conducted to demonstrate some useful coordination strategies such as movement with a leader, simultaneous movement, series connection of formatiom, and human-machine interaction.  相似文献   

A general method of controller design is developed for the purpose of formation keeping and reconfiguration of nonlinear systems with multiple subsystems ,such as the formation of multiple aircraft , ground vehicles , or robot arms. The model consists of multiple nonlinear systems. Controllers are designed to keep the subsystems in a required formation and to coordinate the subsystems in the presence of environmental changes. A step- by-step algorithm of controller design is developed. Sufficient conditions for the stability of formation tracking are proved. Simulations and experiments are conducted to demonstrate some useful coordination strategies such as movement with a leader , simultaneous movement , series connection of formations , and human-machine interaction.  相似文献   

针对多无人机系统的编队控制问题,提出了一种基于级联系统理论及输入约束一致性算法的控制方法。首先,给出了垂直起降无人机系统的一般性模型。然后,基于级联系统理论将复杂的一般性模型化简成级联形式,针对级联形式模型,利用双曲正切函数的有界性质,在控制器设计时引入双曲正切函数设计了一致性控制算法。最后基于所设计的输入约束一致性控制算法,设计编队控制算法研究了多无人机编队控制问题。基于Matlab仿真平台对所提控制方法进行验证,仿真结果表明在所设计的一致性控制算法作用下,系统中所有的状态都能够趋于一致。基于所设计的输入约束一致性算法,所提编队控制算法可以实现空间中的无人机保持指定的编队队形飞行。  相似文献   

In this article, we study the leader-following formation control problem for a group of rigid body systems whose followers' motions are described by dual quaternion equations. A few features are as follows. First, we introduce an exosystem to generate the leader's trajectory as well as the formation configuration, which can produce a large class of time-varying signals so that we can achieve a variety of time-varying formations. Second, to overcome the communication constraint described by a digraph, we extend the distributed observer to estimate not only the desired attitude and angular velocity but also the leader's position and linear velocity. Third, a novel distributed control law is synthesized to furnish a rigorous performance analysis of the closed-loop system. The effectiveness of our design is illustrated by a numerical example.  相似文献   

Several missions including surveillance, exploration, search-and-track, and lifting of heavy loads are best accomplished by multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Another important advantage to utilizing multiple vehicles is a reduction in the risk to successful completion of a mission due to the loss of a single vehicle. This increased robustness can lead to a commensurate decrease in vehicle specifications and cost, further improving the argument for swarm operations. This paper describes the development of an adaptive configuration controller for multiple vehicles executing a cooperative task in the presence of parametric uncertainty. A novel adaptive outer-loop controller that uses both local and global information is presented.  相似文献   

In order to counteract actuator faults in formation flight of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), this paper presents a fault‐tolerant formation control (FTFC) design methodology, in which the reference generator and the finite‐time convergence of FTFC gains are explicitly considered. Feasible references in response to actuator faults can be generated by considering the health and mission conditions of an overall team of UAVs. Moreover, by applying an auxiliary integrated regressor matrix and vector method, FTFC gains can converge within a finite amount of time to facilitate the fault accommodation process. Thus, the negative effects resulting from failed actuators can be compensated by the healthy/redundant actuators in UAVs. Simulation studies of UAV formation flight are carried out to exemplify the effectiveness of this design approach. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对通信资源受限的多无人艇(USV)编队控制问题, 本文提出了一种动态事件触发数据传输机制以降低通信频率, 减少控制算法对系统带宽的占用. 首先, 基于滑模和自适应控制算法设计一种全分布式编队控制器, 使得所有编队成员在保持预设队形的同时能够完成对期望轨迹的跟踪. 与现有编队控制器相比, 该控制器不需要通信网络的全局信息. 然后, 基于Lyapunov稳定性理论证明了编队跟踪误差以及所有闭环信号都能达到稳定状态. 此外,该算法能够保证触发时间序列不表现出Zeno行为. 最后, 通过数值仿真验证了全分布式编队控制器的有效性  相似文献   

This paper treats the question of invertibility of input–output maps and the design of a robust control system for formation flying of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). In close formation, the wing UAV motion is affected by the vortex of the adjacent lead aircraft. The forces produced by these vortices are complex functions of relative position coordinates of the UAVs. In this paper, these forces are treated as unknown functions. For trajectory tracking, invertibility of certain input–output maps in the wind axes system are examined. Interestingly, in the wind axes system, the system is not invertible, but in a simplified co‐ordinate system obtained from the wind axes system for which the velocity roll is zero, inverse control of separation co‐ordinates is possible. Variable structure control laws are derived for separation trajectory control of wing aircraft in the simplified wind co‐ordinate system and for the flight control of the lead aircraft. Simulation results for two UAVs are presented which show precise separation trajectory control in spite of the presence of unknown vortex forces, while the lead aircraft maneuvers. Furthermore, these results confirm that when the wing aircraft is positioned properly in the vortex of the lead aircraft, there is a reduction in the required flight power. Published in 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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