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This paper deals with the cost analysis of a two-unit (priority and ordinary) cold standby system model under a very practicable assumption that the repair machine (R.M.) may also fail during the repair of a failed unit. Some important measures of system effectiveness are obtained by using the regenerative point technique (R.P.T.).  相似文献   

A two-unit warm standby system has been modelled and analysed through GERT approach. A general concept of system utilization factor and availability curve has been introduced.  相似文献   

A two-unit warm standby system has been modelled and analysed through GERT approach. A general concept of system utilization factor and availability curve have been introduced.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a two-unit warm standby system. These units are identical, but have different failure rates and repair time distributions, when failed in operating or standby state. If the unit fails in operating state, we wait for the repairman for some maximum time or until the other unit fails, and if the unit fails in standby state we wait for the repairman until the other unit fails. On the failure of the second unit or on the completion of the maximum time, we call the repairman immediately at the higher cost.The system has been analysed to determine the various reliability measures by using semi-Markov processes and regenerative processes. Numerical results pertaining to some particular cases are also added.  相似文献   

This paper deals with two identical units warm standby system when a failure of unit is detected by actual inspection but a system down can be detected at any time without inspection. Where the lifetime distribution of unit is the bivariate exponential distribution and other distributions are arbitrary. The Laplace transform of the point-wise availability of the system and the steady state availability of the system are derived by using the supplementary variable method. Further, we discuss the optimum inspection period maximizing the steady state availability. A numerical example is presented.  相似文献   

A two-unit warm standby system is discussed, in which units are identical. Partial failure and complete failure of a unit can be detected by inspection from time to time. The inspection time follows an exponential distribution, whereas the repair and failure time follows an exponential and arbitrary distribution. Several reliability characteristics of interest to system designers and operation managers have been evaluated.  相似文献   

This paper studies a two-unit warm standby system subject to slow switch. Failure rates and switchover time of a unit from standby to operative are constant while repair times are arbitrarily distributed. Using the theory of regenerative and Markov-renewal processes several important measures of reliability are obtained.  相似文献   

Busy period analysis of a two-unit warm standby system with two modes (normal and total failure) and imperfect switching device has been studied by considering the availability of a single repair facility. Failure time distributions of the units are negative exponential whereas repair time distributions of units and switch are arbitrary. Using the regeneration point technique several reliability characteristics have been obtained. Moreover, the present model employs switch failure in non-regenerative states, for the first time.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the cost-benefit analysis of a one-server two-identical-unit cold standby system with repair and preventive maintenance (PM). The PM is of the type where the operating unit is taken up for PM whenever the other unit is available for operation. Initially, one unit is placed in operation and the other unit is kept as a cold standby. When the operating unit fails while the other unit is under service (repair or PM), the system breaks down. The busy period of the server in a time interval (O, t] is divided into time spent for repair and time spent for PM. By identifying regenerative epochs, suitable expressions for the expected values of these times are obtained. The pointwise availability is also derived. With the assumptions that a revenue is earned linearly with up-time, and repair and PM costs are incurred linearly with repair and PM times, respectively, the net expected revenue for a period (O, t] is derived. A particular case where the time to failure of the operating unit is 2-Erlang and the times for repair and PM are exponential has been analysed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the cost-benefit analysis of a one-server two-identical-unit cold standby system with repair and preventive maintenance (PM). The PM is of the age replacement type, where, if a unit has been in operation for a certain period of time, which may be a random variable, and if the other unit is in standby, the operating unit is taken off for PM. The expected net revenue in the interval [0,t) is obtained using two different approaches. The first approach is more general and allows nonlinearities in the revenue and costs. It is assumed that the revenue obtained by operating a unit for an uninterrupted interval of time is some function of the length of that interval. Similarly, the cost of a repair or PM action is function of the length of the repair or PM time, respectively, for that action. The second approach assumes that the revenue, repair cost and PM cost vary linearly with time. The pointwise availability is derived. The busy period of the server is divided into time spent in performing repair and time spent on PM. The expected net revenue in [0,t) is obtained. Both techniques make use of regeneration points. It is finally shown that the results of the first approach under assumptions of linear revenue and cost functions reduce to those of the second approach.  相似文献   

This paper studies the analysis of a stochastic model related to a two-unit chargeable standby system with interchangeable units (identical), i.e. the operative and standby units are interchanged at random epochs. The system can fail either due to power fluctuations or due to the operator's inefficiency. Failure time distributions are negative exponential while the distributions of repair times and time to interchange (of units) are arbitrary. Using a regenerative point technique, we have obtained various reliability characteristics to carry out the cost-benefit analysis.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a two-unit cold standby system with two types of repairmen. One “regular” repairman is kept for repairing the units as soon as they fail. It is assumed that sometimes he might not be able to do the repairs within some tolerable time (patience time). Another “expert” repairman, assumed to be perfect, is called on to do the repairs on the completion of this patience time or on the failure of the system, whichever is later.Various measures of system effectiveness are calculated using semi-Markov processes and regenerative processes. Based on these measures, a rule is developed whether the expert repairman should be called after the system failure. Further numerical results for a case, in which repair time and patience time both have non-Markovian property, are also investigated. Then the upper bound of the cost K3, below which the expert repairman should be called immediately after the system failure and the corresponding increase in profit are calculated.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the reliability analysis and the mean time to system recovery of a single server, two-unit (priority and ordinary) warm standby subject to degradation. Initially the priority unit is operative and the ordinary unit is kept as a warm standby. The priority unit passes through three different operative stages (excellent, good and satisfactory) before it fails. The priority unit enters into the total failure mode only from the satisfactory stage, and after repair it enters into the normal mode with any of the ‘excellent’, ‘good’ and ‘satisfactory’ stages with different probabilities. The failure, repair and degradation time distributions are assumed to be general and arbitrary. The system is observed at suitable regenerative epochs in order to carry out the expected first passage time analysis. Moreover, three special cases have been considered. The results of Gupta [Int. J. Systems Sci.22 (11) 2329–2338 (1991)] are derived from the present results as a special case. A computer program for calculating the mean time to system failure and the mean time to system recovery is made.  相似文献   

This paper deals with two identical units warm standby system; a failure of operating unit can be detected at any time but a failure of standby unit can not be done until a system is inspected. We are able to look upon the stochastic behavior of our model as that of semi-regenerative process. The pointwise unavailability and the steady state unavailability of the system are derived by using the limit theorem of semi-regenerativeprocess. Further, we shall discuss the optimum inspection period minimizing the steady state unavailability. A numerical example is presented.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the cost-benefit analysis of a 1 out of n:G system with two servers, one for preventive maintenance (PM) and one for repair. All standby units are cold. An operating unit is taken off for repair when it fails or for PM when a PM action is due. If a unit that needs service (PM or repair) finds the corresponding server busy it enters a first-come-first-served queue. When a unit is taken off for service and no standby is available, the system goes down. Expressions for steady-state expected up-time, time spent on PM and time spent on repair are obtained. These, along with linearity assumptions on the revenue and costs, are used to obtain an expression for the steady-state expected net revenue per unit time. A special case with age replacement is taken up for study and numerical results are presented.  相似文献   

We consider a 2-unit cold standby redundant system with two switching devices—transfer switch and connect switch. The system is analysed under the assumption that each unit works in three different modes—normal, partial failure and total failure. Failure time distributions of units and connect switch are exponential, whereas repair time distributions are general. At any instant after use the transfer switch fails with probability q = 1?p. Several reliability characteristics of interest to system designers as well as operations managers have been evaluated. A few particular cases are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the effect of imperfect switching on a two-unit standby redundant system, in which each unit works in three different modes (normal, partial failure and total failure) when the failure time distributions are exponential with different means and the repair times are arbitrarily distributed. Several reliability characteristics of interest to system designers as well as operations managers have been evaluated and particular cases are shown to corroborate earlier results.  相似文献   

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