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Effective and targeted delivery of the antitumour drugs towards the specific cancer spot is the major motive of drug delivery. In this direction, suitably functionalised magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) have been utilised as a theranostic agent for imaging, hyperthermia and drug delivery applications. Herein, the authors reported the preparation of multifunctional polyethyleneglycol‐diamine functionalised mesoporous superparamagnetic iron oxide NPs (SPION) prepared by a facile solvothermal method for biomedical applications. To endow targeting ability towards tumour site, folic acid (FA) is attached to the amine groups which are present on the NPs surface by 1‐ethyl‐3‐(3‐dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride/N‐hydroxysuccinimide chemistry. FA attached SPION shows good colloidal stability and possesses high drug‐loading efficiency of ∼ 96% owing to its mesoporous nature and the electrostatic attachment of daunosamine (NH3 +) group of doxorubicin (DOX) towards the negative surface charge of carboxyl and hydroxyl group. The NPs possess superior magnetic properties in result endowed with high hyperthermic ability under alternating magnetic field reaching the hyperthermic temperature of 43°C within 223 s at NP''s concentration of 1 mg/ml. The functionalised NPs possess non‐appreciable toxicity in breast cancer cells (MCF‐7) which is triggered under DOX‐loaded SPION.Inspec keywords: nanoparticles, nanocomposites, mesoporous materials, colloids, biochemistry, nanomagnetics, molecular biophysics, tumours, superparamagnetism, drugs, toxicology, biomedical materials, nanofabrication, hyperthermia, cancer, magnetic particles, cellular biophysics, nanomedicine, iron compounds, drug delivery systems, filled polymers, biological organs, liquid phase depositionOther keywords: NP surface, colloidal stability, drug‐loading efficiency, hydroxyl group, magnetic properties, high hyperthermic ability, magnetic field, DOX‐loaded SPION, folate encapsulation, targeted delivery, antitumour drugs, specific cancer spot, magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, theranostic agent, drug delivery applications, multifunctional polyethyleneglycol‐diamine, facile solvothermal method, biomedical applications, tumour site, amine groups, mesoporous superparamagnetic nanoparticles, PEG‐diamine grafted mesoporous nanoparticles, 1‐ethyl‐3‐(3‐dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride‐N‐hydroxysuccinimide chemistry, daunosamine group, carboxyl group, breast cancer cells, temperature 43.0 degC, Fe3 O4   相似文献   

This study is aimed at determining the mutagenic and anti‐mutagenic properties of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) biosynthesised from Streptomyces griseorubens AU2. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study about the investigation of these properties for biogenic AgNPs bacterially synthesised. The mutagenic and anti‐mutagenic potencies were determined by the Ames Salmonella /microsome mutagenicity test using Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and TA100 strains. After determining the cytotoxic dose of green synthesised AgNPs against S. typhimurium TA98 and TA100 strains, subcytotoxic doses (250, 100 and 50 µg/plate) were used in the assays. Biogenic AgNPs at the tested concentrations exhibited no mutagenic effects in the mutagenicity test conducted with the test strains. Moderate anti‐mutagenic effects were observed at high test concentrations. The concentration of 250 µg/plate showed the strongest anti‐mutagenic activity on S. typhimurium TA98. The results did not indicate any mutagenic effect against either of the strains used for screening the mutagenicity of the biogenic AgNPs as they were found to be genotoxically safe. It can be concluded that biogenic AgNPs showed great anti‐mutagenic attributes, standing as a significant factor with respect to medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.Inspec keywords: biomedical materials, microorganisms, nanomedicine, nanoparticles, silver, toxicologyOther keywords: in vitro mutagenic properties, in vitro antimutagenic properties, green synthesised silver nanoparticles, Streptomyces griseorubens AU2, biogenic silver nanoparticle biosynthesis, microsome mutagenicity test, Salmonella typhimurium TA98 strains, Salmonella typhimurium TA100 strains, subcytotoxic doses, medical industries, pharmaceutical industries, cosmetic industries, Ag  相似文献   

Poly‐methyl methacrylate (PMMA) polymer with remarkable properties and merits are being preferred in various biomedical applications due to its biocompatibility, non‐toxicity and cost effectiveness. In this investigation, oxytetracycline‐loaded PMMA nanoparticles were prepared using nano‐precipitation method for the treatment of anaplasmosis. The prepared nanoparticles were characterised using dynamic light scattering (DLS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The mean average diameter of the nanoparticles ranged between 190–240 nm and zeta potential was found to be −19 mV. The drug loading capacity and entrapment efficiency of nanoparticles was found varied between 33.7–62.2% and 40.5–60.0%. The in vitro drug release profile exhibited a biphasic phenomenon indicating controlled drug release. The uptake of coumarin‐6(C‐6)‐loaded PMMA nanoparticles in Plasmodium falciparum (Pf 3D7) culture model was studied. The preferential uptake of C‐6‐loaded nanoparticles by the Plasmodium infected erythrocytes in comparison with the uninfected erythrocytes was observed under fluorescence microscopy. These findings suggest that oxytetracycline‐loaded PMMA nanoparticles were found to be an effective oral delivery vehicle and an alternative pharmaceutical formulation in anaplasmosis treatment, too.Inspec keywords: nanoparticles, nanomedicine, conducting polymers, microorganisms, cellular biophysics, toxicology, drug delivery systems, light scattering, atomic force microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, Fourier transform infrared spectra, bloodOther keywords: in vitro evaluation, oxytetracycline‐loaded PMMA nanoparticles, anaplasmosis, polymethyl methacrylate polymer, biocompatibility, toxicity, oxytetracycline‐nanoparticles, nanoprecipitation method, dynamic light scattering, atomic force microscopy, AFM, differential scanning calorimetry, DSC, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, zeta potential, drug loading capacity, entrapment efficiency, in vitro drug release profile, biphasic phenomenon, coumarin‐6(C‐6)‐loaded PMMA nanoparticles, plasmodium falciparum culture model, preferential uptake, plasmodium infected erythrocytes, fluorescence microscopy, oral delivery vehicle, anaplasmosis treatment, size 190 nm to 240 nm  相似文献   

The authors prepared surface modified (with polyelectrolyte layers), tea polyphenols (TPP) encapsulated, gelatin nanoparticles (TPP‐GNP) and characterised them. The size of the spherical nanoparticles was ∼50 nm. Number of polyelectrolyte layers and incubation time influenced the encapsulation efficiency (EE); highest EE was noted in nanoparticles with six polyelectrolyte layers (TPP‐GNP‐6L) incubated for 4 h. TPP released from TPP‐GNP‐6L in simulated biological fluids indicated protection and controlled release of TPP due to encapsulation. Mathematical modelling indicated anomalous type as a predominant mode of TPP release. TPP‐GNP‐6L exhibited enhanced pharmacokinetics in rabbit model compared with free TPP. The area under the concentration‐time curve and mean residence time were significantly higher in TPP‐GNP‐6L compared with free TPP which provide an evidence of higher bioavailability of TPP due to encapsulation. The authors demonstrated that encapsulation of TPP into GNPs favoured slow and sustained release of TPP with improved pharmacokinetics and bioavailability thereby can prolong the action of TPP.Inspec keywords: gelatin, nanoparticles, encapsulation, biomedical materials, nanomedicine, particle size, polymer electrolytes, polymer films, nanofabricationOther keywords: bioavailability, pharmacokinetics, gelatin nanoparticles, surface modified tea polyphenols, polyelectrolyte layers, spherical nanoparticle size, incubation time, encapsulation efficiency, TPP‐GNP‐6L, simulated biological fluids, mathematical modelling, TPP release, rabbit model, concentration‐time curve, mean residence time, time 4 h  相似文献   

In this report, the site‐specific co‐delivery of green tea/aluminium magnesium silicate (AMS) was reported and the specific target delivery was achieved orally. The new co‐precipitation process was developed to synthesis the green tea/AMS hybrid complex and using energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy, Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy and Raman confirmed its successful synthesis. The blood biocompatibility of the green tea/AMS was tested using chicken blood, and the compound is safe up to 500 mg/ml. After mixed with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate, the oral beads were synthesised using a linking agent. The oral beads underwent different pH‐based dissolution studies and the results indicated that the beads specifically dissolved in gastric pH (6.5). The pharmaco kinetic studies were performed to estimate the delivery kinetics. The results revealed that the beads underwent as per the Higuchi model. The anticoccidial effects of the beads were tested using chicken. The animal studies were performed in two different modes such as prophylactic treatment and active treatment after Eimeria species challenge. The results indicated that the prophylactic treatment with beads 100% protected the chicken and the active treatment with beads after the Eimeria challenge significantly protected against the intestinal damage and it also enhanced the anticoccidial effect.Inspec keywords: X‐ray chemical analysis, drug delivery systems, pH, drugs, biomedical materials, blood, dissolving, Fourier transform infrared spectra, Raman spectra, aluminium compounds, magnesium compounds, precipitation (physical chemistry), materials preparationOther keywords: prophylactic treatment, active treatment, anticoccidial effect, green tea coated aluminium magnesium silicate beads, chicken coccidiosis, target delivery, Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy, blood biocompatibility, chicken blood, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate, oral beads, pharmacokinetic studies, delivery kinetics, animal studies, site‐specific codelivery, pH‐based dissolution, coprecipitation process, green tea‐AMS hybrid complex, energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, linking agent, gastric pH, Al2 Mg3 O18 Si6 , intestinal damage, Eimeria species, anticoccidial effects, Higuchi model  相似文献   

This study reports an insightful portable vector network analyser (VNA)‐based measurement technique for quick and selective detection of Hg2+ ions in nanomolar (nM) range using homocysteine (HCys)‐functionalised quartz‐crystal‐microbalance (QCM) with cross‐linked‐pyridinedicarboxylic acid (PDCA). The excessive exposure to mercury can cause damage to many human organs, such as the brain, lungs, stomach, and kidneys, etc. Hence, the authors have proposed a portable experimental platform capable of achieving the detection in 20–30 min with a limit of detection (LOD) 0.1 ppb (0.498 nM) and a better dynamic range (0.498 nM–6.74 mM), which perfectly describes its excellent performance over other reported techniques. The detection time for various laboratory‐based techniques is generally 12–24 h. The proposed method used the benefits of thin‐film, nanoparticles (NPs), and QCM‐based technology to overcome the limitation of NPs‐based technique and have LOD of 0.1 ppb (0.1 μg/l) for selective Hg2+ ions detection which is many times less than the World Health Organization limit of 6 μg/l. The main advantage of the proposed QCM‐based platform is its portability, excellent repeatability, millilitre sample volume requirement, and easy process flow, which makes it suitable as an early warning system for selective detection of mercury ions without any costly measuring instruments.Inspec keywords: quartz crystal microbalances, chemical sensors, microsensors, mercury (metal), nanosensors, nanoparticles, network analysers, chemical variables measurement, portable instruments, polymers, thin film sensorsOther keywords: mercury ion detection, homocysteine functionalised quartz crystal microbalance, cross‐linked pyridinedicarboxylic acid, mental retardation, Hunter–Russell syndrome, portable experimental platform, LOD, laboratory‐based techniques, NP‐based technique, QCM‐based microelectromechanical system technology, homocysteine‐functionalised quartz crystal microbalance, portable vector network analyser‐based measurement technique, World Health Organization, WHO, limit of detection, PDCA, HCys, nanoparticles, time 20.0 min to 30.0 min, time 12.0 hour to 24.0 hour, Hg  相似文献   

Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have shown potential applications in drug delivery. In this study, the AgNPs was prepared from silver nitrate in the presence of alginate as a capping agent. The ciprofloxacin (Cipro) was loaded on the surface of AgNPs to produce Cipro‐AgNPs nanocomposite. The characteristics of the Cipro‐AgNPs nanocomposite were studied by X‐ray diffraction (XRD), UV–Vis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier‐transform infra‐red analysis (FT‐IR) and zeta potential analyses. The XRD of AgNPs and Cipro‐AgNPs nanocomposite data showed that both have a crystalline structure in nature. The FT‐IR data indicate that the AgNPs have been wrapped by the alginate and loaded with the Cipro drug. The TEM image showed that the Cipro‐AgNPs nanocomposites have an average size of 96 nm with a spherical shape. The SEM image for AgNPs and Cipro‐AgNPs nanocomposites confirmed the needle‐lumpy shape. The zeta potential for Cipro‐AgNPs nanocomposites exhibited a positive charge with a value of 6.5 mV. The TGA for Cipro‐AgNPs nanocomposites showed loss of 79.7% in total mass compared to 57.6% for AgNPs which is due to the Cipro loaded in the AgNPs. The release of Cipro from Cipro‐AgNPs nanocomposites showed slow release properties which reached 98% release within 750 min, and followed the Hixson–Crowell kinetic model. In addition, the toxicity of AgNPs and Cipro‐AgNPs nanocomposites was evaluated using normal (3T3) cell line. The present work suggests that Cipro‐AgNPs are suitable for drug delivery.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on fabrication and characterisation of porous composite scaffold containing hydroxyapatite (HAP), chitosan, and gelatin with an average pore size of 250–1010 nm for improving wound repair and regeneration by Electrospinning method. From the results of X ‐Ray Diffraction (XRD) study, the peaks correspond to crystallographic structure of HAP powder. The presence of functional group bonds of HAP powder, Chitosan and scaffold was studied using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The surface morphology of the scaffold was observed using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The Bioactivity of the Nano composite scaffolds was studied using simulated body fluid solution at 37 ± 1°C. The biodegradability test was studied using Tris‐Buffer solution for the prepared nanocomposites [nano Chitosan, nano Chitosan gelatin, Nano based Hydroxyapatite Chitosan gelatin]. The cell migration and potential biocompatibility of nHAP‐chitosan‐gelatin scaffold was assessed via wound scratch assay and were compared to povedeen as control. Cytocompatibility evaluation for Vero Cells using wound scratch assay showed that the fabricated porous nanocomposite scaffold possess higher cell proliferation and growth than that of povedeen. Thus, the study showed that the developed nanocomposite scaffolds are potential candidates for regenerating damaged cell tissue in wound healing process.Inspec keywords: nanofabrication, tissue engineering, electrospinning, wounds, cellular biophysics, scanning electron microscopy, surface morphology, X‐ray diffraction, biomedical materials, nanomedicine, porosity, biodegradable materials, nanoporous materials, calcium compounds, gelatin, nanocomposites, Fourier transform infrared spectra, nanoparticles, precipitation (physical chemistry)Other keywords: average pore size, wound repair, crystallographic structure, HAP powder, functional group bonds, simulated body fluid solution, biodegradability test, Tris‐Buffer solution, cell migration, wound scratch assay, tissue engineering, electrospinning method, X‐ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, biocompatibility, cytocompatibility, porous nanocomposite scaffold, cell tissue, nHAP‐chitosan‐gelatin scaffold composites, wet chemical precipitation method, surface morphology, nanohydroxyapatite‐nanochitosan‐gelatin scaffold composites, cell proliferation, wound healing, (Ca10 (PO4)6 (OH)2)  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus has been considered as a heterogeneous metabolic disorder characterised by complete or relative impairment in the production of insulin by pancreatic β‐cells or insulin resistance. In the present study, propanoic acid, an active biocomponent isolated from Cassia auriculata is employed for the synthesis of propanoic acid functionalised gold nanoparticles (Pa@AuNPs) and its anti‐diabetic activity has been demonstrated in vitro. In vitro cytotoxicity of synthesised Pa@AuNPs was performed in L6 myotubes. The mode of action of Pa@AuNPs exhibiting anti‐diabetic potential was validated by glucose uptake assay in the presence of Genistein (insulin receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor) and Wortmannin (Phosphatidyl inositide kinase inhibitor). Pa@AuNPs exhibited significant glucose uptake in L6 myotubes with maximum uptake at 50 ng/ml. Assays were performed to study the potential of Pa@AuNPs in the inhibition of protein‐tyrosine phosphatase 1B, α‐glucosidases, and α‐amylase activity.Inspec keywords: molecular biophysics, biomedical materials, sugar, enzymes, nanofabrication, gold, patient treatment, organic‐inorganic hybrid materials, biochemistry, diseases, cellular biophysics, nanoparticles, toxicology, nanomedicineOther keywords: glucose uptake assay, α‐amylase activity, organic–inorganic hybrid gold nanoparticles, diabetes mellitus, heterogeneous metabolic disorder, pancreatic β‐cells, insulin resistance, propanoic acid, antidiabetic potential, antidiabetic activity, in vitro cytotoxicity, L6 myotubes, Genistein, IRTK inhibitor, Wortmannin, P13K inhibitor, protein‐tyrosine phosphatase 1B, α‐glucosidases, Cassia auriculata, Au  相似文献   

A simple ultrasonic assisted chemical technique was used to synthesise cadmium oxide (CdO) nanoparticles (NPs) and CdO NPs/c‐Multiwalled carbon nanotube (c‐MWCNT) nanocomposite fibres.To confirm the physio‐chemico properties and to analyse surface morphology of the obtained nanomaterials X‐Ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) were performed. To evaluate the anti‐cancer property of CdO NPs, c‐MWCNT NPs and CdO NPs/c‐MWCNT nanocomposite fibres, an anti‐proliferative assay test (Methylthiazolyl diphenyl‐ tetrazolium bromide ‐ MTT assay) were performed on HeLa cells which further estimated IC50 value (Least concentration of sample in which nearly 50% of cells remain alive) under in‐vitro conditions. On comparison, CdONPs/c‐MWCNT based system was found to be superior by achieving 52.3% cell viability with its minimal IC50 value of 31.2 μg/ml. Lastly, the CdO NPs based system was taken up for an apoptotic study using DNA fragmentation assay for estimating its ability to cleave the DNA of the HeLa cells into internucleosomal fragments using the agarose gel electrophoresis method. In conclusion, based on our observations, CdO NPs/c‐MWCNT hybrid based system can be further used for the development of efficient drug delivery and therapeutic systems.Inspec keywords: drug delivery systems, electrophoresis, oxidation, toxicology, DNA, nanoparticles, drugs, field emission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, nanofabrication, surface morphology, cancer, X‐ray diffraction, nanomedicine, cellular biophysics, filled polymers, biomedical materials, molecular biophysics, biochemistry, Fourier transform infrared spectra, multi‐wall carbon nanotubesOther keywords: c‐MWCNT nanoparticles, apoptotic study, HeLa cancer cell line, cadmium oxide nanoparticles, c‐MWCNT NPs, anti‐proliferative assay test [methyl thiazolyl diphenyl‐tetrazolium bromide assay], human epithelioid cervix carcinoma cells, live cells, CdO NP‐based system, IC50 concentration, HeLa cell line, cell deaths, CdO‐C  相似文献   

Cancer is one of the leading causes of human death. Nanotechnology could offer new and optimised anticancer agents in order to fight cancer. It was shown that metal nanoparticles, in particular silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were effective in cancer therapy. In this study, AgNPs were synthesised using Rubia tinctorum L. extract (Ru‐AgNPs). Then, cytotoxicity effects of the Ru‐AgNPs against MDA‐MB‐231 carcinoma cell line and human dermal fibroblast as normal cell line were performed. Furthermore, anti‐apoptotic effects of Ru‐AgNPs on these cancer and normal cell lines were compared using acridine orange/propidium iodide staining, flow cytometry analysis and real‐time qPCR in apoptosis gene markers. Results of UV‐vis spectroscopy showed that Ru‐AgNPs have a peak at 430 nm, which indicated synthesis of AgNPs. Ru‐AgNPs had spherical shape and average size of 12 nm. Ru‐AgNPs have cytotoxicity on MDA‐MB‐231 cells and decrease cancerous cell viability (IC50 = 4 µg/ml/48 h). Ru‐AgNPs could induce apoptosis in MDA‐MB‐231 cells through upregulation of Bax and downregulation of Bcl‐2 gene expression. The results opened up new avenues to develop Rubia based metal complexes as an anticancer agent.Inspec keywords: cellular biophysics, genetics, cancer, toxicology, nanoparticles, nanofabrication, nanomedicine, silver, biomedical materials, ultraviolet spectra, visible spectraOther keywords: Ru‐AgNPs, MDA‐MB‐231 carcinoma cell line, normal cell line, cancerous cell viability, in vitro anticancer properties, green synthesis, silver nanoparticles, Rubia tinctorum L. extract, cytotoxicity effects, human dermal fibroblast HFF, antiapoptotic effects, acridine orange‐propidium iodide staining, flow cytometry analysis, real‐time qPCR, apoptosis gene markers, UV‐visible spectroscopy, spherical shape, Bcl‐2 gene expression, Ag  相似文献   

The study describes the synthesis of silver nanoparticles using 21 different plant extracts having medicinal properties. Molecular ultraviolet‐visible spectroscopy shows that the λ max of nanoparticles synthesised by different plant extracts varied and ranged between 400 and 468 nm. The ultraviolet results revealed that although synthesis of nanoparticles occurred by all plant extracts successfully, their size varies, this was further confirmed by differential light scattering. The synthesised nanoparticles were investigated for their antimicrobial properties. The most promising silver nanoparticles Ocimum sanctum and Artemisia annua assisted were further characterised using transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy (EDX). EDX data confirms that synthesised nanoparticles are highly pure. Further these two plant assisted nanoparticles were studied for chemocatalytic and adsorptive properties. The silver nanoparticles from Ocimum sanctum can catalyse the reduction of 4‐nitrophenol (63%) within 20 min in the presence of NaBH4, whereas Artemisia annua assisted silver nanoparticles did not show significant chemocatalytic activity. Both the promising nanoparticles can efficiently adsorb textile dyes from aqueous solutions. These synthesised nanoparticles were also exploited to remove microbial and other contaminants from Yamuna River water. The nanoparticles show excellent antimicrobial properties and can be reused repeatedly.Inspec keywords: antibacterial activity, nanofabrication, silver, dyes, light scattering, visible spectra, microorganisms, X‐ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, X‐ray chemical analysis, catalysis, nanoparticles, ultraviolet spectra, adsorption, reduction (chemical)Other keywords: sustainable green synthesised nontoxic silver nanoparticles, silver nitrate, molecular ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy, plant assisted nanoparticles, plant extracts, Ocimum sanctum, Artemisia annua, E. coli, C. albicans, plasmon absorbance, differential light scattering, energy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy, 4‐nitrophenol, chemocatalytic activity, Yamuna River water, antimicrobial properties, time 20.0 min, time 5.0 min to 240.0 hour, size 1.0 nm to 5.0 nm, size 5.0 nm to 20.0 nm, wavelength 400.0 nm to 468.0 nm, NaBH4 , Ag  相似文献   

The potential of Mentha piperita in the iron nanoparticles (FeNPs) production was evaluated for the first time. The influences of the variables such as incubation time, temperature, and volume ratio of the extract to metal ions on the nanoparticle size were investigated using central composite design. The appearance of SPR bands at 284 nm in UV–Vis spectra of the mixtures verified the nanoparticle formation. Incubating the aqueous extract and metal precursor with 1.5 volume ratio at 50°C for 30 min leads to the formation of the smallest nanoparticles with the narrowest size distribution. At the optimal condition, the nanoparticles were found to be within the range of 35–50 nm. Experimental measurements of the average nanoparticle size were fitted well to the polynomial model satisfactory with R 2 of 0.9078. Among all model terms, the linear term of temperature, the quadratic terms of temperature, and mixing volume ratio have the significant effects on the nanoparticle average size. FeNPs produced at the optimal condition were characterised by transmission electron microscopy, thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), and Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy. The observed weight loss in the TGA curve confirms the encapsulation of FeNPs by the biomolecules of the extract which were dissociated by heat.Inspec keywords: thermal analysis, iron, X‐ray chemical analysis, particle size, nanoparticles, X‐ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, nanofabrication, ultraviolet spectra, mixtures, Fourier transform infrared spectraOther keywords: incubation time, metal ions, central composite design, SPR bands, UV–Vis spectra, nanoparticle formation, metal precursor, narrowest size distribution, optimal condition, average nanoparticle size, particle size, mixing volume ratio, green synthesis, zero‐valent iron nanoparticles, mentha piperita, transmission electron microscopy, thermogravimetry analysis, Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy, TGA curve, biomolecules, temperature 50.0 degC, time 30.0 min, size 35.0 nm to 50.0 nm, Fe  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop an in‐situ gel containing lorazepam (LZM) loaded nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) for direct nose‐to‐brain delivery in order to increase drug therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of epilepsy. Accordingly, LZM loaded NLCs were formulated using emulsification solvent diffusion and evaporation method; then the effects of the formulation variables on different physicochemical characteristics of NLCs were investigated. Thermosensitive in‐situ gels containing LZM‐NLCs were prepared using a combination of chitosan and β‐glycerol phosphate (β‐GP). The anticonvulsant efficacy of LZM‐NLCs‐Gel was then examined using the pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) model. The optimised NLCs were spherical, showing the particle size of 71.70 ± 5.16 nm and the zeta potential of −20.06 ± 2.70 mV. The pH and gelation time for the chitosan solution with 15% (w/v) β‐GP were determined to be 7.12 ± 0.03 and 5.33 ± 0.58 min, respectively. The in‐vivo findings showed that compared with the control group and the group that received LZM‐Gel, the occurrence of PTZ‐induced seizures in the rats was significantly reduced by LZM‐NLCs‐Gel after intranasal administration. These results, therefore, suggested that the LZM‐NLCs‐Gel system could have potential applications for brain targeting through nasal route and might increase LZM therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of epilepsy.Inspec keywords: biomedical materials, nanomedicine, cellular biophysics, electrokinetic effects, drug delivery systems, nanoparticles, brain, pH, drugs, particle size, nanofabrication, medical disorders, polymer gelsOther keywords: evaporation method, β‐glycerol phosphate, β‐GP, optimised NLCs, received LZM‐Gel, LZM therapeutic efficacy, chitosan‐based thermosensitive gel, lorazepam NLCs, nose‐to‐brain delivery, drug therapeutic efficacy, emulsification solvent diffusion, in‐vivo evaluation, in‐vitro evaluation, LZM‐NLC‐gel system, status epilepticus treatment, lorazepam loaded nanostructured lipid carriers, epilepsy treatment, physicochemical characteristics, thermosensitive in‐situ gel, anticonvulsant efficacy, pentylenetetrazole model, particle size, zeta potential, pH, gelation time, chitosan solution, PTZ‐induced seizures, intranasal administration  相似文献   

In the present work, the preparation, characterisation, and efficiency of two different silica nanostructures as release vehicles of Cisplatin are reported. The 1‐hexadeciltrimethyl‐ammonium bromide templating agent was used to obtain mesoporous silica nanoparticles which were later loaded with Cisplatin. While sol–gel silica was very fast prepared using an excess of acetic acid during the hydrolysis–condensation reactions of tetraethylorthosilicate and at the same time the Cisplatin was added. Several physicochemical techniques including spectroscopies, electronic microscopy, X‐ray diffraction, N2 adsorption–desorption were used to characterise the silica nanostructures. An in vitro Cisplatin release test was carried out using artificial cerebrospinal fluid. Finally, the toxicity of all silica nanostructures was tested using the C6 cancer cell line. The spectroscopic results showed the suitable stabilisation of Cisplatin into the two different silica nanostructures. A large surface area was obtained for the mesoporous silica nanoparticles, while low areas were obtained in the silica nanoparticles. Cisplatin was released faster from mesoporous silica channels than from inside of aggregates nanoparticles silica. Cisplatin alone, as well as, cisplatin released from both silica nanostructures exerted a toxic effect on cancer cells. In contrast, both silica structures without the drug did not exert any toxic effect.Inspec keywords: cellular biophysics, desorption, adsorption, biomedical materials, sol‐gel processing, silicon compounds, cancer, toxicology, nanofabrication, brain, condensation, mesoporous materials, nanoparticles, X‐ray diffraction, nanomedicine, drugs, aggregates (materials)Other keywords: mesoporous silica channels, silica‐based nanoparticles, cancer brain cells, silica nanostructures, 1‐hexadeciltrimethyl‐ammonium bromide, mesoporous silica nanoparticles, sol‐gel silica, C6 cancer cell line, in vitro cisplatin release test, C6 cancer cell line, acetic acid, hydrolysis‐condensation reactions, tetraethylorthosilicate, physicochemical techniques, electronic microscopy, X‐ray diffraction, N2 adsorption‐desorption, artificial cerebrospinal fluid, toxicity, toxic effect, N2 , SiO2   相似文献   

Cell labeling and tracking are becoming increasingly important in the fields of stem cell transplantation. To track the migration and distribution of the implanted cells is critical for understanding the beneficial effects of stem cell therapy. The aim of this study is to synthesize new superparamagnetic nanoparticles and investigate the feasibility of magnetic labeling of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Monodisperse hydrophobic magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles were prepared through high temperature decomposition of Fe(acac)3 and a long-chain alcohol. The nanoparticles were further modified with a bipolar surfactant, 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and then transformed into water-soluble iron oxide nanoparticles (WION). The magnetic particles showed uniform size (10 nm), high efficiency and stability in MSCs labeling. The labeled cells were cultured until passage 8, there is no reduction in magnetic tropism and the percentage of labeled cells. The results of MTT proliferation assay and flow cytometry analysis show that the WION are biocompatible. The labeling process does not cause cell death and apoptosis, and has no side effect on growth capacity of the cells. In conclusion, the successful and stable labeling of MSCs and the efficient magnetic tropism indicate that this WION can be used for tracking of MSCs in future MSCs-based stem cell therapy.  相似文献   

In this study, green synthesis of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) was performed by a sunlight irradiation method using the Borassus flabellifer fruit extract as a reducing agent. 5‐Fluorouracil (5‐FU)‐loaded GG capped AuNPs (5FU‐G‐AuNPs) was prepared. The nanoparticles was further characterised by UV‐visible spectra, particle size analysis, zeta potential, SAED, HRTEM, and XRD. The MTT assay results showed the suitability 5‐FU‐G‐AuNPs. In this study, 5‐FU‐G‐AuNPs exhibited potential cytotoxic and apoptotic effects on (MiaPaCa‐2) cell line.Inspec keywords: gold, biochemistry, X‐ray diffraction, nanofabrication, biomedical materials, transmission electron microscopy, toxicology, electrokinetic effects, particle size, nanoparticles, cancer, visible spectra, cellular biophysics, ultraviolet spectra, nanomedicine, patient treatment, organic compoundsOther keywords: 5FU‐G‐AuNPs, suitability 5‐FU‐G‐AuNPs, human pancreatic cancer cell, green synthesis, sunlight irradiation method, 5‐Fluorouracil‐loaded GG, in vitro treatment, 5 fluorouracil‐loaded biosynthesised gold nanoparticles, borassus flabellifer fruit extract, reducing agent, UV‐visible spectra, particle size analysis, zeta potential, SAED, HRTEM, XRD, MTT assay, apoptotic effects, cytotoxic effects, MiaPaCa‐2 cell line, Au  相似文献   

Superparamagnetic nanoparticles (NPs) prepared using the capping agent derived from the Lantana camara fruit extract were used to study the adsorption of chromium ions. Characterisation techniques such as scanning electron microscope, energy‐dispersive X‐ray, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X‐ray diffraction, vibrating sample magnetometer and thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) were used to study the NP features and adsorption mechanisms. The maximum monolayer adsorption capacity calculated from the Langmuir isotherm was found to be 41 mg/g. The chemical nature of the adsorption is confirmed with the results of Dubinin–Radushkevich model and thermodynamic studies. In addition, thermodynamically favourable and spontaneous adsorption is considered to be a good indication for the removal of metal ions. Out of the kinetic models investigated, the experiments exhibited the best fit to pseudo‐second‐order model, advocating for surface‐based adsorption, involving both physical and chemical interactions. It is also significant to note that 85% of the adsorption occurs in the first 10 min, and hence the selected adsorbent is also claimed for rapid removal of metal ions. The newly synthesised adsorbent hence possesses remarkable properties in terms of simple synthesising technique, low cost, rapid uptake and improved efficiency without generating harmful byproducts.Inspec keywords: superparamagnetism, nanoparticles, magnetic particles, nanofabrication, nanomagnetics, adsorption, chromium, Fourier transform infrared spectra, X‐ray diffraction, X‐ray chemical analysis, magnetometry, thermodynamic propertiesOther keywords: functional group‐assisted green synthesis, superparamagnetic nanoparticles, hexavalent chromium ions, aqueous solution, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectra, X‐ray diffraction, vibrating sample magnetometry, TGA, Dubinin‐Radushkevich model, thermodynamic model, Langmuir isotherm, monolayer adsorption capacity, surface‐based adsorption, pseudosecond‐order adsorption model, chemical interactions, physical interactions, Cr  相似文献   

The plant‐based biological molecules possess exceptionally controlled assembling properties to make them suitable in the synthesis of metal nanoparticles. In the present study, an efficient simple one‐pot method was employed for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles (SNPs) from the Rangoon creeper (RC) aqueous leaf extract. Biomolecules present in the leaf extract play a significant role as reducing agent as well as capping agent in the formation of RC‐SNPs. The formation of RC‐SNPs was confirmed by using several analytical techniques such as Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy and ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometer studies. The presence of a sharp surface plasmon resonance peak at 449 nm showed the formation of RC‐SNPs. X‐ray diffraction analysis showed the crystalline nature of the RC‐SNPs with a face‐centred cubic structure. Elemental analysis of RC‐SNPs was done by using energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The morphology of RC‐SNPs was examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in the nano range 12 nm, and thermogravimetric‐differential thermal analysis demonstrated the mechanical strength of RC‐SNPs at various temperatures. The authors’ newly synthesised RC‐SNPs exhibited significant anti‐bacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Inspec keywords: silver, nanoparticles, X‐ray photoelectron spectra, antibacterial activity, ultraviolet spectra, microorganisms, X‐ray chemical analysis, differential thermal analysis, X‐ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, visible spectra, nanofabrication, surface plasmon resonance, Fourier transform infrared spectra, mechanical strengthOther keywords: silver nanoparticles, ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometry, antibacterial activity, sustainable green synthesis, plant‐based biological molecules, assembling properties, reducing agent, capping agent, Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy, surface plasmon resonance, Rangoon creeper aqueous leaf extract, X‐ray diffraction, face‐centred cubic structure, elemental analysis, energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy, X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, TEM, thermogravimetric‐differential thermal analysis, mechanical strength, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Ag  相似文献   

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