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88 patients with thoracolumbar fractures and short-segment (mono or two segment) pedicle instrumentation from the years 1985-92 had a follow-up examination after an average time of 5.6 years. The 56 men and 32 women had an average age of 32.6 years at the time of injury, 24 patients primarily had a complete and 43 patients an incomplete paraplegia, 21 patients showed no neurological deficits. The operative decompression of the spinal cord and stabilization of the injured spine by short segment pedicle instrumentation led to a complete or partial remission of the neurological deficits in 93% of the patients with incomplete paraplegia. Operative stabilization allowed an early mobilization and rehabilitation of these patients. We found no tendency to an increased complication rate in patients with neurological deficits compared to patients without neurological deficits. Patients with initially incomplete paraplegia complained more often about pain than all the other patients. Despite intensive rehabilitation and retraining programs handicapped patients had obvious disadvantages regarding their further careers.  相似文献   

Anterior instrumentation in the treatment of thoracolumbar fractures has progressed significantly during the past 2 decades. These fixation systems have evolved to meet the anatomic, biomechanical, and imaging challenges associated with internal fixation of the thoracolumbar spine. The evolution of these devices will be reviewed, and from this, the indications and surgical techniques necessary for the safe and effective use of the device will be discussed. This study also reports the authors' initial clinical experience using the Z plate anterior thoracolumbar plating system in the treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures. The study consists of 12 consecutive adult patients who underwent a 1-stage anterolateral decompressive and stabilization procedure for burst fractures from T9-L3. The indications for surgery included neurologic deficits, deformity, progressive kyphosis, and late pain. Ten of the 12 patients maintained their postoperative sagittal alignment or a significant portion of their kyphosis reduction. Two patients with severe kyphotic deformities greater than 50 degrees lost 10 degrees and 20 degrees of their reduction at last followup. All 3 patients with neurologic deficits recovered. There were no neurologic or perioperative complications. Eleven of the 12 patients obtained a good or excellent functional outcome. Anterior arthrodesis using instrumentation stabilization after a 1-stage anterolateral decompression and reduction procedure can yield successful clinical results in the treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures.  相似文献   

Proceeding from the literature survey and on the basis of his own experience the author presents a current concept review of the problems of the transpedicular stabilization in fractures of the thoracolumbar spine. Individual chapters are devoted to the biomechanics and transpedicular screw placement, classification of implants and to the transpedicular operations on the injured vertebral body. Based on both his own experience and survey of the literature the author recommends the following: in order to increase the stability of osteosynthesis to place transpedicular screw in anteromedial direction (Magerl approach) close to the anterior cortex of the vertebral body or (in case of osteoporosis) to perforate it by tip of the screw. in fractures with the compression of vertebral body (mainly in case of burst fractures) to perform transpedicular reduction and cancellous bone grafting after Daniaux and Dick. Out of the implants so far used the author considers the best Fixateur interne (Dick) allowing facultless reduction as well as a longterm stabilization of the fracture.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the frequency of delayed diagnosis of major thoracolumbar vertebral fractures (T-L Fxs) in ED multiple-trauma patients, and to determine the differences between cases of delayed and nondelayed diagnoses of T-L Fx. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was conducted of 181 trauma patients with 310 major T-L Fxs (compression, burst, or chance Fxs or dislocations). Data collected included the time of the diagnosis of T-L Fx, the patient's clinical presentation in the ED, the mechanism of injury, and the outcome. RESULTS: Of the 181 patients with major T-L Fxs, 138 were diagnosed in the ED (nondelayed group), and 43 were diagnosed after the patient left the ED (delayed group). Of these, 33 cases occurred in unstable patients requiring emergent medical imaging and/or operation, 7 occurred when emergency physicians failed to detect subtle compression Fxs on ED radiographs, and 3 occurred in stable patients who were not radiographed in the ED. The delayed group were more often critical, and hypotensive, and had lower Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores than did the nondelayed group. The delayed group patients also had more cervical spine injuries, multiple noncontiguous spinal Fxs, high-energy mechanisms of injury, and direct blunt assaults to the back than did the nondelayed group patients. There were 13 patients with T-L Fxs, GCS scores = 15, and normal back examinations. There were 43 patients who had neurologic deficits associated with their injuries; 11 patients with incomplete cord lesions progressed, including 3 in the delayed group. CONCLUSIONS: A delay in the diagnosis of T-L Fx in hospitalized trauma patients is frequently associated with an unstable patient condition that necessitates higher-priority procedures than ED T-L spine radiographs. Such patients should receive spinal precautions until more complete evaluation can be performed. The decision to selectively radiograph T-L spines in multiple-trauma patients should consider the mechanism of injury, the presence of possible confounders to physical examination, and clinical signs and symptoms of back injury.  相似文献   

Operative treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures or fracture dislocations is a relatively modern development. Anterior decompression and stabilization play a significant role in the treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures. This article reviews the clinical indications and describes a one-staged operative technique for anterior instrumentation following anterior decompression.  相似文献   

The initial management of life-threatening hemorrhage associated with severe pelvic fractures has long been a source of debate. A review of the literature reveals that many advocate emergent orthopedic external fixation (EX-FIX) for severe pelvic fractures, whereas others claim greater success with angiographic embolization (ANGIO) as the first line of treatment. Although many have attempted to classify management options by fracture pattern, to date there has been no prospective trial comparing outcomes for each method of treatment. We offer a prospective study of all pelvic fracture patients admitted to our Level I trauma center between July 1994 and July 1995. Patients were classified according to fracture pattern and degree of hemodynamic instability. Those with primarily anterior pelvic ring fractures underwent emergent EX-FIX for control of hemorrhage, whereas those with primarily posterior pelvic ring fractures underwent emergent ANGIO to control hemorrhage. We found that blood product requirements and hospital stay were similar in each group. However, the complication rate was higher in patients who underwent initial emergency EX-FIX, primarily because of failure to adequately control hemorrhage. We conclude that patients with anterior-posterior compression type 2 and 3, lateral compression type 2 and 3, or vertical shear injuries, who are hemodynamically unstable as a result of their pelvic fracture, should undergo immediate ANGIO if laparotomy is not indicated. If laparotomy is indicated, EX-FIX should be placed intraoperatively, followed by postoperative ANGIO.  相似文献   

Kaposi's sarcoma is an angiogenic neoplasm composed of endothelial and spindle cells. The enormous increase in Kaposi's sarcoma with HIV infection, and recent discovery that a new human herpesvirus (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, also called human herpesvirus 8) is present in this tumor, has activated intense interest in the aetiology, epidemiology and pathogenesis of this disease. Today, Kaposi's sarcoma is one of the most frequent neoplasms in men under 50 years old in the USA, and in some African countries it is the most common tumour overall.  相似文献   

Pelvic retroperitoneal hemorrhage after pelvic fracture accounts for the high mortality and morbidity associated with this injury, a concept confirmed by analysis of 357 patients with pelvic fractures at the University of Kentucky Medical Center. The overall mortality of 9.8% was almost exclusively limited to patients with unstable fractures or crush injuries. The reliability of diagnostic peritoneal lavage in excluding associated intraperitoneal injury and the recognized utility of angiographic methods in identifying the site of bleeding constitute a major advance in management. Prompt angiographic definition of injury to major arterial trunks can lead to early operative intervention for direct vascular control. Bleeding from branches of the hypogastric artery can be managed effectively by clot embolization technic, avoiding operation. Venous bleeding is best treated by tamponade in most cases.  相似文献   

Although much has been written regarding treatment of thoracolumbar fractures, questions remain concerning even the most basic issues. This article reviews classification systems, bony stability, the need for neural decompression in thoracolumbar spine fractures, and the literature comparing conservative treatment versus surgical treatment and evaluating various surgical approaches and fixation devices. Finally, data in the available literature and the results of the neurologic examination, radiographic studies, and the magnetic resonance imaging scan are used as the basis for a proposed classification system and a treatment algorithm.  相似文献   

A total of 25 pathologic fractures in patients affected with thoracolumbar vertebral metastases associated with neurologic deficit are reported. None of the pathologic fractures were stable, while 14 were unstable and 11 were very unstable. Decompression with intralesional excision of the neoplastic mass compressing the dural sac was performed in all of the cases. Posterior stabilization was performed in the first cases using systems of sublaminar segmental fixation, and thereafter using systems of pedicle fixation. Removal of the vertebral body followed by anterior fusion after preventive posterior stabilization was performed in 2 cases. Pain symptoms regressed in 85% of the cases and in more than 50% of the patients there was improvement in the neurologic findings and in vertebral deformity consequent to fracture. Mean survival rate was 12 months. Despite the limited number of cases posterior stabilization of pathological fractures is a good choice of treatment in patients with severe neurologic deficit.  相似文献   

Movements of tissue hemocytes in the Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica were monitored and quantified by image analysis of sections following inoculation with agar cores containing Escherichia coli or cell-free medium on which the bacteria had previously grown. Hemocytes respond to the presence of live bacteria by accumulating in widely dispersed areas of tissue surrounding the gut and digestive diverticula. The response is rapid and evident within 40 min, is maximal at 1 hr, and declines by 3 hr after inoculation. Sterile implanted agar cores do not produce a response. Bacteria killed with ozone elicit a response when inoculated together with the medium on which they had grown while bacteria killed by heat or formalin do not. Killed bacteria suspended in saline fail to stimulate hemocyte chemokinesis. Cell-free medium applied externally produces a response equal to that measured with live bacteria inoculated internally. Extraction of bacteria-free medium with hexane does not significantly reduce hemocyte chemokinesis. Digestion of bacteria-free medium with pronase completely eliminates chemokinesis. Molecular filtrates of bacteria-free medium induce maximal chemokinetic response at molecular weight as low as 1 kDa. These data show that the oyster hemocyte activators produced by E. coli are most likely low-molecular-weight polypeptides which diffuse from the site of inoculation and can pass through the intact external surface epithelium to induce a chemokinetic response.  相似文献   

A Müller  HJ Reulen 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,43(4):854-61; discussion 861-2
OBJECTIVE: Extraforaminal disc herniations today are operated on via the so-called lateral approach. Clinical experience has shown that in contrast to levels L2/3-L4/5, this approach may become extremely difficult at the L5-S1 level. According to new microanatomic studies, the previous lateral approaches at this level often do not allow access to the neuroforamen without partial or total destruction of the L5-S1 facet joint. Postoperatively, this may lead to joint irritation with consecutive low back and pseudoradicular pain. To preserve the facet joint, a new approach was developed based on an anatomic study. METHODS: The approach was first considered with the help of bone specimens including ilium, vertebra 5, and sacrum. Thereafter, lumbar maceration specimens were prepared leaving ligaments, intervertebral discs, and joints intact. From these specimens, bony and ligamentous landmarks were deduced. Finally, the approach was tested on seven cadavers. Subsequently, the approach was performed on 13 patients and the intraoperative findings, the clinical feasibility, and the postoperative results were analyzed. APPROACH: After a transverse skin incision above the dorsal curvature of the ilium, the paravertebral muscles are dissected from the ilium medially toward the spinous process. Lateral from the apophyseal joint, a canal is drilled through the spongiosa of the sacrum. Primarily, a thin layer of inner cortex is spared to protect the content of the neuroforamen. Subsequently, it can easily be removed with the dissector to enter the extraforaminal space. In the depth of the drilled canal, the nerve root is found, because it is fixed at the sacrum near the disc space by the anterior lumbosacral ligaments. Riding on the nerve root, the intertransverse ligament and muscle can be removed with the punch. It is then possible to see the neuroforamen and extraforaminal space in front of the joint. Free fragments and contained discs can then easily be found and removed. CONCLUSION: Using this new approach, the L5-S1 joint remains intact. Space for instrumental manipulations is created in areas not essential for joint function. For this procedure, newly defined anatomic landmarks, such as the ileolumbar ligament, upper edge of the sacrum, lateral rim of the apophyseal joint, and para-articular notch, guide the operative route. In accordance with the preliminary anatomic studies, this approach was successfully used in 13 patients, and we think that it is a promising alternative that helps to preserve joint function and dorsal root ganglion integrity.  相似文献   

Mesaconitine, one of the main alkaloids contained in Aconiti tubers, is a centrally acting analgesic without affinity to opioid receptors. It has been reported that the antinociception is due to an interaction with the noradrenergic system. In the present study, the effect of mesaconitine on the uptake of noradrenaline and on neuronal activity was examined in rat hippocampus. Experiments were performed as a study of [3H]noradrenaline uptake into rat hippocampal synaptosomes. Mesoconitine inhibited [3H]noradrenaline uptake in a concentration-dependent manner with a Ki of 111.95+/-18 nM. In a further series of experiments, the effects of mesaconitine on the extracellularly recorded population spike were investigated in rat hippocampal slices. At a concentration of 10 nM, mesaconitine increased the amplitude of the postsynaptic population spike by 31.10%+/-6.7% of control and elicited one or two additional spikes. The presynaptic fiber spike and the field excitatory postsynaptic potential were not affected by this alkaloid. The enhancement of neuronal activity was abolished by 1 microM propranolol as well as by 1 microM timolol. It is concluded that mesoconitine increased the excitability in rat hippocampal pyramidal cells by an involvement of the noradrenergic system, with at least one mechanism being inhibition of noradrenaline uptake leading to an enhanced extraneuronal noradrenaline level.  相似文献   

Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MEE) and in vitro antifungal susceptibility testing were used to investigate the Candida albicans strain diversity in twenty nine AIDS patients from Abidjan (Ivory Coast). All patients were monitored for a first episode of oropharyngeal candidiasis and were randomly clustered into three groups of therapy: ketoconazole, amphotericin B or nystatin. Oral swabs were collected before every treatment, 14 and 30 days after the initiation of the therapy; a total of 67 isolates were investigated. No resistant or less susceptible isolate to any antifungal agent was found despite the emergence of clinical relapses, mainly for patients treated with nystatin or amphotericin B. The MEE analysis revealed 27 different electrophoretic types (ETs). Genetic distances between ETs were statistically analyzed and represented on a dendrogram. The 27 ETs clustered into three groups; in each group, ETs represented variants of the same strain. A segregation of the C. albicans isolates seemed to be as a function of the serotype.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In dealing with displaced proximal humerus fractures, there is still much controversy in treatment modalities. The latest investigations emphasize the concept of minimal exposure and rigid fixation. METHODS: The technique of closed reduction and percutaneous fixation with cannulated screws and k-pins was performed on 19 patients with two- and three-part proximal humerus fractures. The outcomes were evaluated with a mean follow-up of 21 months. RESULTS: All except one case had a solid union of the fracture. Sixteen of 19 patients (84%) acquired good or excellent results according to Neer's classification. No further collapse or avascular necrosis was found. CONCLUSION: The method of closed reduction and percutaneous fixation, although technically demanding, yields satisfactory results in displaced proximal humerus fracture. Cannulated screws provided rigid fixation that was the underlying tenet for early functional retrieval.  相似文献   

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