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刘绪宽 《山东陶瓷》1996,19(4):21-24
本文叙述了一次烧成生料乳白釉紫砂陶生产工艺,并讨论了影响乳白釉的各种因素  相似文献   

根据卫生洁具乳白釉正交试验的结果,采用多指标多因素灰色关联矩阵法分析了影响乳白釉白度、光泽度和针孔的主要因素和影响程度。结果表明,多指标多因素灰色关联矩阵法对正交试验结果的分析更清晰、更具有实用价值。  相似文献   

1 前言长期以来,建材陶瓷行业广泛采用锆英石作为乳白釉的乳浊剂。近年来国内又相继研制成功了用锆英石、钛白粉混合及磷酸盐锆英石混合作为乳浊剂的乳白釉。但是,作为乳浊剂的锆英石价格比较贵,且用量一般超过10%,故成本高,为了进一步提高釉面质量、降低成本,减少乳浊剂用量而又要求达到较佳乳浊效果,笔者经过一段时间的实  相似文献   

氧化焰白釉技术已经非常成熟,但对于还原焰来说,单纯通过提高釉中锆的含量,也不一定实现白釉可以完全遮盖住坯体,并呈现较高的白度。所以,研究是否可以通过改变乳浊剂的颗粒粒径来实现白釉的还原焰烧成。乳白釉配方的釉用乳浊剂种类较多,有氧化锡、氧化锌、锆英砂、氧化锆等等。鉴于氧化锆受气氛影响较小,乳浊效果较好,是较稳定的乳浊剂。本次试验选择氧化锆和硅酸锆作为乳浊剂。硅酸锆的粒度不同,可以对釉配方性能产生较大的影响。  相似文献   

论述了利用新型乳浊剂生产卫生瓷乳白釉的试验过程.给出了釉料的化学组成、釉组成三元相图和釉浆性能参数,分析了经济效益。  相似文献   

该文简述乳白釉釉浆性能与色差缺陷的关系,重点分析了釉浆浓度、釉浆稠化性能控制不当是导致产品色差的原因。  相似文献   

唐山市第六瓷厂子去年九月组成磷酸盐乳白釉项目组,对卫生瓷釉面进行改进。他们以骨灰替代价格昂贵的化工原料氧化锡和锆英石、磷灰石,作为釉料的乳浊剂。经过半年多的试验,圆满完成试验任务并通过了省级技术鉴定。该新釉料不仅使产品釉面光泽度好,成瓷白度也由原来的68度提高到74度以上,其实物质量达到了国内同类产品的先进水平。采用这种磷酸盐乳白釉生产卫生瓷,每年将比原来使用的磷锆釉降低成  相似文献   

使用磷锆系乳白釉作陶瓷路标釉,产品白度高于80度,烧成温度为1230~1260℃,釉成本低于2500元/吨。  相似文献   

俞秋玉  汪桂香 《陶瓷》2007,(11):34-36
我公司在中温炻器烧成中,以前涂在匣钵内壁防粘接的Al2O3高温涂料,适应装生料透明釉、乳白釉产品,在颜色釉、窑变釉装烧过程中,由于基釉中的熔块、色料的挥发,其挥发物与涂料和匣钵内壁反应,只要装烧2~3次,就造成匣钵内涂料全部剥落,而且很难再涂上第二次涂料。后来经试验,通过外加锆英粉于涂料中,彻底解决了涂料剥落和剥落后难以复涂的问题。  相似文献   

使用磷锆系乳白釉作陶瓷路标釉,产品白度高于80度,烧成温度为1230~1260℃,釉成本低于2500元/吨。  相似文献   

本文首先叙述了高档无光凸印花釉的试制过程,然后较详细地分析了凸印花釉熔块的构成,生料的组成,凸花釉的制作工艺和其它因素对凸花艺术效果的影响。  相似文献   

The chief problems in glazing alumina bodies at high temperatures are (1) high porosity of the body with high capacity for absorption at the glaze-fusion temperature, (2) difference in thermal expansion between body and glaze, and (3) chemical activity of body and glaze materials. It is preferable to use feldspathic glazes with the RO group composed of alkalis from high-potash feldspars augmented if necessary by small amounts of potash frits. The effects of varying alumina and silica, with the RO group composed entirely of alkali, are illustrated for a typical glaze field. The glazes were applied to four alumina bodies containing 0 to 30% clay. The specimens were fired to cone 18, one-fire and two-fire. The results show that the area of best glazes was centered around 1.0 RO, 1.5 Al2O3, 15.0 SiO2 and 1.0 RO, 1.75 Al2O3, 15.0 SiO2 for one-fire and two-fire glazing, respectively.  相似文献   

利用高岭土、钾长石、石英、烧滑石、白云石、氧化铝、ZnO等常用原料,通过单因素实验法、正交实验法研究了工艺参数和各原料用量对仿古砖亚光釉的影响。试验结果表明,通过调整氧化铝、石英粉、烧滑石和碳酸钡的用量,控制原料的细度,在合适的温度下烧成,可以制备出釉面光滑细腻、白度高、具有丝绢光泽且适用于仿古面砖的亚光釉。  相似文献   

本文针对九五瓷瓷件在经过金属化炉后,瓷件及釉面经常会出现表面发黑这一缺陷,从实际生产角度出发,分析了所选择的原料、釉方的温度、瓷件的生产过程、金属化炉内的气氛等影响因素,提出了解决这一缺陷的途径,供同行参考。  相似文献   

徐研  祝家喜 《陶瓷》2011,(2):23-25
参照经验配方,合理选用原料,根据各氧化物的作用,调整基础釉配方,进行探索性试验。通过对比试验,确定了无铅生料透明釉为高CaO,无或少量MgO,适量ZnO、Al2O3的长石—石灰质釉,并给出了无铅生料透明釉的最佳配方。  相似文献   

徐研  祝家喜 《陶瓷》2011,(3):23-25
参照经验配方,合理选用原料,根据各氧化物的作用,调整基础釉配方,进行探索性试验。通过对比试验,确定了无铅生料透明釉为高CaO,无或少量MgO,适量ZnO、Al2O3的长石—石灰质釉,并给出了无铅生料透明釉的最佳配方。  相似文献   


In the ceramic tile industry opaque glazes with considerable zircon content are widely used. However, the high cost of zircon limits its wide use in relevant glaze compositions. In the present study, a model opaque glaze was modified by changing the alumina/silica ratio, adding potassium oxide, or using a higher content of opaque frit while gradually eliminating the zircon content in the glaze batch. After glaze preparation, application, and single firing of glazed floor tiles under industrial conditions glazes were characterised by XRD, SEM, and EDX. The optimum alumina/silica ratio was found to be 0·26. Colour parameters L, a, and b of starting and final glazes showed that an increase in opaque frit content gives more positive improvement in opacity and in dry abrasion resistance than potassium oxide addition. Removal of zircon from the glazes resulted in a decrease of ~13–18% in glaze cost without detrimental effect on opacity.  相似文献   

以高岭土、长石、石英、磷酸钙、氧化锌、氧化铁等原料制备高温无铅仿古金属光泽釉。主要研究了釉料配方组成及烧成制度对釉面效果的影响。结果表明:当在基础釉中添加(wt.%)磷酸钙25,氧化锌2,氧化铁20,在烧成温度为1260℃、保温20min条件下,可获得釉面效果良好的红色仿古金属光泽釉。采用XRD、SEM等现代测试方法对釉层的显微结构和物相组成进行表征,揭示了釉面的呈色效果与配方组成和显微结构之间的关系。  相似文献   

Five synthetic bodies were made up in which the silica, alumina, ferric oxide, and alkalis were varied. Salts were added to these bodies in various amounts; the bodies were dried and fired under carefully controlled conditions and salt glazed under oxidizing conditions at cones 2, 5, and 7 and under reducing conditions at cone 5. The effects of body composition and glazing temperature on the appearance of the bodies are giveu. Reducing conditions during glazing increased the glaze thickness. The maturity of the glaze is more important than the thickness. Devitrification of the glazes is more important than the presence of impurities. Crystals of hematite, acmite, nephelite, and carnegieite were found in the glazes. Firing treatment has a greater influence on glaze character than chemical composition.  相似文献   

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