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Horst Gelbe 《化学,工程师,技术》1982,54(7):649-654
Pipework engineering and chemical engineering . Piping must be included as an essential part of a plant in the chemical engineering design of the process units. The necessary engineering specifications for an appropriate, minimum cost design of pipe systems and the job integration of pipe planning, which demonstrates the strong links between pipework engineering and chemical engineering in the planning and construction of plant, are discussed. The use of computers in pipe engineering began about 12 years ago. Development proceeded via computer mass listings, computer-plotted isometric drawings, automatic material listings to the contemporary computed plotted flow charts, leading to increasing confrontation of chemical engineers with these programs with repercussions in their work. A report is presented on the development of new systems and on the present state of implementation of these computer methods; the scope and limitations are indicated. 相似文献
Helmut Sixt 《化学,工程师,技术》1981,53(11):844-849
Application and engineering of anaerobic waste water treatment. Anaerobic processes are suitable for waste water from various sources with a high organic burden. New scientific insights suggest that the application of energysaving anaerobic plant will increase because the drop in fermentation time reduces the volume requirements and hence also the necessary investment. Apart from energy savings for introduction of oxygen, anaerobic processes also afford high-energy biogas having many potential uses. The chemical engineering, dimensions, and optimum loading will continue to make considerable demands on research into metabolic performance under the operating conditions of sewage treatment plant. 相似文献
Heinrich Nassenstein 《化学,工程师,技术》1981,53(8):631-637
Interface research and chemical engineering . This paper describes some advances in interface research and their importance for chemical engineering. In particular, new methods, new findings, and their applications are described in the fields: solid interfaces, fluid interfaces, and disperse systems. The report is based substantially on results obtained by the committee “Grenzflächen” of the GVC (VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemie-Ingenieurwesen). 相似文献
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Constantin Canavas 《化学,工程师,技术》1995,67(6):709-717
History of Control and Automation in Chemical Engineering . Control and automatization have been associated with chemistry and chemical engineering since long before the present information era. Since the early history of mankind precedents of what were to be called unit operations have been closely associated with control and automation concepts. The history of these concepts illustrates the development of theory and practice from the classic Greek times through Islamic and European Middle Ages up to today's chemical engineering. It also demonstrates the close interdependence of such development with leading social and scientific concepts, education systems and economic conditions. 相似文献
Marko Zlokarnik 《化学,工程师,技术》1982,54(11):939-952
Chemical engineering of aerobic waste water treatment – developments and trends . The present article deals with chemical engineering problems encountered in biological waste water treatment, as seen in research reports published during the last 5 to 10 years. It is seen that important advances in our biological and engineering knowledge of the biological degradation of organic wastes, relating to residence time distribution, concentration of biomass, and the temperature in the activation process have not been given sufficiently consistent attention in practice. Controversial views and possible solutions are indicated. Immobilization (especially with activated charcoal as carrier) offers certain advantages for raising the concentration of biomass in the activation space, this also facilitating separation of the biomass from the purified water. Flotation could offer an alternative. Disposal of the excess activated sludge is nowadays accomplished largely by anaerobic fermentation (bioconversion); the engineering of this step was developed in the 1930's and should be updated at the earliest possible opportunity. This would enhance the appeal of the process because the energetic potential of the biomass could then be fully utilized. 相似文献