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Li H  Xue G  Yeung ES 《Analytical chemistry》2001,73(7):1537-1543
On-line capillary polymerase chain reaction (PCR) coupled with laser-induced fluorescence detection was successfully demonstrated for individual DNA molecules. A single 30-microm-i.d. fused-silica capillary was used both as the reaction vessel and for isolating single molecules. SYBR green I dye was added into the reaction mixture for dynamic fluorescent labeling. Because of the small inside diameter of the capillary, PCR-amplified DNA fragments from single molecules were localized in the capillary, providing discrete product zones with concentrations at readily detectable levels. By counting the number of peaks in the capillary via electromigration past a detection window, the number of starting DNA molecules could be determined. With selective primer design, only the molecule of interest was detected. Amplification of the 110-bp fragment from an individual human beta-globin gene and the 142-bp fragment from an individual HIV-1 DNA was demonstrated. This opens the possibility of highly selective and sensitive disease diagnosis at a very early stage.  相似文献   

An electrochemical genosensor for the genotype detection of allele-specific factor V Leiden mutation from PCR amplicons using the intrinsic guanine signal is described. The biosensor relies on the immobilization of the 21-mer inosine-substituted oligonucleotide capture probes related to the wild-type or mutant-type amplicons, and these probes are hybridized with their complementary DNA sequences at a carbon paste electrode (CPE). The extent of hybridization between the probe and target sequences was determined by using the oxidation signal of guanine in connection with differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The guanine signal was monitored as a result of the specific hybridization between the probe and amplicon at the CPE surface. No label-binding step was necessary, and the appearance of the guanine signal shortened the assay time and simplified the detection of the factor V Leiden mutation from polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified amplicons. The discrimination between the homozygous and heterozygous mutations was also established by comparing the peak currents of the guanine signals. Numerous factors affecting the hybridization and nonspecific binding events were optimized to detect down to 51.14 fmol/mL target DNA. With the help of the appearance of the guanine signal, the yes/no system is established for the electrochemical detection of allele-specific mutation on factor V for the first time. Features of this protocol are discussed and optimized.  相似文献   

In this research, we reported a method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification by means of magnetic enrichment. First, after denaturation, the target sequence was combined with biotin-modified specific primer through hybridization and enriched at the surface of gamma-Fe2O3 by biotin-avidin special interaction. Then single target sequence was gained through denaturation, and general PCR amplification was performed. The experiment conditions such as the hybridization temperature between target sequence and biotin-modified specific primer, and the dosage of magnetic nanoparticles gamma-Fe2O3 were optimized. Finally, the sensitivity of the method was checked. The lowest concentration of target sequence was detected as low as 5 x 10(-7) ng/mL. This simple method could provide a quick and early diagnosis of malignant infectious diseases such as SARS, avian flu and swine flu etc., that occur occasionally nowadays.  相似文献   

We report a novel method for rapid, colorimetric detection of a specific deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence by carrying out a polymerase chain reaction in the presence of gold nanoparticles functionalized with two primers. Extension of the primers when the target DNA is present as a template during the polymerase chain reaction process affords the complementary sequences on the gold nanoparticle surfaces and results in the formation of gold nanoparticle aggregates with a concomitant color change from red to pinkish/purple. This method provides a convenient and straightforward solution for ultrasensitive DNA detection without any further post-treatment of the polymerase chain reaction products being necessary, and is a promising tool for rapid disease diagnostics and gene sequencing.  相似文献   

Advances in polymerase chain reaction on microfluidic chips   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Immuno polymerase chain reaction (IPCR) is an analytical technology based on the excellent affinity and specificity of antibodies combined with the powerful signal amplification of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), providing superior sensitivity to classical immunoassays. Here we present a novel type of IPCR termed phage anti-immunocomplex assay real-time PCR (PHAIA-PCR) for the detection of small molecules. Our method utilizes a phage anti-immunocomplex assay (PHAIA) technology in which a short peptide loop displayed on the surface of the M13 bacteriophage binds specifically to the antibody-analyte complex, allowing the noncompetitive detection of small analytes. The phagemid DNA encoding this peptide can be amplified by PCR, and thus, this method eliminates hapten functionalization or bioconjugation of a DNA template while providing improved sensitivity. As a proof of concept, two PHAIA-PCRs were developed for the detection of 3-phenoxybenzoic acid, a major urinary metabolite of some pyrethroid insecticides, and molinate, a herbicide implicated in fish kills. Our results demonstrate that phage DNA can be a versatile material for IPCR development, enabling universal amplification when the common element of the phagemid is targeted or specific amplification when the real time PCR probe is designed to anneal the DNA encoding the peptide. The PHAIA-PCRs proved to be 10-fold more sensitive than conventional PHAIA and significantly faster using magnetic beads for rapid separation of reactants. The assay was validated with both agricultural drain water and human urine samples, showing its robustness for rapid monitoring of human exposure or environmental contamination.  相似文献   

Deng H  Xu Y  Liu Y  Che Z  Guo H  Shan S  Sun Y  Liu X  Huang K  Ma X  Wu Y  Liang XJ 《Analytical chemistry》2012,84(3):1253-1258
We developed a novel strategy for rapid colorimetric analysis of a specific DNA sequence by combining gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with an asymmetric polymerase chain reaction (As-PCR). In the presence of the correct DNA template, the bound oligonucleotides on the surface of AuNPs selectively hybridized to form complementary sequences of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) target generated from As-PCR. DNA hybridization resulted in self-assembly and aggregation of AuNPs, and a concomitant color change from ruby red to blue-purple occurred. This approach is simpler than previous methods, as it requires a simple mixture of the asymmetric PCR product with gold colloid conjugates. Thus, it is a convenient colorimetric method for specific nucleic acid sequence analysis with high specificity and sensitivity. Most importantly, the marked color change occurs at a picogram detection level after standing for several minutes at room temperature. Linear amplification minimizes the potential risk of PCR product cross-contamination. The efficiency to detect Bacillus anthracis in clinical samples clearly indicates the practical applicability of this approach.  相似文献   

The interaction of gold nanoparticles with Pfu DNA polymerase has been investigated by a number of biological, optical and electronic spectroscopic techniques. Polymerase chain reaction was performed to show gold nanoparticles' biological effect. Ultraviolet-visible and circular dichroism spectra analysis were applied to character the structure of Pfu DNA polymerase after conjugation with gold nanoparticles. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to investigate the bond properties of the polymerase-gold nanoparticles complex. The authors demonstrate that gold nanoparticles do not affect the amplification efficiency of polymerase chain reaction using Pfu DNA polymerase, and Pfu DNA polymerase displays no significant changes of the secondary structure upon interaction with gold nanoparticles. The adsorption of Pfu DNA polymerase to gold nanoparticles is mainly through Au-NH(2) bond and electrostatic interaction. These findings may have important implications regarding the safety issue as gold nanoparticles are widely used in biomedical applications.  相似文献   

DNA amplification by the polymerase chain reaction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R A Gibbs 《Analytical chemistry》1990,62(13):1202-1214
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique involving enzymatic amplification of nucleic acid sequences via repeated cycles of denaturation, oligonucleotide annealing, and DNA polymerase extension. PCR has revolutionized the practice of DNA technology as it allows virtually any nucleic acid sequence to be readily generated in vitro in relatively great abundance, so that subsequent analyses are not confounded by the presence of other DNA fragments or a lack of material with which to work. PCR also enables the sequence of individual DNA fragments to be altered. The method has advantages over conventional procedures for DNA cloning and analysis in many circumstances because it is faster, simpler, and more flexible. The total range and number of applications that have evolved in the short time since the first report of PCR are enormous. This review describes some of the history of PCR, the principle of the method, practical considerations for performing PCR, and a variety of applications.  相似文献   

We have fabricated a low-cost disposable polymerase chain reaction thermal chamber that uses buoyancy forces to move the sample solution between the different temperatures necessary for amplification. Three-dimensional, unsteady finite element modeling and a simpler 1-D steady-state model are used together with digital particle image velocimetry data to characterize the flow within the device. Biological samples have been amplified using this novel thermal chamber. Time for amplification is less than 30 min. More importantly, an analysis of the energy consumption shows significant improvements over current technology.  相似文献   

A closed-cycle capillary polymerase chain reaction machine   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A novel thermocycling machine based on a microcapillary equipped with bidirectional pressure-driven flow and in situ optical position sensors is described. A 1-microL droplet of reaction mixture moves between three heat zones in a 1-mm-i.d., oil-filled capillary using a multielement scattered light detector and active feedback. Dwell times and accelerations can be adjusted independently. As a demonstration of the device, 30 cycles of a 500-base pair product were performed in 23 min with 78% amplification efficiency. This result compares well with previous high-speed thermocyclers. Theoretically, the arrangement can approach a time of 2.5 min for 30 cycle amplifications of a 500-base pair product.  相似文献   

The autonomous pathogen detection system (APDS) is an automated, podium-sized instrument that continuously monitors the air for biological threat agents (bacteria, viruses, and toxins). The system has been developed to warn of a biological attack in critical or high-traffic facilities and at special events. The APDS performs continuous aerosol collection, sample preparation, and detection using multiplexed immunoassay followed by confirmatory PCR using real-time TaqMan assays. We have integrated completely reusable flow-through devices that perform DNA extraction and PCR amplification. The fully integrated system was challenged with aerosolized Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, Bacillus globigii, and botulinum toxoid. By coupling highly selective antibody- and DNA-based assays, the probability of an APDS reporting a false positive is extremely low.  相似文献   

Rapid and accurate differential determination of viable versus nonviable microbes is critical for formulation of an appropriate response after pathogen detection. Sensors for rapid bacterial identification can be used for applications ranging from environmental monitoring and homeland defense to food process monitoring, but few provide viability information. This study combines the rapid screening capability of the array biosensor using an immunoassay format with methods for determination of viability. Additionally, cells captured by the immobilized antibodies can be cultured following fluorescence imaging to further confirm viability and for cell population expansion for further characterization, e.g., strain identification or antibiotic susceptibility testing. Finally, we demonstrate analysis of captured bacteria using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR results for waveguide-captured cells were 3 orders of magnitude more sensitive than the fluorescence immunoassay and can also provide additional genetic information on the captured microbes. These approaches can be used to rapidly detect and distinguish viable versus nonviable and pathogenic versus nonpathogenic captured organisms, provide culture materials for further analysis on a shorter time scale, and assess the efficacy of decontamination or sterilization procedures.  相似文献   

Koh CG  Tan W  Zhao MQ  Ricco AJ  Fan ZH 《Analytical chemistry》2003,75(17):4591-4598
An integrated plastic microfluidic device was designed and fabricated for bacterial detection and identification. The device, made from poly(cyclic olefin) with integrated graphite ink electrodes and photopatterned gel domains, accomplishes DNA amplification, microfluidic valving, sample injection, on-column labeling, and separation. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is conducted in a channel reactor containing a volume as small as 29 nL; thermal cycling utilizes screen-printed graphite ink resistors. In situ gel polymerization was employed to form local microfluidic valves that minimize convective flow of the PCR mixture into other regions. After PCR, amplicons (products) are electrokinetically injected through the gel valve, followed by on-chip electrophoretic separation. An intercalating dye is admixed to label the amplicons; they are detected using laser-induced fluorescence. Two model bacteria, Escherichia coli O157 and Salmonella typhimurium, were chosen to demonstrate bacterial detection and identification based on amplification of several of their unique DNA sequences. The limit of detection is about six copies of target DNA.  相似文献   

H Wang  L Wang  L Yuan  W Yang  JL Brash  H Chen 《Nanotechnology》2012,23(36):365101
The effect of nanomaterials on biological reactions has received much attention. We report herein that silicon nanowires (SiNWs) inhibit the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The inhibitory effect was found to be concentration-dependent, with a minimum inhibitory concentration of about 0.4?mg?ml(-1). DNA polymerase, restriction endonucleases, lysozyme and horseradish peroxidase maintained their bioactivities after exposure to SiNWs. Also the interaction of SiNWs with primers and dNTP did not lead to decreased PCR yield. Compared to primers and dNTP, template DNA showed 4.7-10.5-fold greater adsorption on SiNWs. Template bound to SiNWs was ineffective in the PCR, whereas addition of free template to the PCR system increased the yield. The results of this work suggest that the inhibitory effect of SiNWs on the PCR was due to the selective adsorption of double-stranded DNA on SiNWs, thereby decreasing the availability of template for the reaction.  相似文献   

We have applied multiple-time-point reaction mapping to generate high-dynamic-range quantitative data from PCR multiplexes. The approach measures, then compensates, numerous PCR slope nonidealities across the multiplex without prejudice. A multilane microelectophoresis device with a novel scanning detector that reports redundantly over more than six decades in signal strength was used to collect data with multiple readings for each amplification point and with double internal calibration (lane standards and gene standards). We investigated scaling properties and sensitivity for readout of 12plex PCR reactions. The sensitive detection, stemming from confocal optics, allowed reduction of the PCR cycle number by approximately five cycles compared to commercial fluorometric readout. This increased sensitivity appears to allow quantitative PCR over a dynamic range of >9 log2 abundance ratio in multiplex reactions exceeding 20plexes. We argue that the combination of mapping, multiplexing, and an internal standard, improves the per-well efficiency of quantitative expression analysis by a factor of 50-100 relative to fluorometric qPCR readout. Therefore, the approach is attractive for analysis of large gene networks at reduced cost.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that nanogold effectively enhances the specificity and yield of error-prone two-round polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Here we reported that, with the assistance of nanogold, we could perform multi-round PCR. In the presence of appropriate amount of 10 nm nanogold, we could obtain the target product even after six rounds of PCR, as manifested by a single bright band in gel electrophoresis (1% agarose). In fact, we could still observe the target band even at the 7th round of PCR, which nevertheless was accompanied by smearing bands (non-specific amplification). In contrast, in the absence of nanogold, the target band was completely lost only after four rounds of amplification. This marked difference in the performance of multi-round PCR clearly showed that nanogold was a powerful enhancer for PCR. More importantly, with this nanogold-assisted multi-round PCR, it might be possible to produce a large amount of target DNA, or to amply very low copies of genomic DNA from rare sources.  相似文献   

Detection of aneuploidy with digital polymerase chain reaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fan HC  Quake SR 《Analytical chemistry》2007,79(19):7576-7579
The widespread use of genetic testing in high-risk pregnancies has created strong interest in rapid and accurate molecular diagnostics for common chromosomal aneuploidies. We show here that digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) can be used for accurate measurement of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), the most common human aneuploidy. dPCR is generally applicable to any aneuploidy, does not depend on allelic distribution or gender, and is able to detect signals in the presence of mosaics or contaminating maternal DNA.  相似文献   

Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) may be performed by two general approaches, namely, real-time PCR and quantitative competitive PCR (QC-PCR). QC-PCR makes use of the concept of a DNA competitor, which is the "gold standard" approach to circumvent the problem of the variation of amplification efficiency. However, QC-PCR in its classical form is a low-throughput method since it requires titration of each sample with the competitor followed by electrophoresis. The throughput of QC-PCR has been improved by capillary electrophoresis and microtiter well-based hybridization assays. The present work introduces a multiplex QC-PCR method, which is based on a multianalyte hybridization assay that is performed on spectrally encoded microspheres. The DNA competitors use the same primers and have equal size with their corresponding target DNA sequences but differ in a short (24 bp) centrally located sequence. Following multiplex PCR, biotinylated amplification products from all DNA targets and competitors are heat-denatured and hybridized with oligonucleotide probes, which are attached to addressable sets of fluorescent microspheres. The hybrids react with a streptavidin-phycoerythrin conjugate. The microspheres are then analyzed by flow cytometry employing two lasers. A red laser line is used for classification of the microspheres, and a green line excites phycoerythrin, whose fluorescence is related to the concentration of the analyte DNA. As a model, we have developed a multiplex quantitative competitive PCR assay for four targets. The amplification products from targets and competitors (a total of 8 DNA fragments) are determined simultaneously by the multianalyte hybridization assay. The limits of quantification for the hybridization assay of all amplified DNA fragments are below 13 pM. The multiplex quantitative competitive PCR assay detects approximately 500 copies from each target DNA. To our knowledge, the proposed method is the only approach to quantitative PCR that offers such a high potential for multiplexing.  相似文献   

We present a fully automated system performing continuous sampling, reagent mixing, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in microdroplets transported in immiscible oil. Sample preparation and analysis are totally automated, using an original injection method from a modified 96-well plate layered with three superimposed liquid layers and in-capillary laser-induced fluorescence endpoint detection. The process is continuous, allowing sample droplets to be carried uninterruptedly into the reaction zone while new drops are aspirated from the sample plate. Reproducible amplification, negligible cross-contamination, and detection of low sample concentrations were demonstrated on numerous consecutive sample drops. The system, which opens the route to strong reagents and labor savings in high-throughput applications, was validated on the clinically relevant quantification of progesterone receptor gene expression in human breast cancer cell lines.  相似文献   

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