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Ploidy affects plant growth vigor and cell size, but the relative effects of pollen fertility and allergenicity between triploid and diploid have not been systematically examined. Here we performed comparative analyses of fertility, proteome, and abundances of putative allergenic proteins of pollen in triploid poplar ‘ZhongHuai1’ (‘ZH1’, triploid) and ‘ZhongHuai2’ (‘ZH2’, diploid) generated from the same parents. The mature pollen was sterile in triploid poplar ‘ZH1’. By applying two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE), a total of 72 differentially expressed protein spots (DEPs) were detected in triploid poplar pollen. Among them, 24 upregulated and 43 downregulated proteins were identified in triploid poplar pollen using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation coupled with time of-flight tandem mass spectrometer analysis (MALDI-TOF/TOF MS/MS). The main functions of these DEPs were related with “S-adenosylmethionine metabolism”, “actin cytoskeleton organization”, or “translational elongation”. The infertility of triploid poplar pollen might be related to its abnormal cytoskeletal system. In addition, the abundances of previously identified 28 putative allergenic proteins were compared among three poplar varieties (‘ZH1’, ‘ZH2’, and ‘2KEN8‘). Most putative allergenic proteins were downregulated in triploid poplar pollen. This work provides an insight into understanding the protein regulation mechanism of pollen infertility and low allergenicity in triploid poplar, and gives a clue to improving poplar polyploidy breeding and decreasing the pollen allergenicity.  相似文献   

Background/Aims: Epigenetic regulation is considered the main molecular mechanism underlying the developmental origin of health and disease’s (DOHAD) hypothesis. Previous studies that have investigated the role of paternal exercise on the metabolic health of the offspring did not control for the amount and intensity of the training or possible effects of adaptation to exercise and produced conflicting results regarding the benefits of parental exercise to the next generation. We employed a precisely regulated exercise regimen to study the transgenerational inheritance of improved metabolic health. Methods: We subjected male mice to a well-controlled exercise -training program to investigate the effects of paternal exercise on glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in their adult progeny. To investigate the molecular mechanisms of epigenetic inheritance, we determined chromatin markers in the skeletal muscle of the offspring and the paternal sperm. Results: Offspring of trained male mice exhibited improved glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity. Paternal exercise modulated the DNA methylation profile of PI3Kca and the imprinted H19/Igf2 locus at specific differentially methylated regions (DMRs) in the skeletal muscle of the offspring, which affected their gene expression. Remarkably, a similar DNA methylation profile at the PI3Kca, H19, and Igf2 genes was present in the progenitor sperm indicating that exercise-induced epigenetic changes that occurred during germ cell development contributed to transgenerational transmission. Conclusion: Paternal exercise might be considered as a strategy that could promote metabolic health in the offspring as the benefits can be inherited transgenerationally.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women worldwide. The disease and its treatments exert profound effects on an individual’s physical and mental health. There are many factors that impact an individual’s risk of developing breast cancer, their response to treatments, and their risk of recurrence. The community of microorganisms inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract, the gut microbiota, affects human health through metabolic, neural, and endocrine signaling, and immune activity. It is through these mechanisms that the gut microbiota appears to influence breast cancer risk, response to treatment, and recurrence. A disrupted gut microbiota or state of ‘dysbiosis’ can contribute to a biological environment associated with higher risk for cancer development as well as contribute to negative treatment side-effects. Many cancer treatments have been shown to shift the gut microbiota toward dysbiosis; however, the microbiota can also be positively manipulated through diet, prebiotic and probiotic supplementation, and exercise. The objective of this review is to provide an overview of the current understanding of the relationship between the gut microbiota and breast cancer and to highlight potential strategies for modulation of the gut microbiota that could lead to improved clinical outcomes and overall health in this population.  相似文献   

The transition from sexual reproduction to asexuality is often triggered by hybridization. The gametogenesis of many hybrid asexuals involves premeiotic genome endoreplication leading to bypass hybrid sterility and forming clonal gametes. However, it is still not clear when endoreplication occurs, how many gonial cells it affects and whether its rate differs among clonal lineages. Here, we investigated meiotic and premeiotic cells of diploid and triploid hybrids of spined loaches (Cypriniformes: Cobitis) that reproduce by gynogenesis. We found that in naturally and experimentally produced F1 hybrids asexuality is achieved by genome endoreplication, which occurs in gonocytes just before entering meiosis or, rarely, one or a few divisions before meiosis. However, genome endoreplication was observed only in a minor fraction of the hybrid’s gonocytes, while the vast majority of gonocytes were unable to duplicate their genomes and consequently could not proceed beyond pachytene due to defects in bivalent formation. We also noted that the rate of endoreplication was significantly higher among gonocytes of hybrids from natural clones than of experimentally produced F1 hybrids. Thus, asexuality and hybrid sterility are intimately related phenomena and the transition from sexual reproduction to asexuality must overcome significant problems with genome incompatibilities with a possible impact on reproductive potential.  相似文献   

Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum) is a minor crop grown on about 17 million hectares of land worldwide. Several grain characteristics determine semolina’s high end-use quality, such as grain protein content (GPC) which is directly related to the final products’ nutritional and technological values. GPC improvement could be pursued by considering a candidate gene approach. The glutamine synthetase (GS)/glutamate synthase (GOGAT) cycle represents a bottleneck in the first step of nitrogen assimilation. QTL for GPC have been located on all chromosomes, and several major ones have been reported on 2A and 2B chromosomes, where GS2 and Fd-GOGAT genes have been mapped. A useful and efficient method to validate a putative QTL is the constitution of near-isogenic lines (NILs) by using the marker found to be associated to that QTL. Here, we present the development of two distinct sets of heterogeneous inbred family (HIF)- based NILs segregating for GS2 and Fd-GOGAT genes obtained from heterozygous lines at those loci, as well as their genotypic and phenotypic characterizations. The results allow the validation of the previously identified GPC QTL on 2A and 2B chromosomes, along with the role of these key genes in GPC control.  相似文献   

Loss of imprinting (LOI) of insulin-like growth factor II gene (IGF2) is an epigenetic abnormality associated with human diseases. However, little is known about the characteristics of IGF2 imprinting in newborn cord blood cells. METHODS: A total of 923 cord blood samples from term singletons and related clinical data were collected; IGF2 imprinting status in 273 specimens were successfully analyzed using RT-PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism. RESULTS: LOI of IGF2 was detected in 20.9% of informative samples. The mean birth weights (BW) in the LOI and the normal imprinting groups were 3462.7 ± 460.2 g and 3363.7 ± 427.7 g, respectively. The abdominal perimeters in the LOI group tended to be larger than that in the normal imprinting group. Pregnancy complications, delivery modes, newborn diseases, occurrences of malignant tumors in grandparents, and other maternal factors were not associated with LOI of IGF2. 22.2% of the infants with IGF2 LOI also showed LOI in their father’s lymphocytes while 21.4% in their mother’s lymphocytes. CONCLUSIONS: About 20% of Han Chinese newborns indicated LOI of IGF2 in their cord blood lymphocytes that may represent the epigenetic characteristics in this ethnic group. While IGF2 LOI tends to be weakly inherited between parents and offspring, abnormal imprinting seems to be statistically unrelated with phenotypes of newborns, although it might have an association with later phenotypes of infants.  相似文献   

This narrative review summarises the evidence for considering physical exercise (PE) as a non-pharmacological intervention for delaying cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) not only by improving cardiovascular fitness but also by attenuating neuroinflammation. Ageing is the most important risk factor for AD. A hallmark of the ageing process is a systemic low-grade chronic inflammation that also contributes to neuroinflammation. Neuroinflammation is associated with AD, Parkinson’s disease, late-onset epilepsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and anxiety disorders. Pharmacological treatment of AD is currently limited to mitigating the symptoms and attenuating progression of the disease. AD animal model studies and human studies on patients with a clinical diagnosis of different stages of AD have concluded that PE attenuates cognitive decline not only by improving cardiovascular fitness but possibly also by attenuating neuroinflammation. Therefore, low-grade chronic inflammation and neuroinflammation should be considered potential modifiable risk factors for AD that can be attenuated by PE. This opens the possibility for personalised attenuation of neuroinflammation that could also have important health benefits for patients with other inflammation associated brain disorders (i.e., Parkinson’s disease, late-onset epilepsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and anxiety disorders). In summary, life-long, regular, structured PE should be considered as a supplemental intervention for attenuating the progression of AD in human. Further studies in human are necessary to develop optimal, personalised protocols, adapted to the progression of AD and the individual’s mental and physical limitations, to take full advantage of the beneficial effects of PE that include improved cardiovascular fitness, attenuated systemic inflammation and neuroinflammation, stimulated brain Aβ peptides brain catabolism and brain clearance.  相似文献   

Plastid inheritance in angiosperms is presumed to be largely maternal, with the potential to inherit plastids biparentally estimated for about 20% of species. In Passiflora, maternal, paternal and biparental inheritance has been reported; however, these studies were limited in the number of crosses and progeny examined. To improve the understanding of plastid transmission in Passiflora, the progeny of 45 interspecific crosses were analyzed in the three subgenera: Passiflora, Decaloba and Astrophea. Plastid types were assessed following restriction digestion of PCR amplified plastid DNA in hybrid embryos, cotyledons and leaves at different developmental stages. Clade-specific patterns of inheritance were detected such that hybrid progeny from subgenera Passiflora and Astrophea predominantly inherited paternal plastids with occasional incidences of maternal inheritance, whereas subgenus Decaloba showed predominantly maternal and biparental inheritance. Biparental plastid inheritance was also detected in some hybrids from subgenus Passiflora. Heteroplasmy due to biparental inheritance was restricted to hybrid cotyledons and first leaves with a single parental plastid type detectable in mature plants. This indicates that in Passiflora, plastid retention at later stages of plant development may not reflect the plastid inheritance patterns in embryos. Passiflora exhibits diverse patterns of plastid inheritance, providing an excellent system to investigate underlying mechanisms in angiosperms.  相似文献   

The present study investigates cytogenetic damage in lymphocytes, derived from three victims who were unfortunately exposed to cobalt-60 (60Co) radiation (the 1999 accident occurred in a village in China’s Henan province). Case A of the three victims was exposed to a higher dose of 60Co radiation than Cases B and C. The chromosomal aberrations, cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN, the CBMN assay), and DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs, the comet assay) examined in this study are biomarkers for cytogenetic abnormalities. After the lymphocytes collected from the victims were cultured, the frequencies of dicentric chromosomes and rings (dic + r) and CBMN in the first mitotic division detected in the lymphocytes of Case A were found to be substantially higher than in Cases B and C. Similarly, the DNA-DSB level found in the peripheral blood collected from Case A was much higher than those of Cases B and C. These results suggest that an acutely enhanced induction of the 60Co-induced cytogenetic abnormality frequency in humans depends on the dose of 60Co radiation. This finding is supported by the data obtained using practical techniques to evaluate early lymphoid-tissue abnormalities induced after exposure to acute radiation.  相似文献   

Assisted reproductive techniques (ART) and parental nutritional status have profound effects on embryonic/fetal and placental development, which are probably mediated via “programming” of gene expression, as reflected by changes in their epigenetic landscape. Such epigenetic changes may underlie programming of growth, development, and function of fetal organs later in pregnancy and the offspring postnatally, and potentially lead to long-term changes in organ structure and function in the offspring as adults. This latter concept has been termed developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD), or simply developmental programming, which has emerged as a major health issue in animals and humans because it is associated with an increased risk of non-communicable diseases in the offspring, including metabolic, behavioral, and reproductive dysfunction. In this review, we will briefly introduce the concept of developmental programming and its relationship to epigenetics. We will then discuss evidence that ART and periconceptual maternal and paternal nutrition may lead to epigenetic alterations very early in pregnancy, and how each pregnancy experiences developmental programming based on signals received by and from the dam. Lastly, we will discuss current research on strategies designed to overcome or minimize the negative consequences or, conversely, to maximize the positive aspects of developmental programming.  相似文献   

One of the biggest prerequisites for pregnancy is the fertilization step, where a human haploid spermatozoon interacts and penetrates one haploid oocyte in order to produce the diploid zygote. Although fertilization is defined by the presence of two pronuclei and the extraction of the second polar body the process itself requires preparation of both gametes for fertilization to take place at a specific time. These preparations include a number of consecutive biochemical and molecular events with the help of specific molecules and with the consequential interaction between the two gametes. These events take place at three different levels and in a precise order, where the moving spermatozoon penetrates (a) the outer vestments of the oocyte, known as the cumulus cell layer; (b) the zona pellucida (ZP); where exocytosis of the acrosome contents take place and (c) direct interaction of the spermatozoon with the plasma membrane of the oocyte, which involves a firm adhesion of the head of the spermatozoon with the oocyte plasma membrane that culminates with the fusion of both sperm and oocyte membranes (Part I). After the above interactions, a cascade of molecular signal transductions is initiated which results in oocyte activation. Soon after the entry of the first spermatozoon into the oocyte and oocyte activation, the oocyte’s coat (the ZP) and the oocyte’s plasma membrane seem to change quickly in order to initiate a fast block to a second spermatozoon (Part II). Sometimes, two spermatozoa fuse with one oocyte, an incidence of 1%–2%, resulting in polyploid fetuses that account for up to 10%–20% of spontaneously aborted human conceptuses. The present review aims to focus on the first part of the human sperm and oocyte interactions, emphasizing the latest molecular and cellular mechanisms controlling this process.  相似文献   

This article lists the theoretical criteria that need to be considered to assess the practicability of an automatic analyser. Two essential sets of criteria should be taken into account when selecting an automatic analyser: ‘reliability’ and ‘practicability’. Practibility covers the features that provide information about the suitability of an analyser for specific working conditions.These practibility criteria are classsified in this article and include the environment; work organization; versatility and flexibility; safely controls; staff training; maintenance and operational costs.  相似文献   

The sea urchin Diadema setosum is edible and desirable as food by locals in central Vietnam and a promising target for potential fishing. The lipid profiles of the gonads of the sea urchin inhabiting the coastal area in Nha Trang Bay are studied for the first time. The determination of the content of the total lipids (TL), total phospholipids (PL), monoacylglycerols (MAG), diacylglycerols (DAG), triacylglycerols (TAG), cholesterol (Chol), sterol esters, and free fatty acids (FFA) is analyzed by high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC); the phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylcholine (PC), lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), and sphingomyelin (SM) are determined by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC); and the fatty acid levels of TLs are identified using gas chromatography (GC). Non-polar TAG, FFA, Chol, and DAG dominated. The content of total PL is significant. PC is abundant among PL fractions, followed by PE, PI, and PS. The TLs contain a high proportion of PUFA, mainly due to arachidonic fatty acid and eicosapentanoic fatty acid. The (n−6)/(n−3) ratio is 1.68, and the atherogenic and thrombogenic indexes of D. setosum are 1.13 and 0.73. The results can be used in the development of marine bioprospecting and methodological approaches for the creation of functional substances.  相似文献   

The effects of processed Aloe vera gel (PAG) on cyclophosphamide (CP)-induced immunotoxicity were examined in mice. Intraperitoneal injection of CP significantly reduced the total number of lymphocytes and erythrocytes in the blood. Oral administration of PAG quickly restored CP-induced lymphopenia and erythropenia in a dose-dependent manner. The reversal of CP-induced hematotoxicity by PAG was mediated by the functional preservation of Peyer’s patch cells. Peyer’s patch cells isolated from CP-treated mice, which were administered PAG, produced higher levels of T helper 1 cytokines and colony-stimulating factors (CSF) in response to concanavalin A stimulation as compared with those isolated from CP-treated control mice. PAG-derived polysaccharides directly activated Peyer’s patch cells isolated from normal mice to produce cytokines including interleukin (IL)-6, IL-12, interferon-γ, granulocyte-CSF, and granulocyte-macrophage-CSF. The cytokines produced by polysaccharide-stimulated Peyer’s patch cells had potent proliferation-inducing activity on mouse bone marrow cells. In addition, oral administration of PAG restored IgA secretion in the intestine after CP treatment. These results indicated that PAG could be an effective immunomodulator and that it could prevent CP-induced immunotoxic side effects.  相似文献   

Bacterial β-glucans are exopolysaccharides (EPSs), which can protect bacteria or cooperate in biofilm formation or in bacterial cell adhesion. Pediococcus parvulus 2.6 is a lactic acid bacterium that produces an O-2-substituted (1-3)-β-D-glucan. The structural similarity of this EPS to active compounds such as laminarin, together with its ability to modulate the immune system and to adhere in vitro to human enterocytes, led us to investigate, in comparison with laminarin, its potential as an immunomodulator of in vitro co-cultured Caco-2 and PMA-THP-1 cells. O-2-substituted (1-3)-β-D-glucan synthesized by the GTF glycosyl transferase of Pediococcus parvulus 2.6 or that by Lactococcus lactis NZ9000[pGTF] were purified and used in this study. The XTT tests revealed that all β-glucans were non-toxic for both cell lines and activated PMA-THP-1 cells’ metabolisms. The O-2-substituted (1-3)-β-D-glucan modulated production and expression of IL-8 and the IL-10 in Caco-2 and PMA-THP-1 cells. Laminarin also modulated cytokine production by diminishing TNF-α in Caco-2 cells and IL-8 in PMA-THP-1. All these features could be considered with the aim to produce function foods, supplemented with laminarin or with another novel β-glucan-producing strain, in order to ameliorate an individual’s immune system response toward pathogens or to control mild side effects in remission patients affected by inflammatory bowel diseases.  相似文献   

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is an obstetric complication that affects approximately 5–10% of all pregnancies worldwide. GDM is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy, and is characterized by exaggerated insulin resistance, a condition which is already pronounced in healthy pregnancies. Maternal hyperglycaemia ensues, instigating a ‘glucose stress’ response and concurrent systemic inflammation. Previous findings have proposed that both placental and visceral adipose tissue play a part in instigating and mediating this low-grade inflammatory response which involves altered infiltration, differentiation and activation of maternal innate and adaptive immune cells. The resulting maternal immune dysregulation is responsible for exacerbation of the condition and a further reduction in maternal insulin sensitivity. GDM pathology results in maternal and foetal adverse outcomes such as increased susceptibility to diabetes mellitus development and foetal neurological conditions. A clearer understanding of how these pathways originate and evolve will improve therapeutic targeting. In this review, we will explore the existing findings describing maternal immunological adaption in GDM in an attempt to highlight our current understanding of GDM-mediated immune dysregulation and identify areas where further research is required.  相似文献   

Mutations in the PSEN1 gene are the most common cause of autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease, and are characterized by a high phenotype variability. This study describes a five-generation family, with a prevalent late-onset of the disease and a high frequency of depression, in which a new missense mutation (c.789T > G, p.Cys263Trp) in exon 8 of the PSEN1 gene was found. Only the proband presented an early onset at the age of 45 with attention deficit, followed by spatial disorientation, psychiatric symptoms and parkinsonian signs. The other two cases had a late onset of the disease and a typical presentation with memory loss. Both were characterized by a high level of anxiety and depression. The disease course was different with signs of Lewy body dementia for the proband’s mother, and pyramidal involvement and a shorter disease duration for the proband’s maternal aunt. The other eight cases with late-onset dementia and three cases with a long history of depression have been reported in the family pedigree, underlying the high phenotype variability of PSEN1 mutations.  相似文献   

The evolution of the eukaryotic cell from the primal endosymbiotic event involved a complex series of adaptations driven primarily by energy optimization. Transfer of genes from endosymbiont to host and concomitant expansion (by infolding) of the endosymbiont’s chemiosmotic membrane greatly increased output of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and placed selective pressure on the membrane at the host–endosymbiont interface to sustain the energy advantage. It is hypothesized that critical functions at this interface (metabolite exchange, polypeptide import, barrier integrity to proteins and DNA) were managed by a precursor β-barrel protein (“pβB”) from which the voltage-dependent anion-selective channel (VDAC) descended. VDAC’s role as hub for disparate and increasingly complex processes suggests an adaptability that likely springs from a feature inherited from pβB, retained because of important advantages conferred. It is proposed that this property is the remarkable structural flexibility evidenced in VDAC’s gating mechanism, a possible origin of which is discussed.  相似文献   

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