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Approximately 5–10% of all breast cancer (BC) cases are caused by germline pathogenic variants (GPVs) in various cancer predisposition genes (CPGs). The most common contributors to hereditary BC are BRCA1 and BRCA2, which are associated with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC). ATM, BARD1, CHEK2, PALB2, RAD51C, and RAD51D have also been recognized as CPGs with a high to moderate risk of BC. Primary and secondary cancer prevention strategies have been established for HBOC patients; however, optimal preventive strategies for most hereditary BCs have not yet been established. Most BC-associated CPGs participate in DNA damage repair pathways and cell cycle checkpoint mechanisms, and function jointly in such cascades; therefore, a fundamental understanding of the disease drivers in such cascades can facilitate the accurate estimation of the genetic risk of developing BC and the selection of appropriate preventive and therapeutic strategies to manage hereditary BCs. Herein, we review the functions of key BC-associated CPGs and strategies for the clinical management in individuals harboring the GPVs of such genes.  相似文献   

Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 inhibitors (PARPi) are used to treat recurrent ovarian cancer (OC) patients due to greater survival benefits and minimal side effects, especially in those patients with complete or partial response to platinum-based chemotherapy. However, acquired resistance of platinum-based chemotherapy leads to the limited efficacy of PARPi monotherapy in most patients. Twist is recognized as a possible oncogene and contributes to acquired cisplatin resistance in OC cells. In this study, we show how Twist knockdown cisplatin-resistant (CisR) OC cells blocked DNA damage response (DDR) to sensitize these cells to a concurrent treatment of cisplatin as a platinum-based chemotherapy agent and niraparib as a PARPi on in vitro two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) cell culture. To investigate the lethality of PARPi and cisplatin on Twist knockdown CisR OC cells, two CisR cell lines (OV90 and SKOV3) were established using step-wise dose escalation method. In addition, in vitro 3D spheroidal cell model was generated using modified hanging drop and hydrogel scaffolds techniques on poly-2-hydroxylethly methacrylate (poly-HEMA) coated plates. Twist expression was strongly correlated with the expression of DDR proteins, PARP1 and XRCC1 and overexpression of both proteins was associated with cisplatin resistance in OC cells. Moreover, combination of cisplatin (Cis) and niraparib (Nira) produced lethality on Twist-knockdown CisR OC cells, according to combination index (CI). We found that Cis alone, Nira alone, or a combination of Cis+Nira therapy increased cell death by suppressing DDR proteins in 2D monolayer cell culture. Notably, the combination of Nira and Cis was considerably effective against 3D-cultures of Twist knockdown CisR OC cells in which Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is upregulated, leading to initiation of mitochondrial-mediated cell death. In addition, immunohistochemically, Cis alone, Nira alone or Cis+Nira showed lower ki-67 (cell proliferative marker) expression and higher cleaved caspase-3 (apoptotic marker) immuno-reactivity. Hence, lethality of PARPi with the combination of Cis on Twist knockdown CisR OC cells may provide an effective way to expand the therapeutic potential to overcome platinum-based chemotherapy resistance and PARPi cross resistance in OC.  相似文献   

Synthetic lethality describes situations in which defects in two different genes or pathways together result in cell death. This concept has been applied to drug development for cancer treatment, as represented by Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARPs) inhibitors. In the current study, we performed a computational screening to discover new PARP inhibitors. Among the 11,247 compounds analyzed, one natural product, ZINC67913374, stood out by its superior performance in the simulation analyses. Compared with the FDA approved PARP1 inhibitor, olaparib, our results demonstrated that the ZINC67913374 compound achieved a better grid score (−86.8) and amber score (−51.42). Molecular dynamics simulations suggested that the PARP1-ZINC67913374 complex was more stable than olaparib. The binding free energy for ZINC67913374 was −177.28 kJ/mol while that of olaparib was −159.16 kJ/mol. These results indicated ZINC67913374 bound to PARP1 with a higher affinity, which suggest ZINC67913374 has promising potential for cancer drug development.  相似文献   

Ferroptosis, a term first proposed in 2012, is iron-dependent, non-apoptotic regulatory cell death induced by erastin. Ferroptosis was originally discovered during synthetic lethal screening for drugs sensitive to RAS mutant cells, and is closely related to synthetic lethality. Ferroptosis sensitizes cancer stem cells and tumors that undergo epithelial−mesenchymal transition and are resistant to anticancer drugs or targeted therapy. Therefore, ferroptosis-inducing molecules are attractive new research targets. In contrast, synthetic lethal strategies approach mechanisms and genetic abnormalities that cannot be directly targeted by conventional therapeutic strategies, such as RAS mutations, hypoxia, and abnormalities in the metabolic environment. They also target the environment and conditions specific to malignant cells, have a low toxicity to normal cells, and can be used in combination with known drugs to produce new ones. However, the concept of synthetic lethality has not been widely adopted with ferroptosis. In this review, we surveyed the literature on ferroptosis-related factors and synthetic lethality to examine the potential therapeutic targets in ferroptosis-related molecules, focusing on factors related to synthetic lethality, discovery methods, clinical application stages, and issues in drug discovery.  相似文献   

With the progress of sequencing technologies, an ever-increasing number of variants of unknown functional and clinical significance (VUS) have been identified in both coding and non-coding regions of the main Breast Cancer (BC) predisposition genes. The aim of this study is to identify a mutational profile of coding and intron-exon junction regions of 12 moderate penetrance genes (ATM, BRIP1, CDH1, CHEK2, NBN, PALB2, PTEN, RAD50, RAD51C, RAD51D, STK11, TP53) in a cohort of 450 Italian patients with Hereditary Breast/Ovarian Cancer Syndrome, wild type for germline mutation in BRCA1/2 genes. The analysis was extended to 5′UTR and 3′UTR of all the genes listed above and to the BRCA1 and BRCA2 known regulatory regions in a subset of 120 patients. The screening was performed through NGS target resequencing on the Illumina platform MiSeq. 8.7% of the patients analyzed is carriers of class 5/4 coding variants in the ATM (3.6%), BRIP1 (1.6%), CHEK2 (1.8%), PALB2 (0.7%), RAD51C (0.4%), RAD51D (0.4%), and TP53 (0.2%) genes, while variants of uncertain pathological significance (VUSs)/class 3 were identified in 9.1% of the samples. In intron-exon junctions and in regulatory regions, variants were detected respectively in 5.1% and in 32.5% of the cases analyzed. The average age of disease onset of 44.4 in non-coding variant carriers is absolutely similar to the average age of disease onset in coding variant carriers for each proband’s group with the same cancer type. Furthermore, there is not a statistically significant difference in the proportion of cases with a tumor onset under age of 40 between the two groups, but the presence of multiple non-coding variants in the same patient may affect the aggressiveness of the tumor and it is worth underlining that 25% of patients with an aggressive tumor are carriers of a PTEN 3′UTR-variant. This data provides initial information on how important it might be to extend mutational screening to the regulatory regions in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are pivotal mediators and effectors of the DNA damage response (DDR) that regulate both the pathway components and proteins involved in repair processes. Synthetic lethality (SL) describes a situation in which two genes are linked in such a way that the lack of functioning of just one maintains cell viability, while depletion of both triggers cell death. Synthetic lethal interactions involving CDKs are now emerging, and this can be used to selectively target tumor cells with DNA repair defects. In this review, SL interactions of CDKs with protooncogene products MYC, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP-1), and cellular tumor antigen p53 (TP53) are discussed. The individual roles of each of the SL partners in DDR are described.  相似文献   

The prevalence of breast cancer in young women (YWBC) has increased alarmingly. Significant efforts are being made to elucidate the biological mechanisms concerning the development, prognosis, and pathological response in early-onset breast cancer (BC) patients. Dysfunctional DNA repair proteins are implied in BC predisposition, progression, and therapy response, underscoring the need for further analyses on DNA repair genes. Public databases of large patient datasets such as METABRIC, TCGA, COSMIC, and cancer cell lines allow the identification of variants in DNA repair genes and possible precision drug candidates. This study aimed at identifying variants and drug candidates that may benefit Latin American (LA) YWBC. We analyzed pathogenic variants in 90 genes involved in DNA repair in public BC datasets from METABRIC, TCGA, COSMIC, CCLE, and COSMIC Cell Lines Project. Results showed that reported DNA repair germline variants in the LA dataset are underrepresented in large databases, in contrast to other populations. Additionally, only six gene repair variants in women under 50 years old from the study population were reported in BC cell lines. Therefore, there is a need for new approaches to study DNA repair variants reported in young women from LA.  相似文献   

Approximately 23% of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancers (mCRPC) harbor deleterious aberrations in DNA repair genes. Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors (PARPi) therapy has shown improvements in overall survival in patients with mCRPC who harbor somatic and/or germline alterations of homology recombination repair (HRR) genes. Peripheral blood samples are typically used for the germline mutation analysis test using the DNA extracted from peripheral blood leucocytes. Somatic alterations can be assessed by extracting DNA from a tumor tissue sample or using circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) extracted from a plasma sample. Each of these genetic tests has its own benefits and limitations. The main advantages compared to the tissue test are that liquid biopsy is a non-invasive and easily repeatable test with the value of better representing tumor heterogeneity than primary biopsy and of capturing changes and/or resistance mutations in the genetic tumor profile during disease progression. Furthermore, ctDNA can inform about mutation status and guide treatment options in patients with mCRPC. Clinical validation and test implementation into routine clinical practice are currently very limited. In this review, we discuss the state of the art of the ctDNA test in prostate cancer compared to blood and tissue testing. We also illustrate the ctDNA testing workflow, the available techniques for ctDNA extraction, sequencing, and analysis, describing advantages and limits of each techniques.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is a diverse disease caused by mutations in multiple genes accompanying epigenetic aberrations of hazardous genes and protein pathways, which distress tumor-suppressor genes and the expression of oncogenes. Alteration in any of the several physiological mechanisms such as cell cycle checkpoints, DNA repair machinery, mitotic checkpoints, and telomere maintenance results in genomic instability. Theranostic has the potential to foretell and estimate therapy response, contributing a valuable opportunity to modify the ongoing treatments and has developed new treatment strategies in a personalized manner. “Omics” technologies play a key role while studying genomic instability in breast cancer, and broadly include various aspects of proteomics, genomics, metabolomics, and tumor grading. Certain computational techniques have been designed to facilitate the early diagnosis of cancer and predict disease-specific therapies, which can produce many effective results. Several diverse tools are used to investigate genomic instability and underlying mechanisms. The current review aimed to explore the genomic landscape, tumor heterogeneity, and possible mechanisms of genomic instability involved in initiating breast cancer. We also discuss the implications of computational biology regarding mutational and pathway analyses, identification of prognostic markers, and the development of strategies for precision medicine. We also review different technologies required for the investigation of genomic instability in breast cancer cells, including recent therapeutic and preventive advances in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Basal-like breast cancer is an incurable disease with limited therapeutic options, mainly due to the frequent development of anti-cancer drug resistance. Therefore, identification of druggable targets to improve current therapies and overcome these resistances is a major goal. Targeting DNA repair mechanisms has reached the clinical setting and several strategies, like the inhibition of the CHK1 kinase, are currently in clinical development. Here, using a panel of basal-like cancer cell lines, we explored the synergistic interactions of CHK1 inhibitors (rabusertib and SAR020106) with approved therapies in breast cancer and evaluated their potential to overcome resistance. We identified a synergistic action of these inhibitors with agents that produce DNA damage, like platinum compounds, gemcitabine, and the PARP inhibitor olaparib. Our results demonstrated that the combination of rabusertib with these chemotherapies also has a synergistic impact on tumor initiation, invasion capabilities, and apoptosis in vitro. We also revealed a biochemical effect on DNA damage and caspase-dependent apoptosis pathways through the phosphorylation of H2AX, the degradation of full-length PARP, and the increase of caspases 3 and 8 activity. This agent also demonstrated synergistic activity in a platinum-resistant cell line, inducing an increase in cell death in response to cisplatin only when combined with rabusertib, while no toxic effect was found on non-tumorigenic breast tissue-derived cell lines. Lastly, the combination of CHK1 inhibitor with cisplatin and gemcitabine resulted in more activity than single or double combinations, leading to a higher apoptotic effect. In conclusion, in our study we identify therapeutic options for the clinical development of CHK1 inhibitors, and confirm that the inhibition of this kinase can overcome acquired resistance to cisplatin.  相似文献   

Genes associated with growth factors were previously analyzed in a radiation- and estrogen-induced experimental breast cancer model. Such in vitro experimental breast cancer model was developed by exposure of the immortalized human breast epithelial cell line, MCF-10F, to low doses of high linear energy transfer (LET) α particle radiation (150 keV/μm) and subsequent growth in the presence or absence of 17β-estradiol. The MCF-10F cell line was analyzed in different stages of transformation after being irradiated with either a single 60 cGy dose or 60/60 cGy doses of alpha particles. In the present report, the profiling of differentially expressed genes associated with growth factors was analyzed in their relationship with clinical parameters. Thus, the results indicated that Fibroblast growth factor2 gene expression levels were higher in cells transformed by radiation or in the presence of ionizing radiation; whereas the fibroblast growth factor-binding protein 1gene expression was higher in the tumor cell line derived from this model. Such expressions were coincident with higher values in normal than malignant tissues and with estrogen receptor (ER) negative samples for both gene types. The results also showed that transforming growth factor alpha gene expression was higher in the tumor cell line than the tumorigenic A5 and the transformed A3 cell line, whereas the transforming growth factor beta receptor 3 gene expression was higher in A3 and A5 than in Tumor2 cell lines and the untreated controls and the E cell lines. Such gene expression was accompanied by results indicating negative and positive receptors for transforming growth factor alpha and the transforming growth factor beta receptor 3, respectively. Such expressions were low in malignant tissues when compared with benign ones. Furthermore, Fibroblast growth factor2, the fibroblast growth factor-binding protein 1, transforming growth factor alpha, the transforming growth factor beta receptor 3, and the insulin growth factor receptor gene expressions were found to be present in all BRCA patients that are BRCA-Basal, BRCA-LumA, and BRCA-LumB, except in BRCA-Her2 patients. The results also indicated that the insulin growth factor receptor gene expression was higher in the tumor cell line Tumor2 than in Alpha3 cells transformed by ionizing radiation only; then, the insulin growth factor receptor was higher in the A5 than E cell line. The insulin growth factor receptor gene expression was higher in breast cancer than in normal tissues in breast cancer patients. Furthermore, Fibroblast growth factor2, the fibroblast growth factor-binding protein 1, transforming growth factor alpha, the transforming growth factor beta receptor 3, and the insulin growth factor receptor gene expression levels were in stages 3 and 4 of breast cancer patients. It can be concluded that, by using gene technology and molecular information, it is possible to improve therapy and reduce the side effects of therapeutic radiation use. Knowing the different genes involved in breast cancer will make possible the improvement of clinical chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer ranks fifth in cancer-related mortality in men worldwide. DNA damage is implicated in cancer and DNA damage response (DDR) pathways are in place against this to maintain genomic stability. Impaired DDR pathways play a role in prostate carcinogenesis and germline or somatic mutations in DDR genes have been found in both primary and metastatic prostate cancer. Among these, BRCA mutations have been found to be especially clinically relevant with a role for germline or somatic testing. Prostate cancer with DDR defects may be sensitive to poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors which target proteins in a process called PARylation. Initially they were used to target BRCA-mutated tumor cells in a process of synthetic lethality. However, recent studies have found potential for PARP inhibitors in a variety of other genetic settings. In this review, we explore the mechanisms of DNA repair, potential for genomic analysis of prostate cancer and therapeutics of PARP inhibitors along with their safety profile.  相似文献   

Hyperglycaemia is a common metabolic alteration associated with breast cancer risk and progression. We have previously reported that BRCA1 restrains metabolic activity and proliferative response to IGF-I anabolic actions in breast cancer cells cultured in high glucose. Here, we evaluated the impact of normal physiological glucose on these tumour suppressive roles of BRCA1. Human breast cancer cells cultured in normal physiological and high glucose were treated with IGF-I (0–500 ng/mL). Cellular responses were evaluated using immunoblotting, co-immunoprecipitation, and cell viability assay. As we previously reported, IGF-I induced ACCA dephosphorylation by reducing the association between BRCA1 and phosphorylated ACCA in high glucose, and upregulated FASN abundance downstream of ACCA. However, these effects were not observed in normal glucose. Normal physiological glucose conditions completely blocked IGF-I-induced ACCA dephosphorylation and FASN upregulation. Co-immunoprecipitation studies showed that normal physiological glucose blocked ACCA dephosphorylation by increasing the association between BRCA1 and phosphorylated ACCA. Compared to high glucose, the proliferative response of breast cancer cells to IGF-I was reduced in normal glucose, whereas no difference was observed in normal mammary epithelial cells. Considering these results collectively, we conclude that normal physiological glucose promotes the novel function of BRCA1 as a metabolic restraint of IGF-I actions. These data suggest that maintaining normal glucose levels may improve BRCA1 function in breast cancer and slow down cancer progression.  相似文献   

Chromosomal instability (CIN) can be a driver of tumorigenesis but is also a promising therapeutic target for cancer associated with poor prognosis such as triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). The treatment of TNBC cells with defects in DNA repair genes with poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor (PARPi) massively increases CIN, resulting in apoptosis. Here, we identified a previously unknown role of microRNA-449a in CIN. The transfection of TNBC cell lines HCC38, HCC1937 and HCC1395 with microRNA-449a mimics led to induced apoptosis, reduced cell proliferation, and reduced expression of genes in homology directed repair (HDR) in microarray analyses. EME1 was identified as a new target gene by immunoprecipitation and luciferase assays. The reduced expression of EME1 led to an increased frequency of ultrafine bridges, 53BP1 foci, and micronuclei. The induced expression of microRNA-449a elevated CIN beyond tolerable levels and induced apoptosis in TNBC cell lines by two different mechanisms: (I) promoting chromatid mis-segregation by targeting endonuclease EME1 and (II) inhibiting HDR by downregulating key players of the HDR network such as E2F3, BIRC5, BRCA2 and RAD51. The ectopic expression of microRNA-449a enhanced the toxic effect of PARPi in cells with pathogenic germline BRCA1 variants. The newly identified role makes microRNA-449a an interesting therapeutic target for TNBC.  相似文献   

In the United States, breast cancer is among the most frequently diagnosed cancers in women. Breast cancer is classified into four major subtypes: human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), Luminal-A, Luminal-B, and Basal-like or triple-negative, based on histopathological criteria including the expression of hormone receptors (estrogen receptor and/or progesterone receptor) and/or HER2. Primary breast cancer treatments can include surgery, radiation therapy, systemic chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, and/or targeted therapy. Endocrine therapy has been shown to be effective in hormone receptor-positive breast cancers and is a common choice for adjuvant therapy. However, due to the aggressive nature of triple-negative breast cancer, targeted therapy is becoming a noteworthy area of research in the search for non-endocrine-targets in breast cancer. In addition to HER2-targeted therapy, other emerging therapies include immunotherapy and targeted therapy against critical checkpoints and/or pathways in cell growth. This review summarizes novel targeted breast cancer treatments and explores the possible implications of combination therapy.  相似文献   

ESR1 methylation was proposed as mechanism for endocrine resistance in metastatic breast cancer patients. To evaluate its potential as a minimally invasive biomarker, we investigated the feasibility of measuring ESR1 methylation in cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and its association with endocrine resistance. First, we provided evidence that demethylation in vitro restores ER expression. Subsequently, we found that ESR1 methylation in cfDNA was not enriched in endocrine-resistant versus endocrine-sensitive patients. Interestingly, we found a correlation between ESR1 methylation and age. Publicly available data confirm an age-related increase in ESR1 methylation in leukocytes, confounding the determination of the ESR1 methylation status of tumors using cfDNA.  相似文献   

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