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The proliferation of mobile and pervasive computing devices has brought energy constraints into the limelight. Energy-conscious design is important at all levels of system architecture, and the software has a key role to play in conserving battery energy on these devices. With the increasing popularity of spatial database applications, and their anticipated deployment on mobile devices (such as road atlases and GPS-based applications), it is critical to examine the energy implications of spatial data storage and access methods for memory resident datasets. While there has been extensive prior research on spatial access methods on resource-rich environments, this is, perhaps, the first study to examine their suitability for resource-constrained environments. Using a detailed cycle-accurate energy estimation framework and four different datasets, this paper examines the pros and cons of three previously proposed spatial indexing alternatives from both the energy and performance angles. Specifically, the Quadtree, Packed R-tree, and Buddy-Tree structures are evaluated and compared with a brute-force approach that does not use an index. The results show that there are both performance and energy trade-offs between the indexing schemes for the different queries. The nature of the query also plays an important role in determining the energy-performance trade-offs. Further, technological trends and architectural enhancements are influencing factors on the relative behavior of the index structures. The work in the query has a bearing on how and where (on a mobile client or/and on a server) it should be performed for performance and energy savings. The results from this study will be beneficial for the design and implementation of embedded spatial databases, accelerating their deployment on numerous mobile devices. Received: November 11, 2001 / Accepted: March 12, 2002 Published online: November 14, 2002 This paper is a significantly extended version of preliminary work that appeared in the Proceedings of the Very Large Databases (VLDB) 2001 Conference. The extensions include (i) a comparison of indexing alternatives carrying out the operations in a brute-force manner; (ii) observations showing that datasets do play a role in power consumption; (iii) architectural solutions to address the cache and memory hotspots for energy; and (iv) benefits when off-loading the work to a server over a wireless medium compared to doing everything on the handheld device.  相似文献   

Effective timestamping in databases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many existing database applications place various timestamps on their data, rendering temporal values such as dates and times prevalent in database tables. During the past two decades, several dozen temporal data models have appeared, all with timestamps being integral components. The models have used timestamps for encoding two specific temporal aspects of database facts, namely transaction time, when the facts are current in the database, and valid time, when the facts are true in the modeled reality. However, with few exceptions, the assignment of timestamp values has been considered only in the context of individual modification statements. This paper takes the next logical step: It considers the use of timestamping for capturing transaction and valid time in the context of transactions. The paper initially identifies and analyzes several problems with straightforward timestamping, then proceeds to propose a variety of techniques aimed at solving these problems. Timestamping the results of a transaction with the commit time of the transaction is a promising approach. The paper studies how this timestamping may be done using a spectrum of techniques. While many database facts are valid until now, the current time, this value is absent from the existing temporal types. Techniques that address this problem using different substitute values are presented. Using a stratum architecture, the performance of the different proposed techniques are studied. Although querying and modifying time-varying data is accompanied by a number of subtle problems, we present a comprehensive approach that provides application programmers with simple, consistent, and efficient support for modifying bitemporal databases in the context of user transactions. Received: March 11, 1998 / Accepted July 27, 1999  相似文献   

A complete temporal relational algebra   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Various temporal extensions to the relational model have been proposed. All of these, however, deviate significantly from the original relational model. This paper presents a temporal extension of the relational algebra that is not significantly different from the original relational model, yet is at least as expressive as any of the previous approaches. This algebra employs multidimensional tuple time-stamping to capture the complete temporal behavior of data. The basic relational operations are redefined as consistent extensions of the existing operations in a manner that preserves the basic algebraic equivalences of the snapshot (i.e., conventional static) algebra. A new operation, namely temporal projection, is introduced. The complete update semantics are formally specified and aggregate functions are defined. The algebra is closed, and reduces to the snapshot algebra. It is also shown to be at least as expressive as the calculus-based temporal query language TQuel. In order to assess the algebra, it is evaluated using a set of twenty-six criteria proposed in the literature, and compared to existing temporal relational algebras. The proposed algebra appears to satisfy more criteria than any other existing algebra. Edited by Wesley Chu. Received February 1993 / Accepted April 1995  相似文献   

Similarity queries on complex objects are usually translated into searches among their feature vectors. This paper studies indexing techniques for very high-dimensional (e.g., in hundreds) vectors that are sparse or quasi-sparse, i.e., vectors each having only a small number (e.g., ten) of non-zero or significant values. Based on the R-tree, the paper introduces the xS-tree that uses lossy compression of bounding regions to guarantee a reasonable minimum fan-out within the allocated storage space for each node. In addition, the paper studies the performance and scalability of the xS-tree via experiments. Received: 3 May 1999 / Accepted: 23 October 2000 Published online: 27 April 2001  相似文献   

Abstract. The paper proposes a new method for efficient triangulation of large, unordered sets of 3D points using a CAD model comprising NURBS entities. It is primarily aimed at engineering applications involving analysis and visualisation of measured data, such as inspection, where a model of the object in question is available. Registration of the data to the model is the necessary first step, enabling the triangulation to be efficiently performed in 2D, on the projections of the measured points onto the model entities. The derived connectivity is then applied to the original 3D data. Improvement of the generated 3D mesh is often necessary, involving mesh smoothing, constraint-based elimination of redundant triangles and merging of mesh patches. Examples involving random measurements on aerospace and automotive free-form components are presented. Received: 30 August 1999 / Accepted: 10 January 2000  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel approach for multimedia data indexing and retrieval that is machine independent and highly flexible for sharing multimedia data across applications. Traditional multimedia data indexing and retrieval problems have been attacked using the central data server as the main focus, and most of the indexing and query-processing for retrieval are highly application dependent. This precludes the use of created indices and query processing mechanisms for multimedia data which, in general, have a wide variety of uses across applications. The approach proposed in this paper addresses three issues: 1. multimedia data indexing; 2. inference or query processing; and 3. combining indices and inference or query mechanism with the data to facilitate machine independence in retrieval and query processing. We emphasize the third issue, as typically multimedia data are huge in size and requires intra-data indexing. We describe how the proposed approach addresses various problems faced by the application developers in indexing and retrieval of multimedia data. Finally, we present two applications developed based on the proposed approach: video indexing; and video content authorization for presentation.  相似文献   

Spatial indexing of high-dimensional data based on relative approximation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We propose a novel index structure, the A-tree (approximation tree), for similarity searches in high-dimensional data. The basic idea of the A-tree is the introduction of virtual bounding rectangles (VBRs) which contain and approximate MBRs or data objects. VBRs can be represented quite compactly and thus affect the tree configuration both quantitatively and qualitatively. First, since tree nodes can contain a large number of VBR entries, fanout becomes large, which increases search speed. More importantly, we have a free hand in arranging MBRs and VBRs in the tree nodes. Each A-tree node contains an MBR and its children VBRs. Therefore, by fetching an A-tree node, we can obtain information on the exact position of a parent MBR and the approximate position of its children. We have performed experiments using both synthetic and real data sets. For the real data sets, the A-tree outperforms the SR-tree and the VA-file in all dimensionalities up to 64 dimensions, which is the highest dimension in our experiments. Additionally, we propose a cost model for the A-tree. We verify the validity of the cost model for synthetic and real data sets. Edited by T. Sellis. Received: December 8, 2000 / Accepted: March 20, 2002 Published online: September 25, 2002  相似文献   

We present the Finite-Window Robust Sequential Estimator for the detection and analysis of corrosion in range images of gas pipelines. This statistically robust, real-time technique estimates the pipeline surface range function in the presence of noise, surface deviations, and changes in the underlying model. Deviations from the robust surface fit, corresponding to statistical outliers, represent potential areas of corrosion. Because the algorithm estimates surface parameters over a finite, sliding window of data, it can track moderately high-order surfaces using lower order models. The system is consistent, objective, and non-destructive and can be used with the pipeline in service. Received: 7 September 1999 / Accepted: 2 November 2000  相似文献   

Efficient similarity search for market basket data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several organizations have developed very large market basket databases for the maintenance of customer transactions. New applications, e.g., Web recommendation systems, present the requirement for processing similarity queries in market basket databases. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme for similarity search queries in basket data. We develop a new representation method, which, in contrast to existing approaches, is proven to provide correct results. New algorithms are proposed for the processing of similarity queries. Extensive experimental results, for a variety of factors, illustrate the superiority of the proposed scheme over the state-of-the-art method. Edited by R. Ng. Received: August 6, 2001 / Accepted: May 21, 2002 Published online: September 25, 2002  相似文献   

We describe a novel approach for clustering collections of sets, and its application to the analysis and mining of categorical data. By “categorical data,” we mean tables with fields that cannot be naturally ordered by a metric – e.g., the names of producers of automobiles, or the names of products offered by a manufacturer. Our approach is based on an iterative method for assigning and propagating weights on the categorical values in a table; this facilitates a type of similarity measure arising from the co-occurrence of values in the dataset. Our techniques can be studied analytically in terms of certain types of non-linear dynamical systems. Received February 15, 1999 / Accepted August 15, 1999  相似文献   

In a variety of applications, we need to keep track of the development of a data set over time. For maintaining and querying these multiversion data efficiently, external storage structures are an absolute necessity. We propose a multiversion B-tree that supports insertions and deletions of data items at the current version and range queries and exact match queries for any version, current or past. Our multiversion B-tree is asymptotically optimal in the sense that the time and space bounds are asymptotically the same as those of the (single-version) B-tree in the worst case. The technique we present for transforming a (single-version) B-tree into a multiversion B-tree is quite general: it applies to a number of hierarchical external access structures with certain properties directly, and it can be modified for others.  相似文献   

Comparing images using joint histograms   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Color histograms are widely used for content-based image retrieval due to their efficiency and robustness. However, a color histogram only records an image's overall color composition, so images with very different appearances can have similar color histograms. This problem is especially critical in large image databases, where many images have similar color histograms. In this paper, we propose an alternative to color histograms called a joint histogram, which incorporates additional information without sacrificing the robustness of color histograms. We create a joint histogram by selecting a set of local pixel features and constructing a multidimensional histogram. Each entry in a joint histogram contains the number of pixels in the image that are described by a particular combination of feature values. We describe a number of different joint histograms, and evaluate their performance for image retrieval on a database with over 210,000 images. On our benchmarks, joint histograms outperform color histograms by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

We describe how video data can be organized and structured so as to facilitate efficient querying. We develop a formal model for video data and show how spatial data structures, suitably modified, provide an elegant way of storing such data. We develop algorithms to process various kinds of video queries and show that, in most cases, the complexity of these algorithms is linear. A prototype system, called the Advanced Video Information System (AVIS), based on these concepts, has been designed at the University of Maryland.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper presents structural recursion as the basis of the syntax and semantics of query languages for semistructured data and XML. We describe a simple and powerful query language based on pattern matching and show that it can be expressed using structural recursion, which is introduced as a top-down, recursive function, similar to the way XSL is defined on XML trees. On cyclic data, structural recursion can be defined in two equivalent ways: as a recursive function which evaluates the data top-down and remembers all its calls to avoid infinite loops, or as a bulk evaluation which processes the entire data in parallel using only traditional relational algebra operators. The latter makes it possible for optimization techniques in relational queries to be applied to structural recursion. We show that the composition of two structural recursion queries can be expressed as a single such query, and this is used as the basis of an optimization method for mediator systems. Several other formal properties are established: structural recursion can be expressed in first-order logic extended with transitive closure; its data complexity is PTIME; and over relational data it is a conservative extension of the relational calculus. The underlying data model is based on value equality, formally defined with bisimulation. Structural recursion is shown to be invariant with respect to value equality. Received: July 9, 1999 / Accepted: December 24, 1999  相似文献   

The GMAP: a versatile tool for physical data independence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Physical data independence is touted as a central feature of modern database systems. It allows users to frame queries in terms of the logical structure of the data, letting a query processor automatically translate them into optimal plans that access physical storage structures. Both relational and object-oriented systems, however, force users to frame their queries in terms of a logical schema that is directly tied to physical structures. We present an approach that eliminates this dependence. All storage structures are defined in a declarative language based on relational algebra as functions of a logical schema. We present an algorithm, integrated with a conventional query optimizer, that translates queries over this logical schema into plans that access the storage structures. We also show how to compile update requests into plans that update all relevant storage structures consistently and optimally. Finally, we report on experiments with a prototype implementation of our approach that demonstrate how it allows storage structures to be tuned to the expected or observed workload to achieve significantly better performance than is possible with conventional techniques. Edited by Matthias Jarke, Jorge Bocca, Carlo Zaniolo. Received September 15, 1994 / Accepted September 1, 1995  相似文献   

Many phenomena in nature and engineering happen simultaneously on rather diverse spatial and temporal scales. In other words, they exhibit a multi-scale character. A special numerical multilevel technique associated with a particular hierarchical data structure is adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). This scheme achieves locally very high spatial and temporal resolutions. Due to its popularity, many scientists are in need of interactive visualization tools for AMR data. In this article, we present a 3D texture-based volume-rendering algorithm for AMR data that directly utilizes the hierarchical structure. Thereby fast rendering performance is achieved even for high-resolution data sets. To avoid multiple rendering of regions that are covered by grids of different levels of resolution, we propose a space partitioning scheme to decompose the volume into axis-aligned regions of equal-sized cells. Furthermore the problems of interpolation artifacts, opacity corrections, and texture memory limitations are addressed. Published online: November 6, 2002 Correspondence to: R. K?hler  相似文献   

Extracting skeletal curves from 3D scattered data   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

In video processing, a common first step is to segment the videos into physical units, generally called shots. A shot is a video segment that consists of one continuous action. In general, these physical units need to be clustered to form more semantically significant units, such as scenes, sequences, programs, etc. This is the so-called story-based video structuring. Automatic video structuring is of great importance for video browsing and retrieval. The shots or scenes are usually described by one or several representative frames, called key-frames. Viewed from a higher level, key frames of some shots might be redundant in terms of semantics. In this paper, we propose automatic solutions to the problems of: (i) video partitioning, (ii) key frame computing, (iii) key frame pruning. For the first problem, an algorithm called “net comparison” is devised. It is accurate and fast because it uses both statistical and spatial information in an image and does not have to process the entire image. For the last two problems, we develop an original image similarity criterion, which considers both spatial layout and detail content in an image. For this purpose, coefficients of wavelet decomposition are used to derive parameter vectors accounting for the above two aspects. The parameters exhibit (quasi-) invariant properties, thus making the algorithm robust for many types of object/camera motions and scaling variances. The novel “seek and spread” strategy used in key frame computing allows us to obtain a large representative range for the key frames. Inter-shot redundancy of the key-frames is suppressed using the same image similarity measure. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our techniques.  相似文献   

Speeding up construction of PMR quadtree-based spatial indexes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Spatial indexes, such as those based on the quadtree, are important in spatial databases for efficient execution of queries involving spatial constraints, especially when the queries involve spatial joins. In this paper we present a number of techniques for speeding up the construction of quadtree-based spatial indexes, specifically the PMR quadtree, which can index arbitrary spatial data. We assume a quadtree implementation using the “linear quadtree”, a disk-resident representation that stores objects contained in the leaf nodes of the quadtree in a linear index (e.g., a B-tree) ordered based on a space-filling curve. We present two complementary techniques: an improved insertion algorithm and a bulk-loading method. The bulk-loading method can be extended to handle bulk-insertions into an existing PMR quadtree. We make some analytical observations about the I/O cost and CPU cost of our PMR quadtree bulk-loading algorithm, and conduct an extensive empirical study of the techniques presented in the paper. Our techniques are found to yield significant speedup compared to traditional quadtree building methods, even when the size of a main memory buffer is very small compared to the size of the resulting quadtrees. Edited by R. Sacks-Davis. Received: July 10, 2001 / Accepted: March 25, 2002 Published online: September 25, 2002  相似文献   

Approximate similarity retrieval with M-trees   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Motivated by the urgent need to improve the efficiency of similarity queries, approximate similarity retrieval is investigated in the environment of a metric tree index called the M-tree. Three different approximation techniques are proposed, which show how to forsake query precision for improved performance. Measures are defined that can quantify the improvements in performance efficiency and the quality of approximations. The proposed approximation techniques are then tested on various synthetic and real-life files. The evidence obtained from the experiments confirms our hypothesis that a high-quality approximated similarity search can be performed at a much lower cost than that needed to obtain the exact results. The proposed approximation techniques are scalable and appear to be independent of the metric used. Extensions of these techniques to the environments of other similarity search indexes are also discussed. Received July 7, 1998 / Accepted October 13, 1998  相似文献   

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