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In order to investigate the influence of solute transfer and of surface active agents on the drop breakage process in liquih liquid extraction columns, their effect on the interfacial tension has to be studied in detail. The difficulty encountered is that the interfacial tension during solute transfer continuously changes and that no simple apparatus is commercially available which can measure these varying interfacial tension values. An attempt has been made here to theoretically predict them. The equations developed to predict the interfacial tension variation can be combined with a model for the breakage process and hence drop size distributions can be calculated from stage to stage. Applying a new combined film mass transfer coefficient model which takes into account the effect of contaminants, single drop extraction performance has been calculated for simplified conditions of constant bulk concentration in the continuous phase. Calculated efficiencies have been compared with experimental data and a good simulation of contaminant effects and dependency on drop size has been found. The calculations were restricted to low dispersed phase hold-up values, so that coalescence effects could be ignored. This work provides the required support for a procedure to be applied to counter-current flow extraction columns.  相似文献   

The breakage process of single drops in RDC liquid-liquid extraction columns has been investigated. The breakage probability and daughter drop size distribution were the measured characteristics. Binary systems, non-equilibrated ternary systems with mass transfer in both directions (c → d and d → c) and systems with surface active agent added were used in the experiments. A model of the breakage probability was developed based on a modified Weber number, taking into account the applied shearing stress and the resisting interfacial tension force. It is shown that breakage probability can be estimated if interfacial tension is known as a function of interfacial conditions.  相似文献   

Dispersed-phase holdup and extraction efficiency were measured in a pilot-plant scale rotating disc contactor (RDC) with perforated skirts (RDCS) with kerosene-o-cresol-water system. The data for the RDCS were examined using the data in this work and the available correlations proposed for the plain RDC. A comparison between the data measured in the RDCS and those in the RDC indicated that the RDCS has rather better extraction efficiency compared with the RDC.  相似文献   

The practical application of an extraction column model which takes into account the influence of drop-size distribution (i.e. the ‘forward mixing’ model) is brought forward by the generation, from experimental data, of values of the mass transfer and axial dispersion coefficients required by the model. Values of these coefficients were generated from drop-size distribution and solute concentration profile measurements in a 22 cm diam. rotating disc contactor. The use of the Handlos-Baron drop mass transfer model is justified. The resulting continuous phase transfer coefficients were found to be dependent only on disc speed. Continuous phase axial dispersion coefficients were much higher than tracer-correlation predicted values at higher flows, and larger drop sizes. An explanation for this is presented.  相似文献   

采用激光多普勒测速仪(LDV)和计算流体力学(CFD)软件,对转盘萃取塔(RDC)内的单相流流场进行了测量和模拟。发现塔内存在沟流和级间的旋涡流动,级间返混严重,为此发明了一种装有级间转动挡板的新型转盘萃取塔(NRDC)。NRDC与传统的RDC的区别在于安装了设计独特的转动挡板。这些转动挡板安装在2个转盘之间,固定在转动轴上,并与固定环处于同一水平面。LDV测量和CFD模拟结果发现,NRDC可有效抑制沟流和级间旋涡流动。传质实验和流体力学表明,NRDC的传质效率比RDC高20%—40%,而液泛速度大致相当。成功地将NRDC用于引进RDC的扩能改造和新塔的设计中。  相似文献   

陈杭  孙泽  宋兴福  于建国 《化工学报》2016,67(5):1694-1700
在验证了CFD单相流场模拟的基础上,采用均龄理论计算了中试转盘塔内的轴向混合分布,并将计算结果和理论平均停留时间以及组分输运模型计算值进行对比。结果表明:均龄理论能准确预测转盘塔内的轴向混合信息,且其计算时间只需数十秒,远小于传统组分输运模型所需的两周时间,具有低计算量的特点;同时均龄理论克服了传统组分输运模型无法模拟轴向混合空间分布的缺陷,为萃取塔内部结构优化提供了更多信息,是一种高效的模拟方法。后续均龄理论模拟结果的分析预示着转盘塔内的流动近似呈现出级内全混、级间平推的特点,符合萃取操作的需求;而相对于转盘间良好的混合作用,静环间存在明显的流动死区,造成一定的非理想性,其结构有待于进一步的优化。  相似文献   

A correlation for the estimation of dispersed phase axial mixing coefficients in terms of all the operating and fundamental variables was established. The proposed correlations are found to be a good representation of the present data (260 data points) obtained using four liquid‐liquid systems from two different sources. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The correlation of axial mixing in the continuous and dispersed phases of rotating disc and asymmetric rotating disc columns is presented. Published experimental results on continuous-phase axial mixing for both single- and two-phase flows, obtained with tracer injection methods and by solute concentration profiles, are considered. The correlation developed is based on 1055 data points for 32 liquid systems obtained by 19 different investigators. The axial mixing in rotating disc columns is found to be up to 20% larger than in asymmetric rotating disc columns. Data for the dispersed phase are harder to correlate than those for the continuous phase. Since the available results are often contradictory, the correlation for the dispersed-phase coefficient is thus less accurate than that for the continuousphase coefficient.  相似文献   

The deacidification of corn oil by continuous liquid-liquid extraction was investigated in a rotating disc column. The solvent was ethanol containing approximately 6% water. The influence of rotor speed, oil phase flow, and column geometry upon the dispersed phase holdup and the mass transfer efficiency was studied. The dispersed phase holdup increased with the increase of rotor speed and oil phase flow. Pratt's equation was used for calculating the characteristic velocity. An inverse relation was observed between the characteristic velocity and rotor speed, which is different from data previously reported in the literature. The estimated volumetric mass transfer coefficients increased as rotor speed and oil phase flow increased. The experimental results proved that it is feasible to obtain a refined oil with an oleic acid content less than 0.3 wt% by continuous solvent extraction. They also indicated that the corresponding loss of neutral oil was less than 5 wt%. Such value for the loss of neutral oil is significantly lower than the results reported in the literature for alkali or physical refining of corn oil.  相似文献   

The extraction of protein by continuous liquid-liquid extraction was investigated in a rotating disc contactor (RDC) and a rotating sieved disc contactor (RSDC) with and without stators. Hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance for reversed micellar extraction of lysozyme in RDC/RSDC I and RSDC II have been investigated. The dispersed phase holdup has increased with the increase of rotor speed. Pratt's equation was used for calculating the characteristic velocity. An inverse relation was observed between the characteristic velocity and rotor speed. The estimated overall mass transfer coefficient was increased by increasing the rotor speed. For an extraction column, the overall hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance can be judged by a volumetric utilization factor. At high rotor speeds, volumetric utilization factor for RSDCs is higher than that of RDC. The RSDC II has been successfully applied in reversed micellar extraction of protein.  相似文献   

新型转盘萃取塔在己内酰胺生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了转盘萃取塔在己内酰胺精制中萃取效率的影响因素,影响转盘萃取塔传质性能的主要因素是级间的轴向返混和沟流。介绍了新型转盘萃取塔的设计及其在70 kt/a己内酰胺精制装置中的工业应用效果。与原装置转盘萃取塔的运行情况比较,新型转盘萃取塔内的固定环平面增加了筛孔挡板,能有效抑制转盘萃取塔内的轴向返混,提高转盘萃取塔的传质效率。  相似文献   

The mass transfer process in a perforated rotating disk contactor (PRDC) using a toluene-acetone-water system was investigated.The volumetric overall mass transfer coefficients are calculated in a PRDC column.Both mass transfer directions are considered in experiments.The influences of operating variables containing agitation rate,dispersed and continuous phase flow rates and mass transfer in the extraction column are studied.According to obtained results,mass transfer is significantly dependent on agitation rate,while the dispersed and continuous phase flow rates have a minor effect on mass transfer in the extraction column.Furthermore,a novel empirical correlation is developed for prediction of overall continuous phase Sherwood number based on dispersed phase holdup,Reynolds number and mass transfer direction.There has been great agreement between experimental data and predicted values using a proposed correlation for all operating conditions.  相似文献   

Fluid dynamics of the single‐phase and two‐phase flow in a segment of a rotating disc contactor (RDC) liquid–liquid extraction column with 450 mm inner diameter were studied by performing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements. The fluid dynamics were investigated to test the predictivity of CFD at industrial scale. Different turbulence models in conjunction with the Eulerian approach were applied in the single‐phase and two‐phase simulations. The turbulent flow characteristics were analyzed by PIV measurements to validate the CFD simulations. An iso‐optical system composed of CaCl2/water–butylacetate allows for the two‐phase PIV measurements. Local turbulent energy dissipation was derived from velocity gradients in PIV data. In this connection, the influence of the PIV spatial resolution on the measured energy dissipation was also analyzed, and different fit functions were tested to scale the measured energy dissipation. Simulated velocity fields as well as the energy dissipation were compared with the experimental PIV data. The results from the simulations and experiments are in good agreement. The work shows that CFD can predict hydrodynamic characteristics even at bigger scales but is still subject to some minor restrictions. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2011  相似文献   

Mass transfer characteristics have been investigated in a 113 mm diameter asymmetric rotating disk contactor of the pilot plant scale for two different liquid–liquid systems. The effects of operating parameters including rotor speed and continuous and dispersed phase velocities on the volumetric overall mass transfer coefficients are investigated. The results show that the mass transfer performance is strongly dependent on agitation rate and interfacial tension, but only slightly dependent on phase flow rates. In this study, effective diffusivity is used instead of molecular diffusivity in the Gr?ber equation for estimation of dispersed phase overall mass transfer coefficient.The enhancement factor is determined experimentally and there from an empirical expression is derived for prediction of the enhancement factor as a function of Reynolds number. The predicted results compared to the experimental data show that the proposed correlation can efficiently predict the overall mass transfer coefficients in asymmetric rotating disk contactors.  相似文献   

Here is presented the first step toward the practical application of a model of liquid-liquid extraction column performance which includes the influence of drop size distribution, or of ‘forward mixing’. The theory, previously developed and described, has been used successfully to obtain model parameter values from experimental extraction data, including drop size distributions and solute concentration profiles. The presence of a significant settling zone height complicates the theory and poses difficulties. These were overcome by the reduction of the settling zone height to an insignificant level. Values of the continuous phase mass transfer, and axial dispersion, coefficients for an assumed (Handlos-Baron) drop-side model are reported. The overall mass transfer coefficients are confirmed to increase with drop size.  相似文献   

The axial mixing and countercurrent mass transfer characteristics of a 5 cm diameter extraction column agitated by vibrating perforated Teflon plates have been investigated. The dispersed phase was an organic liquid (usually kerosene) and the continuous phase was water. Axial mixing was measured in both phases using pulse tracer techniques; in the continuous phase the axial mixing was estimated to have a significant effect on mass transfer, but axial mixing in the dispersed phase had a negligible effect. Mass transfer was measured for several different solutes; n-butyric acid, benzoic acid and phenol. The overall heights of a transfer unit (cont. phase) were in the order of 10-20 cm for the organic-acids but higher for transfer of phenol from very dilute solutions. The characteristics of the vibrating plate column have been compared with those of other types of extractor and suggestions are made for further development.  相似文献   

李宁  苗志加  李再兴  王忠东  秦学  黄娟 《化工学报》2015,66(7):2678-2685
采用一种研制的新型生物转鼓反应器(RDBC),内部装填MBBR悬浮填料,通过调节浸没深度和转速可实现厌氧、缺氧、好氧等工况条件下运行,其氧总体积传质系数KLa可达25.87 h-1,动力效率可达228.62g·(kW·h)-1。利用生物转鼓分段进水后置反硝化工艺处理模拟生活污水,结果表明:在进水流量6 L·h-1(HRT 18 h),好氧生物转鼓反应器浸没高度比2/3、转速8 r·min-1、DO 3.0 mg·L-1,缺氧生物转鼓反应器浸没高度比5/6、转速4 r·min-1、DO 1.0 mg·L-1,进水流量分配比3:1,进水COD、NH4+-N和TN浓度平均值分别为385.0、38.0和38.0 mg·L-1时,COD、NH4+-N和TN去除率分别达到90.4%、93.7%和80.9%,出水水质可满足我国《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)一级A排放标准要求。  相似文献   

A rotating disc contactor (RDC) was designed and constructed. The obtained experimental results for the heights of shallow dispersion beds formed in the separation zone of the extraction column, suggested a new correlation. It was found that any increase in dispersed phase flow rate or rotor speed caused an increase in the dispersion height. Also, the results revealed the profound effect of the continuous phase viscosity on the height of the bed. Within the ranges of experimental results, the proposed correlation was in good agreement with the data of shallow beds compared to previous proposed relations.  相似文献   

In this study, the mass transfer efficiencies of a novel horizontal rotating packed (h‐RPB) bed and the conventional disc‐type rotating biological contactor (RBC) were studied at four speeds and seven submergences. Pall rings of two different sizes (25, 38 mm), superintalox saddles and a wiremesh spiral bundle were used as packings in the h‐RPB. Volumetric gas–liquid mass transfer coefficients were determined by unsteady state absorption of atmospheric oxygen in de‐aerated water. Power consumption per unit liquid volume has been found for all geometries tested. The oxygen transfer efficiency values for the h‐RPB were found to be 2–5 kg kWh?1 and for the disc RBC were found to be 1–2 kg kWh?1. The performance of the h‐RPB was also compared with other gas–liquid contactors such as surface aerators. The study proves that the h‐RPB is a energy efficient alternative to conventional contactors. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

New typical cross-flow Rotating Packed Bed(RPB)called multi-pulverizing RPB was manufactured.There is enough void in multi-pulverizing RPB,where liquid easily flows and is repeatedly pulverized by light packing,which decreases the material consumed,lightens the weight,and compacts the structure.Mass and heat transfer property in the new type PRB were studied by two experimental models.In the mass transfer model,the axial fan pumping gas press is only 100 Pa,mass transfer coefficient and volumetric mass transfer coefficient are similar to countercurrent RPB,which are an order quantity lager than that in the conventional packed tower.In the heat transfer experiment,the axial fan pumping gas press is only 120 Pa;volumetric heatwhich especially suits the treatment of large gas flow and lower gas pressure drop.  相似文献   

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