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Verification problems can often be encoded as first-order validity or satisfiability problems. The availability of efficient automated theorem provers is a crucial pre-requisite for automating various verification tasks as well as their cooperation with specialized decision procedures for selected theories, such as Presburger Arithmetic. In this paper, we investigate how automated provers based on a form of equational reasoning, called paramodulation, can be used in verification tools. More precisely, given a theory T axiomatizing some data structure, we devise a procedure to answer the following questions. Is the satisfiability problem of T decidable by paramodulation? Can a procedure based on paramodulation for T be efficiently combined with other specialized procedures by using the Nelson-Oppen schema? Finally, if paramodulation decides the satisfiability problem of two theories, does it decide satisfiability in their union?The procedure capable of answering all questions above is based on Schematic Saturation; an inference system capable of over-approximating the inferences of paramodulation when solving satisfiability problems in a given theory T. Clause schemas derived by Schematic Saturation describe all clauses derived by paramodulation so that the answers to the questions above are obtained by checking that only finitely many different clause schemas are derived or that certain clause schemas are not derived.  相似文献   


#SMT, or model counting for logical theories, is a well-known hard problem that generalizes such tasks as counting the number of satisfying assignments to a Boolean formula and computing the volume of a polytope. In the realm of satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) there is a growing need for model counting solvers, coming from several application domains (quantitative information flow, static analysis of probabilistic programs). In this paper, we show a reduction from an approximate version of #SMT  to SMT. We focus on the theories of integer arithmetic and linear real arithmetic. We propose model counting algorithms that provide approximate solutions with formal bounds on the approximation error. They run in polynomial time and make a polynomial number of queries to the SMT solver for the underlying theory, exploiting “for free” the sophisticated heuristics implemented within modern SMT solvers. We have implemented the algorithms and used them to solve the value problem for a model of loop-free probabilistic programs with nondeterminism.


The SAT-based approach to the decision problem for expressive, decidable, quantifier-free first-order theories has been investigated with remarkable results at least since 1993. One such theory, successfully employed in the formal verification of complex, infinite state systems, is Separation Logic (SL), which combines Boolean logic with arithmetic constraints of the form xyc, where ⋈ is ≤, <, >, ≥, =, or ≠. The SAT-based approach to SL was first proposed and implemented in 1999: the results in terms of performance were good, and since then a number of other systems for SL have appeared. In this paper we focus on the problem of building efficient SAT-based decision procedures for SL. We present the basic procedure and four optimizations that improve dramatically its effectiveness in most cases: (a) IS 2 preprocessing, (b) early pruning, (c) model reduction, and (d) best reason detection. For each technique we give an example of how it might improve the performance. Furthermore, for the first three techniques, we give a pseudo-code representation and formally state the soundness and completeness of the resulting optimized procedure. We also show how it is possible to check the satisfiability of valuations involving constraints of the form xy < c using the Bellman–Ford algorithm. Lastly, we present an extensive comparative experimental analysis, showing that our solver TSAT++, built along the lines described in this paper, is currently the state of the art on various classes of problems, including randomly generated, hand-made, and real-world instances.  相似文献   

First-order logic provides a convenient formalism for describing a wide variety of verification conditions. Two main approaches to checking such conditions are pure first-order automated theorem proving (ATP) and automated theorem proving based on satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). Traditional ATP systems are designed to handle quantifiers easily, but often have difficulty reasoning with respect to theories. SMT systems, on the other hand, have built-in support for many useful theories, but have a much more difficult time with quantifiers. One clue on how to get the best of both worlds can be found in the legacy system Simplify which combines built-in theory reasoning with quantifier instantiation heuristics. Inspired by Simplify and motivated by a desire to provide a competitive alternative to ATP systems, this paper describes a methodology for reasoning about quantifiers in SMT systems. We present the methodology in the context of the Abstract DPLL Modulo Theories framework. Besides adapting many of Simplify’s techniques, we also introduce a number of new heuristics. Most important is the notion of instantiation level which provides an effective mechanism for prioritizing and managing the large search space inherent in quantifier instantiation techniques. These techniques have been implemented in the SMT system CVC3. Experimental results show that our methodology enables CVC3 to solve a significant number of quantified benchmarks that were not solvable with previous approaches.  相似文献   

The Nelson-Oppen combination method combines decision procedures for first-order theories over disjoint signatures into a single decision procedure for the union theory. To be correct, the method requires that the component theories be stably infinite. This restriction makes the method inapplicable to many interesting theories such as, for instance, theories having only finite models.In this paper we provide a new combination method that can combine any theory that is not stably infinite with another theory, provided that the latter is what we call a shiny theory. Examples of shiny theories include the theory of equality, the theory of partial orders, and the theory of total orders.An interesting consequence of our results is that any decision procedure for the satisfiability of quantifier-free Σ-formulae in a Σ-theory T can always be extended to accept inputs over an arbitrary signature Ω Σ.  相似文献   

Strategies used in deductive data bases try as far as possible to replace deduction in Horn clause theories TS by evaluation of relational algebra formulas in a set of ground atoms. In this paper we extend the relational algebra in order to take into account incomplete databases where incompleteness is represented by Skolem constants. We first define the notion of the extended model EM, similar to the Herbrand model, which is associated to a given theory TS. Specific satisfiability conditions applied to EM define the link between provability in TS and satisfiability in EM. Then we define an extended relational algebra to compute every ground instance of a given formula. It is shown that this algebra is always sound, and complete for a particular class of formulas which is not too restrictive.  相似文献   

The topic of this article is decision procedures for satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) of arbitrary quantifier-free formulæ. We propose an approach that decomposes the formula in such a way that its definitional part, including the theory, can be compiled by a rewrite-based first-order theorem prover, and the residual problem can be decided by an SMT-solver, based on the Davis–Putnam–Logemann–Loveland procedure. The resulting decision by stages mechanism may unite the complementary strengths of first-order provers and SMT-solvers. We demonstrate its practicality by giving decision procedures for the theories of records, integer offsets and arrays, with or without extensionality, and for combinations including such theories.  相似文献   

Information systems, which are responsible for driving many processes in our lives (health care, the web, municipalities, commerce and business, among others), store information in the form of logs which is often left unused. Process mining, a discipline in between data mining and software engineering, proposes tailored algorithms to exploit the information stored in a log, in order to reason about the processes underlying an information system. A key challenge in process mining is discovery: Given a log, derive a formal process model that can be used afterward for a formal analysis. In this paper, we provide a general approach based on satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) as a solution for this challenging problem. By encoding the problem into the logical/arithmetic domains and using modern SMT engines, it is shown how two separate families of process models can be discovered. The theory of this paper is accompanied with a tool, and experimental results witness the significance of this novel view of the process discovery problem.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for combining “off-the-shelf” SAT and constraint solvers for building an efficient Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver for a wide range of theories. Our method follows the abstraction/refinement approach to simplify the implementation of custom SMT solvers. The expected performance penalty by not using an interweaved combination of SAT and theory solvers is reduced by generalising a Boolean solution of an SMT problem first via assigning don’t care to as many variables as possible. We then use the generalised solution to determine a thereby smaller constraint set to be handed over to the constraint solver for a background theory. We show that for many benchmarks and real-world problems, this optimisation results in considerably smaller and less complex constraint problems. The presented approach is particularly useful for assembling a practically viable SMT solver quickly, when neither a suitable SMT solver nor a corresponding incremental theory solver is available. We have implemented our approach in the ABsolver framework and applied the resulting solver successfully to an industrial case-study: the verification problems arising in verifying an electronic car steering control system impose non-linear arithmetic constraints, which do not fall into the domain of any other available solver.  相似文献   

RTL混合可满足性求解方法分为基于可满足性模理论(SMT)和基于电路结构搜索两大类.前者主要使用逻辑推理的方法,目前已在处理器验证中得到了广泛的应用,主要得益于SMT支持用于描述验证条件的基础理论;后者能够充分地利用电路中的约束信息,因而求解效率较高.介绍了每一大类中的典型研究及其所采用的重要策略,以及RTL可满足性求解方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

Bounded model checking of software using SMT solvers instead of SAT solvers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C bounded model checking (cbmc) has proved to be a successful approach to automatic software analysis. The key idea is to (i) build a propositional formula whose models correspond to program traces (of bounded length) that violate some given property and (ii) use state-of-the-art SAT solvers to check the resulting formulae for satisfiability. In this paper, we propose a generalisation of the cbmc approach on the basis of an encoding into richer (but still decidable) theories than propositional logic. We show that our approach may lead to considerably more compact formulae than those obtained with cbmc. We have built a prototype implementation of our technique that uses a satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solver to solve the resulting formulae. Computer experiments indicate that our approach compares favourably with—and on some significant problems outperforms—cbmc.  相似文献   

Applications in software verification often require determining the satisfiability of first-order formulae with respect to background theories. During development, conjectures are usually false. Therefore, it is desirable to have a theorem prover that terminates on satisfiable instances. Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers have proven to be highly scalable, efficient and suitable for integrated theory reasoning. Inference systems with resolution and superposition are strong at reasoning with equalities, universally quantified variables, and Horn clauses. We describe a theorem-proving method that tightly integrates superposition-based inference system and SMT solver. The combination is refutationally complete if background theory symbols only occur in ground formulae, and non-ground clauses are variable-inactive. Termination is enforced by introducing additional axioms as hypotheses. The system detects any unsoundness introduced by these speculative inferences and recovers from it.  相似文献   

Sledgehammer is a component of Isabelle/HOL that employs resolution-based first-order automatic theorem provers (ATPs) to discharge goals arising in interactive proofs. It heuristically selects relevant facts and, if an ATP is successful, produces a snippet that replays the proof in Isabelle. We extended Sledgehammer to invoke satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers as well, exploiting its relevance filter and parallel architecture. The ATPs and SMT solvers nicely complement each other, and Isabelle users are now pleasantly surprised by SMT proofs for problems beyond the ATPs’ reach.  相似文献   

The efficiency of satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers is dependent on the capability of theory reasoners to provide small conflict sets, i.e. small unsatisfiable subsets from unsatisfiable sets of literals. Decision procedures for uninterpreted symbols (i.e. congruence closure algorithms) date back from the very early days of SMT. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, the complexity of generating smallest conflict sets for sets of literals with uninterpreted symbols and equalities had not yet been determined, although the corresponding decision problem was believed to be NP-complete. We provide here an NP-completeness proof, using a simple reduction from SAT.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework to derive instantiation-based decision procedures for satisfiability of quantified formulas in first-order theories, including its correctness, implementation, and evaluation. Using this framework we derive decision procedures for linear real arithmetic and linear integer arithmetic formulas with one quantifier alternation. We discuss extensions of these techniques for handling mixed real and integer arithmetic, and to formulas with arbitrary quantifier alternations. For the latter, we use a novel strategy that handles quantified formulas that are not in prenex normal form, which has advantages with respect to existing approaches. All of these techniques can be integrated within the solving architecture used by typical SMT solvers. Experimental results on standardized benchmarks from model checking, static analysis, and synthesis show that our implementation in the SMT solver cvc4 outperforms existing tools for quantified linear arithmetic.  相似文献   

Matlab Simulink™ is a member of a class of visual languages that are used for modeling and simulating physical and cyber-physical system. A Simulink model consists of blocks with input and output ports connected using links that carry signals. We provide a contract-based type system of Simulink with annotations and dimensions/units associated with ports and links. These contract types can capture invariants on signals as well as relations between signals. We define a contract-based verifier that checks the well formedness of Simulink blocks with respect to these contracts. This verifier generates proof obligations that are solved by SRI’s Yices solver for satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). This translation can be used to detect basic type errors and violation of contracts, demonstrate counterexamples, generate test cases, or prove the absence of contract-based type errors. Our work is an initial step toward the symbolic analysis of Matlab Simulink models.  相似文献   

It is crucial for the performance of ordered resolution or paramodulation-based deduction systems that they incorporate specialized techniques to work efficiently with standard algebraic theories E. Essential ingredients for this purpose are term orderings that are E-compatible, for the given E, and algorithms deciding constraint satisfiability for such orderings.Here we introduce a uniform technique providing the first such algorithms for some orderings for abelian semigroups, abelian monoids and abelian groups, which we believe will lead to reasonably efficient techniques for practice.Our algorithms are in NP, and hence optimal, since in addition we show that, for any well-founded E-compatible ordering for these E, the constraint satisfiability problem is NP-hard even for conjunctions of inequations.  相似文献   

We restrict our attention to decidable quantifier-free theories, such as the quantifier-free theory of integers under addition, the quantifier-free theory of arrays under storing and selecting, or the quantifier-free theory of list structure under cons, car and cdr. We consider combinations of such theories: theories whose sets of symbols are the union of the sets of the symbols of the individual theories and whose set of axioms is the union of the sets of axioms of the individual theories. We give a general technique for determining the complexity of decidable combinations of theories, and show, for example, that the satisfiability problem for the quantifier-free theory of integers, arrays, list structure and uninterpreted function symbols under +, ≤, store, select, cons, car and cdr is NP-complete. We next consider the complexity of the satisfiability problem for formulas already in disjunctive normal form: why some combinations of theories admit deterministic polynomial time decision procedures while for others the problem is NP-hard. Our analysis hinges on the question of whether the theories being combined are convex; that is, whether any conjunction of literals in the theory can entail a proper disjunction of equalities between variables. This leads to a discussion of the role that case analysis plays in deciding combinations of theories.  相似文献   

极小不可满足子式能够为可满足性模理论(SMT)公式的不可满足的原因提供精确的解释,帮助自动化工具迅速定位错误.针对极小SMT不可满足子式的求解问题,提出了SMT公式搜索树及其3类结点的概念,并给出了不可满足子式、极小不可满足子式与3类结点之间的映射关系.基于这种映射关系,采用宽度优先的搜索策略提出了宽度优先搜索的极小SMT不可满足子式求解算法.基于业界公认的SMT Competition 2007测试集进行实验的结果表明,该算法能够有效地求解极小不可满足子式.  相似文献   

Due to significant advances in SAT technology in the last years, its use for solving constraint satisfaction problems has been gaining wide acceptance. Solvers for satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) generalize SAT solving by adding the ability to handle arithmetic and other theories. Although there are results pointing out the adequacy of SMT solvers for solving CSPs, there are no available tools to extensively explore such adequacy. For this reason, in this paper we introduce a tool for translating FLATZINC (MINIZINC intermediate code) instances of CSPs to the standard SMT-LIB language. We provide extensive performance comparisons between state-of-the-art SMT solvers and most of the available FLATZINC solvers on standard FLATZINC problems. The obtained results suggest that state-of-the-art SMT solvers can be effectively used to solve CSPs.  相似文献   

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